资源名称:delphi.rar [点击查看]
- {*******************************************************}
- { }
- { Delphi Visual Component Library }
- { ClientDataSet Standard Reconcile Error Dialog }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) 1998 Borland International }
- { }
- {*******************************************************}
- { Note: To use this dialog you should add a call to HandleReconcileError in
- the OnReconcileError event handler of TClientDataSet (see the Client dataset
- demos for an example). Also, after adding this unit to your project you must
- go into the Project Options dialog and remove this form from the list of
- Auto-created forms or an error will occur when compiling. }
- unit Reconc;
- interface
- uses
- SysUtils, Windows, Variants, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
- Dialogs, StdCtrls, Grids, DB, DBClient, Provider, ExtCtrls;
- const
- ActionStr: array[TReconcileAction] of string = ('Skip', 'Abort', 'Merge',
- 'Correct', 'Cancel', 'Refresh');
- UpdateKindStr: array[TUpdateKind] of string = ('Modified', 'Inserted',
- 'Deleted');
- SCaption = 'Update Error - %s';
- SUnchanged = '<Unchanged>';
- SBinary = '(Binary)';
- SFieldName = 'Field Name';
- SOriginal = 'Original Value';
- SConflict = 'Conflicting Value';
- SValue = ' Value';
- SNoData = '<No Records>';
- SNew = 'New';
- type
- TReconcileErrorForm = class(TForm)
- UpdateType: TLabel;
- UpdateData: TStringGrid;
- ActionGroup: TRadioGroup;
- CancelBtn: TButton;
- OKBtn: TButton;
- ConflictsOnly: TCheckBox;
- IconImage: TImage;
- ErrorMsg: TMemo;
- ChangedOnly: TCheckBox;
- procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
- procedure UpdateDataSetEditText(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer;
- const Value: string);
- procedure DisplayFieldValues(Sender: TObject);
- procedure UpdateDataSelectCell(Sender: TObject; Col, Row: Integer;
- var CanSelect: Boolean);
- private
- FDataSet: TDataSet;
- FError: EReconcileError;
- FUpdateKind: TUpdateKind;
- FDataFields: TList;
- FCurColIdx: Integer;
- FNewColIdx: Integer;
- FOldColIdx: Integer;
- procedure AdjustColumnWidths;
- procedure InitDataFields;
- procedure InitUpdateData(HasCurValues: Boolean);
- procedure InitReconcileActions;
- procedure SetFieldValues(DataSet: TDataSet);
- public
- constructor CreateForm(DataSet: TDataSet; UpdateKind: TUpdateKind;
- Error: EReconcileError);
- end;
- function HandleReconcileError(DataSet: TDataSet; UpdateKind: TUpdateKind;
- ReconcileError: EReconcileError): TReconcileAction;
- implementation
- {$R *.dfm}
- type
- PFieldData = ^TFieldData;
- TFieldData = record
- Field: TField;
- NewValue: string;
- OldValue: string;
- CurValue: string;
- EditValue: string;
- Edited: Boolean;
- end;
- { Public and Private Methods }
- function HandleReconcileError(DataSet: TDataSet; UpdateKind: TUpdateKind;
- ReconcileError: EReconcileError): TReconcileAction;
- var
- UpdateForm: TReconcileErrorForm;
- begin
- UpdateForm := TReconcileErrorForm.CreateForm(DataSet, UpdateKind, ReconcileError);
- with UpdateForm do
- try
- if ShowModal = mrOK then
- begin
- Result := TReconcileAction(ActionGroup.Items.Objects[ActionGroup.ItemIndex]);
- if Result = raCorrect then SetFieldValues(DataSet);
- end else
- Result := raAbort;
- finally
- Free;
- end;
- end;
- { Routine to convert a variant value into a string.
- Handles binary fields types and "empty" (Unchanged) field values specially }
- function VarToString(V: Variant; DataType: TFieldType): string;
- const
- BinaryDataTypes: set of TFieldType = [ftBytes, ftVarBytes, ftBlob,
- ftGraphic..ftCursor];
- begin
- try
- if VarIsClear(V) then
- Result := SUnchanged
- else if DataType in BinaryDataTypes then
- Result := SBinary
- else
- Result := VarToStr(V);
- except
- on E: Exception do
- Result := E.Message;
- end;
- end;
- { TReconcileErrorForm }
- constructor TReconcileErrorForm.CreateForm(DataSet: TDataSet;
- UpdateKind: TUpdateKind; Error: EReconcileError);
- begin
- FDataSet := DataSet;
- FUpdateKind := UpdateKind;
- FError := Error;
- inherited Create(Application);
- end;
- { Create a list of the data fields in the dataset, and store string values
- associated with NewValue, OldValue, and CurValue in string variables
- to make display switching faster }
- procedure TReconcileErrorForm.InitDataFields;
- var
- I: Integer;
- FD: PFieldData;
- V: Variant;
- HasCurValues: Boolean;
- begin
- HasCurValues := False;
- for I := 0 to FDataSet.FieldCount - 1 do
- with FDataset.Fields[I] do
- begin
- if (FieldKind <> fkData) then Continue;
- FD := New(PFieldData);
- try
- FD.Field := FDataset.Fields[I];
- FD.Edited := False;
- if FUpdateKind <> ukDelete then
- FD.NewValue := VarToString(NewValue, DataType);
- V := CurValue;
- if not VarIsClear(V) then HasCurValues := True;
- FD.CurValue := VarToString(CurValue, DataType);
- if FUpdateKind <> ukInsert then
- FD.OldValue := VarToString(OldValue, DataType);
- FDataFields.Add(FD);
- except
- Dispose(FD);
- raise;
- end;
- end;
- InitUpdateData(HasCurValues);
- end;
- { Initialize the column indexes and grid titles }
- procedure TReconcileErrorForm.InitUpdateData(HasCurValues: Boolean);
- var
- FColCount: Integer;
- begin
- FColCount := 1;
- UpdateData.ColCount := 4;
- UpdateData.Cells[0,0] := SFieldName;
- if FUpdateKind <> ukDelete then
- begin
- FNewColIdx := FColCount;
- Inc(FColCount);
- UpdateData.Cells[FNewColIdx,0] := UpdateKindStr[FUpdateKind] + SValue;
- end else
- begin
- FOldColIdx := FColCount;
- Inc(FColCount);
- UpdateData.Cells[FOldColIdx,0] := SOriginal;
- end;
- if HasCurValues then
- begin
- FCurColIdx := FColCount;
- Inc(FColCount);
- UpdateData.Cells[FCurColIdx,0] := SConflict;
- end;
- if FUpdateKind = ukModify then
- begin
- FOldColIdx := FColCount;
- Inc(FColCount);
- UpdateData.Cells[FOldColIdx,0] := SOriginal;
- end;
- UpdateData.ColCount := FColCount;
- end;
- { Update the reconcile action radio group based on the valid reconcile actions }
- procedure TReconcileErrorForm.InitReconcileActions;
- procedure AddAction(Action: TReconcileAction);
- begin
- ActionGroup.Items.AddObject(ActionStr[Action], TObject(Action));
- end;
- begin
- AddAction(raSkip);
- AddAction(raCancel);
- AddAction(raCorrect);
- if FCurColIdx > 0 then
- begin
- AddAction(raRefresh);
- AddAction(raMerge);
- end;
- ActionGroup.ItemIndex := 0;
- end;
- { Update the grid based on the current display options }
- procedure TReconcileErrorForm.DisplayFieldValues(Sender: TObject);
- var
- I: Integer;
- CurRow: Integer;
- Action: TReconcileAction;
- begin
- if not Visible then Exit;
- Action := TReconcileAction(ActionGroup.Items.Objects[ActionGroup.ItemIndex]);
- UpdateData.Col := 1;
- UpdateData.Row := 1;
- CurRow := 1;
- UpdateData.RowCount := 2;
- UpdateData.Cells[0, CurRow] := SNoData;
- for I := 1 to UpdateData.ColCount - 1 do
- UpdateData.Cells[I, CurRow] := '';
- for I := 0 to FDataFields.Count - 1 do
- with PFieldData(FDataFields[I])^ do
- begin
- if ConflictsOnly.Checked and (CurValue = SUnChanged) then Continue;
- if ChangedOnly.Checked and (NewValue = SUnChanged) then Continue;
- UpdateData.RowCount := CurRow + 1;
- UpdateData.Cells[0, CurRow] := Field.DisplayName;
- if FNewColIdx > 0 then
- begin
- case Action of
- raCancel, raRefresh:
- UpdateData.Cells[FNewColIdx, CurRow] := SUnChanged;
- raCorrect:
- if Edited then
- UpdateData.Cells[FNewColIdx, CurRow] := EditValue else
- UpdateData.Cells[FNewColIdx, CurRow] := NewValue;
- else
- UpdateData.Cells[FNewColIdx, CurRow] := NewValue;
- end;
- UpdateData.Objects[FNewColIdx, CurRow] := FDataFields[I];
- end;
- if FCurColIdx > 0 then
- UpdateData.Cells[FCurColIdx, CurRow] := CurValue;
- if FOldColIdx > 0 then
- if (Action in [raMerge, raRefresh]) and (CurValue <> SUnchanged) then
- UpdateData.Cells[FOldColIdx, CurRow] := CurValue else
- UpdateData.Cells[FOldColIdx, CurRow] := OldValue;
- Inc(CurRow);
- end;
- AdjustColumnWidths;
- end;
- { For fields that the user has edited, copy the changes back into the
- NewValue property of the associated field }
- procedure TReconcileErrorForm.SetFieldValues(DataSet: TDataSet);
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- for I := 0 to FDataFields.Count - 1 do
- with PFieldData(FDataFields[I])^ do
- if Edited then Field.NewValue := EditValue;
- end;
- procedure TReconcileErrorForm.AdjustColumnWidths;
- var
- NewWidth, I: integer;
- begin
- with UpdateData do
- begin
- NewWidth := (ClientWidth - ColWidths[0]) div (ColCount - 1);
- for I := 1 to ColCount - 1 do
- ColWidths[I] := NewWidth - 1;
- end;
- end;
- { Event handlers }
- procedure TReconcileErrorForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if FDataSet = nil then Exit;
- FDataFields := TList.Create;
- InitDataFields;
- Caption := Format(SCaption, [FDataSet.Name]);
- UpdateType.Caption := UpdateKindStr[FUpdateKind];
- ErrorMsg.Text := FError.Message;
- if FError.Context <> '' then
- ErrorMsg.Lines.Add(FError.Context);
- ConflictsOnly.Enabled := FCurColIdx > 0;
- ConflictsOnly.Checked := ConflictsOnly.Enabled;
- ChangedOnly.Enabled := FNewColIdx > 0;
- InitReconcileActions;
- UpdateData.DefaultRowHeight := UpdateData.Canvas.TextHeight('SWgjp') + 7; { Do not localize }
- end;
- procedure TReconcileErrorForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- if Assigned(FDataFields) then
- begin
- for I := 0 to FDataFields.Count - 1 do
- Dispose(PFieldData(FDataFields[I]));
- FDataFields.Destroy;
- end;
- end;
- { Set the Edited flag in the DataField list and save the value }
- procedure TReconcileErrorForm.UpdateDataSetEditText(Sender: TObject; ACol,
- ARow: Integer; const Value: string);
- begin
- PFieldData(UpdateData.Objects[ACol, ARow]).EditValue := Value;
- PFieldData(UpdateData.Objects[ACol, ARow]).Edited := True;
- end;
- { Enable the editing in the grid if we are on the NewValue column and the
- current reconcile action is raCorrect }
- procedure TReconcileErrorForm.UpdateDataSelectCell(Sender: TObject; Col,
- Row: Integer; var CanSelect: Boolean);
- begin
- if (Col = FNewColIdx) and
- (TReconcileAction(ActionGroup.Items.Objects[ActionGroup.ItemIndex]) = raCorrect) then
- UpdateData.Options := UpdateData.Options + [goEditing] else
- UpdateData.Options := UpdateData.Options - [goEditing];
- end;
- end.