- class ArticlesController < ContentController
- before_filter :login_required, :only => [:preview]
- before_filter :auto_discovery_feed, :only => [:show, :index]
- before_filter :verify_config
- layout :theme_layout, :except => [:comment_preview, :trackback]
- cache_sweeper :blog_sweeper
- caches_page :index, :read, :archives, :view_page, :redirect, :if => {|c|
- c.request.query_string == ''
- }
- helper :'admin/base'
- def index
- respond_to do |format|
- format.html { @limit = this_blog.limit_article_display }
- format.rss { @limit = this_blog.limit_rss_display }
- format.atom { @limit = this_blog.limit_rss_display }
- end
- unless params[:year].blank?
- @noindex = 1
- @articles = Article.paginate :page => params[:page], :conditions => { :published_at => time_delta(*params.values_at(:year, :month, :day)), :published => true }, :order => 'published_at DESC', :per_page => @limit
- else
- @noindex = 1 unless params[:page].blank?
- @articles = Article.paginate :page => params[:page], :conditions => ['published = ? AND published_at < ?', true,], :order => 'published_at DESC', :per_page => @limit
- end
- @page_title = index_title
- @description = index_description
- @keywords = (this_blog.meta_keywords.empty?) ? "" : this_blog.meta_keywords
- respond_to do |format|
- format.html { render_paginated_index }
- format.atom do
- send_feed('atom')
- end
- format.rss do
- auto_discovery_feed(:only_path => false)
- send_feed('rss20')
- end
- end
- end
- def search
- @articles = this_blog.articles_matching(params[:q], :page => params[:page], :per_page => @limit)
- return error(_("No posts found..."), :status => 200) if @articles.empty?
- respond_to do |format|
- format.html { render :action => 'search' }
- format.rss { render :partial => "articles/rss20_feed", :object => @articles }
- format.atom { render :partial => "articles/atom_feed", :object => @articles }
- end
- end
- def live_search
- @search = params[:q]
- @articles =
- render :layout => false, :action => :live_search
- end
- def preview
- @article = Article.last_draft(params[:id])
- render :action => 'read'
- end
- def redirect
- part = this_blog.permalink_format.split('/')
- part.delete('') # delete all par of / where no data. Avoid all // or / started
- params[:from].delete('')
- if params[:from].last =~ /.atom$/
- params[:format] = 'atom'
- params[:from].last.gsub!(/.atom$/, '')
- elsif params[:from].last =~ /.rss$/
- params[:format] = 'rss'
- params[:from].last.gsub!(/.rss$/, '')
- end
- zip_part =[:from])
- article_params = {}
- zip_part.each do |asso|
- ['%year%', '%month%', '%day%', '%title%'].each do |format_string|
- if asso[0] =~ /(.*)#{format_string}(.*)/
- before_format = $1
- after_format = $2
- next if asso[1].nil?
- result = asso[1].gsub(before_format, '')
- result.gsub!(after_format, '')
- article_params[format_string.gsub('%', '').to_sym] = result
- end
- end
- end
- begin
- @article = this_blog.requested_article(article_params)
- rescue
- #Not really good.
- # TODO :Check in request_article type of DATA made in next step
- end
- return show_article if @article
- # Redirect old version with /:year/:month/:day/:title to new format.
- # because it's change
- ["%year%/%month%/%day%/%title%".split('/'), "articles/%year%/%month%/%day%/%title%".split('/')].each do |part|
- part.delete('') # delete all par of / where no data. Avoid all // or / started
- params[:from].delete('')
- zip_part =[:from])
- article_params = {}
- zip_part.each do |asso|
- ['%year%', '%month%', '%day%', '%title%'].each do |format_string|
- if asso[0] =~ /(.*)#{format_string}(.*)/
- before_format = $1
- after_format = $2
- next if asso[1].nil?
- result = asso[1].gsub(before_format, '')
- result.gsub!(after_format, '')
- article_params[format_string.gsub('%', '').to_sym] = result
- end
- end
- end
- begin
- @article = this_blog.requested_article(article_params)
- rescue
- #Not really good.
- # TODO :Check in request_article type of DATA made in next step
- end
- if @article
- redirect_to @article.permalink_url, :status => 301
- return
- end
- end
- # see how manage all by this redirect to redirect in different possible
- # way maybe define in a controller in admin part in insert in this table
- r = Redirect.find_by_from_path(params[:from].join("/"))
- if(r)
- path = r.to_path
- url_root = self.class.relative_url_root
- path = url_root + path unless url_root.nil? or path[0,url_root.length] == url_root
- redirect_to path, :status => 301
- else
- render :text => "Page not found", :status => 404
- end
- end
- ### Deprecated Actions ###
- def archives
- @articles = Article.find_published
- @page_title = "#{_('Archives for')} #{this_blog.blog_name}"
- @keywords = (this_blog.meta_keywords.empty?) ? "" : this_blog.meta_keywords
- @description = "#{_('Archives for')} #{this_blog.blog_name} - #{this_blog.blog_subtitle}"
- end
- def comment_preview
- if (params[:comment][:body].blank? rescue true)
- render :nothing => true
- return
- end
- set_headers
- @comment =[:comment])
- @controller = self
- end
- def category
- redirect_to categories_path, :status => 301
- end
- def tag
- redirect_to tags_path, :status => 301
- end
- def view_page
- if(@page = Page.find_by_name(params[:name].map { |c| c }.join("/"))) && @page.published?
- @page_title = @page.title
- else
- render :nothing => true, :status => 404
- end
- end
- def markup_help
- render :text => TextFilter.find(params[:id]).commenthelp
- end
- private
- def verify_config
- if ! this_blog.configured?
- redirect_to :controller => "setup", :action => "index"
- elsif User.count == 0
- redirect_to :controller => "accounts", :action => "signup"
- else
- return true
- end
- end
- # See an article We need define @article before
- def show_article
- @comment =
- @page_title = @article.title
- article_meta
- auto_discovery_feed
- respond_to do |format|
- format.html { render :template => '/articles/read' }
- format.atom { render_feed('atom') }
- format.rss { render_feed('rss20') }
- format.xml { render_feed('atom') }
- end
- rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- error("Post not found...")
- end
- def article_meta
- @keywords = ""
- @keywords << { |c| }.join(", ") << ", " unless @article.categories.empty?
- @keywords << { |t| }.join(", ") unless @article.tags.empty?
- @description = "#{@article.title}, "
- @description << { |c| }.join(", ") << ", " unless @article.categories.empty?
- @description << { |t| }.join(", ") unless @article.tags.empty?
- @description << " #{this_blog.blog_name}"
- end
- def send_feed(format)
- if this_blog.feedburner_url.empty? or request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] =~ /FeedBurner/i
- render :partial => "articles/#{format}_feed", :object => @articles
- else
- redirect_to "{this_blog.feedburner_url}"
- end
- end
- # TODO: Merge with send_feed?
- def render_feed(type)
- render :partial => "/articles/#{type}_feed", :object => @article.published_feedback
- end
- def set_headers
- headers["Content-Type"] = "text/html; charset=utf-8"
- end
- def render_paginated_index(on_empty = _("No posts found..."))
- return error(on_empty, :status => 200) if @articles.empty?
- if this_blog.feedburner_url.empty?
- auto_discovery_feed(:only_path => false)
- else
- @auto_discovery_url_rss = "{this_blog.feedburner_url}"
- @auto_discovery_url_atom = "{this_blog.feedburner_url}"
- end
- render :action => 'index'
- end
- def index_title
- returning('') do |page_title|
- page_title << formatted_date_selector(_('Archives for '))
- if params[:page]
- page_title << 'Older posts' if page_title.blank?
- page_title << ", page " << params[:page]
- end
- end
- end
- def index_description
- returning('') do |page_description|
- if this_blog.meta_description.empty?
- page_description << "#{this_blog.blog_name} #{this_blog.blog_subtitle}"
- else
- page_description << this_blog.meta_description
- end
- page_description << formatted_date_selector(_(', Articles for '))
- if params[:page]
- page_description << ", page " << params[:page]
- end
- end
- end
- def time_delta(year, month = nil, day = nil)
- from = Time.mktime(year, month || 1, day || 1)
- to = from.next_year
- to = from.next_month unless month.blank?
- to = from + unless day.blank?
- to = to - 1 # pull off 1 second so we don't overlap onto the next day
- return
- end
- def formatted_date_selector(prefix = '')
- return '' unless params[:year]
- format = prefix
- format << '%A %d ' if params[:day]
- format << '%B ' if params[:month]
- format << '%Y' if params[:year]
- return(Time.mktime(*params.values_at(:year, :month, :day)).strftime(format))
- end
- end