- // quaternion.h
- //
- // Copyright (C) 2000-2006, Chris Laurel <claurel@shatters.net>
- //
- // Template-ized quaternion math library.
- //
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #ifndef _QUATERNION_H_
- #define _QUATERNION_H_
- #include <limits>
- #include <celmath/mathlib.h>
- #include <celmath/vecmath.h>
- template<class T> class Quaternion
- {
- public:
- inline Quaternion();
- inline Quaternion(const Quaternion<T>&);
- inline Quaternion(T);
- inline Quaternion(const Vector3<T>&);
- inline Quaternion(T, const Vector3<T>&);
- inline Quaternion(T, T, T, T);
- inline Quaternion(const Matrix3<T>&);
- inline Quaternion& operator+=(Quaternion);
- inline Quaternion& operator-=(Quaternion);
- inline Quaternion& operator*=(T);
- Quaternion& operator*=(Quaternion);
- inline Quaternion operator~() const; // conjugate
- inline Quaternion operator-() const;
- inline Quaternion operator+() const;
- void setAxisAngle(Vector3<T> axis, T angle);
- void getAxisAngle(Vector3<T>& axis, T& angle) const;
- Matrix4<T> toMatrix4() const;
- Matrix3<T> toMatrix3() const;
- static Quaternion<T> slerp(const Quaternion<T>&, const Quaternion<T>&, T);
- static Quaternion<T> vecToVecRotation(const Vector3<T>& v0,
- const Vector3<T>& v1);
- static Quaternion<T> matrixToQuaternion(const Matrix3<T>& m);
- void rotate(Vector3<T> axis, T angle);
- void xrotate(T angle);
- void yrotate(T angle);
- void zrotate(T angle);
- bool isPure() const;
- bool isReal() const;
- T normalize();
- static Quaternion<T> xrotation(T);
- static Quaternion<T> yrotation(T);
- static Quaternion<T> zrotation(T);
- static Quaternion<T> lookAt(const Point3<T>& from, const Point3<T>& to, const Vector3<T>& up);
- T w, x, y, z;
- };
- typedef Quaternion<float> Quatf;
- typedef Quaternion<double> Quatd;
- template<class T> Quaternion<T>::Quaternion() : w(0), x(0), y(0), z(0)
- {
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T>::Quaternion(const Quaternion<T>& q) :
- w(q.w), x(q.x), y(q.y), z(q.z)
- {
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T>::Quaternion(T re) :
- w(re), x(0), y(0), z(0)
- {
- }
- // Create a 'pure' quaternion
- template<class T> Quaternion<T>::Quaternion(const Vector3<T>& im) :
- w(0), x(im.x), y(im.y), z(im.z)
- {
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T>::Quaternion(T re, const Vector3<T>& im) :
- w(re), x(im.x), y(im.y), z(im.z)
- {
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T>::Quaternion(T _w, T _x, T _y, T _z) :
- w(_w), x(_x), y(_y), z(_z)
- {
- }
- // Create a quaternion from a rotation matrix
- // TODO: purge this from code--it is replaced by the matrixToQuaternion()
- // function.
- template<class T> Quaternion<T>::Quaternion(const Matrix3<T>& m)
- {
- T trace = m[0][0] + m[1][1] + m[2][2];
- T root;
- if (trace >= (T) -1.0 + 1.0e-4f)
- {
- root = (T) sqrt(trace + 1);
- w = (T) 0.5 * root;
- root = (T) 0.5 / root;
- x = (m[2][1] - m[1][2]) * root;
- y = (m[0][2] - m[2][0]) * root;
- z = (m[1][0] - m[0][1]) * root;
- }
- else
- {
- // Identify the largest element of the diagonal
- int i = 0;
- if (m[1][1] > m[i][i])
- i = 1;
- if (m[2][2] > m[i][i])
- i = 2;
- int j = (i == 2) ? 0 : i + 1;
- int k = (j == 2) ? 0 : j + 1;
- root = (T) sqrt(m[i][i] - m[j][j] - m[k][k] + 1);
- T* xyz[3] = { &x, &y, &z };
- *xyz[i] = (T) 0.5 * root;
- root = (T) 0.5 / root;
- w = (m[k][j] - m[j][k]) * root;
- *xyz[j] = (m[j][i] + m[i][j]) * root;
- *xyz[k] = (m[k][i] + m[i][k]) * root;
- }
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T>& Quaternion<T>::operator+=(Quaternion<T> a)
- {
- x += a.x; y += a.y; z += a.z; w += a.w;
- return *this;
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T>& Quaternion<T>::operator-=(Quaternion<T> a)
- {
- x -= a.x; y -= a.y; z -= a.z; w -= a.w;
- return *this;
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T>& Quaternion<T>::operator*=(Quaternion<T> q)
- {
- *this = Quaternion<T>(w * q.w - x * q.x - y * q.y - z * q.z,
- w * q.x + x * q.w + y * q.z - z * q.y,
- w * q.y + y * q.w + z * q.x - x * q.z,
- w * q.z + z * q.w + x * q.y - y * q.x);
- return *this;
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T>& Quaternion<T>::operator*=(T s)
- {
- x *= s; y *= s; z *= s; w *= s;
- return *this;
- }
- // conjugate operator
- template<class T> Quaternion<T> Quaternion<T>::operator~() const
- {
- return Quaternion<T>(w, -x, -y, -z);
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T> Quaternion<T>::operator-() const
- {
- return Quaternion<T>(-w, -x, -y, -z);
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T> Quaternion<T>::operator+() const
- {
- return *this;
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T> operator+(Quaternion<T> a, Quaternion<T> b)
- {
- return Quaternion<T>(a.w + b.w, a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y, a.z + b.z);
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T> operator-(Quaternion<T> a, Quaternion<T> b)
- {
- return Quaternion<T>(a.w - b.w, a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y, a.z - b.z);
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T> operator*(Quaternion<T> a, Quaternion<T> b)
- {
- return Quaternion<T>(a.w * b.w - a.x * b.x - a.y * b.y - a.z * b.z,
- a.w * b.x + a.x * b.w + a.y * b.z - a.z * b.y,
- a.w * b.y + a.y * b.w + a.z * b.x - a.x * b.z,
- a.w * b.z + a.z * b.w + a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x);
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T> operator*(T s, Quaternion<T> q)
- {
- return Quaternion<T>(s * q.w, s * q.x, s * q.y, s * q.z);
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T> operator*(Quaternion<T> q, T s)
- {
- return Quaternion<T>(s * q.w, s * q.x, s * q.y, s * q.z);
- }
- // equivalent to multiplying by the quaternion (0, v)
- template<class T> Quaternion<T> operator*(Vector3<T> v, Quaternion<T> q)
- {
- return Quaternion<T>(-v.x * q.x - v.y * q.y - v.z * q.z,
- v.x * q.w + v.y * q.z - v.z * q.y,
- v.y * q.w + v.z * q.x - v.x * q.z,
- v.z * q.w + v.x * q.y - v.y * q.x);
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T> operator/(Quaternion<T> q, T s)
- {
- return q * (1 / s);
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T> operator/(Quaternion<T> a, Quaternion<T> b)
- {
- return a * (~b / abs(b));
- }
- template<class T> bool operator==(Quaternion<T> a, Quaternion<T> b)
- {
- return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y && a.z == b.z && a.w == b.w;
- }
- template<class T> bool operator!=(Quaternion<T> a, Quaternion<T> b)
- {
- return a.x != b.x || a.y != b.y || a.z != b.z || a.w != b.w;
- }
- // elementary functions
- template<class T> Quaternion<T> conjugate(Quaternion<T> q)
- {
- return Quaternion<T>(q.w, -q.x, -q.y, -q.z);
- }
- template<class T> T norm(Quaternion<T> q)
- {
- return q.x * q.x + q.y * q.y + q.z * q.z + q.w * q.w;
- }
- template<class T> T abs(Quaternion<T> q)
- {
- return (T) sqrt(norm(q));
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T> exp(Quaternion<T> q)
- {
- if (q.isReal())
- {
- return Quaternion<T>((T) exp(q.w));
- }
- else
- {
- T l = (T) sqrt(q.x * q.x + q.y * q.y + q.z * q.z);
- T s = (T) sin(l);
- T c = (T) cos(l);
- T e = (T) exp(q.w);
- T t = e * s / l;
- return Quaternion<T>(e * c, t * q.x, t * q.y, t * q.z);
- }
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T> log(Quaternion<T> q)
- {
- if (q.isReal())
- {
- if (q.w > 0)
- {
- return Quaternion<T>((T) log(q.w));
- }
- else if (q.w < 0)
- {
- // The log of a negative purely real quaternion has
- // infinitely many values, all of the form (ln(-w), PI * I),
- // where I is any unit vector. We arbitrarily choose an I
- // of (1, 0, 0) here and whereever else a similar choice is
- // necessary. Geometrically, the set of roots is a sphere
- // of radius PI centered at ln(-w) on the real axis.
- return Quaternion<T>((T) log(-q.w), (T) PI, 0, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- // error . . . ln(0) not defined
- return Quaternion<T>(0);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- T l = (T) sqrt(q.x * q.x + q.y * q.y + q.z * q.z);
- T r = (T) sqrt(l * l + q.w * q.w);
- T theta = (T) atan2(l, q.w);
- T t = theta / l;
- return Quaternion<T>((T) log(r), t * q.x, t * q.y, t * q.z);
- }
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T> pow(Quaternion<T> q, T s)
- {
- return exp(s * log(q));
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T> pow(Quaternion<T> q, Quaternion<T> p)
- {
- return exp(p * log(q));
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T> sin(Quaternion<T> q)
- {
- if (q.isReal())
- {
- return Quaternion<T>((T) sin(q.w));
- }
- else
- {
- T l = (T) sqrt(q.x * q.x + q.y * q.y + q.z * q.z);
- T m = q.w;
- T s = (T) sin(m);
- T c = (T) cos(m);
- T il = 1 / l;
- T e0 = (T) exp(-l);
- T e1 = (T) exp(l);
- T c0 = (T) -0.5 * e0 * il * c;
- T c1 = (T) 0.5 * e1 * il * c;
- return Quaternion<T>((T) 0.5 * e0 * s, c0 * q.x, c0 * q.y, c0 * q.z) +
- Quaternion<T>((T) 0.5 * e1 * s, c1 * q.x, c1 * q.y, c1 * q.z);
- }
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T> cos(Quaternion<T> q)
- {
- if (q.isReal())
- {
- return Quaternion<T>((T) cos(q.w));
- }
- else
- {
- T l = (T) sqrt(q.x * q.x + q.y * q.y + q.z * q.z);
- T m = q.w;
- T s = (T) sin(m);
- T c = (T) cos(m);
- T il = 1 / l;
- T e0 = (T) exp(-l);
- T e1 = (T) exp(l);
- T c0 = (T) 0.5 * e0 * il * s;
- T c1 = (T) -0.5 * e1 * il * s;
- return Quaternion<T>((T) 0.5 * e0 * c, c0 * q.x, c0 * q.y, c0 * q.z) +
- Quaternion<T>((T) 0.5 * e1 * c, c1 * q.x, c1 * q.y, c1 * q.z);
- }
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T> sqrt(Quaternion<T> q)
- {
- // In general, the square root of a quaternion has two values, one
- // of which is the negative of the other. However, any negative purely
- // real quaternion has an infinite number of square roots.
- // This function returns the positive root for positive reals and
- // the root on the positive i axis for negative reals.
- if (q.isReal())
- {
- if (q.w >= 0)
- return Quaternion<T>((T) sqrt(q.w), 0, 0, 0);
- else
- return Quaternion<T>(0, (T) sqrt(-q.w), 0, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- T b = (T) sqrt(q.x * q.x + q.y * q.y + q.z * q.z);
- T r = (T) sqrt(q.w * q.w + b * b);
- if (q.w >= 0)
- {
- T m = (T) sqrt((T) 0.5 * (r + q.w));
- T l = b / (2 * m);
- T t = l / b;
- return Quaternion<T>(m, q.x * t, q.y * t, q.z * t);
- }
- else
- {
- T l = (T) sqrt((T) 0.5 * (r - q.w));
- T m = b / (2 * l);
- T t = l / b;
- return Quaternion<T>(m, q.x * t, q.y * t, q.z * t);
- }
- }
- }
- template<class T> T real(Quaternion<T> q)
- {
- return q.w;
- }
- template<class T> Vector3<T> imag(Quaternion<T> q)
- {
- return Vector3<T>(q.x, q.y, q.z);
- }
- // Quaternion methods
- template<class T> bool Quaternion<T>::isReal() const
- {
- return (x == 0 && y == 0 && z == 0);
- }
- template<class T> bool Quaternion<T>::isPure() const
- {
- return w == 0;
- }
- template<class T> T Quaternion<T>::normalize()
- {
- T s = (T) sqrt(w * w + x * x + y * y + z * z);
- T invs = (T) 1 / (T) s;
- x *= invs;
- y *= invs;
- z *= invs;
- w *= invs;
- return s;
- }
- // Set to the unit quaternion representing an axis angle rotation. Assume
- // that axis is a unit vector
- template<class T> void Quaternion<T>::setAxisAngle(Vector3<T> axis, T angle)
- {
- T s, c;
- Math<T>::sincos(angle * (T) 0.5, s, c);
- x = s * axis.x;
- y = s * axis.y;
- z = s * axis.z;
- w = c;
- }
- // Assuming that this a unit quaternion, return the in axis/angle form the
- // orientation which it represents.
- template<class T> void Quaternion<T>::getAxisAngle(Vector3<T>& axis,
- T& angle) const
- {
- // The quaternion has the form:
- // w = cos(angle/2), (x y z) = sin(angle/2)*axis
- T magSquared = x * x + y * y + z * z;
- if (magSquared > (T) 1e-10)
- {
- T s = (T) 1 / (T) sqrt(magSquared);
- axis.x = x * s;
- axis.y = y * s;
- axis.z = z * s;
- if (w <= -1 || w >= 1)
- angle = 0;
- else
- angle = (T) acos(w) * 2;
- }
- else
- {
- // The angle is zero, so we pick an arbitrary unit axis
- axis.x = 1;
- axis.y = 0;
- axis.z = 0;
- angle = 0;
- }
- }
- // Convert this (assumed to be normalized) quaternion to a rotation matrix
- template<class T> Matrix4<T> Quaternion<T>::toMatrix4() const
- {
- T wx = w * x * 2;
- T wy = w * y * 2;
- T wz = w * z * 2;
- T xx = x * x * 2;
- T xy = x * y * 2;
- T xz = x * z * 2;
- T yy = y * y * 2;
- T yz = y * z * 2;
- T zz = z * z * 2;
- return Matrix4<T>(Vector4<T>(1 - yy - zz, xy - wz, xz + wy, 0),
- Vector4<T>(xy + wz, 1 - xx - zz, yz - wx, 0),
- Vector4<T>(xz - wy, yz + wx, 1 - xx - yy, 0),
- Vector4<T>(0, 0, 0, 1));
- }
- // Convert this (assumed to be normalized) quaternion to a rotation matrix
- template<class T> Matrix3<T> Quaternion<T>::toMatrix3() const
- {
- T wx = w * x * 2;
- T wy = w * y * 2;
- T wz = w * z * 2;
- T xx = x * x * 2;
- T xy = x * y * 2;
- T xz = x * z * 2;
- T yy = y * y * 2;
- T yz = y * z * 2;
- T zz = z * z * 2;
- return Matrix3<T>(Vector3<T>(1 - yy - zz, xy - wz, xz + wy),
- Vector3<T>(xy + wz, 1 - xx - zz, yz - wx),
- Vector3<T>(xz - wy, yz + wx, 1 - xx - yy));
- }
- template<class T> T dot(Quaternion<T> a, Quaternion<T> b)
- {
- return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z + a.w * b.w;
- }
- /*! Spherical linear interpolation of two unit quaternions. Designed for
- * interpolating rotations, so shortest path between rotations will be
- * taken.
- */
- template<class T> Quaternion<T> Quaternion<T>::slerp(const Quaternion<T>& q0,
- const Quaternion<T>& q1,
- T t)
- {
- const double Nlerp_Threshold = 0.99999;
- T cosAngle = dot(q0, q1);
- // Assuming the quaternions representat rotations, ensure that we interpolate
- // through the shortest path by inverting one of the quaternions if the
- // angle between them is negative.
- Quaternion qstart;
- if (cosAngle < 0)
- {
- qstart = -q0;
- cosAngle = -cosAngle;
- }
- else
- {
- qstart = q0;
- }
- // Avoid precision troubles when we're near the limit of acos range and
- // perform a linear interpolation followed by a normalize when interpolating
- // very small angles.
- if (cosAngle > (T) Nlerp_Threshold)
- {
- Quaternion<T> q = (1 - t) * qstart + t * q1;
- q.normalize();
- return q;
- }
- // Below code unnecessary since we've already inverted cosAngle if it's negative.
- // It will be necessary if we change slerp to not assume that we want the shortest
- // path between two rotations.
- #if 0
- // Because of potential rounding errors, we must clamp c to the domain of acos.
- if (cosAngle < (T) -1.0)
- cosAngle = (T) -1.0;
- #endif
- T angle = (T) acos(cosAngle);
- T interpolatedAngle = t * angle;
- // qstart and q2 will form an orthonormal basis in the plane of interpolation.
- Quaternion q2 = q1 - qstart * cosAngle;
- q2.normalize();
- return qstart * (T) cos(interpolatedAngle) + q2 * (T) sin(interpolatedAngle);
- #if 0
- T s = (T) sin(angle);
- T is = (T) 1.0 / s;
- return q0 * ((T) sin((1 - t) * angle) * is) +
- q1 * ((T) sin(t * angle) * is);
- #endif
- }
- /*! Return a unit quaternion that representing a rotation that will
- * rotation v0 to v1 about the axis perpendicular to them both. If the
- * vectors point in opposite directions, there is no unique axis and
- * (arbitrarily) a rotation about the x axis will be chosen.
- */
- template<class T> Quaternion<T> Quaternion<T>::vecToVecRotation(const Vector3<T>& v0,
- const Vector3<T>& v1)
- {
- // We need sine and cosine of half the angle between v0 and v1, so
- // compute the vector halfway between v0 and v1. The cross product of
- // half and v1 gives the imaginary part of the quaternion
- // (axis * sin(angle/2)), and the dot product of half and v1 gives
- // the real part.
- Vector3<T> half = (v0 + v1) * (T) 0.5;
- T hl = half.length();
- if (hl > (T) 0.0)
- {
- half = half / hl; // normalize h
- // The magnitude of rotAxis is the sine of half the angle between
- // v0 and v1.
- Vector3<T> rotAxis = half ^ v1;
- T cosAngle = half * v1;
- return Quaternion<T>(cosAngle, rotAxis.x, rotAxis.y, rotAxis.z);
- }
- else
- {
- // The vectors point in exactly opposite directions, so there is
- // no unique axis of rotation. Rotating v0 180 degrees about any
- // axis will map it to v1; we'll choose the x-axis.
- return Quaternion<T>((T) 0.0, (T) 1.0, (T) 0.0, (T) 0.0);
- }
- }
- /*! Create a quaternion from a rotation matrix
- */
- template<class T> Quaternion<T> Quaternion<T>::matrixToQuaternion(const Matrix3<T>& m)
- {
- Quaternion<T> q;
- T trace = m[0][0] + m[1][1] + m[2][2];
- T root;
- T epsilon = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() * (T) 1e3;
- if (trace >= epsilon - 1)
- {
- root = (T) sqrt(trace + 1);
- q.w = (T) 0.5 * root;
- root = (T) 0.5 / root;
- q.x = (m[2][1] - m[1][2]) * root;
- q.y = (m[0][2] - m[2][0]) * root;
- q.z = (m[1][0] - m[0][1]) * root;
- }
- else
- {
- // Set i to the largest element of the diagonal
- int i = 0;
- if (m[1][1] > m[i][i])
- i = 1;
- if (m[2][2] > m[i][i])
- i = 2;
- int j = (i == 2) ? 0 : i + 1;
- int k = (j == 2) ? 0 : j + 1;
- root = (T) sqrt(m[i][i] - m[j][j] - m[k][k] + 1);
- T* xyz[3] = { &q.x, &q.y, &q.z };
- *xyz[i] = (T) 0.5 * root;
- root = (T) 0.5 / root;
- q.w = (m[k][j] - m[j][k]) * root;
- *xyz[j] = (m[j][i] + m[i][j]) * root;
- *xyz[k] = (m[k][i] + m[i][k]) * root;
- }
- return q;
- }
- /*! Assuming that this is a unit quaternion representing an orientation,
- * apply a rotation of angle radians about the specfied axis
- */
- template<class T> void Quaternion<T>::rotate(Vector3<T> axis, T angle)
- {
- Quaternion q;
- q.setAxisAngle(axis, angle);
- *this = q * *this;
- }
- // Assuming that this is a unit quaternion representing an orientation,
- // apply a rotation of angle radians about the x-axis
- template<class T> void Quaternion<T>::xrotate(T angle)
- {
- T s, c;
- Math<T>::sincos(angle * (T) 0.5, s, c);
- *this = Quaternion<T>(c, s, 0, 0) * *this;
- }
- // Assuming that this is a unit quaternion representing an orientation,
- // apply a rotation of angle radians about the y-axis
- template<class T> void Quaternion<T>::yrotate(T angle)
- {
- T s, c;
- Math<T>::sincos(angle * (T) 0.5, s, c);
- *this = Quaternion<T>(c, 0, s, 0) * *this;
- }
- // Assuming that this is a unit quaternion representing an orientation,
- // apply a rotation of angle radians about the z-axis
- template<class T> void Quaternion<T>::zrotate(T angle)
- {
- T s, c;
- Math<T>::sincos(angle * (T) 0.5, s, c);
- *this = Quaternion<T>(c, 0, 0, s) * *this;
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T> Quaternion<T>::xrotation(T angle)
- {
- T s, c;
- Math<T>::sincos(angle * (T) 0.5, s, c);
- return Quaternion<T>(c, s, 0, 0);
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T> Quaternion<T>::yrotation(T angle)
- {
- T s, c;
- Math<T>::sincos(angle * (T) 0.5, s, c);
- return Quaternion<T>(c, 0, s, 0);
- }
- template<class T> Quaternion<T> Quaternion<T>::zrotation(T angle)
- {
- T s, c;
- Math<T>::sincos(angle * (T) 0.5, s, c);
- return Quaternion<T>(c, 0, 0, s);
- }
- /*! Determine an orientation that will make the negative z-axis point from
- * from the observer to the target, with the y-axis pointing in direction
- * of the component of 'up' that is orthogonal to the z-axis.
- */
- template<class T> Quaternion<T>
- Quaternion<T>::lookAt(const Point3<T>& from, const Point3<T>& to, const Vector3<T>& up)
- {
- Vector3<T> n = to - from;
- n.normalize();
- Vector3<T> v = n ^ up;
- v.normalize();
- Vector3<T> u = v ^ n;
- return Quaternion<T>::matrixToQuaternion(Matrix3<T>(v, u, -n));
- }
- #endif // _QUATERNION_H_