资源名称:MEIMS.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="Yes">
- <!---
- * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet -
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
- *
- *
- * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
- * choice:
- *
- * - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
- *
- *
- * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
- *
- *
- * - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
- *
- *
- * == END LICENSE ==
- *
- * This file include IO specific functions used by the ColdFusion Connector (MX 6.0 and above).
- *
- --->
- <cffunction name="CombinePaths" returntype="String" output="true">
- <cfargument name="sBasePath" required="true">
- <cfargument name="sFolder" required="true">
- <cfset sBasePath = RemoveFromEnd( sBasePath, "/" )>
- <cfset sBasePath = RemoveFromEnd( sBasePath, "" )>
- <cfreturn sBasePath & "/" & RemoveFromStart( ARGUMENTS.sFolder, '/' )>
- </cffunction>
- <cffunction name="GetResourceTypePath" returntype="String" output="false">
- <cfargument name="resourceType" required="true">
- <cfargument name="sCommand" required="true">
- <cfif ARGUMENTS.sCommand eq "QuickUpload">
- <cfreturn REQUEST.Config['QuickUploadPath'][ARGUMENTS.resourceType]>
- <cfelse>
- <cfreturn REQUEST.Config['FileTypesPath'][ARGUMENTS.resourceType]>
- </cfif>
- </cffunction>
- <cffunction name="GetResourceTypeDirectory" returntype="String" output="false">
- <cfargument name="resourceType" required="true">
- <cfargument name="sCommand" required="true">
- <cfif ARGUMENTS.sCommand eq "QuickUpload">
- <cfif isDefined( "REQUEST.Config.QuickUploadAbsolutePath" )
- and structkeyexists( REQUEST.Config.QuickUploadAbsolutePath, ARGUMENTS.resourceType )
- and Len( REQUEST.Config.QuickUploadAbsolutePath[ARGUMENTS.resourceType] )>
- <cfreturn REQUEST.Config.QuickUploadAbsolutePath[ARGUMENTS.resourceType]>
- </cfif>
- <cfreturn expandpath( REQUEST.Config.QuickUploadPath[ARGUMENTS.resourceType] )>
- <cfelse>
- <cfif isDefined( "REQUEST.Config.FileTypesAbsolutePath" )
- and structkeyexists( REQUEST.Config.FileTypesAbsolutePath, ARGUMENTS.resourceType )
- and Len( REQUEST.Config.FileTypesAbsolutePath[ARGUMENTS.resourceType] )>
- <cfreturn REQUEST.Config.FileTypesAbsolutePath[ARGUMENTS.resourceType]>
- </cfif>
- <cfreturn expandpath( REQUEST.Config.FileTypesPath[ARGUMENTS.resourceType] )>
- </cfif>
- </cffunction>
- <cffunction name="GetUrlFromPath" returntype="String" output="false">
- <cfargument name="resourceType" required="true">
- <cfargument name="folderPath" required="true">
- <cfargument name="sCommand" required="true">
- <cfreturn CombinePaths( GetResourceTypePath( ARGUMENTS.resourceType, ARGUMENTS.sCommand ), ARGUMENTS.folderPath )>
- </cffunction>
- <cffunction name="RemoveExtension" output="false" returntype="String">
- <cfargument name="fileName" required="true">
- <cfset var pos = find( ".", reverse ( ARGUMENTS.fileName ) )>
- <cfreturn mid( ARGUMENTS.fileName, 1, Len( ARGUMENTS.fileName ) - pos ) >
- </cffunction>
- <cffunction name="GetExtension" output="false" returntype="String">
- <cfargument name="fileName" required="true">
- <cfset var pos = find( ".", reverse ( ARGUMENTS.fileName ) )>
- <cfif not pos>
- <cfreturn "">
- </cfif>
- <cfreturn mid( ARGUMENTS.fileName, pos, Len( ARGUMENTS.fileName ) - pos ) >
- </cffunction>
- <cffunction name="ServerMapFolder" returntype="String" output="false">
- <cfargument name="resourceType" required="true">
- <cfargument name="folderPath" required="true">
- <cfargument name="sCommand" required="true">
- <!--- Get the resource type directory. --->
- <cfset var sResourceTypePath = GetResourceTypeDirectory( ARGUMENTS.resourceType, ARGUMENTS.sCommand ) >
- <!--- Ensure that the directory exists. --->
- <cfset var sErrorMsg = CreateServerFolder( sResourceTypePath ) >
- <cfif sErrorMsg neq ''>
- <cfset SendError( 1, 'Error creating folder "' & sResourceTypePath & '" (' & sErrorMsg & ')' )>
- </cfif>
- <!--- Return the resource type directory combined with the required path. --->
- <cfreturn CombinePaths( sResourceTypePath , ARGUMENTS.folderPath )>
- </cffunction>
- <cffunction name="GetParentFolder" returntype="string" output="false">
- <cfargument name="folderPath" required="true">
- <cfreturn rereplace(ARGUMENTS.folderPath, "[/\\][^/\\]+[/\\]?$", "")>
- </cffunction>
- <cffunction name="CreateServerFolder" returntype="String" output="false">
- <cfargument name="folderPath">
- <!--- Ensure the folder path has no double-slashes, or mkdir may fail on certain platforms --->
- <cfset folderPath = rereplace(ARGUMENTS.folderPath, "//+", "/", "all")>
- <cfif directoryexists(ARGUMENTS.folderPath) or fileexists(ARGUMENTS.folderPath)>
- <cfreturn "">
- <cfelse>
- <cftry>
- <cfdirectory action="create" mode="0755" directory="#ARGUMENTS.folderPath#">
- <cfcatch type="any">
- <cfreturn CFCATCH.Message>
- </cfcatch>
- </cftry>
- </cfif>
- <cfreturn "">
- </cffunction>
- <cffunction name="IsAllowedExt" returntype="boolean" output="false">
- <cfargument name="sExtension" required="true">
- <cfargument name="resourceType" required="true">
- <cfif isDefined( "REQUEST.Config.AllowedExtensions." & ARGUMENTS.resourceType )
- and listLen( REQUEST.Config.AllowedExtensions[ARGUMENTS.resourceType] )
- and not listFindNoCase( REQUEST.Config.AllowedExtensions[ARGUMENTS.resourceType], ARGUMENTS.sExtension )>
- <cfreturn false>
- </cfif>
- <cfif isDefined( "REQUEST.Config.DeniedExtensions." & ARGUMENTS.resourceType )
- and listLen( REQUEST.Config.DeniedExtensions[ARGUMENTS.resourceType] )
- and listFindNoCase( REQUEST.Config.DeniedExtensions[ARGUMENTS.resourceType], ARGUMENTS.sExtension )>
- <cfreturn false>
- </cfif>
- <cfreturn true>
- </cffunction>
- <cffunction name="IsAllowedType" returntype="boolean" output="false">
- <cfargument name="resourceType">
- <cfif not listFindNoCase( REQUEST.Config.ConfigAllowedTypes, ARGUMENTS.resourceType )>
- <cfreturn false>
- </cfif>
- <cfreturn true>
- </cffunction>
- <cffunction name="IsAllowedCommand" returntype="boolean" output="true">
- <cfargument name="sCommand" required="true" type="String">
- <cfif not listFindNoCase( REQUEST.Config.ConfigAllowedCommands, ARGUMENTS.sCommand )>
- <cfreturn false>
- </cfif>
- <cfreturn true>
- </cffunction>
- <cffunction name="GetCurrentFolder" returntype="String" output="false">
- <cfset var sCurrentFolder = "/">
- <cfif isDefined( "URL.CurrentFolder" )>
- <cfset sCurrentFolder = URL.CurrentFolder>
- </cfif>
- <!--- Check the current folder syntax (must begin and start with a slash). --->
- <cfif not refind( "/$", sCurrentFolder)>
- <cfset sCurrentFolder = sCurrentFolder & "/">
- </cfif>
- <cfif not refind( "^/", sCurrentFolder )>
- <cfset sCurrentFolder = "/" & sCurrentFolder>
- </cfif>
- <!--- Ensure the folder path has no double-slashes, or mkdir may fail on certain platforms --->
- <cfset sCurrentFolder = rereplace( sCurrentFolder, "//+", "/", "all" )>
- <cfif find( "..", sCurrentFolder)>
- <cfset SendError( 102, "" )>
- </cfif>
- <cfreturn sCurrentFolder>
- </cffunction>
- <cffunction name="SanitizeFolderName" returntype="String" output="false">
- <cfargument name="sNewFolderName" required="true">
- <!--- Do a cleanup of the folder name to avoid possible problems --->
- <!--- Remove . / | : ? * " < > --->
- <cfset sNewFolderName = rereplace( sNewFolderName, '.+|\+|/+||+|:+|?+|*+|"+|<+|>+', "_", "all" )>
- <cfreturn sNewFolderName>
- </cffunction>
- <cffunction name="BinaryFileRead" returntype="String" output="true">
- <cfargument name="fileName" required="true" type="string">
- <cfargument name="bytes" required="true" type="Numeric">
- <cfscript>
- var chunk = "";
- var fileReaderClass = "";
- var fileReader = "";
- var file = "";
- var done = false;
- var counter = 0;
- var byteArray = "";
- if( not fileExists( ARGUMENTS.fileName ) )
- {
- return "" ;
- }
- if (REQUEST.CFVersion gte 8)
- {
- file = FileOpen( ARGUMENTS.fileName, "readbinary" ) ;
- byteArray = FileRead( file, 1024 ) ;
- chunk = toString( toBinary( toBase64( byteArray ) ) ) ;
- FileClose( file ) ;
- }
- else
- {
- fileReaderClass = createObject("java", "");
- fileReader = fileReaderClass.init(fileName);
- while(not done)
- {
- char =;
- counter = counter + 1;
- if ( char eq -1 or counter eq ARGUMENTS.bytes)
- {
- done = true;
- }
- else
- {
- chunk = chunk & chr(char) ;
- }
- }
- }
- </cfscript>
- <cfreturn chunk>
- </cffunction>
- <cffunction name="SendUploadResults" returntype="String" output="true">
- <cfargument name="errorNumber" required="true" type="Numeric">
- <cfargument name="fileUrl" required="false" type="String" default="">
- <cfargument name="fileName" required="false" type="String" default="">
- <cfargument name="customMsg" required="false" type="String" default="">
- <cfoutput>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- window.parent.OnUploadCompleted( #errorNumber#, "#JSStringFormat(fileUrl)#", "#JSStringFormat(fileName)#", "#JSStringFormat(customMsg)#" );
- </script>
- </cfoutput>
- <cfabort>
- </cffunction>
- <cffunction name="SanitizeFileName" returntype="String" output="false">
- <cfargument name="sNewFileName" required="true">
- <cfif isDefined("REQUEST.Config.ForceSingleExtension") and REQUEST.Config.ForceSingleExtension>
- <cfset sNewFileName = rereplace( sNewFileName, '.(?![^.]*$)', "_", "all" )>
- </cfif>
- <!--- Do a cleanup of the file name to avoid possible problems --->
- <!--- Remove / | : ? * " < > --->
- <cfset sNewFileName = rereplace( sNewFileName, '\[.]+|\+|/+||+|:+|?+|*+|"+|<+|>+', "_", "all" )>
- <cfreturn sNewFileName>
- </cffunction>