- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- #
- # Author:
- #
- #use Math::Libm ':all';
- use Math::Trig;
- use Math::Quaternion qw(slerp);
- #
- open(DSC, ">deepsky.dsc") || die "Can not create deepsky.dscn";
- #
- # Boiler plate
- #-------------
- #
- ($ver = "Revision: 1.50 ") =~ s/$//g;
- ($me = $0) =~ s/.*///;
- ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime;
- $year += 1900;
- $mon += 1;
- print DSC "# Revised NGC and IC Catalog, Wolfgang Steinicke, January 6, 2006n";
- print DSC "#";
- print DSC "#n";
- print DSC "# Augmented by galaxies from Local Group volume (V <~ (10 Mpc)^3)n";
- print DSC "# Catalog of Neighboring Galaxies (Karachentsev+, 2004)n";
- print DSC "#";
- print DSC "#n";
- print DSC "# Augmented by averages of distance entries fromn";
- print DSC "# NED-1D: NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database of Distancesn";
- print DSC "#";
- print DSC "#n";
- print DSC "# Augmented byn";
- print DSC "# NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED, batch)n";
- print DSC "#";
- print DSC "#n";
- print DSC "# Augmented byn";
- print DSC "# Revised 3rd Reference Catalog of Bright Galaxies (RC3,VII/155)n";
- print DSC "#";
- print DSC "#n";
- print DSC "# Augmented byn";
- print DSC "# Mark III Catalog of Galaxy Peculiar Velocities (Willick+ 1997,VII/198)n";
- print DSC "#";
- print DSC "#n";
- print DSC "# Augmented by distances fromn";
- print DSC "# The SBF Survey of Galaxy Distances. IV.n";
- print DSC "# SBF Magnitudes, Colors, and Distances, n";
- print DSC "# J.L. Tonry et al., Astrophys J 546, 681 (2001)n";
- print DSC "#n";
- print DSC "# Augmented by distances fromn";
- print DSC "# Compilation of "200 Brightest Galaxies"n";
- print DSC "#";
- print DSC "#n";
- print DSC "# Augmented by redshifts-> distances fromn";
- print DSC "# VII/193 The CfA Redshift Catalogue, Version June 1995 (Huchra+ 1995)n";
- print DSC "#";
- print DSC "#n";
- print DSC "# Using today's Hubble constant = 73.2 [km/sec/Mpc]n";
- print DSC "# (WMAP 2007, 3 years running, legacy archive)n";
- print DSC "#n";
- print DSC "# Abreviations for various distance methods used:n";
- print DSC "# SBF= SBF (Surface Brightness Fluctuations), T-F= Tully-Fischern";
- print DSC "# V_cmb = rad. velocity in CMB frame & Hubble law n";
- print DSC "# cep=Cepheids, P=photometric, N(G)=planetary nebula (globular cluster) luminosity functionn";
- print DSC "#n";
- print DSC "# Adapted for Celestia with Perl script: $me $vern";
- print DSC "# Processed $year-$mon-$mday $wday $yday $isdst $hour:$min:$sec UTCn";
- print DSC "#n";
- print DSC "# by Dr. Fridger Schrempp, fridger.schrempp@desy.den";
- print DSC "# ------------------------------------------------------ n";
- print DSC "nn";
- #
- # Constants
- #----------
- #
- $H0 = 73.2; # today's Hubble constant [km/sec/Mpc], WMAP 2007, 3 years
- $c = 299792.458; # Celestia's speed of light [km/sec]
- $Omega_matter = 0.27; # flat Universe
- $Omega_lambda = 0.73;
- $pc2ly = 3.26167; # parsec-to-lightyear conversion
- $epsilon = 23.4392911; # ecliptic angle
- # from peak of SBF-survey distribution <=== Maple
- $M_abs_ell = -20.133; # absolute (Blue) magnitude for elliptical galaxies
- $M_abs_spir = -19.07; # absolute (Blue) magnitude for spiral galaxies
- # output of LG member galaxy parameters, set $lgout = 0; to suppress.
- $lgout = 0;
- $count = 0;
- #
- # Constant hashes and arrays
- # --------------------------
- #
- # hash with distance methods used, key = $dist_flag
- %method = ("0" => " # distance uncertain!n",
- "1" => " # method: SBFn",
- "2" => " # method: T-Fn",
- "3" => " # method: V_cmbn",
- "4" => " # method: B200n",
- "5" => " # method: ZCATn",
- "6" => " # method: NED-1D averagen",
- "7" => " # method: othern",
- "8" => " # method: NED (batch)n"
- );
- # Hubble types of nearby galaxies
- %HType =("-6" => "E0",
- "-5" => "E0",
- "-4" => "E0",
- "-3" => "S0",
- "-2" => "S0",
- "-1" => "S0",
- "0" => "S0",
- "1" => "Sa",
- "2" => "Sb",
- "3" => "Sb",
- "4" => "Sc",
- "5" => "Sc",
- "6" => "Sc",
- "7" => "Sc",
- "8" => "Sc",
- "9" => "Irr",
- "90" => "Irr",
- "10" => "Irr",
- "11" => "Irr");
- #
- # add Milky Way (J2000)
- # --------------
- #
- $name = "Milky Way";
- $altname = " ";
- # galactic center direction
- $ra = "17 45 37.224"; #IAU 1959
- $dec = "-28 56 10.23"; #IAU 1959
- # galactic north pole at (J2000)
- $ra_pole = "12 51 26.282"; #IAU 1959
- $dec_pole = "+27 07 42.01"; #IAU 1959
- # convert to hours, degrees, respectively
- $alpha = &ra2h ($ra);
- $delta = &dec2deg ($dec);
- $delta_pole = &dec2deg($dec_pole);
- $alpha_pole = &ra2h ($ra_pole);
- # position angle
- $PA = 122.932 - 90;# - 90; #IAU 1959
- $Mabs = -20.6;
- $tp = "SBc";
- $dist = 2.772e4;
- # Orientation (Axis, Angle)
- #
- &orientation($alpha_pole,$delta_pole,"MilkyWay",0,$PA);
- print DSC "# Local Group volume (< (10 Mpc)^3):n";
- print DSC "# Milky Wayn";
- print DSC "Galaxy "Milky Way"n";
- print DSC "{n";
- print DSC " Type "$tp"n";
- print DSC " CustomTemplate "MilkyWay.png"n";
- printf DSC " RA %10.6fn",$alpha;
- printf DSC " Dec %10.6fn",$delta;
- printf DSC " Distance %10.4gn",$dist;
- printf DSC " Radius %10.4gn",50000;
- printf DSC " AbsMag %10.4gn",$Mabs;
- printf DSC " Axis [%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f]n",@v;
- printf DSC " Angle %8.4fn",$angle;
- print DSC " InfoURL ""n";
- print DSC "}nn";
- if ($lgout){
- $dkpc = $dist/($pc2ly * 1e3);
- $rar = "17 45 37.2";
- $decr = "-28 56 10";
- printf "%17s %15s; %10s; %9s; %5s; %8.3f; %6.2fn",$name,$altname,$rar,$decr,$tp,$dkpc,$Mabs;
- }
- $count++;
- #
- # read in the averaged distances from the NED1D distance data base
- #
- #
- open(NED1D," < catalogs/ned1d.txt")|| die "Can not read ned1d.txtn";
- $name_old = "";
- $ct = 1;
- $n_ned1d = 0;
- while (<NED1D>){
- next if (/^Contents/);
- next if (/^s+/);
- next if(/^Galaxy/);
- next if(/^s*(kpc)/);
- next if(/^s*(1)/);
- ($name,$dist) = split (/ss+/);
- ($name1,$namealt) = split(/,/,$name);
- if ($namealt){
- $name = $name1;
- }
- $dist = &clean($dist);
- $name = &clean($name);
- # adapt syntax of galaxy names to RC3/NGC/IC conventions
- $name = &standardize($name);
- # only consider Messier, NGC and IC galaxies in NED1D data base for now
- next unless ($name =~ /^Msd+|^NGC|^IC/);
- # calculate the distance averages for all entries with the same $name
- if ($name eq $name_old){
- $ct++;
- $d = (($ct-1) * $d + $dist)/$ct;
- } else {
- $n_ned1d++;
- $d = $dist;
- $ct = 1;
- }
- # convert kpc to ly
- $distance_ned1d{$name} = $d * $pc2ly * 1e3;
- #print "$name $distance_ned1d{$name}n" if ($name ne $name_old);
- #print "$name $distance_ned1d{$name}n" if ($name =~/^Msd+/ && $name ne $name_old);
- $name_old = $name;
- }
- close(NED1D);
- # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # read in revised SBF-survey data IV for fast lookup
- # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- open(SBF," < catalogs/sbf.txt")|| die "Can not read sbf.txtn";
- $n_sbf=0;
- while (<SBF>) {
- next if (/^Pref_name/);
- $name = &ss(1,8);
- $name =~ s/s+//g;
- $name = &standardize($name);
- # only consider NGC and IC galaxies in NED1D data base for now
- next unless ($name =~ /^NGC|^IC/);
- #
- # SBF-distances [ly]
- # ------------------
- #
- $deltam = &ss(77,81);
- $dm{$name} = $deltam;
- $dm{$name} =~ s/ //g;
- $sbf_distance{$name} = 10**(($deltam+5)/5)*$pc2ly;
- #print "$name $sbf_distance{$name}n";
- $n_sbf++;
- }
- close (SBF);
- # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # read in Tully-Fisher (T-F) & Dn-sigma distance data for fast lookup
- # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # read in first GINnumber ($gin), name and BT and B-V
- open(TFE," < catalogs/TF/egalf1.dat") || die "Can not read egalf1.datn";
- while (<TFE>) {
- $gin = &ss(1,5);
- $gin =~ s/ //g;
- $name = &standardize (&ss(7,16));
- # only consider NGC and IC galaxies in NED1D data base for now
- next unless ($name =~ /^NGC|^IC/);
- $name_f1{$gin} = $name;
- #print "$namen";
- }
- close (TFE);
- # next enter the corresponding T-F distances for elliptical galaxies,
- # match via $gin with egalf1.dat
- open(TF," < catalogs/TF/egalf2.dat") || die "Can not read egalf2.datn";
- $n_tf_e=0;
- while (<TF>) {
- $gin = &ss(1,4);
- $gin =~ s/ //g;;
- $name = $name_f1{$gin} if ($name_f1{$gin});
- $distance_TFE = &ss(35,41);
- $distance_TFE = &clean($distance_TFE);
- $distance_TFE{$name} = $distance_TFE/$H0 * 1.0e6 * $pc2ly; # [ly]
- # $v_CMB_TFE{$name} = &ss(32,38) + &ss(40,46);
- #printf "%5d %15s %10.4gn",$gin,$name, $distance_TFE{$name};
- $n_tf_e++;
- }
- close(TF);
- # next enter the corresponding T-F distances for spiral galaxies
- open(TF," < catalogs/TF/tf-spiral.dat") || die "Can not read tf-spiral.datn";
- $n_tf_s=0;
- while (<TF>) {
- $pgc = &ss(6,10);
- $pgc =~ s/ //g;
- $name = &standardize(&ss(12,20));
- # only consider NGC and IC galaxies in NED1D data base for now
- next unless ($name =~ /^NGC|^IC/);
- #$name_TFS{$pgc} = $name;
- $distance_TF = &ss(82,86);
- $distance_TF =~ s/ //g;
- $distance_TFS{$name} = $distance_TF/$H0 * 1.0e6*$pc2ly; # [ly]
- $logr = &ss(66,70);
- $logr =~ s/ //g;
- #printf "PGC %6d %15s %10.4gn",$pgc, $name, $distance_TFS{$name};
- $n_tf_s++;
- }
- close(TF);
- # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # read in data on 200 brightest galaxies
- # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- $n_b200 = 0;
- open( B200," < catalogs/200.txt") || die "Can not read 200.txtn";
- while (<B200>) {
- next if (/^s+/);
- $name = &ss(1,8);
- $name = &cmpname ($name) if ($name =~ /^N|^I/);;
- $name =~ s/s*$//g;
- $messier = &ss(10,13);
- $messier =~ s/ //g;
- if ($messier){
- $messier =~ s/M(d+)/M $1/;
- $name = $messier;
- }
- # only consider Messier, NGC and IC galaxies in NED1D data base for now
- next unless ($name =~ /^Msd+|^NGC|^IC/);
- $distance_B200{$name} = &ss(74,79);
- $distance_B200{$name} =~ s/ //g;
- $distance_B200{$name} = 1e6 * $distance_B200{$name};
- $method_B200{$name} = &ss(83,90);
- $method_B200{$name} =~ s/s+$//g;
- #print "$name $distance_B200{$name} $method_B200{$name}n";
- $n_b200++;
- }
- close(B200);
- # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # read in redshift data from zcat
- # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- $n_zcat = 0;
- open( ZCAT," < catalogs/zcat.txt") || die "Can not read zcat.txtn";
- while (<ZCAT>) {
- next if (/^s+/);
- $name = &clean(&ss(1,11));
- $name = &standardize ($name);
- # only consider NGC and IC galaxies in NED1D data base for now
- next unless ($name =~ /^NGC|^IC/);
- $cz = &ss(32,36);
- $cz =~ s/ //g;
- # skip if redshift z is missing
- next if (! $cz);
- $z = $cz/$c;
- # distance inclusive relativistic cosmological corrections
- #printf "%10s %10.3f %10.3fn", $name, $z, $distance_zcat{$name};
- $distance_zcat{$name} = &dcmr($Omega_matter,$Omega_lambda,$z);
- $n_zcat++;
- }
- close(ZCAT);
- # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # Read in missing redshift data from NED batch-job for fast lookup
- # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- open(NED," < catalogs/nedz8.txt")|| die "Can not read nedz.txtn";
- $n_ned = 0;
- while (<NED>){
- if (/(s+d)sG/){
- $name = &standardize(&ss(19,28));
- next if ($name =~ /NE*$/); # drop the NGC|IC xxx NED 1/2 objects
- $z = &ss(75,80);
- $z =~ s/ //g;
- if ($name =~ /^NGC 4518/){$z = 0.021868;}
- if ($name =~ /^IC 1947/){$z = 0.03851;}
- if ($name =~ /^IC 3658/){$z = 0.00015;}
- #printf "%10s %10.4fn",$name,$z if ($z);
- if ($z && $z > 0){
- $distance_ned{$name} = &dcmr($Omega_matter,$Omega_lambda,$z);
- #printf "%10d %15s %10.4fn",$n_ned, $name,$z;
- $n_ned++;
- }
- }
- }
- # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # Read in revised RC3 data rc3.txt for fast lookup
- # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- open(RC3," < catalogs/rc3.txt")|| die "Can not read rc3.txtn";
- $n_rc3 = 0;
- while (<RC3>) {
- $pgc = &ss(106,116);
- $pgc =~ s/^PGCs*0*(d+)s*$/$1/g;
- #
- # Galaxy name in RC3 as tag
- #--------------------------
- #
- $n1 = &standardize(&ss(63,74));
- # These data are used BOTH for
- # -- $PA and $Type values for 'catalog of neighboring galaxies'
- # -- distances via Hubble law for NGC/IC catalog
- # Hence evaluate all alternative names for now
- # Hierarchy: UGC , ESO , MCG , UGCA, CGCG (Zwicky et al.)
- # Read out 2 alternative names:
- $altname = &standardize(&ss(75,89));
- $altname2 = &standardize(&ss(91,104));
- # RC3 does not list Messier names! Hence, must translate NGC to Messier names for the 5 M-galaxies used in "catalog of neighboring galaxies"
- $n1 =~ s/NGC 224/M 31/;
- $n1 =~ s/NGC 598/M 33/;
- $n1 =~ s/NGC 3031/M 81/;
- $n1 =~ s/NGC 3034/M 82/;
- $n1 =~ s/NGC 5457/M 101/;
- # Read out position angle for the "catalog of neighboring galaxies" below
- $PA{$n1} = &ss(186,188);
- $PA{$n1} =~ s/ //g;
- # assign to 0 if undefined
- $PA{$n1} = 0 if (! $PA{$n1});
- $PA{$altname} = $PA{$n1};
- $PA{$altname2} = $PA{$n1};
- # Read out morphological types for the "catalog of neighboring galaxies" below
- $type = &ss(118,124);
- $type =~ s/ //g;
- $Type{$n1} = $type;
- $Type{$altname} = $type;
- $Type{$altname2} = $type;
- if(0){
- if ($type){
- $tp = &RC3type($type);
- printf "%15s %15s %15s %10s %10s %10sn",$pgc, $n1, $altname, $altname2, $type, $tp;
- }
- }
- #
- # RC3 distances, [ly]
- #--------------------
- # from Hubble's law, d ~ v_recession/H0,
- # if velocity >~ +80 km/sec (positive!)
- # use weighted mean recession velocity corrected to the reference frame
- # defined by the 3K microwave background radiation (CMB), units [km/sec]
- $vrad = &ss(359,363);
- $vrad =~ s/ //g;
- if ($vrad) {
- $n_rc3++ if ($vrad > 80.0);
- $rc3_distance{$n1} = $vrad/$H0 * 1e6 * $pc2ly;
- $v_CMB_RC3{$n1} = $vrad;
- }
- }
- close (RC3);
- # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # Read in data from "Catalog of Neighboring Galaxies"
- # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # names, major diameters, inclinations, absolute B-band magnitudes
- open(LOCALV4," < catalogs/neighborgals4.txt")|| die "Can not read neighborgals4.txtn";
- $n_local = 0;
- $j = 0;
- while (<LOCALV4>){
- $names = &ss(1,15);
- $names = &clean($names);
- if ($names =~/,/){
- ($name,$name2) = split(/,/,$names);
- } else {
- $name = $names;
- }
- $name = &standardize($name);
- # it was forgotten to list main IC name first for DDO 226
- $name =~ s/^DDO 226/IC 1574/;
- # skip all NGC/IC and Messier objects in 'catalog of neighboring galaxies'
- # this drops 114 objects from the catalog
- #if ($name =~ /^Msd+|^NGC|^IC/){print "$j $namen";$j++;}
- next if ($name =~ /^Msd+|^NGC|^IC/);
- next if ($name =~ /^Milky Way/);
- #
- # Major diameters [ly]
- # (corrected for galaxy inclination and the galactic extinction)
- #
- $D = &ss(17,21);
- $D =~ s/ //g;
- next if (!$D);
- $radius{$name} = 0.5 * $D * $pc2ly * 1e3;
- #print "$name $radius{$name}n";
- #
- # Inclinations from face-on [deg]
- #
- $i{$name} = &ss(23,24);
- #
- # Absolute B-band magnitudes
- #
- $BMag{$name} = &ss(35,40);
- $BMag{$name} =~ s/ //g;
- }
- close (LOCALV4);
- # names, altnames, J2000 coordinates, distances, position angles and types from RC3
- open(LOCALV," < catalogs/neighborgals.txt")|| die "Can not read neighborgals.txtn";
- $n_local = 0;
- $j=0;
- $name2="";
- while (<LOCALV>){
- $names = &ss(1,15);
- $names = &clean($names);
- if ($names =~/,/){
- ($name1,$name2) = split(/,/,$names);
- $name2 = &standardize($name2);
- } else {
- $name1 = $names;
- $name2 = "";
- }
- $name1 = &standardize($name1);
- #print "$name1n" if ($name1 =~/^[A-Z]+[a-z]+s*[a-zA-Z]*s*$/);
- # it was forgotten to list main IC name first for DDO 226
- $name1 =~ s/^DDO 226/IC 1574/;
- # skip all NGC/IC and Messier objects in 'catalog of neighboring galaxies'
- next if ($name1 =~ /^Msd+|^NGC|^IC/);
- next if ($name1 =~ /^Milky Way/);
- #$DD = &ss(38,42);
- #$DD =~ s/ //g;
- next if (!$radius{$name1});
- #
- # Read out J2000 coordinates
- #
- # RA, DEC fields:
- $ra = &clean(&ss(17,26));
- $dec= &clean(&ss(28,36));
- # convert to hours, degrees, respectively
- $alpha = &ra2h ($ra);
- $delta = &dec2deg ($dec);
- #
- # Implement morphological Type (RC2/RC3)
- #
- $T = &ss(61,62);
- $T =~ s/ //g;
- if ($Type{$name1}){
- $tp = &RC3type($Type{$name1});
- #print "$j $name1 $Type{$name1} $tpn";
- #$j++;
- } elsif ($Type{$name2} && $name2){
- $tp = &RC3type($Type{$name2});
- #print "$j $name2 $Type{$name2} $tpn";
- #$j++;
- } else {
- $tp = $HType{$T};
- }
- if ($name1 =~ /^Ands+IIb/) {$tp = "E3";}
- if ($name1 =~ /^Ands+Ib/) {$tp = "E0";}
- if ($name1 =~ /^Antliab/) {$tp = "E3";}
- if ($name1 =~ /^Ands+IIIb/){$tp = "E6";}
- if ($name1 =~ /^Antliab/) {$tp = "E3";}
- if ($name1 =~ /^Cetusb/) {$tp = "E4";}
- if ($name1 =~ /^Sex dSphb/) {$tp = "E4";}
- if ($name1 =~ /^Tucanab/) {$tp = "E5";}
- if ($name1 =~ /^Ands+Vb/) {$tp = "E0";}
- if ($name1 =~ /^UMinb/) {$tp = "E5";}
- if ($name1 =~ /^Dracob/) {$tp = "E3";}
- if ($name1 =~ /^Sag dSphb/) {$tp = "E6";}
- if ($name1 =~ /^Cass+dSphb/){$tp = "E3";}
- if ($name1 =~ /^Pegs+dSphb/){$tp = "E3";}
- #
- # distance [ly]
- #
- $dist_local = &ss(88,92)* $pc2ly * 1e6;
- #$distance_local{$name1} = $dist_local;
- #printf "%15s %15.3fn", $name1,$dist_local;
- # method used
- $meth = &clean(&ss(95,98));
- #
- # Implement PA, degrees E of N, from RC3, else PA = 0
- # check both names
- if ($PA{$name1}){
- $pa = &clean($PA{$name1});
- #print "$j $name1 $pan";
- #$j++;
- } elsif ($PA{$name2} && $name2){
- $pa = &clean($PA{$name2});
- #print "$j $name2 $pan";
- #$j++;
- } elsif ($name1 =~ /^Sag dSphb/){
- $pa = 90.0;
- } else {
- $pa = 0.0;
- }
- #
- # Orientation (Axis, Angle)
- #
- &orientation($alpha,$delta,$tp,$i{$name1},$pa);
- #
- # recall radius and BMag from other file
- #
- $Radius = $radius{$name1};
- $Mabs = $BMag{$name1};
- # NED conform nomenclature:
- # ellipticities from
- $name1 =~ s/(^Tucana|^Draco|^Antlia|^Carina|^Orion|^Phoenix|^Cetus)/$1 Dwarf/;
- $name1 =~ s/^SagDIG/Sagittarius DIG/;
- $name1 =~ s/UMin/UrsaMinor Dwarf/;
- $name1 =~ s/ESO 349-31/Sculptor DIG/;
- $name2 =~ s/SDIG/ESO 349-31/;
- $name1 =~ s/^Sculptors*$/Sculptor dSph/;
- $name2 = "ESO 351-30" if ($name1 =~/Sculptor dSph/);
- $name1 =~ s/^Sexb/Sextans/;
- $name1 =~ s/^Sagb/Sagittarius/;
- $name1 =~ s/^Cass+dSphb/And VII/;
- $name2 = "Cassiopeia dSph" if ($name1 =~/And VII/);
- $name1 =~ s/^DDO 210/Aquarius Dwarf/;
- $name2 = "DDO 210" if ($name1 =~/Aquarius Dwarf/);
- $name1 =~ s/^Pegs+dSph/And VI/;
- $name2 = "Pegasus dSph" if ($name1 =~/And VIb/);
- $name1 =~ s/^Fornax/Fornax dSph/;
- $name1 =~ s/^Pegasus/Pegasus DIG/;
- $na = "";
- if ($name2){$na = ":".$name2;}
- $name1 =~ s/ $//g;
- if($lgout){
- $dkpc = $dist_local /($pc2ly * 1e3);
- if ($dkpc < 1400){
- printf "%17s %15s; %10s; %9s; %5s; %8.3f; %6.2fn",$name1,$name2,$ra,$dec,$tp,$dkpc,$Mabs;
- }
- }
- #
- # add 333 galaxies of the local group volume, V < (10 Mpc)^3,
- # (without Messier, NGC and IC galaxies)
- print DSC "# Local Group volume (< (10 Mpc)^3):n";
- print DSC "Galaxy "$name1$na"n";
- print DSC "{n";
- print DSC " Type "$tp"n";
- printf DSC " RA %10.4fn",$alpha;
- printf DSC " Dec %10.4fn",$delta;
- printf DSC " Distance %10.4g",$dist_local;
- print DSC " # method: $methn";
- printf DSC " Radius %10.4gn",$Radius;
- printf DSC " AbsMag %10.4gn",$Mabs;
- printf DSC " Axis [%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f]n",@v;
- printf DSC " Angle %8.4fn",$angle;
- print DSC " InfoURL "$name1"n";
- print DSC "}nn";
- $count++;
- $n_local++;
- }
- close (LOCALV);
- if(!$lgout){
- print "n Catalog Input:n---------------n";
- printf "%5d Galaxies in Local Group Volume (d < 10 Mpc)n",$n_local;
- printf "%5d Averaged distances from NED-1D Distance Data Basen",$n_ned1d;
- printf "%5d Surface Brightness Fluctuation (SBF) distance datan",$n_sbf;
- printf "%5d Tully-Fisher elliptical galaxy distance datan",$n_tf_e;
- printf "%5d Tully-Fisher spiral galaxy distance datan",$n_tf_s;
- printf "%5d ZCAT redshift datan",$n_zcat;
- printf "%5d RC3 galaxy distance datan",$n_rc3;
- printf "%5d NED redshift data (batch)n",$n_ned;
- }
- $ngcic_flag = 0; # =1 for NGC, =2 for IC
- $c_sbf = 0;
- $c_hubble = 0;
- $c_tf = 0;
- $c_B200 = 0;
- $c_zcat = 0;
- $c_ned1d = 0;
- $c_ned = 0;
- # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # Read out data from revised NGC/IC catalog (Steinecke),
- # merge with above distance data
- # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- $name = "";
- open(NGCIC,"<catalogs/revngcic.txt")|| die "Can not read revngcic.txtn";
- while (<NGCIC>) {
- # skip header and identify NGC or IC catalogs
- if (/^NGC/) {
- $ngcic_flag = 1;
- next;
- } elsif (/^ IC/) {
- $ngcic_flag = 2;
- next;
- } elsif (/^-/) {
- next;
- }
- # status ( reading out the S-column)
- $status = &clean(&ss(11,12));
- # drop all but galaxies S=1 (drop also parts of galaxies S=6)
- next if (!$status);
- next if ($status != 1);
- # skip extension lines
- next if (&ss(9,10) =~ /2|10/);
- $pgc = &ss(89,94);
- $pgc =~ s/ //g;
- $pgc =~ s/0*(d+)/$1/g;
- #
- # J2000 coordinates
- #
- $ra = &clean(&ss(21,30));
- $dec = &clean(&ss(32,40));
- # Convert coordinates into hours (ra) and degrees (dec):
- $alpha = &ra2h ($ra);
- $delta = &dec2deg ($dec);
- #
- # Galaxy type, translation to simplified Hubble classes
- #
- $Type = &clean(&ss(79,87));
- $HType = &type($Type);
- # uncomment as a check on "punch-through" NON-simple Hubble types
- # next if ($HType =~ /^S[0a-c]$/);
- # next if ($HType =~ /^SB[a-c]$/);
- # next if ($HType =~ /^E[0-7]$/);
- # next if ($HType =~ /^Irr$/);
- # print STDOUT "$name $Type $HTypen";
- #
- # Galaxy names
- #
- # NGC number
- $basename = &clean(&ss(1,5));
- # $basename =~ s/ //g;
- #
- # Read alternative galaxy names, too
- #
- $ID1 = &ss(97,111);
- # $ID1 =~ s/ //g;
- $ID2 = &ss(113,127);
- $ID2 =~ s/ //g;
- $ID3 = &ss(129,143);
- $ID3 =~ s/ //g;
- if ($ngcic_flag == 1) {$basename = "NGC ".$basename;}
- elsif ($ngcic_flag == 2) {$basename = "IC ".$basename;}
- else {next;}
- $partflag = &ss(6,6);
- $partflag =~ s/ //g;
- # connect the different components (C-column) of an object with a dash
- if ($partflag){
- $name = $basename."-".$partflag;
- #$basename = &standardize($ID1); # so NED (batch) will find it!
- } else {
- $name = $basename;
- }
- # NGC 292 = SMC will be taken care of separately
- next if($name =~ /NGC 292/);
- $altname1 = "";
- if ($ID1) {
- #
- # Exchange NGC number by Messier designation from Steinicke's catalog
- # find all 40 galaxies from Messier catalog! (checked)
- #
- if ( $ID1 =~ /(^Msd{1,3})/) {
- $an1 = $name;
- $name = $1;
- $basename = $name;
- } else {
- $an1 = &standardize($ID1);
- }
- if ($an1) {
- $altname1 = ":".$an1 ;
- }
- }
- $altname2 = "";
- $an2 = "";
- if ($ID2) {
- $an2 = &standardize($ID2);
- $altname2 = ":".$an2;
- }
- $altname3 = "";
- if ($ID3) {
- $an3 = &standardize($ID3);
- $an3 = "DDO 226" if ($an3 eq "UGCA 9");
- $altname3 = ":".$an3;
- }
- @nm = ();
- if ($basename) {
- #$name =~ s/^(NGC|IC) (d+)[ABCD-]1*$/$1 $2/;
- #$name =~ s/^(?:NGC|IC) d+[ABCD-][234]$//;
- #$basename =~ s/-[12]$//;
- #print "$name $basename" if ($basename);
- #print " $an1n" if ($an1);
- #print "n" if (!$an1);
- push(@nm,$basename);# if ($basename);
- }
- if ($an1) {push(@nm,$an1) };
- if ($an2) {push(@nm,$an2) };
- if ($an3) {push(@nm,$an3) };
- #
- # Max/min extensions $D/$d [arcmin] and inclination $i [degrees]
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # use $D [arcmin] from Steinicke's data
- # for all lines, $D entry well-defined
- $D = &ss(62,67);
- $D =~ s/ //g;
- $d = &ss(69,73);
- if ($d =~ /[0-9]/) {
- $i = &inclination($d/$D);
- # if $d lacking, equate min size $d to to max size $D.
- } else {
- $d = $D;
- $i = 3.0;
- }
- #
- # Apparent blue magnitude $Bmag
- # ------------------------------------------------
- #
- $Bmag = ""; # $Bmag undefined
- if (&ss(42,47) =~ /[0-9]/) {
- $Bmag = &ss(42,47);
- $Bmag =~ s/ //g;
- }
- # Distance [ly] from various methods
- #-----------------------------------
- #
- $distance = "";
- $dist_flag = "";
- # loop over alternate names
- foreach $n (@nm) {
- #
- # first, use the distance-averages from the accurate NED-1D
- # Extragalactic Distance Database
- #
- #
- if ($distance_ned1d{$n}) {
- #print "$nn";
- $distance = $distance_ned1d{$n};
- $dist_flag = 6;
- last;
- #
- # next, exploit SBF-distance data (IV)
- # they are very accurate
- #
- } elsif ($sbf_distance{$n}) {
- $distance = $sbf_distance{$n};
- $dist_flag = 1;
- #print "$nn";
- last;
- #
- # next add in available Tully-Fischer distances
- # for elliptical galaxies
- #
- } elsif ($distance_TFE{$n}) {
- $distance = $distance_TFE{$n};
- $dist_flag = 2;
- #printf "%10s %10.2g %5s %10.2fn",$n,$distance,$HType,$Bmag;
- last;
- #
- # next add in available Tully-Fischer distances
- # for spiral galaxies
- #
- # match via PGC numbers
- } elsif ($distance_TFS{$n}) {
- $distance = $distance_TFS{$n};
- #printf "%10s %10.2g %5s %10.2fn",$n,$distance,$HType,$Bmag;
- $dist_flag = 2;
- #
- # Next, use distances from "200 brightest galaxies" compilation
- #
- #
- } elsif ($distance_B200{$n}) {
- $distance = $distance_B200{$n};
- $dist_flag = 4;
- $method{4} = " # method: $method_B200{$n}n";
- #printf "%10s %10s %10.2gn", $name,$method_B200{$name},$distance_B200{$name};
- #
- # next exploit Hubble's law, distance ~ v_recession/H0,
- # if radial velocity >~ 80 [km/sec] (positive!),
- # use weighted mean recession velocity corrected to
- # the reference frame defined by the 3K microwave background
- # radiation (CMB)
- #
- # recession velocities from RC3_rev catalog
- } elsif ($rc3_distance{$n}) {
- if ($v_CMB_RC3{$n} > 80.0) {
- $distance = $rc3_distance{$n};
- #print "$pgc $n $distance $v_CMB_RC3{$n}n";
- $dist_flag = 3;
- }
- #
- # Next, use distances from zcat redshift catalog
- #
- } elsif ($distance_zcat{$n}) {
- if ($distance_zcat{$n} > 0){
- $distance = $distance_zcat{$n} ;
- #print "$n $distancen";
- $dist_flag = 5;
- }
- } elsif ($distance_ned{$n}) {
- $distance = $distance_ned{$n} ;
- #print "$n $distancen";
- $dist_flag = 8;
- }
- }
- #
- # Individual corrections from various recent sources
- #
- if($name =~ /M 51/) {
- $distance = $sbf_distance{"NGC 5195"} - 0.5e6;
- $dist_flag = 4;
- $method{4} = " # method: $method_B200{$name}n";
- }
- if($name =~ /NGC 1569/) {
- $distance = 2.375 * $pc2ly * 1e6;
- $dist_flag = 7;
- $method{7} = " # method: Pn";
- }
- if($name =~ /M 90/) {
- $distance = $distance_B200{"M 90"};
- $dist_flag = 4;
- $method{4} = " # method: $method_B200{$name}n";
- }
- if($name =~ /NGC 4438/) {
- $distance = $rc3_distance{"NGC 4435"};
- $dist_flag = 7;
- $method{7} = " # method: M. Machacek et al. 2003, ApJn";
- }
- #
- # last resort for distances: (<=> TF for eta = eta_peak)
- # Simple estimate using /peak/ absolute mags from (absolute) brightness
- # distributions of SBF-galaxy survey, distinguishing "E" and "S"-type
- # galaxies.
- #
- # if(!$distance){printf "%10s %10.3f %4sn",$name,$Bmag,$HType;}
- #next if (!$distance);
- if(! $distance){
- $M_abs = $M_abs_ell if ($HType =~ /^E|^Irr/);
- $M_abs = $M_abs_spir if ($HType =~ /^S/);
- $distance = 10**(($Bmag - $M_abs * (1 + 0.0 * (1 - 2 * rand())) + 5)/5) * $pc2ly;
- $dist_flag = 0;
- #print "$j $basenamen" if ($basename);
- $j++;
- #printf "%10s Distance = %8.4g ly HType =%4sn",$name,$distance,$HType;
- }
- # Radius [ly]
- #-------------
- #
- $radius = 0.5*deg2rad($D/60.0)*$distance;
- #
- # Position angle
- #---------------
- #
- # use values from Steinicke's catalog
- $PA = &ss(75,77);
- $PA =~ s/ //g;
- # assign to 0 if undefined
- $PA = 0 if (! $PA);
- #printf "%10s %10.2f %5sn",$name,$PA,$HType if ($HType eq "Sc");
- #
- # Orientation (Axis, Angle)
- #---------------------------
- #
- &orientation($alpha,$delta,$HType,$i,$PA);
- #
- # absBMag (<== Bmag)
- #--------------------
- # use the distance from the galaxy boundary (rather than the center)
- # matches with Celestia code.
- #printf "%10s %15.4g %10dn",$name,$distance,$dist_flag if ($name =~ /^Msd+/|$name =~/^NGCs5196/);
- $Mabs = $Bmag - 5*log(($distance - $radius)/(10*$pc2ly))/log(10);
- #$DM = $Bmag - $Mabs;
- #printf "%10.3f %10.3fn",$Bmag, $DM if ($dist_flag == 2);
- # count the various distance methods used
- $c_sbf++ if ($dist_flag == 1);
- $c_tf++ if ($dist_flag == 2);
- $c_hubble++ if ($dist_flag == 3);
- $c_B200++ if ($dist_flag == 4);
- $c_zcat++ if ($dist_flag == 5);
- $c_ned1d++ if ($dist_flag == 6);
- $c_ned++ if ($dist_flag == 8);
- if($lgout){
- $dkpc = $distance /($pc2ly * 1e3);
- if ($dkpc < 1400){
- printf "%17s %15s; %10s; %9s; %5s; %8.3f; %6.2fn",$name,$an1,$ra,$dec,$HType,$dkpc,$Mabs;
- }
- }
- print DSC "Galaxy "$name$altname1$altname2$altname3"n";
- print DSC "{n";
- print DSC " Type "$HType"n";
- printf DSC " RA %10.4fn",$alpha;
- printf DSC " Dec %10.4fn",$delta;
- printf DSC " Distance %10.4g",$distance;
- print DSC "$method{$dist_flag}";
- printf DSC " Radius %10.4gn",$radius;
- printf DSC " AbsMag %10.4gn",$Mabs;
- printf DSC " Axis [%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f]n",@v;
- printf DSC " Angle %8.4fn",$angle;
- print DSC " InfoURL "$name"n";
- print DSC "}nn";
- $count++;
- }
- # Summary output of used distance data
- $sum = $n_local + $c_ned1d + $c_sbf + $c_tf + $c_hubble + $c_B200 + $c_zcat + $c_ned;
- print "nSummary Output:n---------------n";
- printf "%5d Galaxies in Totaln",$count;
- printf "%5d with good distance datann",$sum;
- printf "%5d with distances from 'catalog of neighboring galaxies'n",$n_local;
- printf "%5d with NED-1D averaged distancesn",$c_ned1d;
- printf "%5d with Surface Brightness Fluctuation (SBF) distancesn",$c_sbf;
- printf "%5d with Tully-Fisher distancesn",$c_tf;
- printf "%5d with B200 distancesn",$c_B200;
- printf "%5d with distances from Hubble Law (v_CMB, RC3)n",$c_hubble;
- printf "%5d with distances from Hubble Law (ZCAT).n",$c_zcat;
- printf "%5d with distances from Hubble Law (NED, batch).n",$c_ned;
- # like substr($_,first,last), but one-based.
- sub ss {
- substr ($_, $_[0]-1, $_[1]-$_[0]+1);
- }
- sub clean {
- # squeeze out superfluous spaces
- my($string) = @_;
- $string =~ s/^s*//;
- $string =~ s/s*$//;
- $string =~ s/s+/ /g;
- $string;
- }
- sub ra2h {
- my($coord) = @_;
- my $h = substr($coord,0,2);
- my $min = substr($coord,3,2);
- my $sec = substr($coord,6,3);
- $h+$min/60+$sec/3600;
- }
- sub dec2deg {
- my($coord) = @_;
- my $sign = substr($coord,0,1);
- my $deg = substr($coord,1,2);
- my $min = substr($coord,4,2);
- my $sec = substr($coord,7,3);
- if ($sign eq "+") {
- $s =1;
- } else {
- $s = -1;
- }
- $s*($deg+$min/60+$sec/3600);
- }
- sub ra2h_rc3 {
- my($h,$min,$sec) = @_;
- $h+$min/60+$sec/3600;
- }
- sub dec2deg_rc3 {
- my($sign,$deg,$min,$sec) = @_;
- if ($sign eq "+"){
- $s =1;
- } else {
- $s = -1;
- }
- $s*($deg+$min/60+$sec/3600);
- }
- sub standardize {
- # eliminate prenulls and bring the ned1d galaxy names in sync with RC3
- # and NGC/ICrevised
- my( $name ) = @_;
- $name =~ s/ //g;
- $name =~ s/bI*G//g;
- $name =~ s/b0+//g;
- $name =~ s/([A-Z]+)0+([1-9]+)/$1 $2/g;
- $name =~ s/(^[A-Z]+)(-*[1-9].*)/$1 $2/;
- $name =~ s/^Eb/ESO/;
- $name =~ s/^Ub/UGC/;
- $name =~ s/^UAb/UGCA/;
- $name =~ s/^Db/DDO/;
- $name =~ s/^Nb/NGC/;
- $name =~ s/^Ib/IC/;
- $name =~ s/^ANDIV/And IV/;
- $name =~ s/(^[A-Z][a-ce-z]+)(dSph)/$1 $2/;
- $name =~ s/(^[A-Z][a-z]+G*)(I*[VAB]*)/$1 $2/ unless ($name =~ /SagDIG|dSph/);
- $name =~ s/^ARP/Arp/;
- $name =~ s/(^[A-Za-z]+)([1-9]+)/$1 $2/;
- $name =~ s/LGS -3/LGS 3/;
- $name =~ s/=w+//;
- $name =~ s/[V]//;
- #$name =~ s/^Z (d+)/ZWG $1/;
- $name =~ s/^C (d+)_0*(d+)/CGCG $1-$2/;
- $name =~ s/^P (d+)/PGC $1/;
- $name =~ s/^[KK98](d+)/KK $1/;
- $name =~ s/Dwarf//;
- $name =~ s/-dE1//;
- $name =~ s//39$//;
- $name =~ s/&$//;
- $name =~ s/^NPMs1G(.*)/NPM1G $1/;
- return $name;
- }
- sub cmpname {
- my( $name ) = @_;
- my $num ="";
- if ($name =~ /(^[A-Z]+)s*([0-9-_AB]++*.*d*)/) {
- my $let = $1;
- $num = $2;
- $num =~ s/^-//;
- $let." ".$num;
- }
- }
- sub RC3type {
- # Reduce the RC3 morphology scheme to simple Hubble classes
- my($iType) = @_;
- return "" if (length($iType) != 7);
- $oType = substr($iType,1,length($iType) - 3);
- $oType =~ s/^[IP].*$/Irr/;
- $oType =~ s/^L.*$/S0/;
- $oType =~ s/^RING.*$/SBa/;
- $oType =~ s/[AX]//;
- $oType =~ s/^SB.*0/SBa/;
- $oType =~ s/^E.*(d).*$/E$1/;
- $oType =~ s/+*?*.*//g;
- $oType =~ s/^(SB*).*[89]/Irr/;
- $oType =~ s/^(SB*).*[567]$/$1c/;
- $oType =~ s/^(SB*).*[34]$/$1b/;
- $oType =~ s/^(SB*).*[12]$/$1a/;
- $oType =~ s/^S$/S0/;
- $oType =~ s/^E$/E0/;
- return $oType;
- }
- sub type {
- my($Type) = @_;
- if ($Type =~ /S[+?0abcdm]?|^[ES]$|SB[?0abcdm]?|d?E[+?0-7]?|Irr|IB?m?|C|RING|Ring|GxyP|P|D|^R/) {
- $Type =~ s/^E/SB0/S0/;
- $Type =~ s/^(w)+C/$1/;
- $Type =~ s//P?R?G?D?b//;
- $Type =~ s/(w+??)sB?R?M?/$1/;
- $Type =~ s/^d//;
- $Type =~ s/(w+)d-(w)/$1$2/;
- $Type =~ s/^E-?/?S0/S0/;
- $Type =~ s/^S(B?)[abc]([abc])/S$1$2/;
- $Type =~ s/SBR???$/SBa/;
- $Type =~ s/SB0/S0/;
- $Type =~ s/^E?? ?B?R?$/E0/;
- $Type =~ s/^S??$/S0/;
- $Type =~ s/^Sd$/Irr/;
- $Type =~ s/^S(B?)c?d/S$1c/;
- $Type =~ s/^IB?m?$/Irr/;
- $Type =~ s/^Irr B$/Irr/;
- $Type =~ s/^SB?d?m/Irr/;
- $Type =~ s/^C/E0/;
- $Type =~ s/^P??/Irr/;
- $Type =~ s/GxyP/Irr/;
- $Type =~ s/^Ring.*[AB]?$/S0/;
- $Type =~ s/^SB?cm/Irr/;
- $Type =~ s/S+S/Sa/;
- $Type =~ s/E+E??/E0/;
- $Type =~ s/^[cd]?D ?R?/E0/;
- $Type =~ s/E+*?C???S?/E0/;
- $Type =~ s/^Rwd$/Irr/;
- $Type =~ s/^R/S0/;
- # new for celestia-1.4.1
- $Type =~ s/S0+S0$/S0/;
- $Type =~ s/S[0c]?$/S0/;
- $Type =~ s/Spec$/Irr/;
- $Type =~ s/c?E0w+$/E0/;
- $Type =~ s/[34]S$/Sc/;
- $Type =~ s/5C$/Irr/;
- $Type =~ s/E0+*3/E0/;
- $Type =~ s/SB+C?/SBa/;
- }
- return $Type;
- }
- sub inclination {
- my( $r ) = @_;
- # compute inclination angle $i [degrees] from $d/$D extension ratio
- my $wu = ($r**2 - 0.2**2)/(1.0 - 0.2**2);
- if ($wu > 1.0e-8) {
- 3.0 + 180/pi*acos(sqrt($wu));
- } else {
- 90.0;
- }
- }
- sub orientation {
- my($ra, $dec, $Type, $i, $PA) = @_;
- my $decrot = Math::Quaternion::rotation(deg2rad(90 - $dec),1,0,0);
- my $rarot = Math::Quaternion::rotation(deg2rad(90 - $ra * 15),0,1,0);
- my $radecrot = $decrot * $rarot;
- my $incrot = Math::Quaternion::rotation(deg2rad($i),0,0,1);
- my $pa = Math::Quaternion::rotation(deg2rad($PA),0,1,0);
- my $eclipticsrot = Math::Quaternion::rotation(deg2rad($epsilon),1,0,0);
- #
- if ($Type =~ /^E|^Milky/) {
- $rot = $pa * $radecrot * $eclipticsrot;
- } else {
- $rot = $incrot * $pa * $radecrot * $eclipticsrot;
- }
- if ($rot->rotation_angle > pi){
- $rot = $rot->negate;
- }
- $rot = $rot->normalize;
- $angle = $rot->rotation_angle * 180/pi;
- @v = $rot->rotation_axis;
- }
- sub dcmr {
- # calculate the comoving distance appropriate for Hubble's law,
- # given $z, $Omega_matter=$Wm, $Omega_lambda=$Wlam.
- my($Wm, $Wlam, $z) = @_;
- my $Wr = 0.4165/($H0 * $H0); # 3 massless neutrinos to Omega (radiation)
- my $Wk = 1 - $Wm -$Wr -$Wlam; # flat universe, Omega (total) = 1
- my $az = 1/($z + 1);
- my $numpoints = 50; # support points for numerical integration
- # do integral over $a=1/(1+$z) from $az to 1 in $numpoints steps,
- # midpoint rule
- $dcmr = 0;
- #print "$Wm $Wlam $Wk $Wr $azn";
- for ($i = 0; $i < $numpoints; $i++) {
- my $a = $az + (1 - $az) * ($i + 0.5)/$numpoints;
- my $adot = sqrt($Wk + ($Wm/$a) + ($Wr/($a * $a)) + ($Wlam * $a * $a));
- $dcmr = $dcmr + 1/($a * $adot);
- }
- return $dcmr = $pc2ly * 1e6 * $c/$H0 * (1 - $az) * $dcmr/$numpoints;
- }