- #!/usr/bin/perl
- use Math::Libm ':all';
- open(BINDAT,"<doubles99.txt")|| die "Can not read doubles99.txtn";
- open(ELMTS, ">") || die "Can not create visualbins.stcn";
- # boilerplate
- ($ver = "Revision: 1.6.0 ") =~ s/$//g;
- ($me = $0) =~ s/.*///;
- ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime;
- $year += 1900;
- $mon += 1;
- print ELMTS "# ---------------------------------------n";
- print ELMTS "# Orbits of visual binaries for Celestia: $me, $ver,n";
- print ELMTS "# ---------------------------------------n";
- print ELMTS "# from S. Soederhjelm, Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.341, p.121-140 (1999).n";
- print ELMTS "# Refereed publication freely available atn";
- print ELMTS "#";
- print ELMTS "#n";
- print ELMTS "# Binaries within 25 ly distance have been commented out here.n";
- print ELMTS "# They are included in Celestia's ''.n";
- print ELMTS "# This update features SIMBAD-compatible nomenclature for all barycenters.n";
- print ELMTS "# Leading and alternative star designations were extracted via SIMBAD'sn";
- print ELMTS "# scripting facility, available at,n";
- print ELMTS "# and from Celestia's 'starnames.dat'.n";
- print ELMTS "# Missing spectral types for components were added from scanningn";
- print ELMTS "# 'The Washington Visual Double Star Catalog (WDS) (Mason+ 2001-2009)',n";
- print ELMTS "#,n";
- print ELMTS "# and from redoubled entries in Celestia's ''n";
- print ELMTS "# n";
- print ELMTS "# Coordinates and distances for barycenters and numerous spectral types are fromn";
- print ELMTS "# Celestia's stars, ('stars.txt' merged with ''), based onn";
- print ELMTS "# Floor van Leeuwen, 2007 'Hipparcos, the New Reduction of the Raw Data',n";
- print ELMTS "# Astrophysics & Space Science Library #350.n";
- print ELMTS "# available at";
- print ELMTS "#n";
- print ELMTS "# Processed $year-$mon-$mday $hour:$min:$sec UTCn";
- print ELMTS "# by Dr. Fridger Schrempp, fridger.schrempp@desy.den";
- print ELMTS "# ------------------------------------------------------ n";
- print ELMTS "n";
- #
- # constants
- #
- $pi = 3.14159265359;
- $ly2AU = 63239.7;
- $d_sol = 1.0/$ly2AU; # in ly
- $c = $ly2AU/3600.0*$pi/180.0; # conversion a["] -> a[ly]
- $cons='And|Cap|Col|Dra|Lac|Mus|Psc|Tau|Ant|Car|Com|Eql|Leo|Nor|Pup|Tel|Aps|Cas|CrA|Eri|Lep|Oct|Pyx|TrA|Aql|Cen|CrB|For|Lib|Oph|Ret|Tri|Aqr|Cep|Crt|Gem|LMi|Ori|Scl|Tuc|Ara|Cet|Cru|Gru|Lup|Pav|Sco|UMa|Ari|Cha|Crv|Her|Lyn|Peg|Sct|UMi|Aur|Cir|CVn|Hor|Lyr|Per|Ser|Vel|Boo|CMa|Cyg|Hya|Men|Phe|Sex|Vir|Cae|CMi|Del|Hyi|Mic|Pic|Sge|Vol|Cam|Cnc|Dor|Ind|Mon|PsA|Sgr|Vul';
- @commenting_out = ("","# Star already in '', since d < 25 lyn#n", "# Commented out to avoid redoublingn#n");
- @quality = ("","","# lacking, used HIP data of the entire system!", "# mentioned in D.Pourbaix's paper (discussion)");
- #
- # check for matching entries in Pourbaix' spectroscopic data
- #
- open(SPECT,"<Pourbaix-stars.txt")|| die "Can not read Pourbaix-stars.txtn";
- while (<SPECT>){
- chop();
- next if (/^#/);
- s/_+//g;
- ($hipSp,$nameSp,$hd,$mvA,$colorSpA,$mvB,$colorSpB,$type,$ref) = split(/|/);
- $colorSpA{$hipSp} = $colorSpA;
- $colorSpB{$hipSp} = $colorSpB;
- $mvSpA{$hipSp} = $mvA;
- $mvSpB{$hipSp} = $mvB;
- #print "$hipSp $altSp{$hipSp} $colorSpA{$hipSp} $colorSpB{$hipSp}n";
- }
- close (SPECT);
- #
- # implement matching Celestia starnames
- #
- open(STN,"<starnames.dat")|| die "Can not read starnames.datn";
- while (<STN>){
- chop();
- # extract main name
- ($hipStn, $name1, $dummy) = ($_ =~ /(^d+):([a-zA-Z]+s?[a-zA-Z]{4,}):(.*)/);
- # is there a second name?
- ($name2, $dummy2) = ($dummy =~ /(^[a-zA-Z]+s?[a-zA-Z]{4,}):(.*)/);
- if ($name1){
- $name1A = "$name1 A";
- $name1B = "$name1 B";
- }
- if ($name2){
- $name2 = ":$name2";
- $name2A = "$name2 A";
- $name2B = "$name2 B";
- } else {
- $name2A = "";
- $name2B = "";
- }
- $Stn{$hipStn} = $name1.$name2;
- $StnA{$hipStn} = $name1A.$name2A;
- $StnB{$hipStn} = $name1B.$name2B;
- #print "$hipStn $Stn{$hipStn} $StnA{$hipStn} $StnB{$hipStn}n" if $Stn{$hipStn};
- }
- close (STN);
- #
- # implement SIMBAD naming compatibility, via SIMBATCH ('simbad.txt' output)
- #
- open(SIMBAD,"<simbad_vis.txt")|| die "Can not read simbad_vis.txtn";
- while (<SIMBAD>){
- chop();
- $alt = ""; $altA = ""; $altB = ""; $nx = ":"; $comp="";
- if (/^Identifiers=/){
- if (/|HIP (d+)|/){$hipSim = $1;}
- if (/|.*s([a-zA-Z]+ )($cons)(s?[A-B]?)|/){
- $comp = $3;
- $constell = $2;
- $pre = $1;
- $pre =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
- $pre =~ s/KSI/XI/g;
- &update ($pre, $constell, $comp);
- }
- if (/|V*s(Vd+ )($cons)(s?[A-B]?)|/){
- $comp = $3;
- $constell = $2;
- $pre = $1;
- &update ($pre, $constell, $comp);
- }
- if (/|.*s(w+.0d )(($cons))/){
- $constell = $2;
- $pre = $1;
- $pre =~ s/.01/1/g;
- $pre =~ s/.02/2/g;
- $pre =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
- $pre =~ s/KSI/XI/g;
- &update ($pre, $constell, " ");
- }
- if (/|.?s(d+ )($cons)(s?[A-B]?)|/){
- $comp = $3;
- $constell = $2;
- $pre = $1;
- &update ($pre, $constell, $comp);
- }
- if (/|(GJ d+)(s?[A-C]*)|/){
- $pre = $1;
- $comp = $2;
- &update ($pre, "", $comp);
- }
- if (/|(ADS d+)(s?[A-P]*)|/){
- $pre = $1;
- $comp = $2;
- &update ($pre, "", $comp);
- }
- if (/|(CCDMsJd+[+-]d+)([A-P]*)|/){
- $pre = $1;
- $comp = $2;
- &update ($pre, "", $comp);
- }
- if (/|(p.sWDSsJd+[+-]d+)([A-P]*)|/){
- $pre = $1;
- $comp = $2;
- # &update ($pre, "", $comp);
- $pre =~ s/p.sWDSsJ//g;
- $wdsSim{$hipSim} = $pre;
- #print "$hipSim $wdsSim{$hipSim}n";
- }
- $alt{$hipSim, 'AB'} = $alt?$alt:"HIP $hipSim";
- $alt{$hipSim, 'A'} = $altA?$altA:"HIP $hipSim A";
- $alt{$hipSim, 'B'} = $altB?$altB:"HIP $hipSim B";
- if ($Stn{$hipSim}){
- $alt{$hipSim, 'AB'} = $Stn{$hipSim}.$nx.$alt{$hipSim, 'AB'};
- $alt{$hipSim, 'A'} = $StnA{$hipSim}.$nx.$alt{$hipSim, 'A'};
- $alt{$hipSim, 'B'} = $StnB{$hipSim}.$nx.$alt{$hipSim, 'B'};
- }
- ($orbitRef{$hipSim},$tmp) = split(":",$alt{$hipSim, 'AB'});
- }
- }
- close(SIMBAD);
- #
- # read in WDS looking for spectral types
- #
- open(WDS,"< wds.dat")|| die "Can not read wds.datn";
- while (<WDS>){
- chop();
- $wds = &clean(&ss(1,10));
- ($sptype1, $sptype2) = split(/[/ +]+/,&clean(&ss(71,80)));
- # ($sptype1, $sptype2)
- $sptype1{$wds} = $sptype1;
- $sptype2{$wds} = $sptype2;
- }
- close(WDS);
- #
- # read in the entire stars.txt for fast lookup
- #
- open(HIP,"< stars.txt")|| die "Can not read stars.txtn";
- while (<HIP>){
- chop();
- $line = $_;
- ($hipnr,$tmp) = split (/ /);
- # squeeze out all spaces and use as a key
- $stars{$hipnr} = &clean($line);
- }
- close (HIP);
- #
- # merge with corrections in
- #
- open(HIPREV,"<")|| die "Can not read revised.stcn";
- while (<HIPREV>){
- next if (/^#/);
- if (/(^d+)/ || /^Modify (d+)/){
- $hiprev = $1;
- ($h,$c1,$c2,$dd,$magapp,$color) = split(/[ t]+/,$stars{$hiprev});
- # if (!$stars{$hiprev}){
- # print "ORG: HIP star missing!n";
- # } else {
- # print "ORG: HIP $stars{$hiprev}n";
- # }
- next;
- }
- next if(/^{/);
- if(/RAbs+([d.]+)/){$c1 = $1; next;}
- if(/Decbs+([-d.]+)/){$c2 = $1; next;}
- if(/Distancebs+([d.]+)/){$dd = $1; next;}
- if(/SpectralTypebs+"(.*)"/){$color = $1; next;}
- if(/AppMagbs+([d.]+)/){$magapp = $1; next;}
- if (/^}/){
- $stars{$hiprev} = join (" ",$hiprev,$c1,$c2,$dd,$magapp,$color);
- # print "REV: HIP $stars{$hiprev}nn";
- }
- }
- close (HIPREV);
- $count = 0;
- $k = 0;
- $kAwds = 0; $kBwds = 0; $kAsb = 0; $kBsb = 0; $kAhip = 0; $kBhip = 0;
- while (<BINDAT>) {
- next if (/^R.*$/);
- chop();
- ($hip,$n_hip,$Hp1,$dm2m1,$V_I,$plx,$plxHIP,$Hpa,$Msum,$q,$Per,$T,$a,$e,$i,$omega,$OMEGA,$recno) = split (/|/,$_);
- # squeeze out all superfluous spaces
- $hip =~s/ //g;
- $n_hip =~s/ //g;
- $plx =~s/ //g;
- $q =~s/ //g;
- $dm2m1 =~s/ //g;
- next if($plx eq "");
- $d=1000/($ly2AU*$plx)*3600/$pi*180; # d in [ly]; $plx in [mas]
- next if ($q eq "");
- $m1 = $Msum/(1.0+$q);
- $m2 = $m1*$q;
- $a2 = $d*$c*$a/(1.0 + $q); # a2 [ly]
- $a1 = $a2*$q; # a1 [ly]
- next if ($n_hip eq "b");
- next if ($stars{$hip} eq "");
- $comment_flag = 0;
- $onoff = "";
- #
- # extract distance [ly] from 'stars.txt & revised stc'
- # use it to compile absolute magnitude
- #
- ($h,$c1,$c2,$dd,$magapp,$color) = split(/[ t]+/,$stars{$hip});
- #
- # coordinates in decimal-degrees
- #
- $c1 =~ s/ //g;
- $c2 =~ s/ //g;
- #
- # app.mag of secondary
- #
- $Hp2 = $Hp1 + $dm2m1;
- #print "$hip $Hp1 $dm2m1 $Hp2n";
- $epsrel = 0;
- if($d){ $epsrel = 100 * ($dd - $d)/$d;}
- if($epsrel > 10){
- print STDOUT "Distance mismatch of $epsrel % with (revised) stars.txt for HIP $hipn";
- }
- $d = $dd;
- #
- # comment out all binaries with earthbound distance <= 25 ly.
- # They are included in Grant Hutchison's '' file
- #
- if ($d <= 25){
- $onoff = "# ";
- $comment_flag = 1;
- #print "$hip $dn";
- }
- $color =~ s/ //g;
- if ($color =~ /(w+)/(w+)/){
- $hipcolorA = $1;
- $hipcolorB = $2;
- } else {
- $hipcolorA = $color;
- $hipcolorB = $color;
- }
- #
- # separate spectral types of both components
- #
- if ($sptype1{$wdsSim{$hip}}){
- # scan first the WDS catalog for spectral types
- $spectA = $sptype1{$wdsSim{$hip}};
- $quA = $quality[0];
- $kAwds++ if !$onoff;
- } elsif ($colorSpA{$hip}){
- # use up next the known spectral types from D. Pourbaix
- $spectA = $colorSpA{$hip};
- $quA = $quality[1];
- #print "$hip A-color: $spectAn";
- $kAsb++ if !$onoff;
- } else {
- # identify the leftovers with the system spectral type from HIP
- $spectA = $hipcolorA;
- $quA = $quality[2];
- $kAhip++ if !$onoff;
- }
- if ($sptype2{$wdsSim{$hip}}){
- # scan first the WDS catalog for spectral types
- $spectB = $sptype2{$wdsSim{$hip}};
- $quB = $quality[0];
- $kBwds++ if !$onoff;
- } elsif ($colorSpB{$hip}){
- # use up next the known spectral types from D. Pourbaix
- $spectB = $colorSpB{$hip};
- $quB = $quality[1];
- #print "$hip B-color: $spectBn";
- $kBsb++ if !$onoff;
- } else {
- # identify the leftovers with the system spectral type from HIP
- $spectB = $hipcolorB;
- $quB = $quality[2];
- $kBhip++ if !$onoff;
- }
- # cleaning up for Celestia
- $spectA =~ s/[a-z]|.{2,}|-I?V|:|+//g;
- $spectB =~ s/[a-z]|.{2,}|-I?V|:|+//g;
- $spectA = ""$spectA"";
- $spectB = ""$spectB"";
- #printf "%2s %6d %10.2f %12s %8s %8s %8s %8sn", $onoff, $hip, $d, $sptype1{$wdsSim{$hip}},$sptype2{$wdsSim{$hip}},$colorSpA{$hip},$colorSpB{$hip},$hipcolorB;
- #printf "%2s %6d %15s %10.2f %10.2f %5sn", $onoff, $hip, $wdsSim{$hip}, $d, $Hp1, $Hp2;
- #if ($alt{$hip,'AB'} =~/($cons)/){$k++; print "$k $alt{$hip,'AB'}n";}
- #print STDOUT "$Period $SemiMajorAxis $Eccentricity $Inclination $AscendingNode $ArgOfPeri $MeanAnomalyn";
- &RotOrbits($c1,$c2,$Per,$a,$i,$OMEGA,$T,$e,$omega,$d);
- print ELMTS "$onoff Barycenter $hip "$alt{$hip,'AB'}"n";
- print ELMTS "$onoff {n";
- printf ELMTS "$onoff RA %10.6fn", $c1;
- printf ELMTS "$onoff Dec %10.6fn",$c2;
- printf ELMTS "$onoff Distance %10.6fn",$d;
- print ELMTS "$onoff }n";
- print ELMTS "$onoff n";
- print ELMTS "$onoff "$alt{$hip,'A'}"n";
- print ELMTS "$onoff {n";
- print ELMTS "$onoff OrbitBarycenter "$orbitRef{$hip}"n";
- printf ELMTS "$onoff SpectralType %-8s %-40sn",$spectA,$quA;
- printf ELMTS "$onoff AppMag %-5.2fn",$Hp1;
- print ELMTS "$onoff n";
- print ELMTS "$onoff EllipticalOrbit {n";
- printf ELMTS "$onoff Period %10.3fn",$Period;
- printf ELMTS "$onoff SemiMajorAxis %10.3f # mass ratio %4.2f : %4.2fn",$a1,$m1,$m2;
- printf ELMTS "$onoff Eccentricity %10.3fn",$Eccentricity;
- printf ELMTS "$onoff Inclination %10.3fn",$Inclination;
- printf ELMTS "$onoff AscendingNode %10.3fn",$AscendingNode;
- $ArgOfPeri1 = $ArgOfPeri - 180;
- if ($ArgOfPeri1 < 0.0) { $ArgOfPeri1 = $ArgOfPeri + 180; }
- printf ELMTS "$onoff ArgOfPericenter %10.3fn",$ArgOfPeri1;
- printf ELMTS "$onoff MeanAnomaly %10.3fn",$MeanAnomaly;
- print ELMTS "$onoff }n";
- print ELMTS "$onoff }nn";
- print ELMTS "$onoff "$alt{$hip,'B'}"n";
- print ELMTS "$onoff {n";
- print ELMTS "$onoff OrbitBarycenter "$orbitRef{$hip}"n";
- printf ELMTS "$onoff SpectralType %-8s %-40sn",$spectB,$quB;
- printf ELMTS "$onoff AppMag %-5.2fn",$Hp2;
- print ELMTS "$onoff n";
- print ELMTS "$onoff EllipticalOrbit {n";
- printf ELMTS "$onoff Period %10.3fn",$Period;
- printf ELMTS "$onoff SemiMajorAxis %10.3f # mass ratio %4.2f : %4.2fn",$a2,$m1,$m2;
- printf ELMTS "$onoff Eccentricity %10.3fn",$Eccentricity;
- printf ELMTS "$onoff Inclination %10.3fn",$Inclination;
- printf ELMTS "$onoff AscendingNode %10.3fn",$AscendingNode;
- printf ELMTS "$onoff ArgOfPericenter %10.3fn",$ArgOfPeri;
- printf ELMTS "$onoff MeanAnomaly %10.3fn",$MeanAnomaly;
- printf ELMTS "$onoff }n";
- print ELMTS "$onoff }nn";
- $count++ if !$onoff;
- }
- close (BINDAT);
- print STDOUT "nNumber of enabled visual binaries: $countn";
- print "nA component:n------------n";
- printf STDOUT "nspectral types from WDS catalog: => %3dn",$kAwds;
- printf STDOUT "spectral types from 'spectbins': => %3dn",$kAsb;
- printf STDOUT "spectral types from HIP catalog: => %3dn",$kAhip;
- print "nB component:n------------n";
- printf STDOUT "spectral types from WDS catalog: => %3dn", $kBwds;
- printf STDOUT "spectral types from 'spectbins': => %3dn",$kBsb;
- printf STDOUT "spectral types from HIP catalog: => %3dnn",$kBhip;
- sub RotOrbits {
- my($ra_deg,$del_deg,$P,$a_arcsec,$i,$PA_of_Node,$Epoch_of_peri,$e,$Arg_of_peri
- ,$dist_ly) = @_;
- my $del_rad = -$del_deg*$pi/180.0;
- my $ra_rad = $ra_deg*$pi/180.0 - $pi;
- my $eps = $pi/180.0*23.4392911;
- my $ii = $pi/180.0*(90.0 - $i);
- my $om = $pi/180.0*($PA_of_Node - 270.0);
- my $alpha = atan(cos($ii)*cos($pi/180.0*($PA_of_Node))/(sin($ii)*cos($del_rad) -
- cos($ii)*sin($del_rad)*sin($pi/180.0*($PA_of_Node)))) + $ra_rad;
- if( sin($ii)*cos($del_rad)-cos($ii)*sin($del_rad)*sin($pi/180.0*$PA_of_Node) < 0 ) { $alpha = $alpha + $pi };
- my $delta=asin(cos($ii)*cos($del_rad)*sin($pi/180.0*$PA_of_Node)+sin($ii)*sin(
- $del_rad));
- my $lambda=atan((sin($alpha)*cos($eps)+tan($delta)*sin($eps))/cos($alpha));
- if( cos($alpha) < 0 ) { $lambda = $lambda + $pi };
- my $beta = asin(sin($delta)*cos($eps) - cos($delta)*sin($eps)*sin($alpha));
- my $alphaOm = atan(cos($om)/(-sin($del_rad))/sin($om)) + $ra_rad;
- if( -sin($del_rad)*sin($om) < 0 ) { $alphaOm = $alphaOm + $pi };
- my $deltaOm = asin(cos($del_rad)*sin($om));
- my $lambdaOm = atan((sin($alphaOm)*cos($eps) +
- tan($deltaOm)*sin($eps))/cos($alphaOm));
- if( cos($alphaOm) < 0 ) { $lambdaOm = $lambdaOm + $pi };
- my $betaOm = asin(sin($deltaOm)*cos($eps) -
- cos($deltaOm)*sin($eps)*sin($alphaOm));
- my $sign = $betaOm > 0? 1.0:-1.0;
- my $dd = acos(cos($betaOm)*cos($lambdaOm - $lambda - $pi/2.0))*$sign;
- $Period = $P;
- $SemiMajorAxis = $dist_ly*63239.7*tan($pi/180.0*$a_arcsec/3600.0);
- $Eccentricity = $e;
- $Inclination = 90 - $beta/$pi*180;
- $AscendingNode = $lambda/$pi*180 + 90 - floor(($lambda/$pi*180+90)/360.0)*360;
- $ArgOfPeri = $Arg_of_peri + $dd/$pi*180 - floor(($Arg_of_peri + $dd/$pi*180)/360.0)*360;
- $MeanAnomaly = 360*((2000.0 - $Epoch_of_peri)/$P - floor((2000.0 - $Epoch_of_peri)/$P));
- }
- sub clean {
- # squeeze out superfluous spaces
- my($string) = @_;
- $string =~ s/^s*//;
- $string =~ s/s*$//;
- $string =~ s/s+/ /g;
- $string;
- }
- # like substr($_,first,last), but one-based.
- sub ss {
- substr ($_, $_[0]-1, $_[1]-$_[0]+1);
- }
- sub update {
- my($pre, $constell, $comp) = @_;
- # component parser for visual binaries
- my $name = $pre.$constell;
- my ($a, $b) = "";
- if (!$comp||$comp eq " "){$a = " A"; $b = " B"; $comp = "";}
- elsif ($comp =~ /(s?)ABC?P?/){$a = $1."A"; $b = $1."B";}
- elsif ($comp =~ /b[AB]b/){$a = $comp."a"; $b = $comp."b";}
- elsif ($comp =~ /(s?)BC/){$a = $1."B"; $b = $1."C";}
- elsif ($comp =~ /(s?)([AB])([PC])/){$a = $1.$2; $b = $1.$3;}
- $alt = $alt?$alt.$nx.$name.$comp:$name.$comp;
- $altA = $altA?$altA.$nx.$name.$a:$name.$a;
- $altB = $altB?$altB.$nx.$name.$b:$name.$b;
- }