- require 'base64'
- module Admin; end
- class Admin::ContentController < Admin::BaseController
- layout "administration", :except => [:show, :autosave]
- cache_sweeper :blog_sweeper
- def auto_complete_for_article_keywords
- @items = Tag.find_with_char params[:article][:keywords].strip
- render :inline => "<%= auto_complete_result @items, 'name' %>"
- end
- def index
- @search = params[:search] ? params[:search] : {}
- @articles = Article.search_no_draft_paginate(@search, :page => params[:page], :per_page => this_blog.admin_display_elements)
- if request.xhr?
- render :partial => 'article_list', :object => @articles
- else
- @article =[:article])
- end
- end
- def new
- new_or_edit
- end
- def edit
- @article = Article.find(params[:id])
- unless @article.access_by? current_user
- redirect_to :action => 'index'
- flash[:error] = _("Error, you are not allowed to perform this action")
- return
- end
- new_or_edit
- end
- def destroy
- @article = Article.find(params[:id])
- unless @article.access_by?(current_user)
- redirect_to :action => 'index'
- flash[:error] = _("Error, you are not allowed to perform this action")
- return
- end
- if
- @article.destroy
- redirect_to :action => 'index'
- return
- end
- end
- def insert_editor
- return unless params[:editor].to_s =~ /simple|visual/
- current_user.editor = params[:editor].to_s
- render :partial => "#{params[:editor].to_s}_editor"
- end
- def category_add; do_add_or_remove_fu; end
- alias_method :resource_add, :category_add
- alias_method :resource_remove, :category_add
- def attachment_box_add
- render :update do |page|
- page["attachment_add_#{params[:id]}"].remove
- page.insert_html :bottom, 'attachments',
- :partial => 'admin/content/attachment',
- :locals => { :attachment_num => params[:id], :hidden => true }
- page.visual_effect(:toggle_appear, "attachment_#{params[:id]}")
- end
- end
- def attachment_save(attachment)
- begin
- Resource.create(:filename => attachment.original_filename,
- :mime => attachment.content_type.chomp, :created_at =>
- rescue => e
- nil
- end
- end
- def autosave
- get_or_build_article
- # This is ugly, but I have to check whether or not the article is
- # published to create the dummy draft I'll replace later so that the
- # published article doesn't get overriden on the front
- if @article.published
- parent_id =
- @article = Article.drafts.child_of(parent_id).first ||
- @article.allow_comments = this_blog.default_allow_comments
- @article.allow_pings = this_blog.default_allow_pings
- @article.text_filter = (current_user.editor == 'simple') ? current_user.text_filter : 1
- @article.parent_id = parent_id
- end
- params[:article] ||= {}
- @article.attributes = params[:article]
- @article.published = false
- set_article_author
- save_attachments
- set_article_title_for_autosave
- @article.state = "draft" unless @article.state == "withdrawn"
- if
- render(:update) do |page|
- page.replace_html('autosave', hidden_field_tag('id',
- page.replace_html('permalink', text_field('article', 'permalink', {:class => 'small medium'}))
- page.replace_html('preview_link', link_to(_("Preview"), {:controller => '/articles', :action => 'preview', :id =>}, {:target => 'new'}))
- end
- return true
- end
- render :text => nil
- end
- protected
- attr_accessor :resources, :categories, :resource, :category
- def do_add_or_remove_fu
- attrib, action = params[:action].split('_')
- @article = Article.find(params[:id])
- self.send("#{attrib}=", self.class.const_get(attrib.classify).find(params["#{attrib}_id"]))
- send("setup_#{attrib.pluralize}")
- @article.send(attrib.pluralize).send(real_action_for(action), send(attrib))
- render :partial => "show_#{attrib.pluralize}"
- end
- def real_action_for(action); { 'add' => :<<, 'remove' => :delete}[action]; end
- def new_or_edit
- get_or_build_article
- @macros = { |filter| TextFilterPlugin::Macro > filter }
- @article.published = true
- # TODO Test if we can delete the next line. It's delete on nice_permalinks branch
- params[:article] ||= {}
- @resources = Resource.find(:all, :conditions => "mime NOT LIKE '%image%'", :order => 'filename')
- @images = Resource.paginate :page => params[:page], :conditions => "mime LIKE '%image%'", :order => 'created_at DESC', :per_page => 10
- @article.attributes = params[:article]
- if
- set_article_author
- save_attachments
- @article.state = "draft" if @article.draft
- if
- destroy_the_draft unless @article.draft
- set_article_categories
- set_the_flash
- redirect_to :action => 'index'
- return
- end
- end
- render :action => 'new'
- end
- def set_the_flash
- case params[:action]
- when 'new'
- flash[:notice] = _('Article was successfully created')
- when 'edit'
- flash[:notice] = _('Article was successfully updated.')
- else
- raise "I don't know how to tidy up action: #{params[:action]}"
- end
- end
- def destroy_the_draft
- Article.all(:conditions => { :parent_id => }).map(&:destroy)
- end
- def set_article_author
- return if
- = current_user.login
- @article.user = current_user
- end
- def set_article_title_for_autosave
- if @article.title.blank?
- lastid = Article.find(:first, :order => 'id DESC').id
- @article.title = "Draft article " + lastid.to_s
- end
- unless @article.parent_id and Article.find(@article.parent_id).published
- @article.permalink = @article.stripped_title
- end
- end
- def save_attachments
- return if params[:attachments].nil?
- params[:attachments].each do |k,v|
- a = attachment_save(v)
- @article.resources << a unless a.nil?
- end
- end
- def set_article_categories
- @article.categorizations.clear
- if params[:categories]
- Category.find(params[:categories]).each do |cat|
- @article.categories << cat
- end
- end
- end
- def def_build_body
- if @article.body =~ /<!--more-->/
- body = @article.body.split('<!--more-->')
- @article.body = body[0]
- @article.extended = body[1]
- end
- end
- def get_or_build_article
- @article = case params[:id]
- when nil
- returning( do |art|
- art.allow_comments = this_blog.default_allow_comments
- art.allow_pings = this_blog.default_allow_pings
- art.text_filter = (current_user.editor == 'simple') ? current_user.text_filter : 1
- end
- else
- Article.find(params[:id])
- end
- end
- def setup_resources
- @resources = Resource.find(:all, :order => 'created_at DESC')
- end
- end