- MultiUse = -1 'True
- Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
- DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
- Attribute VB_Name = "clsBF"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = True
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- '****************************************************************************
- '人人为我,我为人人
- '枕善居汉化收藏整理
- '发布日期:05/06/05
- '描 述:破解Access 数据库密码
- '网 站:http://www.mndsoft.com/
- 'e-mail:mnd@mndsoft.com
- 'OICQ : 88382850
- '****************************************************************************
- Dim sCharSet() As String
- Dim sFirstPass As String
- Dim sCurrentPass As String
- Dim iStartLen As Integer
- Dim PassPos() As Integer
- Dim sTotalCombo As String
- Public Event CombinationsPerSec(Combos As Long)
- Public Event TotalCombinations(Combos As String)
- Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
- Property Let CharacterSet(value As String)
- ReDim sCharSet(Len(value))
- For X = 1 To UBound(sCharSet)
- sCharSet(X) = Mid(value, X, 1)
- Next
- End Property
- Property Get CharacterSet() As String
- Dim sTmp As String
- For X = 1 To UBound(sCharSet)
- sTmp = sTmp & sCharSet(X)
- Next
- CharacterSet = sTmp
- End Property
- Property Let FirstPassword(value As String)
- sFirstPass = value
- End Property
- Property Get FirstPassword() As String
- FirstPassword = sFirstPass
- End Property
- Property Let CurrentPassword(value As String)
- sCurrentPass = value
- End Property
- Property Get CurrentPassword() As String
- CurrentPassword = sCurrentPass
- End Property
- Property Let StartLength(value As Integer)
- iStartLen = value
- End Property
- Property Get StartLength() As Integer
- StartLength = iStartLen
- End Property
- Private Sub Combinations()
- Static lComboCount As Long
- Static lComboTime As Long
- lComboCount = lComboCount + 1
- If GetTickCount - lComboTime >= 1000 Then 'if a second has past then
- DoEvents
- RaiseEvent CombinationsPerSec(lComboCount) 'Display # of combinations For that second
- lComboTime = GetTickCount
- sTotalCombo = sTotalCombo + lComboCount 'add to total of combinations
- lComboCount = 0 'reset number of Combinations For the Next second
- RaiseEvent TotalCombinations(sTotalCombo) 'Display # of total combinations
- End If
- End Sub
- Sub Initialize()
- sTotalCombo = 0
- If StartLength = 0 Then StartLength = 1
- If FirstPassword = "" Or Len(FirstPassword) < StartLength Then
- CurrentPassword = String(StartLength, sCharSet(1))
- Else
- CurrentPassword = sFirstPass
- End If
- ReDim PassPos(Len(CurrentPassword))
- For X = 1 To Len(CurrentPassword)
- For Y = 1 To UBound(sCharSet)
- If Mid(StrReverse(CurrentPassword), X, 1) = sCharSet(Y) Then
- PassPos(X) = Y
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- Next
- End Sub
- Function BruteForce() As String
- Dim sTmp As String
- Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer
- Dim TmpPass() As Integer
- For X = 1 To Len(CurrentPassword)
- If X = Len(CurrentPassword) And PassPos(X) >= UBound(sCharSet) Then
- ReDim TmpPass(UBound(PassPos))
- For Y = 1 To UBound(PassPos)
- TmpPass(Y) = PassPos(Y)
- Next
- ReDim PassPos(UBound(PassPos) + 1)
- PassPos(UBound(PassPos)) = 0
- For Y = 1 To UBound(TmpPass)
- PassPos(Y) = TmpPass(Y)
- Next
- End If
- If PassPos(X) >= UBound(sCharSet) Then
- PassPos(X) = 1
- PassPos(X + 1) = PassPos(X + 1) + 1
- If PassPos(X + 1) <= UBound(sCharSet) Then Exit For
- Else
- PassPos(X) = PassPos(X) + 1
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- For X = UBound(PassPos) To 1 Step -1
- sTmp = sTmp & sCharSet(PassPos(X))
- Next
- Combinations
- CurrentPassword = sTmp
- BruteForce = CurrentPassword
- End Function