- # The filters added to this controller will be run for all controllers in the application.
- # Likewise will all the methods added be available for all controllers.
- class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
- include ::LoginSystem
- protect_from_forgery :only => [:edit, :update, :delete]
- before_filter :reset_local_cache, :fire_triggers, :load_lang
- after_filter :reset_local_cache
- class << self
- unless self.respond_to? :template_root
- def template_root
- ActionController::Base.view_paths.last
- end
- end
- # Log all path in file path_cache in Rails.root
- # When we sweep all cache. We just need delete this file
- def cache_page_with_log_page(content, path)
- return unless perform_caching
- cache_page_without_log_page(content, path)
- CacheInformation.create(:path => page_cache_file(path))
- end
- alias_method_chain :cache_page, :log_page
- end
- protected
- def setup_themer
- # Ick!
- self.view_paths = ::ActionController::Base.view_paths.dup.unshift("#{RAILS_ROOT}/themes/#{this_blog.theme}/views")
- end
- def error(message = "Record not found...", options = { })
- @message = message.to_s
- render :template => 'articles/error', :status => options[:status] || 404
- end
- def fire_triggers
- end
- def load_lang
- Localization.lang = this_blog.lang
- # _("Localization.rtl")
- end
- def reset_local_cache
- if !session
- session :session => new
- end
- @current_user = nil
- end
- # Helper method to get the blog object.
- def this_blog
- @blog ||= Blog.default
- end
- helper_method :this_blog
- # The base URL for this request, calculated by looking up the URL for the main
- # blog index page.
- def blog_base_url
- url_for(:controller => '/articles').gsub(%r{/$},'')
- end
- def add_to_cookies(name, value, path=nil, expires=nil)
- cookies[name] = { :value => value, :path => path || "/#{controller_name}",
- :expires => 6.weeks.from_now }
- end
- end