- # TODO: refactor this list (duplicated from wp25.rb)
- require 'converters/wp25/option'
- require 'converters/wp25/post'
- require 'converters/wp25/comment'
- require 'converters/wp25/term'
- require 'converters/wp25/term_relationship'
- require 'converters/wp25/term_taxonomy'
- require 'converters/wp25/user'
- # TODO: factory_girl can guess WP25::Option from 'WP25/option', but it tries
- # to look up the class with const_get, which doesn't work for classes in modules.
- Factory.define 'WP25/option', :class => WP25::Option do |c| end
- Factory.define 'WP25/user', :class => WP25::User do |u|
- u.user_registered true
- end
- # Don't use this one, it's just an abstract superclass.
- Factory.define 'WP25/content', :class => WP25::Post do |p|
- now = Time.now
- p.post_date now
- # TODO: figure out how to handle GMT conversion
- p.post_date_gmt {|p| p.post_date }
- p.post_modified {|p| p.post_date }
- p.post_modified_gmt {|p| p.post_modified }
- p.to_ping '' # TODO: ?
- p.pinged '' # TODO: ?
- p.post_content_filtered {|p| p.post_content + ' [filtered]'} # TODO: ?
- end
- Factory.define 'WP25/post', :parent => 'WP25/content' do |p|
- p.post_type 'post'
- p.post_title 'Default Title'
- p.post_content 'This is default content.'
- p.post_excerpt 'Default excerpt.'
- end
- Factory.sequence(:page) {|n| n} # dur
- Factory.define 'WP25/page', :parent => 'WP25/content' do |p|
- p.post_type 'page'
- p.post_title 'Default Page Title'
- p.post_content 'This is default page content.'
- p.post_excerpt 'Default page excerpt.'
- p.post_name {|p| "#{Factory.next(:page)}-#{p.post_title.to_url}"}
- end
- Factory.define 'WP25/comment', :class => WP25::Comment do |c|
- now = Time.now
- c.comment_author {|c| c.user ? c.user.display_name : nil}
- c.comment_date now
- # TODO: figure out how to handle GMT conversion
- c.comment_date_gmt {|c| c.comment_date}
- c.comment_content 'This is my comment.'
- end
- Factory.define 'WP25/term', :class => WP25::Term do |t|
- t.slug {|t| t.name.to_url}
- end
- Factory.define 'WP25/tag', :parent => 'WP25/term' do |t|
- t.name 'A Tag'
- # TODO: use associations to place tags in the taxonomy
- end
- Factory.define 'WP25/category', :parent => 'WP25/term' do |t|
- t.name 'A Category'
- # TODO: use associations to place categories in the taxonomy
- end
- Factory.define 'WP25/term_taxonomy', :class => WP25::TermTaxonomy do |tt|
- tt.description ''
- end
- Factory.define 'WP25/term_relationship', :class => WP25::TermRelationship do |tr|
- end