- # The methods added to this helper will be available to all templates in the application.
- require 'digest/sha1'
- module ApplicationHelper
- # Basic english pluralizer.
- # Axe?
- def pluralize(size, zero, one , many )
- case size
- when 0 then zero
- when 1 then one
- else sprintf(many, size)
- end
- end
- # Produce a link to the permalink_url of 'item'.
- def link_to_permalink(item, title, anchor=nil, style=nil, nofollow=nil)
- anchor = "##{anchor}" if anchor
- class_attr = "class="#{style}"" if style
- rel_attr = "rel="#{nofollow}"" if nofollow
- "<a href="#{item.permalink_url}#{anchor}" #{rel_attr} #{class_attr}>#{title}</a>"
- end
- # The '5 comments' link from the bottom of articles
- def comments_link(article)
- link_to_permalink(article,pluralize(article.published_comments.size, _('no comments') , _('1 comment'), __('%d comments')),'comments')
- end
- def trackbacks_link(article)
- link_to_permalink(article,pluralize(article.published_trackbacks.size, _('no trackbacks') , _('1 trackback'), __('%d trackbacks')),'trackbacks')
- end
- def check_cache(aggregator, *args)
- hash = "#{aggregator.to_s}_#{args.collect { |arg| Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(arg) }.join('_') }".to_sym
- controller.cache[hash] ||=*args)
- end
- def js_distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(date)
- time = _(date.utc.strftime(_("%%a, %%d %%b %%Y %%H:%%M:%%S GMT", date.utc)))
- timestamp = date.utc.to_i ;
- "<span class="typo_date date gmttimestamp-#{timestamp}" title="#{time}" >#{time}</span>"
- end
- def meta_tag(name, value)
- tag :meta, :name => name, :content => value unless value.blank?
- end
- def date(date)
- "<span class="typo_date">" + date.utc.strftime(_("%%d. %%b", date.utc)) + "</span>"
- end
- def render_theme(options)
- options[:controller]=Themes::ThemeController.active_theme_name
- render_component(options)
- end
- def toggle_effect(domid, true_effect, true_opts, false_effect, false_opts)
- "$('#{domid}').style.display == 'none' ? new #{false_effect}('#{domid}', {#{false_opts}}) : new #{true_effect}('#{domid}', {#{true_opts}}); return false;"
- end
- def markup_help_popup(markup, text)
- if markup and markup.commenthelp.size > 1
- "<a href="#{url_for :controller => :articles, :action => 'markup_help', :id =>}" onclick="return popup(this, 'Typo Markup Help')">#{text}</a>"
- else
- ''
- end
- end
- def onhover_show_admin_tools(type, id = nil)
- tag = []
- tag << %{ onmouseover="if (getCookie('typo_user_profile') == 'admin') {'admin_#{[type, id].compact.join('_')}'); }" }
- tag << %{ onmouseout="Element.hide('admin_#{[type, id].compact.join('_')}');" }
- tag
- end
- def render_flash
- output = []
- for key,value in flash
- output << "<span class="#{key.to_s.downcase}">#{h(value)}</span>"
- end if flash
- output.join("<br />n")
- end
- # Generate the image tag for a commenters gravatar based on their email address
- # Valid options are described at
- def gravatar_tag(email, options={})
- options.update(:gravatar_id => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(email.strip))
- options[:default] = CGI::escape(options[:default]) if options.include?(:default)
- options[:size] ||= 60
- image_tag("" <<
- { |key,value| "#{key}=#{value}" }.sort.join("&"), :class => "gravatar")
- end
- def feed_title
- case
- when @feed_title
- return @feed_title
- when (@page_title and not @page_title.blank?)
- return "#{this_blog.blog_name} : #{@page_title}"
- else
- return this_blog.blog_name
- end
- end
- def html(content, what = :all, deprecated = false)
- content.html(what)
- end
- def author_link(article)
- if this_blog.link_to_author and article.user and>0
- "<a href="mailto:#{h}">#{h}</a>"
- elsif article.user and>0
- h
- else
- h
- end
- end
- def google_analytics
- unless this_blog.google_analytics.empty?
- <<-HTML
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");
- document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
- </script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("#{this_blog.google_analytics}");
- pageTracker._trackPageview();
- </script>
- end
- end
- def javascript_include_lang
- javascript_include_tag "lang/#{Localization.lang.to_s}" if File.exists? File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'public', 'lang', Localization.lang.to_s)
- end
- def page_header
- page_header_includes = contents.collect { |c| c.whiteboard }.collect do |w|
- {|k,v| k =~ /^page_header_/}.collect do |(k,v)|
- v = v.chomp
- # trim the same number of spaces from the beginning of each line
- # this way plugins can indent nicely without making ugly source output
- spaces = /A[ t]*/.match(v)[0].gsub(/t/, " ")
- v.gsub!(/^#{spaces}/, ' ') # add 2 spaces to line up with the assumed position of the surrounding tags
- end
- end.flatten.uniq
- (
- <<-HTML
- <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
- #{ meta_tag 'ICBM', this_blog.geourl_location unless this_blog.geourl_location.blank? }
- #{ meta_tag 'description', @description unless @description.blank? }
- #{ meta_tag 'robots', 'noindex, follow' unless @noindex.nil? }
- <meta name="generator" content="Typo #{TYPO_VERSION}" />
- #{ meta_tag 'keywords', @keywords unless @keywords.blank? }
- <link rel="EditURI" type="application/rsd+xml" title="RSD" href="#{ url_for :controller => '/xml', :action => 'rsd' }" />
- <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Atom" href="#{ feed_atom }" />
- <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="#{ feed_rss }" />
- #{ javascript_include_tag 'cookies', 'prototype', 'effects', 'builder', 'typo', :cache => true }
- #{ stylesheet_link_tag 'coderay', 'user-styles', :cache => true }
- #{ javascript_include_lang }
- #{ javascript_tag "window._token = '#{form_authenticity_token}'"}
- #{ page_header_includes.join("n") }
- <script type="text/javascript">#{ @content_for_script }</script>
- #{ google_analytics }
- ).chomp
- end
- def feed_atom
- url_for(:format => :atom, :only_path => false)
- end
- def feed_rss
- url_for(:format => :rss, :only_path => false)
- end
- def render_the_flash
- return unless flash[:notice] or flash[:error]
- the_class = flash[:error] ? 'ui-state-error' : 'ui-state-highlight'
- the_icon = flash[:error] ? 'ui-icon-alert' : 'ui-icon-info'
- html = "<div class='ui-widget settings'>"
- html << "<div class='#{the_class} ui-corner-all' style='padding: 0 .7em;'>"
- html << "<p><span class='ui-icon #{the_icon}' style='float: left; margin-right: .3em;'></span>"
- html << render_flash rescue nil
- html << "</div>"
- html << "</div>"
- end
- end