- class Admin::DashboardController < Admin::BaseController
- require 'open-uri'
- require 'time'
- require 'rexml/document'
- def index
- @newposts = Article.count(:all, :conditions => ['published = ? and published_at > ?', true, current_user.last_venue])
- @newcomments = Feedback.count(:all, :conditions =>['state in (?,?) and published_at > ?', 'presumed_ham', 'ham', current_user.last_venue])
- comments
- lastposts
- popular
- statistics
- inbound_links
- typo_dev
- end
- private
- def statistics
- @statposts = Article.count_published_articles
- @statuserposts = current_user.articles.size
- @statcomments = Comment.count(:all, :conditions => "state != 'spam'")
- @statspam = Comment.count(:all, :conditions => { :state => 'spam' })
- end
- def comments
- @comments ||=
- Comment.find(:all,
- :limit => 5,
- :conditions => ['published = ?', true],
- :order => 'created_at DESC')
- end
- def lastposts
- @recent_posts = Article.find(:all,
- :conditions => ["published = ?", true],
- :order => 'published_at DESC',
- :limit => 5)
- end
- def popular
- @bestof = Article.find(:all,
- :select => 'contents.*, comment_counts.count AS comment_count',
- :from => "contents, (SELECT feedback.article_id AS article_id, COUNT(feedback.id) as count FROM feedback WHERE feedback.state IN ('presumed_ham', 'ham') GROUP BY feedback.article_id ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 9) AS comment_counts",
- :conditions => ['comment_counts.article_id = contents.id AND published = ?', true],
- :order => 'comment_counts.count DESC',
- :limit => 5)
- end
- def inbound_links
- url = "http://blogsearch.google.com/blogsearch_feeds?q=link:#{this_blog.base_url}&num=5&output=rss"
- open(url) do |http|
- @inbound_links = parse_rss(http.read)
- end
- rescue
- @inbound_links = nil
- end
- def typo_dev
- url = "http://blog.typosphere.org/articles.rss"
- open(url) do |http|
- @typo_links = parse_rss(http.read)[0..1]
- end
- rescue
- @typo_links = nil
- end
- private
- class RssItem < Struct.new(:link, :title, :description, :description_link, :date, :author)
- def to_s; title end
- end
- def parse_rss(body)
- xml = REXML::Document.new(body)
- items = []
- link = REXML::XPath.match(xml, "//channel/link/text()").first.value rescue ""
- title = REXML::XPath.match(xml, "//channel/title/text()").first.value rescue ""
- REXML::XPath.each(xml, "//item/") do |elem|
- item = RssItem.new
- item.title = REXML::XPath.match(elem, "title/text()").first.value rescue ""
- item.link = REXML::XPath.match(elem, "link/text()").first.value rescue ""
- item.description = REXML::XPath.match(elem, "description/text()").first.value rescue ""
- item.author = REXML::XPath.match(elem, "dc:publisher/text()").first.value rescue ""
- item.date = Time.mktime(*ParseDate.parsedate(XPath.match(elem, "dc:date/text()").first.value)) rescue Time.now
- item.description_link = item.description
- item.description.gsub!(/</?ab.*?>/, "") # remove all <a> tags
- items << item
- end
- items.sort_by { |item| item.date }
- end
- end