资源名称:delphi.rar [点击查看]
- unit TotalF;
- interface
- uses
- SysUtils, Windows, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls,
- StdCtrls, Forms, DBCtrls, DB, Buttons, DBTables, Mask, ExtCtrls,
- Dialogs, Spin, DBActns, ActnList, ImgList, ComCtrls, ToolWin;
- type
- TSearchForm = class(TForm)
- DataSource1: TDataSource;
- Table1: TTable;
- Table1EmpNo: TIntegerField;
- Table1LastName: TStringField;
- Table1FirstName: TStringField;
- Table1PhoneExt: TStringField;
- Table1HireDate: TDateTimeField;
- Table1Salary: TCurrencyField;
- ScrollBox: TScrollBox;
- Label1: TLabel;
- Label2: TLabel;
- Label3: TLabel;
- Label4: TLabel;
- Label5: TLabel;
- Label6: TLabel;
- EditEmpNo: TDBEdit;
- EditLastName: TDBEdit;
- EditFirstName: TDBEdit;
- EditPhoneExt: TDBEdit;
- EditHireDate: TDBEdit;
- EditSalary: TDBEdit;
- ToolBar1: TToolBar;
- ToolButton1: TToolButton;
- ToolButton2: TToolButton;
- ToolButton3: TToolButton;
- ToolButton4: TToolButton;
- ToolButton5: TToolButton;
- EditName: TEdit;
- ToolButton7: TToolButton;
- ActionList: TActionList;
- DataSetFirst1: TDataSetFirst;
- DataSetLast1: TDataSetLast;
- DataSetNext1: TDataSetNext;
- DataSetPrior1: TDataSetPrior;
- ActionGoto: TAction;
- ImageList: TImageList;
- ToolButton8: TToolButton;
- SpinEdit1: TSpinEdit;
- ToolButton9: TToolButton;
- ToolButton10: TToolButton;
- ActionTotal: TAction;
- ActionIncrease: TAction;
- procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- procedure ActionIncreaseExecute(Sender: TObject);
- procedure ActionTotalExecute(Sender: TObject);
- procedure ActionGotoExecute(Sender: TObject);
- procedure ActionGotoUpdate(Sender: TObject);
- private
- { private declarations }
- public
- { public declarations }
- end;
- var
- SearchForm: TSearchForm;
- implementation
- {$R *.DFM}
- procedure TSearchForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- Table1.IndexFieldNames := 'LastName';
- Table1.First;
- end;
- procedure TSearchForm.ActionIncreaseExecute(Sender: TObject);
- var
- Bookmark: TBookmarkStr;
- Total: Real;
- begin
- // store the current position in a bookmark
- Bookmark := Table1.Bookmark;
- Table1.DisableControls;
- Total := 0;
- try
- Table1.First;
- while not Table1.EOF do
- begin
- // start edit mode
- Table1.Edit;
- Table1Salary.Value := Round (Table1Salary.Value *
- SpinEdit1.Value) / 100;
- Total := Total + Table1Salary.Value;
- Table1.Next;
- end;
- finally
- // go back to the bookmark
- Table1.Bookmark := Bookmark;
- Table1.EnableControls;
- end;
- MessageDlg ('Sum of new salaries is ' +
- Format ('%m', [Total]), mtInformation, [mbOk], 0);
- end;
- procedure TSearchForm.ActionTotalExecute(Sender: TObject);
- var
- Bookmark: TBookmarkStr;
- Total: Real;
- begin
- // store the current position in a bookmark
- Bookmark := Table1.Bookmark;
- Table1.DisableControls;
- Total := 0;
- try
- Table1.First;
- while not Table1.EOF do
- begin
- Total := Total + Table1Salary.Value;
- Table1.Next;
- end;
- finally
- // go back to the bookmark
- Table1.Bookmark := Bookmark;
- Table1.EnableControls;
- end;
- MessageDlg ('Sum of new salaries is ' +
- Format ('%m', [Total]), mtInformation, [mbOk], 0);
- end;
- procedure TSearchForm.ActionGotoExecute(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if not Table1.Locate ('LastName', EditName.Text, []) then
- MessageDlg ('Name not found', mtError, [mbOk], 0);
- end;
- procedure TSearchForm.ActionGotoUpdate(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- ActionGoto.Enabled := EditName.Text <> '';
- end;
- end.