- require 'uri'
- require 'net/http'
- class Article < Content
- include TypoGuid
- content_fields :body, :extended
- has_many :pings, :dependent => :destroy, :order => "created_at ASC"
- has_many :comments, :dependent => :destroy, :order => "created_at ASC" do
- # Get only ham or presumed_ham comments
- def ham
- find :all, :conditions => {:state => ["presumed_ham", "ham"]}
- end
- # Get only spam or presumed_spam comments
- def spam
- find :all, :conditions => {:state => ["presumed_spam", "spam"]}
- end
- end
- with_options(:conditions => { :published => true }, :order => 'created_at DESC') do |this|
- this.has_many :published_comments, :class_name => "Comment", :order => "created_at ASC"
- this.has_many :published_trackbacks, :class_name => "Trackback", :order => "created_at ASC"
- this.has_many :published_feedback, :class_name => "Feedback", :order => "created_at ASC"
- end
- has_many :trackbacks, :dependent => :destroy, :order => "created_at ASC"
- #TODO: change it because more logical with s in end : feedbacks
- has_many :feedback, :order => "created_at DESC"
- has_many :resources, :order => "created_at DESC",
- :class_name => "Resource", :foreign_key => 'article_id'
- after_destroy :fix_resources
- has_many :categorizations
- has_many :categories,
- :through => :categorizations,
- :include => :categorizations,
- :select => 'categories.*',
- :uniq => true,
- :order => 'categorizations.is_primary DESC'
- has_and_belongs_to_many :tags, :foreign_key => 'article_id'
- named_scope :category, lambda {|category_id| {:conditions => ['categorizations.category_id = ?', category_id], :include => 'categorizations'}}
- named_scope :drafts, :conditions => ['state = ?', 'draft']
- named_scope :without_parent, {:conditions => {:parent_id => nil}}
- named_scope :child_of, lambda { |article_id| {:conditions => {:parent_id => article_id}} }
- def has_child?
- Article.exists?({:parent_id =>})
- end
- belongs_to :user
- has_many :triggers, :as => :pending_item
- after_save :post_trigger
- attr_accessor :draft
- has_state(:state,
- :valid_states => [:new, :draft,
- :publication_pending, :just_published, :published,
- :just_withdrawn, :withdrawn],
- :initial_state => :new,
- :handles => [:withdraw,
- :post_trigger,
- :after_save, :send_pings, :send_notifications,
- :published_at=, :just_published?])
- include Article::States
- class << self
- def last_draft(article_id)
- article = Article.find(article_id)
- while article.has_child?
- article = Article.child_of(
- end
- article
- end
- def published_articles
- find(:conditions => { :published => true }, :order => 'published_at DESC')
- end
- def count_published_articles
- count(:conditions => { :published => true })
- end
- def search_no_draft_paginate(search_hash, paginate_hash)
- list_function = ["Article.no_draft"] + function_search_no_draft(search_hash)
- if search_hash[:category] and search_hash[:category].to_i > 0
- list_function << 'category(search_hash[:category])'
- end
- paginate_hash[:order] = 'published_at DESC'
- list_function << "paginate(paginate_hash)"
- eval(list_function.join('.'))
- end
- end
- accents = { ['á','à','â','ä','ã','Ã','Ä','Â','À'] => 'a',
- ['é','è','ê','ë','Ë','É','È','Ê'] => 'e',
- ['í','ì','î','ï','I','Î','Ì'] => 'i',
- ['ó','ò','ô','ö','õ','Õ','Ö','Ô','Ò'] => 'o',
- ['œ'] => 'oe',
- ['ß'] => 'ss',
- ['ú','ù','û','ü','U','Û','Ù'] => 'u',
- ['ç','Ç'] => 'c'
- }
- FROM, TO = accents.inject(['','']) { |o,(k,v)|
- o[0] << k * '';
- o[1] << v * k.size
- o
- }
- def stripped_title
- CGI.escape(, TO).gsub(/<[^>]*>/, '').to_url)
- end
- def year_url
- published_at.year.to_s
- end
- def month_url
- sprintf("%.2d", published_at.month)
- end
- def day_url
- sprintf("%.2d",
- end
- def title_url
- permalink.to_s
- end
- def permalink_url_options(nesting = false)
- format_url = blog.permalink_format.dup
- format_url.gsub!('%year%', year_url)
- format_url.gsub!('%month%', month_url)
- format_url.gsub!('%day%', day_url)
- format_url.gsub!('%title%', title_url)
- if format_url[0,1] == '/'
- format_url[1..-1]
- else
- format_url
- end
- end
- def permalink_url(anchor=nil, only_path=false)
- @cached_permalink_url ||= {}
- @cached_permalink_url["#{anchor}#{only_path}"] ||=
- blog.url_for(permalink_url_options, :anchor => anchor, :only_path => only_path)
- end
- def param_array
- @param_array ||=
- returning([published_at.year,
- sprintf('%.2d', published_at.month),
- sprintf('%.2d',,
- permalink])
- do |params|
- this = self
- k = class << params; self; end
- k.send(:define_method, :to_s) { params[-1] }
- end
- end
- def to_param
- param_array
- end
- def trackback_url
- blog.url_for("trackbacks?article_id=#{}", :only_path => false)
- end
- def permalink_by_format(format=nil)
- if format.nil?
- permalink_url
- elsif format.to_sym == :rss
- feed_url(:rss)
- elsif format.to_sym == :atom
- feed_url(:atom)
- else
- raise UnSupportedFormat
- end
- end
- def comment_url
- blog.url_for("comments?article_id=#{}", :only_path => false)
- end
- def preview_comment_url
- blog.url_for("comments/preview?article_id=#{}", :only_path => false)
- end
- def feed_url(format = :rss20)
- format_extension = format.to_s.gsub(/d/,'')
- permalink_url + ".#{format_extension}"
- end
- def edit_url
- blog.url_for(:controller => "/admin/content", :action =>"edit", :id => id)
- end
- def delete_url
- blog.url_for(:controller => "/admin/content", :action =>"destroy", :id => id)
- end
- def html_urls
- urls =
- html.gsub(/<as+[^>]*>/) do |tag|
- if(tag =~ /bhref=(["']?)([^ >"]+)1/)
- urls.push($2)
- end
- end
- urls.uniq
- end
- def really_send_pings(serverurl = blog.base_url, articleurl = nil)
- return unless blog.send_outbound_pings
- articleurl ||= permalink_url(nil)
- weblogupdatesping_urls = blog.ping_urls.gsub(/ +/,'').split(/[nr]+/)
- pingback_or_trackback_urls = self.html_urls
- ping_urls = weblogupdatesping_urls + pingback_or_trackback_urls
- ping_urls.uniq.each do |url|
- begin
- unless pings.collect { |p| p.url }.include?(url.strip)
- ping ="url" => url)
- if weblogupdatesping_urls.include?(url)
- ping.send_weblogupdatesping(serverurl, articleurl)
- elsif pingback_or_trackback_urls.include?(url)
- ping.send_pingback_or_trackback(articleurl)
- end
- end
- rescue Exception => e
- logger.error(e)
- # in case the remote server doesn't respond or gives an error,
- # we should throw an xmlrpc error here.
- end
- end
- end
- def next
- self.class.find(:first, :conditions => ['published_at > ?', published_at],
- :order => 'published_at asc')
- end
- def previous
- self.class.find(:first, :conditions => ['published_at < ?', published_at],
- :order => 'published_at desc')
- end
- # Count articles on a certain date
- def self.count_by_date(year, month = nil, day = nil, limit = nil)
- if !year.blank?
- count(:conditions => { :published_at => time_delta(year, month, day),
- :published => true })
- else
- count(:conditions => { :published => true })
- end
- end
- def self.find_by_published_at
- super(:published_at)
- end
- # Finds one article which was posted on a certain date and matches the supplied dashed-title
- # params is a Hash
- def self.find_by_permalink(params)
- date_range = self.time_delta(params[:year], params[:month], params[:day])
- req_params = {}
- if params[:title]
- req_params[:permalink] = params[:title]
- end
- if date_range
- req_params[:published_at] = date_range
- end
- return nil if req_params.empty? # no search if no params send
- find_published(:first, :conditions => req_params) or raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- end
- def self.find_by_params_hash(params = {})
- params[:title] ||= params[:article_id]
- find_by_permalink(params)
- end
- # Fulltext searches the body of published articles
- def, args={})
- query_s = query.to_s.strip
- if !query_s.empty? && args.empty?
- Article.searchstring(query)
- elsif !query_s.empty? && !args.empty?
- Article.searchstring(query).paginate(args)
- else
- []
- end
- end
- def keywords_to_tags
- Article.transaction do
- tags.clear
- keywords.to_s.scan(/((['"]).*?2|[.w]+)/).collect do |x|
-""'", '')
- end.uniq.each do |tagword|
- tags << Tag.get(tagword)
- end
- end
- end
- def interested_users
- User.find_boolean(:all, :notify_on_new_articles)
- end
- def notify_user_via_email(user)
- if user.notify_via_email?
- EmailNotify.send_article(self, user)
- end
- end
- def comments_closed?
- !(allow_comments? && in_feedback_window?)
- end
- def pings_closed?
- !(allow_pings? && in_feedback_window?)
- end
- # check if time to comment is open or not
- def in_feedback_window?
- ||
- self.created_at.to_i >
- end
- def cast_to_boolean(value)
- ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Column.value_to_boolean(value)
- end
- # Cast the input value for published= before passing it to the state.
- def published=(newval)
- state.published = cast_to_boolean(newval)
- end
- # Bloody rails reloading. Nasty workaround.
- def allow_comments=(newval)
- returning(cast_to_boolean(newval)) do |val|
- if self[:allow_comments] != val
- changed if published?
- self[:allow_comments] = val
- end
- end
- end
- def allow_pings=(newval)
- returning(cast_to_boolean(newval)) do |val|
- if self[:allow_pings] != val
- changed if published?
- self[:allow_pings] = val
- end
- end
- end
- def body=(newval)
- if self[:body] != newval
- changed if published?
- self[:body] = newval
- end
- self[:body]
- end
- def extended=(newval)
- if self[:extended] != newval
- changed if published?
- self[:extended] = newval
- end
- self[:extended]
- end
- def self.html_map(field=nil)
- html_map = { :body => true, :extended => true }
- if field
- html_map[field.to_sym]
- else
- html_map
- end
- end
- def content_fields
- [:body, :extended]
- end
- # The web interface no longer distinguishes between separate "body" and
- # "extended" fields, and instead edits everything in a single edit field,
- # separating the extended content using "<!--more-->".
- def body_and_extended
- if extended.nil? || extended.empty?
- body
- else
- body + "n<!--more-->n" + extended
- end
- end
- # Split apart value around a "<!--more-->" comment and assign it to our
- # #body and #extended fields.
- def body_and_extended= value
- parts = value.split(/n?<!--more-->n?/, 2)
- self.body = parts[0]
- self.extended = parts[1] || ''
- end
- ## Feed Stuff
- def rss_trackback(xml)
- return unless allow_pings?
- xml.trackback :ping, trackback_url
- end
- def rss_enclosure(xml)
- return if resources.empty?
- res = resources.first
- xml.enclosure(:url => blog.file_url(res.filename),
- :length => res.size,
- :type => res.mime)
- end
- def rss_groupings(xml)
- categories.each { |v| v.to_rss(xml) }
- tags.each { |v| v.to_rss(xml) }
- end
- def rss_author(xml)
- if link_to_author?
-"#{} (#{})")
- end
- end
- def rss_comments(xml)
- xml.comments(normalized_permalink_url + "#comments")
- end
- def link_to_author?
- ! && blog.link_to_author
- end
- def rss_title(xml)
- xml.title title
- end
- def atom_author(xml)
- { }
- end
- def atom_title(xml)
- xml.title title, "type" => "html"
- end
- def atom_groupings(xml)
- categories.each {|v| v.to_atom(xml) }
- tags.each { |v| v.to_atom(xml) }
- end
- def atom_enclosures(xml)
- resources.each do |value|
- xml.with_options(value.size > 0 ? { :length => value.size } : { }) do |xm|
- "rel" => "enclosure",
- :type => value.mime,
- :title => title,
- :href => blog.file_url(value.filename)
- end
- end
- end
- def atom_content(entry)
- if self.user &&
- rss_desc = "<hr /><p><small>#{_('Original article writen by')} #{} #{_('and published on')} <a href='#{blog.base_url}'>#{blog.blog_name}</a> | <a href='#{self.permalink_url}'>#{_('direct link to this article')}</a> | #{_('If you are reading this article elsewhere than')} <a href='#{blog.base_url}'>#{blog.blog_name}</a>, #{_('it has been illegally reproduced and without proper authorization')}.</small></p>"
- else
- rss_desc = ""
- end
- post = blog.show_extended_on_rss ? post = html(:all) : post = html(:body)
- content = blog.rss_description ? post + rss_desc : post
- entry.content(content, :type => "html")
- end
- def add_comment(params)
- end
- def add_category(category, is_primary = false)
- => category, :is_primary => is_primary)
- end
- def access_by?(user)
- user.admin? || user_id ==
- end
- protected
- before_create :set_defaults, :create_guid
- before_save :set_published_at
- after_save :keywords_to_tags
- after_create :add_notifications
- def set_published_at
- if self.published and self[:published_at].nil?
- self[:published_at] = self.created_at ||
- end
- end
- def set_defaults
- if self.attributes.include?("permalink") and
- (self.permalink.blank? or
- self.permalink.to_s =~ /article-draft/ or
- self.state == "draft"
- )
- self.permalink = self.stripped_title
- end
- if blog && self.allow_comments.nil?
- self.allow_comments = blog.default_allow_comments
- end
- if blog && self.allow_pings.nil?
- self.allow_pings = blog.default_allow_pings
- end
- true
- end
- def add_notifications
- self.notify_users = User.find_boolean(:all, :notify_on_new_articles)
- self.notify_users << self.user if (self.user.notify_watch_my_articles? rescue false)
- self.notify_users.uniq!
- end
- def self.time_delta(year = nil, month = nil, day = nil)
- return nil if year.nil? && month.nil? && day.nil?
- from = Time.mktime(year, month || 1, day || 1)
- to = from.next_year
- to = from.next_month unless month.blank?
- to = from + unless day.blank?
- to = to - 1 # pull off 1 second so we don't overlap onto the next day
- return
- end
- validates_uniqueness_of :guid
- validates_presence_of :title
- private
- def fix_resources
- Resource.find(:all, :conditions => "article_id = #{id}").each do |fu|
- fu.article_id = nil
- end
- end
- end