资源名称:delphi.rar [点击查看]
- unit ClientForm;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- StdCtrls, ScktComp, ExtCtrls;
- type
- TCliStatus = (csIdle, csList, csBitmap, csText, csError);
- TForm1 = class(TForm)
- ClientSocket1: TClientSocket;
- cbActivate: TCheckBox;
- EditServer: TEdit;
- Label4: TLabel;
- btnExec: TButton;
- EditServerFile: TEdit;
- Label2: TLabel;
- ListFiles: TListBox;
- Label1: TLabel;
- EditDir: TEdit;
- btnGetDir: TButton;
- LabelDir: TLabel;
- Bevel1: TBevel;
- btnBitmap: TButton;
- btnText: TButton;
- procedure ClientSocket1Connect(Sender: TObject;
- Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
- procedure ClientSocket1Disconnect(Sender: TObject;
- Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
- procedure cbActivateClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure btnExecClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure ClientSocket1Read(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
- procedure btnGetDirClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure ListFilesClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure btnBitmapClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure btnTextClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- private
- CliStatus: TCliStatus;
- Buffer: array [0..9999] of Char;
- end;
- var
- Form1: TForm1;
- implementation
- {$R *.DFM}
- uses
- CliBmp, CliText;
- procedure TForm1.ClientSocket1Connect(Sender: TObject;
- Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
- begin
- Caption := 'Connected';
- end;
- procedure TForm1.ClientSocket1Disconnect(Sender: TObject;
- Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
- begin
- Caption := 'Disconnected';
- end;
- procedure TForm1.cbActivateClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if not ClientSocket1.Active then
- ClientSocket1.Address := EditServer.Text;
- ClientSocket1.Active := cbActivate.Checked;
- end;
- procedure TForm1.btnExecClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- ClientSocket1.Socket.SendText ('EXEC!' + EditServerFile.Text);
- end;
- procedure TForm1.ClientSocket1Read(Sender: TObject;
- Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
- var
- strIn: string;
- Stream: TMemoryStream;
- nReceived: Integer;
- begin
- case CliStatus of
- // look for data to receive
- csIdle:
- begin
- Socket.ReceiveBuf (Buffer, 5);
- strIn := Copy (Buffer, 1, 5);
- if strIn = 'TEXT!' then
- CliStatus := csText
- else if strIn = 'BITM!' then
- CliStatus := csBitmap
- else if strIn = 'LIST!' then
- CliStatus := csList
- else if strIn = 'ERROR' then
- CliStatus := csError;
- end;
- // show the messages (might actually not be an error)
- csError:
- begin
- ShowMessage (Socket.ReceiveText);
- cliStatus := csIdle;
- end;
- // get a directory listing
- csList:
- begin
- ListFiles.Items.Text := Socket.ReceiveText;
- cliStatus := csIdle;
- end;
- // read a text file
- csText:
- begin
- with TFormText.Create (Application) do
- begin
- Memo1.Text := Socket.ReceiveText;
- Show;
- end;
- cliStatus := csIdle;
- end;
- // read a bitmap file
- csBitmap:
- with TFormBmp.Create (Application) do
- begin
- Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- Screen.Cursor := crHourglass;
- try
- while True do
- begin
- nReceived := Socket.ReceiveBuf (Buffer, sizeof (Buffer));
- if nReceived <= 0 then
- Break
- else
- Stream.Write (Buffer, nReceived);
- // delay (200 milliseconds)
- Sleep (200);
- end;
- // reset and load the temporary file
- Stream.Position := 0;
- Image1.Picture.Bitmap.LoadFromStream (Stream);
- finally
- Stream.Free;
- Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
- end;
- Show;
- cliStatus := csIdle;
- end;
- end; // case
- end;
- procedure TForm1.btnGetDirClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- ClientSocket1.Socket.SendText ('LIST!' + EditDir.Text);
- LabelDir.Caption := EditDir.Text;
- end;
- procedure TForm1.ListFilesClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- EditServerFile.Text := LabelDir.Caption + '' +
- ListFiles.Items [ListFiles.ItemIndex];
- end;
- procedure TForm1.btnBitmapClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- ClientSocket1.Socket.SendText ('BITM!' + EditServerFile.Text);
- end;
- procedure TForm1.btnTextClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- ClientSocket1.Socket.SendText ('TEXT!' + EditServerFile.Text);
- end;
- procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- CliStatus := csIdle;
- end;
- end.