- // planetgrid.h
- //
- // Longitude/latitude grids for ellipsoidal bodies.
- //
- // Copyright (C) 2008, the Celestia Development Team
- // Initial version by Chris Laurel,
- //
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #include <celengine/referencemark.h>
- class Body;
- class PlanetographicGrid : public ReferenceMark
- {
- public:
- /*! Three different longitude conventions are in use for
- * solar system bodies:
- * Westward is for prograde rotators (rotation pole above the ecliptic)
- * Eastward is for retrograde rotators
- * EastWest measures longitude both east and west, and is used only
- * for the Earth and Moon (strictly because of convention.)
- */
- enum LongitudeConvention
- {
- EastWest,
- Westward,
- Eastward,
- };
- /*! NorthReversed indicates that the north pole for this body is /not/
- * the rotation north. It should be set for retrograde rotators in
- * order to conform with IAU conventions.
- */
- enum NorthDirection
- {
- NorthNormal,
- NorthReversed
- };
- PlanetographicGrid(const Body& _body);
- ~PlanetographicGrid();
- void render(Renderer* renderer,
- const Point3f& pos,
- float discSizeInPixels,
- double tdb) const;
- float boundingSphereRadius() const;
- void setIAULongLatConvention();
- private:
- static void InitializeGeometry();
- private:
- const Body& body;
- float minLongitudeStep;
- float minLatitudeStep;
- LongitudeConvention longitudeConvention;
- NorthDirection northDirection;
- static unsigned int circleSubdivisions;
- static float* xyCircle;
- static float* xzCircle;
- };