- module Admin::BaseHelper
- include ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper
- def subtabs_for(current_module)
- output = []
- AccessControl.project_module(current_user.profile.label, current_module).submenus.each_with_index do |m,i|
- current =
- output << subtab(_(, (m.url[:controller] == params[:controller] && m.url[:action] == params[:action]) ? '' : m.url)
- end
- content_for(:tasks) { output.join("n") }
- end
- def subtab(label, options = {})
- return content_tag :li, "<span class='subtabs'>#{label}</span>" if options.empty?
- content_tag :li, link_to(label, options)
- end
- def show_page_heading
- heading = ""
- heading << content_tag(:div, @link_to_new, :class => 'page_new') unless @link_to_new.blank?
- heading << content_tag(:h2, @page_heading, :class => 'page_heading') unless @page_heading.blank?
- end
- def cancel(url = {:action => 'index'})
- link_to _("Cancel"), url
- end
- def save(val = _("Store"))
- '<input type="submit" value="' + val + '" class="save" />'
- end
- def confirm_delete(val = _("Delete"))
- '<input type="submit" value="' + val + '" />'
- end
- def link_to_edit(label, record, controller = @controller.controller_name)
- link_to label, :controller => controller, :action => 'edit', :id =>
- end
- def link_to_edit_with_profiles(label, record, controller = @controller.controller_name)
- if current_user.admin? || == record.user_id
- link_to label, :controller => controller, :action => 'edit', :id =>
- end
- end
- def link_to_destroy(record, controller = @controller.controller_name)
- link_to image_tag('admin/delete.png', :alt => _("delete"), :title => _("Delete content")),
- :controller => controller, :action => 'destroy', :id =>
- end
- def link_to_destroy_with_profiles(record, controller = @controller.controller_name)
- if current_user.admin? || == record.user_id
- link_to(_("delete"),
- { :controller => controller, :action => 'destroy', :id => }, :confirm => _("Are you sure?"), :method => :post, :title => _("Delete content"))
- end
- end
- def text_filter_options
- TextFilter.find(:all).collect do |filter|
- [ filter.description, filter ]
- end
- end
- def text_filter_options_with_id
- TextFilter.find(:all).collect do |filter|
- [ filter.description, ]
- end
- end
- def alternate_class
- @class = @class != '' ? '' : 'class="shade"'
- end
- def reset_alternation
- @class = nil
- end
- def task_quickpost(title)
- link_to_function(title, toggle_effect('quick-post', 'Effect.BlindUp', "duration:0.4", "Effect.BlindDown", "duration:0.4"))
- end
- def task_overview
- content_tag :li, link_to(_('Back to overview'), :action => 'index')
- end
- def task_edit_resource_mime(title,id)
- link_to_function(title, toggle_effect('edit-resource-mime-' + id.to_s, 'Effect.BlindUp', "duration:0.4", "Effect.BlindDown", "duration:0.4"))
- end
- def class_tab
- 'ui-state-default ui-corner-top'
- end
- def class_selected_tab
- 'ui-state-default ui-corner-top ui-tabs-selected ui-state-active'
- end
- def class_write
- if controller.controller_name == "content" or controller.controller_name == "pages"
- return class_selected_tab if controller.action_name == 'new' || controller.action_name == 'edit'
- end
- class_tab
- end
- def class_content
- if controller.controller_name =~ /content|pages|categories|resources|feedback/
- return class_selected_tab if controller.action_name =~ /list|index|show|article/
- end
- class_tab
- end
- def class_themes
- return class_selected_tab if controller.controller_name =~ /themes|sidebar/
- class_tab
- end
- def class_dashboard
- return class_selected_tab if controller.controller_name =~ /dashboard/
- class_tab
- end
- def class_settings
- return class_selected_tab if controller.controller_name =~ /settings|users/
- class_tab
- end
- def class_profile
- return class_selected_tab if controller.controller_name =~ /profiles/
- class_tab
- end
- def alternate_editor
- return 'visual' if current_user.editor == 'simple'
- return 'simple'
- end
- def collection_select_with_current(object, method, collection, value_method, text_method, current_value, prompt=false)
- result = "<select name='#{object}[#{method}]'>n"
- if prompt == true
- result << "<option value=''>" << _("Please select") << "</option>"
- end
- for element in collection
- if current_value and current_value == element.send(value_method)
- result << "<option value='#{element.send(value_method)}' selected='selected'>#{element.send(text_method)}</option>n"
- else
- result << "<option value='#{element.send(value_method)}'>#{element.send(text_method)}</option>n"
- end
- end
- result << "</select>n"
- return result
- end
- def render_void_table(size, cols)
- if size == 0
- "<tr>n<td colspan=#{cols}>" + _("There are no %s yet. Why don't you start and create one?", _(controller.controller_name)) + "</td>n</tr>n"
- end
- end
- def cancel_or_save
- result = '<p>'
- result << cancel
- result << " "
- result << _("or")
- result << " "
- result << save( _("Save") + " »")
- result << '</p>'
- return result
- end
- def show_actions item
- html = <<-HTML
- <div class='action' style='margin-top: 10px;'>
- <small>#{link_to _("Edit"), :action => 'edit', :id =>}</small> |
- <small>#{link_to_published item}</small> |
- <small>#{link_to _("Delete"), :action => 'destroy', :id =>}</small>
- </div>
- end
- def format_date(date)
- date.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
- end
- def link_to_published(item)
- return link_to_permalink(item, _("Show"), '', 'published') if item.published
- link_to(_("Preview"), {:controller => '/articles', :action => 'preview', :id =>}, {:class => 'unpublished', :target => '_new'})
- end
- def published_or_not(item)
- return "<small class='published'>#{_("Published")}</small>" if item.published
- "<small class='unpublished'>#{_("Unpublished")}</small>"
- end
- def macro_help_popup(macro, text)
- unless current_user.editor == 'visual'
- "<a rel='lightbox' href="#{url_for :controller => 'textfilters', :action => 'macro_help', :id => macro.short_name}" onclick="return popup(this, 'Typo Macro Help')">#{text}</a>"
- end
- end
- def render_macros(macros)
- result = link_to_function _("Show help on Typo macros") + " (+/-)",update_page { |page| page.visual_effect(:toggle_blind, "macros", :duration => 0.2) }
- result << "<table id='macros' style='display: none;'>"
- result << "<tr>"
- result << "<th>#{_('Name')}</th>"
- result << "<th>#{_('Description')}</th>"
- result << "<th>#{_('Tag')}</th>"
- result << "</tr>"
- for macro in macros.sort_by { |f| f.short_name }
- result << "<tr #{alternate_class}>"
- result << "<td>#{macro_help_popup macro, macro.display_name}</td>"
- result << "<td>#{h macro.description}</td>"
- result << "<td><code><typo:#{h macro.short_name}></code></td>"
- result << "</tr>"
- end
- result << "</table>"
- end
- def build_editor_link(label, action, id, update, editor)
- link = link_to_remote(label,
- :url => { :action => action, 'editor' => editor},
- :loading => "new'update_spinner_#{id}')",
- :success => "new Element.toggle('update_spinner_#{id}')",
- :update => "#{update}")
- link << image_tag("spinner-blue.gif", :id => "update_spinner_#{id}", :style => 'display:none;')
- end
- def display_pagination(collection, cols)
- if WillPaginate::ViewHelpers.total_pages_for_collection(collection) > 1
- return "<tr><td colspan=#{cols} class='paginate'>#{will_paginate(collection)}</td></tr>"
- end
- end
- def show_thumbnail_for_editor(image)
- thumb = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/files/thumb_#{image.filename}"
- picture = "#{this_blog.base_url}/files/#{image.filename}"
- image.create_thumbnail unless File.exists? thumb
- # If something went wrong with thumbnail generation, we just display a place holder
- thumbnail = (File.exists? thumb) ? "#{this_blog.base_url}/files/thumb_#{image.filename}" : "#{this_blog.base_url}/images/thumb_blank.jpg"
- picture = "<img class='tumb' src='#{thumbnail}' "
- picture << "alt='#{this_blog.base_url}/files/#{image.filename}' "
- picture << " onclick="edInsertImageFromCarousel('article_body_and_extended', '#{this_blog.base_url}/files/#{image.filename}');" />"
- return picture
- end
- end