- # BlogRequest is a fake Request object, created so blog.url_for will work.
- class BlogRequest
- attr_accessor :protocol, :host_with_port, :path, :symbolized_path_parameters, :relative_url_root
- def initialize(root)
- unless root =~ /(https?)://([^/]*)(.*)/
- raise "Invalid root argument: #{root}"
- end
- @protocol = $1
- @host_with_port = $2
- @relative_url_root = $3.gsub(%r{/$},'')
- @path = ''
- @symbolized_path_parameters = {}
- end
- end
- # The Blog class represents the one and only blog. It stores most
- # configuration settings and is linked to most of the assorted content
- # classes via has_many.
- #
- # Once upon a time, there were plans to make typo handle multiple blogs,
- # but it never happened and typo is now firmly single-blog.
- #
- class Blog < ActiveRecord::Base
- include ConfigManager
- extend ActiveSupport::Memoizable
- validate_on_create { |blog|
- unless
- blog.errors.add_to_base("There can only be one...")
- end
- }
- serialize :settings, Hash
- # Description
- setting :blog_name, :string, 'My Shiny Weblog!'
- setting :blog_subtitle, :string, ''
- setting :title_prefix, :integer, 0
- setting :geourl_location, :string, ''
- setting :canonical_server_url, :string, '' # Deprecated
- setting :lang, :string, 'en_US'
- # Spam
- setting :sp_global, :boolean, false
- setting :sp_article_auto_close, :integer, 0
- setting :sp_url_limit, :integer, 0
- setting :sp_akismet_key, :string, ''
- # Mostly Behaviour
- setting :text_filter, :string, 'markdown smartypants'
- setting :comment_text_filter, :string, 'markdown smartypants'
- setting :limit_article_display, :integer, 10
- setting :limit_rss_display, :integer, 10
- setting :default_allow_pings, :boolean, false
- setting :default_allow_comments, :boolean, true
- setting :default_moderate_comments, :boolean, false
- setting :link_to_author, :boolean, false
- setting :show_extended_on_rss, :boolean, true
- setting :theme, :string, 'true-blue-3'
- setting :use_gravatar, :boolean, false
- setting :global_pings_disable, :boolean, false
- setting :ping_urls, :string, ""
- setting :send_outbound_pings, :boolean, true
- setting :email_from, :string, ''
- setting :editor, :integer, 'visual'
- setting :cache_option, :string, 'caches_page'
- setting :allow_signup, :integer, 0
- # SEO
- setting :meta_description, :string, ''
- setting :meta_keywords, :string, ''
- setting :google_analytics, :string, ''
- setting :feedburner_url, :string, ''
- setting :rss_description, :boolean, false
- setting :permalink_format, :string, '/%year%/%month%/%day%/%title%'
- setting :robots, :string, ''
- setting :index_categories, :boolean, true
- setting :index_tags, :boolean, true
- setting :admin_display_elements, :integer, 10
- #deprecation warning for plugins removal
- setting :deprecation_warning, :integer, 1
- validate :permalink_has_identifier
- def initialize(*args)
- super
- # Yes, this is weird - PDC
- begin
- self.settings ||= {}
- rescue Exception => e
- self.settings = {}
- end
- end
- # The default Blog. This is the lowest-numbered blog, almost always
- # id==1. This should be the only blog as well.
- def self.default
- find(:first, :order => 'id')
- rescue
- logger.warn 'You have no blog installed.'
- nil
- end
- # In settings with :article_id
- def ping_article!(settings)
- unless global_pings_enabled? && settings.has_key?(:url) && settings.has_key?(:article_id)
- throw :error, "Invalid trackback or trackbacks not enabled"
- end
- settings[:blog_id] =
- article = Article.find(settings[:article_id])
- unless article.allow_pings?
- throw :error, "Trackback not saved"
- end
- article.trackbacks.create!(settings)
- end
- def global_pings_enabled?
- ! global_pings_disable?
- end
- # Check that all required blog settings have a value.
- def configured?
- settings.has_key?('blog_name')
- end
- # The +Theme+ object for the current theme.
- def current_theme
- Theme.find(theme)
- end
- memoize :current_theme
- # Generate a URL based on the +base_url+. This allows us to generate URLs
- # without needing a controller handy, so we can produce URLs from within models
- # where appropriate.
- #
- # It also caches the result in the RouteCache, so repeated URL generation
- # requests should be fast, as they bypass all of Rails' route logic.
- def url_for(options = {}, extra_params = {})
- @request ||=
- case options
- when String
- if extra_params[:only_path]
- url_generated = @request.relative_url_root
- else
- url_generated = self.base_url
- end
- url_generated += "/#{options}" # They asked for 'url_for "/some/path"', so return it unedited.
- url_generated += "##{extra_params[:anchor]}" if extra_params[:anchor]
- url_generated
- when Hash
- unless RouteCache[options]
- options.reverse_merge!(:only_path => false, :controller => '',
- :action => 'permalink')
- @url ||=, {})
- if ActionController::Base.relative_url_root.nil?
- old_relative_url = nil
- else
- old_relative_url = ActionController::Base.relative_url_root.dup
- end
- ActionController::Base.relative_url_root = @request.relative_url_root
- RouteCache[options] = @url.rewrite(options)
- ActionController::Base.relative_url_root = old_relative_url
- end
- return RouteCache[options]
- else
- raise "Invalid URL in url_for: #{options.inspect}"
- end
- end
- # The URL for a static file.
- def file_url(filename)
- "#{base_url}/files/#{filename}"
- end
- def requested_article(params)
- Article.find_by_params_hash(params)
- end
- def articles_matching(query, args={})
-, args)
- end
- def rss_limit_params
- limit = limit_rss_display.to_i
- return
- ? {}
- : {:limit => limit}
- end
- def permalink_has_identifier
- unless permalink_format =~ /(%year%|%month%|%day%|%title%)/
- errors.add(:permalink_format, _("You need a permalink format with an identifier : %%month%%, %%year%%, %%day%%, %%title%%"))
- end
- # A permalink cannot end in .atom or .rss. it's reserved for the feeds
- if permalink_format =~ /.(atom|rss)$/
- errors.add(:permalink_format, _("Can't end in .rss or .atom. These are reserved to be used for feed URLs"))
- end
- end
- end