- require 'converters/dotclear_2/post'
- require 'converters/dotclear_2/comment'
- require 'converters/dotclear_2/category'
- require 'converters/dotclear_2/user'
- require 'converters/dotclear_2/tag'
- class Dotclear2Converter < BaseConverter
- def self.convert(options = {})
- converter = new(options)
- unless (options[:prefix].nil?)
- Dotclear2::Post.prefix = options[:prefix]
- Dotclear2::Comment.prefix = options[:prefix]
- Dotclear2::User.prefix = options[:prefix]
- Dotclear2::Tag.prefix = options[:prefix]
- Dotclear2::Category.prefix = options[:prefix]
- end
- converter.import_users do |dc_user|
- :name => dc_user.user_displayname,
- :email => dc_user.user_email || "#{dc_user.user_id}",
- :login => dc_user.user_id,
- :password => new_user_password,
- :password_confirmation => new_user_password
- end
- converter.import_articles do |dc_article|
- unless dc_article.post_content.blank? || dc_article.post_title.blank?
- user = dc_article.user_id.nil? ? nil : converter.users[Dotclear2::User.find(dc_article.user_id.to_i).user_id]
- excerpt, body = !dc_article.post_excerpt.blank? ?
- [dc_article.post_excerpt, dc_article.post_content]:
- [nil, dc_article.post_content]
- a =
- :title => CGI::unescapeHTML(dc_article.post_title),
- :body => body,
- :created_at => dc_article.post_creadt,
- :published_at => dc_article.post_creadt,
- :updated_at => dc_article.post_upddt,
- :author => user,
- :tags => converter.find_or_create_tags(dc_article.tags)
- [a, converter.find_or_create_categories(dc_article)]
- end
- end
- converter.import_comments do |dc_comment|
- :body => dc_comment.comment_content,
- :created_at => dc_comment.comment_dt,
- :updated_at => dc_comment.comment_upddt,
- :published_at => dc_comment.comment_dt,
- :author => dc_comment.comment_author,
- :url => dc_comment.comment_site,
- :email => dc_comment.comment_email,
- :ip => dc_comment.comment_ip
- end
- end
- def old_articles
- if @options.has_key?(:categories)
- @old_article ||= Dotclear2::Post.find(:all,
- :include => :categorie,
- :conditions => ["post_status = ? AND cat_title IN (?)", true, @options[:categories]])
- else
- @old_article ||= Dotclear2::Post.find_all_by_post_status true
- end
- @old_article
- end
- def old_users
- @old_users ||= Dotclear2::User.find(:all).index_by &:user_id
- end
- def get_login(dc_user)
- dc_user.user_id
- end
- def handle_bad_user_email(dc_user, email)
- dc_user.user_email = email
- end
- def handle_bad_comment_author_email(dc_comment, email)
- dc_comment.comment_email = email
- end
- def handle_bad_comment_author_url(dc_comment, url)
- dc_comment.comment_site = url
- end
- def handle_bad_comment_author(dc_comment, author)
- dc_comment.comment_author = author
- end
- def handle_bad_comment_content(dc_comment, content)
- dc_comment.comment_content = content
- end
- def create_sections(libelle)
- @sections[libelle] = site.sections.create!(:name => libelle, :path => libelle)
- @sections[libelle]
- end
- def find_or_create_categories(dc_article)
- cat = dc_article.categorie
- create_categories(cat.cat_title) if categories[cat.cat_title].nil?
- categories[cat.cat_title]
- end
- # with the tags'libelle in params search or
- # create the Tag objet in Typo
- def find_or_create_tags(dc_tags)
- tags_post = []
- dc_tags.each { |tag|
- create_tag(tag.meta_id) if tags[tag.meta_id].nil?
- tags_post << tags[tag.meta_id]
- }
- tags_post
- end
- end