- // orbit.cpp
- //
- // Copyright (C) 2001, Chris Laurel <claurel@shatters.net>
- //
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #include <functional>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <cmath>
- #include <cassert>
- #include <celmath/mathlib.h>
- #include <celmath/solve.h>
- #include "astro.h"
- #include "orbit.h"
- #include "body.h"
- using namespace std;
- // Orbital velocity is computed by differentiation for orbits that don't
- // override velocityAtTime().
- static const double ORBITAL_VELOCITY_DIFF_DELTA = 1.0 / 1440.0;
- EllipticalOrbit::EllipticalOrbit(double _pericenterDistance,
- double _eccentricity,
- double _inclination,
- double _ascendingNode,
- double _argOfPeriapsis,
- double _meanAnomalyAtEpoch,
- double _period,
- double _epoch) :
- pericenterDistance(_pericenterDistance),
- eccentricity(_eccentricity),
- inclination(_inclination),
- ascendingNode(_ascendingNode),
- argOfPeriapsis(_argOfPeriapsis),
- meanAnomalyAtEpoch(_meanAnomalyAtEpoch),
- period(_period),
- epoch(_epoch)
- {
- orbitPlaneRotation = (Mat3d::zrotation(_ascendingNode) *
- Mat3d::xrotation(_inclination) *
- Mat3d::zrotation(_argOfPeriapsis));
- }
- // Standard iteration for solving Kepler's Equation
- struct SolveKeplerFunc1 : public unary_function<double, double>
- {
- double ecc;
- double M;
- SolveKeplerFunc1(double _ecc, double _M) : ecc(_ecc), M(_M) {};
- double operator()(double x) const
- {
- return M + ecc * sin(x);
- }
- };
- // Faster converging iteration for Kepler's Equation; more efficient
- // than above for orbits with eccentricities greater than 0.3. This
- // is from Jean Meeus's _Astronomical Algorithms_ (2nd ed), p. 199
- struct SolveKeplerFunc2 : public unary_function<double, double>
- {
- double ecc;
- double M;
- SolveKeplerFunc2(double _ecc, double _M) : ecc(_ecc), M(_M) {};
- double operator()(double x) const
- {
- return x + (M + ecc * sin(x) - x) / (1 - ecc * cos(x));
- }
- };
- struct SolveKeplerLaguerreConway : public unary_function<double, double>
- {
- double ecc;
- double M;
- SolveKeplerLaguerreConway(double _ecc, double _M) : ecc(_ecc), M(_M) {};
- double operator()(double x) const
- {
- double s = ecc * sin(x);
- double c = ecc * cos(x);
- double f = x - s - M;
- double f1 = 1 - c;
- double f2 = s;
- x += -5 * f / (f1 + sign(f1) * sqrt(abs(16 * f1 * f1 - 20 * f * f2)));
- return x;
- }
- };
- struct SolveKeplerLaguerreConwayHyp : public unary_function<double, double>
- {
- double ecc;
- double M;
- SolveKeplerLaguerreConwayHyp(double _ecc, double _M) : ecc(_ecc), M(_M) {};
- double operator()(double x) const
- {
- double s = ecc * sinh(x);
- double c = ecc * cosh(x);
- double f = s - x - M;
- double f1 = c - 1;
- double f2 = s;
- x += -5 * f / (f1 + sign(f1) * sqrt(abs(16 * f1 * f1 - 20 * f * f2)));
- return x;
- }
- };
- typedef pair<double, double> Solution;
- Vec3d Orbit::velocityAtTime(double tdb) const
- {
- Point3d p0 = positionAtTime(tdb);
- Point3d p1 = positionAtTime(tdb + ORBITAL_VELOCITY_DIFF_DELTA);
- return (p1 - p0) * (1.0 / ORBITAL_VELOCITY_DIFF_DELTA);
- }
- double EllipticalOrbit::eccentricAnomaly(double M) const
- {
- if (eccentricity == 0.0)
- {
- // Circular orbit
- return M;
- }
- else if (eccentricity < 0.2)
- {
- // Low eccentricity, so use the standard iteration technique
- Solution sol = solve_iteration_fixed(SolveKeplerFunc1(eccentricity, M), M, 5);
- return sol.first;
- }
- else if (eccentricity < 0.9)
- {
- // Higher eccentricity elliptical orbit; use a more complex but
- // much faster converging iteration.
- Solution sol = solve_iteration_fixed(SolveKeplerFunc2(eccentricity, M), M, 6);
- // Debugging
- // printf("ecc: %f, error: %f masn",
- // eccentricity, radToDeg(sol.second) * 3600000);
- return sol.first;
- }
- else if (eccentricity < 1.0)
- {
- // Extremely stable Laguerre-Conway method for solving Kepler's
- // equation. Only use this for high-eccentricity orbits, as it
- // requires more calcuation.
- double E = M + 0.85 * eccentricity * sign(sin(M));
- Solution sol = solve_iteration_fixed(SolveKeplerLaguerreConway(eccentricity, M), E, 8);
- return sol.first;
- }
- else if (eccentricity == 1.0)
- {
- // Nearly parabolic orbit; very common for comets
- // TODO: handle this
- return M;
- }
- else
- {
- // Laguerre-Conway method for hyperbolic (ecc > 1) orbits.
- double E = log(2 * M / eccentricity + 1.85);
- Solution sol = solve_iteration_fixed(SolveKeplerLaguerreConwayHyp(eccentricity, M), E, 30);
- return sol.first;
- }
- }
- // Compute the position at the specified eccentric
- // anomaly E.
- Point3d EllipticalOrbit::positionAtE(double E) const
- {
- double x, y;
- if (eccentricity < 1.0)
- {
- double a = pericenterDistance / (1.0 - eccentricity);
- x = a * (cos(E) - eccentricity);
- y = a * sqrt(1 - square(eccentricity)) * sin(E);
- }
- else if (eccentricity > 1.0)
- {
- double a = pericenterDistance / (1.0 - eccentricity);
- x = -a * (eccentricity - cosh(E));
- y = -a * sqrt(square(eccentricity) - 1) * sinh(E);
- }
- else
- {
- // TODO: Handle parabolic orbits
- x = 0.0;
- y = 0.0;
- }
- Point3d p = orbitPlaneRotation * Point3d(x, y, 0);
- // Convert to Celestia's internal coordinate system
- return Point3d(p.x, p.z, -p.y);
- }
- // Compute the velocity at the specified eccentric
- // anomaly E.
- Vec3d EllipticalOrbit::velocityAtE(double E) const
- {
- double x, y;
- if (eccentricity < 1.0)
- {
- double a = pericenterDistance / (1.0 - eccentricity);
- double sinE = sin(E);
- double cosE = cos(E);
- x = -a * sinE;
- y = a * sqrt(1 - square(eccentricity)) * cosE;
- double meanMotion = 2.0 * PI / period;
- double edot = meanMotion / (1 - eccentricity * cosE);
- x *= edot;
- y *= edot;
- }
- else if (eccentricity > 1.0)
- {
- double a = pericenterDistance / (1.0 - eccentricity);
- x = -a * (eccentricity - cosh(E));
- y = -a * sqrt(square(eccentricity) - 1) * sinh(E);
- }
- else
- {
- // TODO: Handle parabolic orbits
- x = 0.0;
- y = 0.0;
- }
- Vec3d v = orbitPlaneRotation * Vec3d(x, y, 0);
- // Convert to Celestia's coordinate system
- return Vec3d(v.x, v.z, -v.y);
- }
- // Return the offset from the center
- Point3d EllipticalOrbit::positionAtTime(double t) const
- {
- t = t - epoch;
- double meanMotion = 2.0 * PI / period;
- double meanAnomaly = meanAnomalyAtEpoch + t * meanMotion;
- double E = eccentricAnomaly(meanAnomaly);
- return positionAtE(E);
- }
- Vec3d EllipticalOrbit::velocityAtTime(double t) const
- {
- t = t - epoch;
- double meanMotion = 2.0 * PI / period;
- double meanAnomaly = meanAnomalyAtEpoch + t * meanMotion;
- double E = eccentricAnomaly(meanAnomaly);
- return velocityAtE(E);
- }
- double EllipticalOrbit::getPeriod() const
- {
- return period;
- }
- double EllipticalOrbit::getBoundingRadius() const
- {
- // TODO: watch out for unbounded parabolic and hyperbolic orbits
- return pericenterDistance * ((1.0 + eccentricity) / (1.0 - eccentricity));
- }
- void EllipticalOrbit::sample(double, double t, int nSamples,
- OrbitSampleProc& proc) const
- {
- if (eccentricity >= 1.0)
- {
- double dE = 1 * PI / (double) nSamples;
- for (int i = 0; i < nSamples; i++)
- proc.sample(t, positionAtE(dE * i));
- }
- else
- {
- // Adaptive sampling of the orbit; more samples in regions of high curvature.
- // nSamples is the number of samples that will be used for a perfectly circular
- // orbit. Elliptical orbits will have regions of higher curvature thar require
- // additional sample points.
- double E = 0.0;
- double dE = 2 * PI / (double) nSamples;
- double w = (1 - square(eccentricity));
- double M0 = E - eccentricity * sin(E);
- while (E < 2 * PI)
- {
- // Compute the time tag for this sample
- double M = E - eccentricity * sin(E); // Mean anomaly from ecc anomaly
- double tsamp = t + (M - M0) * period / (2 * PI); // Time from mean anomaly
- proc.sample(tsamp, positionAtE(E));
- // Compute the curvature
- double k = w * pow(square(sin(E)) + w * w * square(cos(E)), -1.5);
- // Step amount based on curvature--constrain it so that we don't end up
- // taking too many samples anywhere. Clamping the curvature to 20 effectively
- // limits the numbers of samples to 3*nSamples
- E += dE / max(min(k, 20.0), 1.0);
- }
- }
- }
- CachingOrbit::CachingOrbit() :
- lastTime(-1.0e30),
- positionCacheValid(false),
- velocityCacheValid(false)
- {
- }
- CachingOrbit::~CachingOrbit()
- {
- }
- Point3d CachingOrbit::positionAtTime(double jd) const
- {
- if (jd != lastTime)
- {
- lastTime = jd;
- lastPosition = computePosition(jd);
- positionCacheValid = true;
- velocityCacheValid = false;
- }
- else if (!positionCacheValid)
- {
- lastPosition = computePosition(jd);
- positionCacheValid = true;
- }
- return lastPosition;
- }
- Vec3d CachingOrbit::velocityAtTime(double jd) const
- {
- if (jd != lastTime)
- {
- lastVelocity = computeVelocity(jd);
- lastTime = jd; // must be set *after* call to computeVelocity
- positionCacheValid = false;
- velocityCacheValid = true;
- }
- else if (!velocityCacheValid)
- {
- lastVelocity = computeVelocity(jd);
- velocityCacheValid = true;
- }
- return lastVelocity;
- }
- /*! Calculate the velocity at the specified time (units are
- * kilometers / Julian day.) The default implementation just
- * differentiates the position.
- */
- Vec3d CachingOrbit::computeVelocity(double jd) const
- {
- // Compute the velocity by differentiating.
- Point3d p0 = positionAtTime(jd);
- // Call computePosition() instead of positionAtTime() so that we
- // don't affect the cached value.
- // TODO: check the valid ranges of the orbit to make sure that
- // jd+dt is still in range.
- Point3d p1 = computePosition(jd + ORBITAL_VELOCITY_DIFF_DELTA);
- return (p1 - p0) * (1.0 / ORBITAL_VELOCITY_DIFF_DELTA);
- }
- void CachingOrbit::sample(double start, double t, int nSamples,
- OrbitSampleProc& proc) const
- {
- double dt = t / (double) nSamples;
- for (int i = 0; i < nSamples; i++)
- proc.sample(start + dt * i, positionAtTime(start + dt * i));
- }
- static EllipticalOrbit* StateVectorToOrbit(const Point3d& position,
- const Vec3d& v,
- double mass,
- double t)
- {
- Vec3d R = position - Point3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- Vec3d L = R ^ v;
- double magR = R.length();
- double magL = L.length();
- double magV = v.length();
- L *= (1.0 / magL);
- Vec3d W = L ^ (R / magR);
- double G = astro::G * 1e-9; // convert from meters to kilometers
- double GM = G * mass;
- // Compute the semimajor axis
- double a = 1.0 / (2.0 / magR - square(magV) / GM);
- // Compute the eccentricity
- double p = square(magL) / GM;
- double q = R * v;
- double ex = 1.0 - magR / a;
- double ey = q / sqrt(a * GM);
- double e = sqrt(ex * ex + ey * ey);
- // Compute the mean anomaly
- double E = atan2(ey, ex);
- double M = E - e * sin(E);
- // Compute the inclination
- double cosi = L * Vec3d(0, 1.0, 0);
- double i = 0.0;
- if (cosi < 1.0)
- i = acos(cosi);
- // Compute the longitude of ascending node
- double Om = atan2(L.x, L.z);
- // Compute the argument of pericenter
- Vec3d U = R / magR;
- double s_nu = (v * U) * sqrt(p / GM);
- double c_nu = (v * W) * sqrt(p / GM) - 1;
- s_nu /= e;
- c_nu /= e;
- Vec3d P = U * c_nu - W * s_nu;
- Vec3d Q = U * s_nu + W * c_nu;
- double om = atan2(P.y, Q.y);
- // Compute the period
- double T = 2 * PI * sqrt(cube(a) / GM);
- T = T / 86400.0; // Convert from seconds to days
- return new EllipticalOrbit(a * (1 - e), e, i, Om, om, M, T, t);
- }
- MixedOrbit::MixedOrbit(Orbit* orbit, double t0, double t1, double mass) :
- primary(orbit),
- afterApprox(NULL),
- beforeApprox(NULL),
- begin(t0),
- end(t1),
- boundingRadius(0.0)
- {
- assert(t1 > t0);
- assert(orbit != NULL);
- double dt = 1.0 / 1440.0; // 1 minute
- Point3d p0 = orbit->positionAtTime(t0);
- Point3d p1 = orbit->positionAtTime(t1);
- Vec3d v0 = (orbit->positionAtTime(t0 + dt) - p0) / (86400 * dt);
- Vec3d v1 = (orbit->positionAtTime(t1 + dt) - p1) / (86400 * dt);
- beforeApprox = StateVectorToOrbit(p0, v0, mass, t0);
- afterApprox = StateVectorToOrbit(p1, v1, mass, t1);
- boundingRadius = beforeApprox->getBoundingRadius();
- if (primary->getBoundingRadius() > boundingRadius)
- boundingRadius = primary->getBoundingRadius();
- if (afterApprox->getBoundingRadius() > boundingRadius)
- boundingRadius = afterApprox->getBoundingRadius();
- }
- MixedOrbit::~MixedOrbit()
- {
- if (primary != NULL)
- delete primary;
- if (beforeApprox != NULL)
- delete beforeApprox;
- if (afterApprox != NULL)
- delete afterApprox;
- }
- Point3d MixedOrbit::positionAtTime(double jd) const
- {
- if (jd < begin)
- return beforeApprox->positionAtTime(jd);
- else if (jd < end)
- return primary->positionAtTime(jd);
- else
- return afterApprox->positionAtTime(jd);
- }
- Vec3d MixedOrbit::velocityAtTime(double jd) const
- {
- if (jd < begin)
- return beforeApprox->velocityAtTime(jd);
- else if (jd < end)
- return primary->velocityAtTime(jd);
- else
- return afterApprox->velocityAtTime(jd);
- }
- double MixedOrbit::getPeriod() const
- {
- return primary->getPeriod();
- }
- double MixedOrbit::getBoundingRadius() const
- {
- return boundingRadius;
- }
- void MixedOrbit::sample(double t0, double t1, int nSamples,
- OrbitSampleProc& proc) const
- {
- Orbit* o;
- if (t0 < begin)
- o = beforeApprox;
- else if (t0 < end)
- o = primary;
- else
- o = afterApprox;
- o->sample(t0, t1, nSamples, proc);
- }
- /*** FixedOrbit ***/
- FixedOrbit::FixedOrbit(const Point3d& pos) :
- position(pos)
- {
- }
- FixedOrbit::~FixedOrbit()
- {
- }
- Point3d
- FixedOrbit::positionAtTime(double /*tjd*/) const
- {
- return position;
- }
- bool
- FixedOrbit::isPeriodic() const
- {
- return false;
- }
- double
- FixedOrbit::getPeriod() const
- {
- return 1.0;
- }
- double
- FixedOrbit::getBoundingRadius() const
- {
- return position.distanceFromOrigin() * 1.1;
- }
- void
- FixedOrbit::sample(double, double, int, OrbitSampleProc&) const
- {
- /*
- for (int i = 0; i < nSamples; i++)
- proc.sample(t, position);
- */
- }
- /*** SynchronousOrbit ***/
- // TODO: eliminate this class once body-fixed reference frames are implemented
- SynchronousOrbit::SynchronousOrbit(const Body& _body,
- const Point3d& _position) :
- body(_body),
- position(_position)
- {
- }
- SynchronousOrbit::~SynchronousOrbit()
- {
- }
- Point3d SynchronousOrbit::positionAtTime(double jd) const
- {
- Quatd q = body.getEquatorialToBodyFixed(jd);
- return position * q.toMatrix3();
- }
- double SynchronousOrbit::getPeriod() const
- {
- return body.getRotationModel(0.0)->getPeriod();
- }
- double SynchronousOrbit::getBoundingRadius() const
- {
- return position.distanceFromOrigin();
- }
- void SynchronousOrbit::sample(double, double, int, OrbitSampleProc&) const
- {
- // Empty method--we never want to show a synchronous orbit.
- }