- // universe.cpp
- //
- // Copyright (C) 2001, Chris Laurel <claurel@shatters.net>
- //
- // A container for catalogs of galaxies, stars, and planets.
- //
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #include <celmath/mathlib.h>
- #include <celmath/intersect.h>
- #include <celutil/utf8.h>
- #include <cassert>
- #include "astro.h"
- #include "3dsmesh.h"
- #include "meshmanager.h"
- #include "render.h"
- #include "universe.h"
- #include "timelinephase.h"
- #include "frametree.h"
- #define ANGULAR_RES 3.5e-6
- using namespace std;
- Universe::Universe() :
- starCatalog(NULL),
- dsoCatalog(NULL),
- solarSystemCatalog(NULL),
- asterisms(NULL),
- /*boundaries(NULL),*/
- markers(NULL)
- {
- markers = new MarkerList();
- }
- Universe::~Universe()
- {
- delete markers;
- // TODO: Clean up!
- }
- StarDatabase* Universe::getStarCatalog() const
- {
- return starCatalog;
- }
- void Universe::setStarCatalog(StarDatabase* catalog)
- {
- starCatalog = catalog;
- }
- SolarSystemCatalog* Universe::getSolarSystemCatalog() const
- {
- return solarSystemCatalog;
- }
- void Universe::setSolarSystemCatalog(SolarSystemCatalog* catalog)
- {
- solarSystemCatalog = catalog;
- }
- DSODatabase* Universe::getDSOCatalog() const
- {
- return dsoCatalog;
- }
- void Universe::setDSOCatalog(DSODatabase* catalog)
- {
- dsoCatalog = catalog;
- }
- AsterismList* Universe::getAsterisms() const
- {
- return asterisms;
- }
- void Universe::setAsterisms(AsterismList* _asterisms)
- {
- asterisms = _asterisms;
- }
- ConstellationBoundaries* Universe::getBoundaries() const
- {
- return boundaries;
- }
- void Universe::setBoundaries(ConstellationBoundaries* _boundaries)
- {
- boundaries = _boundaries;
- }
- // Return the planetary system of a star, or NULL if it has no planets.
- SolarSystem* Universe::getSolarSystem(const Star* star) const
- {
- if (star == NULL)
- return NULL;
- uint32 starNum = star->getCatalogNumber();
- SolarSystemCatalog::iterator iter = solarSystemCatalog->find(starNum);
- if (iter == solarSystemCatalog->end())
- return NULL;
- else
- return iter->second;
- }
- // A more general version of the method above--return the solar system
- // that contains an object, or NULL if there is no solar sytstem.
- SolarSystem* Universe::getSolarSystem(const Selection& sel) const
- {
- switch (sel.getType())
- {
- case Selection::Type_Star:
- return getSolarSystem(sel.star());
- case Selection::Type_Body:
- {
- PlanetarySystem* system = sel.body()->getSystem();
- while (system != NULL)
- {
- Body* parent = system->getPrimaryBody();
- if (parent != NULL)
- system = parent->getSystem();
- else
- return getSolarSystem(Selection(system->getStar()));
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- case Selection::Type_Location:
- return getSolarSystem(Selection(sel.location()->getParentBody()));
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- // Create a new solar system for a star and return a pointer to it; if it
- // already has a solar system, just return a pointer to the existing one.
- SolarSystem* Universe::createSolarSystem(Star* star) const
- {
- SolarSystem* solarSystem = getSolarSystem(star);
- if (solarSystem != NULL)
- return solarSystem;
- solarSystem = new SolarSystem(star);
- solarSystemCatalog->insert(SolarSystemCatalog::
- value_type(star->getCatalogNumber(),
- solarSystem));
- return solarSystem;
- }
- MarkerList* Universe::getMarkers() const
- {
- return markers;
- }
- void Universe::markObject(const Selection& sel,
- const MarkerRepresentation& rep,
- int priority,
- bool occludable,
- MarkerSizing sizing)
- {
- for (MarkerList::iterator iter = markers->begin();
- iter != markers->end(); iter++)
- {
- if (iter->object() == sel)
- {
- // Handle the case when the object is already marked. If the
- // priority is higher than the existing marker, replace it.
- // Otherwise, do nothing.
- if (priority > iter->priority())
- {
- markers->erase(iter);
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- Marker marker(sel);
- marker.setRepresentation(rep);
- marker.setPriority(priority);
- marker.setOccludable(occludable);
- marker.setSizing(sizing);
- markers->insert(markers->end(), marker);
- }
- void Universe::unmarkObject(const Selection& sel, int priority)
- {
- for (MarkerList::iterator iter = markers->begin();
- iter != markers->end(); iter++)
- {
- if (iter->object() == sel)
- {
- if (priority >= iter->priority())
- markers->erase(iter);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- void Universe::unmarkAll()
- {
- markers->erase(markers->begin(), markers->end());
- }
- bool Universe::isMarked(const Selection& sel, int priority) const
- {
- for (MarkerList::iterator iter = markers->begin();
- iter != markers->end(); iter++)
- {
- if (iter->object() == sel)
- return iter->priority() >= priority;
- }
- return false;
- }
- class ClosestStarFinder : public StarHandler
- {
- public:
- ClosestStarFinder(float _maxDistance, const Universe* _universe);
- ~ClosestStarFinder() {};
- void process(const Star& star, float distance, float appMag);
- public:
- float maxDistance;
- float closestDistance;
- Star* closestStar;
- const Universe* universe;
- bool withPlanets;
- };
- ClosestStarFinder::ClosestStarFinder(float _maxDistance,
- const Universe* _universe) :
- maxDistance(_maxDistance),
- closestDistance(_maxDistance),
- closestStar(NULL),
- universe(_universe),
- withPlanets(false)
- {
- }
- void ClosestStarFinder::process(const Star& star, float distance, float)
- {
- if (distance < closestDistance)
- {
- if (!withPlanets || universe->getSolarSystem(&star))
- {
- closestStar = const_cast<Star*>(&star);
- closestDistance = distance;
- }
- }
- }
- class NearStarFinder : public StarHandler
- {
- public:
- NearStarFinder(float _maxDistance, vector<const Star*>& nearStars);
- ~NearStarFinder() {};
- void process(const Star& star, float distance, float appMag);
- private:
- float maxDistance;
- vector<const Star*>& nearStars;
- };
- NearStarFinder::NearStarFinder(float _maxDistance,
- vector<const Star*>& _nearStars) :
- maxDistance(_maxDistance),
- nearStars(_nearStars)
- {
- }
- void NearStarFinder::process(const Star& star, float distance, float)
- {
- if (distance < maxDistance)
- nearStars.push_back(&star);
- }
- struct PlanetPickInfo
- {
- double sinAngle2Closest;
- double closestDistance;
- double closestApproxDistance;
- Body* closestBody;
- Ray3d pickRay;
- double jd;
- float atanTolerance;
- };
- static bool ApproxPlanetPickTraversal(Body* body, void* info)
- {
- PlanetPickInfo* pickInfo = (PlanetPickInfo*) info;
- // Reject invisible bodies and bodies that don't exist at the current time
- if (!body->isVisible() || !body->extant(pickInfo->jd) || !body->isClickable())
- return true;
- Point3d bpos = body->getAstrocentricPosition(pickInfo->jd);
- Vec3d bodyDir = bpos - pickInfo->pickRay.origin;
- double distance = bodyDir.length();
- // Check the apparent radius of the orbit against our tolerance factor.
- // This check exists to make sure than when picking a distant, we select
- // the planet rather than one of its satellites.
- float appOrbitRadius = (float) (body->getOrbit(pickInfo->jd)->getBoundingRadius() /
- distance);
- if ((pickInfo->atanTolerance > ANGULAR_RES ? pickInfo->atanTolerance:
- ANGULAR_RES) > appOrbitRadius)
- {
- return true;
- }
- bodyDir.normalize();
- Vec3d bodyMiss = bodyDir - pickInfo->pickRay.direction;
- double sinAngle2 = sqrt(bodyMiss * bodyMiss)/2.0;
- if (sinAngle2 <= pickInfo->sinAngle2Closest)
- {
- pickInfo->sinAngle2Closest = sinAngle2 > ANGULAR_RES ? sinAngle2 :
- pickInfo->closestBody = body;
- pickInfo->closestApproxDistance = distance;
- }
- return true;
- }
- // Perform an intersection test between the pick ray and a body
- static bool ExactPlanetPickTraversal(Body* body, void* info)
- {
- PlanetPickInfo* pickInfo = reinterpret_cast<PlanetPickInfo*>(info);
- Point3d bpos = body->getAstrocentricPosition(pickInfo->jd);
- float radius = body->getRadius();
- double distance = -1.0;
- // Test for intersection with the bounding sphere
- if (body->isVisible() &&
- body->extant(pickInfo->jd) &&
- body->isClickable() &&
- testIntersection(pickInfo->pickRay, Sphered(bpos, radius), distance))
- {
- if (body->getGeometry() == InvalidResource)
- {
- // There's no mesh, so the object is an ellipsoid. If it's
- // spherical, we've already done all the work we need to. Otherwise,
- // we need to perform a ray-ellipsoid intersection test.
- if (!body->isSphere())
- {
- Vec3f semiAxes = body->getSemiAxes();
- Vec3d ellipsoidAxes(semiAxes.x, semiAxes.y, semiAxes.z);
- // Transform rotate the pick ray into object coordinates
- Mat3d m = conjugate(body->getEclipticToEquatorial(pickInfo->jd)).toMatrix3();
- Ray3d r(Point3d(0, 0, 0) + (pickInfo->pickRay.origin - bpos),
- pickInfo->pickRay.direction);
- r = r * m;
- if (!testIntersection(r, Ellipsoidd(ellipsoidAxes), distance))
- distance = -1.0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Transform rotate the pick ray into object coordinates
- Quatf qf = body->getOrientation();
- Quatd qd(qf.w, qf.x, qf.y, qf.z);
- Mat3d m = conjugate(qd * body->getEclipticToBodyFixed(pickInfo->jd)).toMatrix3();
- Ray3d r(Point3d(0, 0, 0) + (pickInfo->pickRay.origin - bpos),
- pickInfo->pickRay.direction);
- r = r * m;
- Geometry* geometry = GetGeometryManager()->find(body->getGeometry());
- float scaleFactor = body->getGeometryScale();
- if (geometry != NULL && geometry->isNormalized())
- scaleFactor = radius;
- // The mesh vertices are normalized, then multiplied by a scale
- // factor. Thus, the ray needs to be multiplied by the inverse of
- // the mesh scale factor.
- double is = 1.0 / scaleFactor;
- r.origin.x *= is;
- r.origin.y *= is;
- r.origin.z *= is;
- r.direction *= is;
- if (geometry != NULL)
- {
- if (!geometry->pick(r, distance))
- distance = -1.0;
- }
- }
- // Make also sure that the pickRay does not intersect the body in the
- // opposite hemisphere! Hence, need again the "bodyMiss" angle
- Vec3d bodyDir = bpos - pickInfo->pickRay.origin;
- bodyDir.normalize();
- Vec3d bodyMiss = bodyDir - pickInfo->pickRay.direction;
- double sinAngle2 = sqrt(bodyMiss * bodyMiss)/2.0;
- if (sinAngle2 < sin(PI/4.0) && distance > 0.0 &&
- distance <= pickInfo->closestDistance)
- {
- pickInfo->closestDistance = distance;
- pickInfo->closestBody = body;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- // Recursively traverse a frame tree; call the specified callback function for each
- // body in the tree. The callback function returns a boolean indicating whether
- // traversal should continue.
- //
- // TODO: This function works, but could use some cleanup:
- // * Make it a member of the frame tree class
- // * Combine info and func into a traversal callback class
- static bool traverseFrameTree(FrameTree* frameTree,
- double tdb,
- PlanetarySystem::TraversalFunc func,
- void* info)
- {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < frameTree->childCount(); i++)
- {
- TimelinePhase* phase = frameTree->getChild(i);
- if (phase->includes(tdb))
- {
- Body* body = phase->body();
- if (!func(body, info))
- return false;
- if (body->getFrameTree() != NULL)
- {
- if (!traverseFrameTree(body->getFrameTree(), tdb, func, info))
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- Selection Universe::pickPlanet(SolarSystem& solarSystem,
- const UniversalCoord& origin,
- const Vec3f& direction,
- double when,
- float /*faintestMag*/,
- float tolerance)
- {
- double sinTol2 = (sin(tolerance/2.0) > ANGULAR_RES ?
- sin(tolerance/2.0) : ANGULAR_RES);
- PlanetPickInfo pickInfo;
- Star* star = solarSystem.getStar();
- assert(star != NULL);
- // Transform the pick ray origin into astrocentric coordinates
- UniversalCoord starPos = star->getPosition(when);
- Vec3d v = origin - starPos;
- Point3d astrocentricOrigin(astro::microLightYearsToKilometers(v.x),
- astro::microLightYearsToKilometers(v.y),
- astro::microLightYearsToKilometers(v.z));
- pickInfo.pickRay = Ray3d(astrocentricOrigin,
- Vec3d(direction.x, direction.y, direction.z));
- pickInfo.sinAngle2Closest = 1.0;
- pickInfo.closestDistance = 1.0e50;
- pickInfo.closestApproxDistance = 1.0e50;
- pickInfo.closestBody = NULL;
- pickInfo.jd = when;
- pickInfo.atanTolerance = (float) atan(tolerance);
- // First see if there's a planet|moon that the pick ray intersects.
- // Select the closest planet|moon intersected.
- traverseFrameTree(solarSystem.getFrameTree(), when, ExactPlanetPickTraversal, (void*) &pickInfo);
- if (pickInfo.closestBody != NULL)
- {
- // Retain that body
- Body* closestBody = pickInfo.closestBody;
- // Check if there is a satellite in front of the primary body that is
- // sufficiently close to the pickRay
- traverseFrameTree(solarSystem.getFrameTree(), when, ApproxPlanetPickTraversal, (void*) &pickInfo);
- if (pickInfo.closestBody == closestBody)
- return Selection(closestBody);
- // Nothing else around, select the body and return
- // Are we close enough to the satellite and is it in front of the body?
- if ((pickInfo.sinAngle2Closest <= sinTol2) &&
- (pickInfo.closestDistance > pickInfo.closestApproxDistance))
- return Selection(pickInfo.closestBody);
- // Yes, select the satellite
- else
- return Selection(closestBody);
- // No, select the primary body
- }
- // If no planet was intersected by the pick ray, choose the planet|moon
- // with the smallest angular separation from the pick ray. Very distant
- // planets are likley to fail the intersection test even if the user
- // clicks on a pixel where the planet's disc has been rendered--in order
- // to make distant planets visible on the screen at all, their apparent
- // size has to be greater than their actual disc size.
- traverseFrameTree(solarSystem.getFrameTree(), when, ApproxPlanetPickTraversal, (void*) &pickInfo);
- if (pickInfo.sinAngle2Closest <= sinTol2)
- return Selection(pickInfo.closestBody);
- else
- return Selection();
- }
- // StarPicker is a callback class for StarDatabase::findVisibleStars
- class StarPicker : public StarHandler
- {
- public:
- StarPicker(const Point3f&, const Vec3f&, double, float);
- ~StarPicker() {};
- void process(const Star&, float, float);
- public:
- const Star* pickedStar;
- Point3f pickOrigin;
- Vec3f pickRay;
- double sinAngle2Closest;
- double when;
- };
- StarPicker::StarPicker(const Point3f& _pickOrigin,
- const Vec3f& _pickRay,
- double _when,
- float angle) :
- pickedStar(NULL),
- pickOrigin(_pickOrigin),
- pickRay(_pickRay),
- sinAngle2Closest(sin(angle/2.0) > ANGULAR_RES ? sin(angle/2.0) :
- when(_when)
- {
- }
- void StarPicker::process(const Star& star, float, float)
- {
- Vec3f relativeStarPos = star.getPosition() - pickOrigin;
- Vec3f starDir = relativeStarPos;
- starDir.normalize();
- double sinAngle2 = 0.0;
- // Stars with orbits need special handling
- float orbitalRadius = star.getOrbitalRadius();
- if (orbitalRadius != 0.0f)
- {
- float distance;
- // Check for an intersection with orbital bounding sphere; if there's
- // no intersection, then just use normal calculation. We actually test
- // intersection with a larger sphere to make sure we don't miss a star
- // right on the edge of the sphere.
- if (testIntersection(Ray3f(Point3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), pickRay),
- Spheref(Point3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) + relativeStarPos,
- orbitalRadius * 2.0f),
- distance))
- {
- Point3d starPos = star.getPosition(when);
- starDir = Vec3f((float) (starPos.x * 1.0e-6 - pickOrigin.x),
- (float) (starPos.y * 1.0e-6 - pickOrigin.y),
- (float) (starPos.z * 1.0e-6 - pickOrigin.z));
- starDir.normalize();
- }
- }
- Vec3f starMiss = starDir - pickRay;
- Vec3d sMd = Vec3d(starMiss.x, starMiss.y, starMiss.z);
- sinAngle2 = sqrt(sMd * sMd)/2.0;
- if (sinAngle2 <= sinAngle2Closest)
- {
- sinAngle2Closest = sinAngle2 > ANGULAR_RES ? sinAngle2 : ANGULAR_RES;
- pickedStar = ☆
- if (pickedStar->getOrbitBarycenter() != NULL)
- pickedStar = pickedStar->getOrbitBarycenter();
- }
- }
- class CloseStarPicker : public StarHandler
- {
- public:
- CloseStarPicker(const UniversalCoord& pos,
- const Vec3f& dir,
- double t,
- float _maxDistance,
- float angle);
- ~CloseStarPicker() {};
- void process(const Star& star, float distance, float appMag);
- public:
- UniversalCoord pickOrigin;
- Vec3f pickDir;
- double now;
- float maxDistance;
- const Star* closestStar;
- float closestDistance;
- double sinAngle2Closest;
- };
- CloseStarPicker::CloseStarPicker(const UniversalCoord& pos,
- const Vec3f& dir,
- double t,
- float _maxDistance,
- float angle) :
- pickOrigin(pos),
- pickDir(dir),
- now(t),
- maxDistance(_maxDistance),
- closestStar(NULL),
- closestDistance(0.0f),
- sinAngle2Closest(sin(angle/2.0) > ANGULAR_RES ? sin(angle/2.0) :
- {
- }
- void CloseStarPicker::process(const Star& star,
- float lowPrecDistance,
- float)
- {
- if (lowPrecDistance > maxDistance)
- return;
- Vec3d hPos = (star.getPosition(now) - pickOrigin) *
- astro::microLightYearsToKilometers(1.0);
- Vec3f starDir((float) hPos.x, (float) hPos.y, (float) hPos.z);
- float distance = 0.0f;
- if (testIntersection(Ray3f(Point3f(0, 0, 0), pickDir),
- Spheref(Point3f(starDir.x, starDir.y, starDir.z),
- star.getRadius()), distance))
- {
- if (distance > 0.0f)
- {
- if (closestStar == NULL || distance < closestDistance)
- {
- closestStar = ☆
- closestDistance = starDir.length();
- sinAngle2Closest = ANGULAR_RES;
- // An exact hit--set the angle to "zero"
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // We don't have an exact hit; check to see if we're close enough
- float distance = starDir.length();
- starDir.normalize();
- Vec3f starMiss = starDir - pickDir;
- Vec3d sMd = Vec3d(starMiss.x, starMiss.y, starMiss.z );
- double sinAngle2 = sqrt(sMd * sMd)/2.0;
- if (sinAngle2 <= sinAngle2Closest &&
- (closestStar == NULL || distance < closestDistance))
- {
- closestStar = ☆
- closestDistance = distance;
- sinAngle2Closest = sinAngle2 > ANGULAR_RES ? sinAngle2 : ANGULAR_RES;
- }
- }
- }
- Selection Universe::pickStar(const UniversalCoord& origin,
- const Vec3f& direction,
- double when,
- float faintestMag,
- float tolerance)
- {
- Point3f o = (Point3f) origin;
- o.x *= 1e-6f;
- o.y *= 1e-6f;
- o.z *= 1e-6f;
- // Use a high precision pick test for any stars that are close to the
- // observer. If this test fails, use a low precision pick test for stars
- // which are further away. All this work is necessary because the low
- // precision pick test isn't reliable close to a star and the high
- // precision test isn't nearly fast enough to use on our database of
- // over 100k stars.
- CloseStarPicker closePicker(origin, direction, when, 1.0f, tolerance);
- starCatalog->findCloseStars(closePicker, o, 1.0f);
- if (closePicker.closestStar != NULL)
- return Selection(const_cast<Star*>(closePicker.closestStar));
- // Find visible stars expects an orientation, but we just have a direction
- // vector. Convert the direction vector into an orientation by computing
- // the rotation required to map (0, 0, -1) to the direction.
- Quatf rotation;
- Vec3f n(0, 0, -1);
- Vec3f Missf = n - direction;
- Vec3d Miss = Vec3d(Missf.x, Missf.y, Missf.z);
- double sinAngle2 = sqrt(Miss * Miss)/2.0;
- if (sinAngle2 <= ANGULAR_RES)
- {
- rotation.setAxisAngle(Vec3f(1, 0, 0), 0);
- }
- else if (sinAngle2 >= 1.0 - 0.5 * ANGULAR_RES * ANGULAR_RES)
- {
- rotation.setAxisAngle(Vec3f(1, 0, 0), (float) PI);
- }
- else
- {
- Vec3f axis = direction ^ n;
- axis.normalize();
- rotation.setAxisAngle(axis, (float) (2.0 * asin(sinAngle2)));
- }
- StarPicker picker(o, direction, when, tolerance);
- starCatalog->findVisibleStars(picker,
- o,
- rotation,
- tolerance, 1.0f,
- faintestMag);
- if (picker.pickedStar != NULL)
- return Selection(const_cast<Star*>(picker.pickedStar));
- else
- return Selection();
- }
- class DSOPicker : public DSOHandler
- {
- public:
- DSOPicker(const Point3d&, const Vec3d&, int, float);
- ~DSOPicker() {};
- void process(DeepSkyObject* const &, double, float);
- public:
- Point3d pickOrigin;
- Vec3d pickDir;
- int renderFlags;
- const DeepSkyObject* pickedDSO;
- double sinAngle2Closest;
- };
- DSOPicker::DSOPicker(const Point3d& pickOrigin,
- const Vec3d& pickDir,
- int renderFlags,
- float angle) :
- pickOrigin (pickOrigin),
- pickDir (pickDir),
- renderFlags (renderFlags),
- pickedDSO (NULL),
- sinAngle2Closest(sin(angle/2.0) > ANGULAR_RES ? sin(angle/2.0) :
- {
- }
- void DSOPicker::process(DeepSkyObject* const & dso, double, float)
- {
- if (!(dso->getRenderMask() & renderFlags) || !dso->isVisible() || !dso->isClickable())
- return;
- Vec3d relativeDSOPos = dso->getPosition() - pickOrigin;
- Vec3d dsoDir = relativeDSOPos;
- double distance2;
- if (testIntersection(Ray3d(Point3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), pickDir),
- Sphered(Point3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) + relativeDSOPos, (double) dso->getRadius()), distance2))
- {
- Point3d dsoPos = dso->getPosition();
- dsoDir = Vec3d(dsoPos.x * 1.0e-6 - pickOrigin.x,
- dsoPos.y * 1.0e-6 - pickOrigin.y,
- dsoPos.z * 1.0e-6 - pickOrigin.z);
- }
- dsoDir.normalize();
- Vec3d dsoMissd = dsoDir - Vec3d(pickDir.x, pickDir.y, pickDir.z);
- double sinAngle2 = sqrt(dsoMissd * dsoMissd)/2.0;
- if (sinAngle2 <= sinAngle2Closest)
- {
- sinAngle2Closest = sinAngle2 > ANGULAR_RES ? sinAngle2 : ANGULAR_RES;
- pickedDSO = dso;
- }
- }
- class CloseDSOPicker : public DSOHandler
- {
- public:
- CloseDSOPicker(const Point3d& pos,
- const Vec3d& dir,
- int renderFlags,
- double maxDistance,
- float);
- ~CloseDSOPicker() {};
- void process(DeepSkyObject* const & dso, double distance, float appMag);
- public:
- Point3d pickOrigin;
- Vec3d pickDir;
- int renderFlags;
- double maxDistance;
- const DeepSkyObject* closestDSO;
- double largestCosAngle;
- };
- CloseDSOPicker::CloseDSOPicker(const Point3d& pos,
- const Vec3d& dir,
- int renderFlags,
- double maxDistance,
- float) :
- pickOrigin (pos),
- pickDir (dir),
- renderFlags (renderFlags),
- maxDistance (maxDistance),
- closestDSO (NULL),
- largestCosAngle(-2.0)
- {
- }
- void CloseDSOPicker::process(DeepSkyObject* const & dso,
- double distance,
- float)
- {
- if (distance > maxDistance || !(dso->getRenderMask() & renderFlags) || !dso->isVisible() || !dso->isClickable())
- return;
- double distanceToPicker = 0.0;
- double cosAngleToBoundCenter = 0.0;
- if (dso->pick(Ray3d(pickOrigin, pickDir), distanceToPicker, cosAngleToBoundCenter))
- {
- // Don't select the object the observer is currently in:
- if (pickOrigin.distanceTo(dso->getPosition()) > dso->getRadius() &&
- cosAngleToBoundCenter > largestCosAngle)
- {
- closestDSO = dso;
- largestCosAngle = cosAngleToBoundCenter;
- }
- }
- }
- Selection Universe::pickDeepSkyObject(const UniversalCoord& origin,
- const Vec3f& direction,
- int renderFlags,
- float faintestMag,
- float tolerance)
- {
- Point3d orig = (Point3d) origin;
- orig.x *= 1e-6;
- orig.y *= 1e-6;
- orig.z *= 1e-6;
- Vec3d dir = Vec3d(direction.x, direction.y, direction.z);
- CloseDSOPicker closePicker(orig, dir, renderFlags, 1e9, tolerance);
- dsoCatalog->findCloseDSOs(closePicker, orig, 1e9);
- if (closePicker.closestDSO != NULL)
- {
- return Selection(const_cast<DeepSkyObject*>(closePicker.closestDSO));
- }
- Quatf rotation;
- Vec3d n(0, 0, -1);
- Vec3d Miss = n - dir;
- double sinAngle2 = sqrt(Miss * Miss)/2.0;
- if (sinAngle2 <= ANGULAR_RES)
- {
- rotation.setAxisAngle(Vec3f(1, 0, 0), 0);
- }
- else if (sinAngle2 >= 1.0 - 0.5 * ANGULAR_RES * ANGULAR_RES)
- {
- rotation.setAxisAngle(Vec3f(1, 0, 0), (float) PI);
- }
- else
- {
- Vec3f axis = direction ^ Vec3f((float)n.x, (float)n.y, (float)n.z);
- axis.normalize();
- rotation.setAxisAngle(axis, (float) (2.0 * asin(sinAngle2)));
- }
- DSOPicker picker(orig, dir, renderFlags, tolerance);
- dsoCatalog->findVisibleDSOs(picker,
- orig,
- rotation,
- tolerance,
- 1.0f,
- faintestMag);
- if (picker.pickedDSO != NULL)
- return Selection(const_cast<DeepSkyObject*>(picker.pickedDSO));
- else
- return Selection();
- }
- Selection Universe::pick(const UniversalCoord& origin,
- const Vec3f& direction,
- double when,
- int renderFlags,
- float faintestMag,
- float tolerance)
- {
- Selection sel;
- if (renderFlags & Renderer::ShowPlanets)
- {
- closeStars.clear();
- getNearStars(origin, 1.0f, closeStars);
- for (vector<const Star*>::const_iterator iter = closeStars.begin();
- iter != closeStars.end(); iter++)
- {
- SolarSystem* solarSystem = getSolarSystem(*iter);
- if (solarSystem != NULL)
- {
- sel = pickPlanet(*solarSystem,
- origin, direction,
- when,
- faintestMag,
- tolerance);
- if (!sel.empty())
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- #if 0
- SolarSystem* closestSolarSystem = getNearestSolarSystem(origin);
- if (closestSolarSystem != NULL)
- {
- sel = pickPlanet(*closestSolarSystem,
- origin, direction,
- when,
- faintestMag,
- tolerance);
- }
- #endif
- if (sel.empty() && (renderFlags & Renderer::ShowStars))
- sel = pickStar(origin, direction, when, faintestMag, tolerance);
- if (sel.empty())
- sel = pickDeepSkyObject(origin, direction, renderFlags, faintestMag, tolerance);
- return sel;
- }
- // Search by name for an immediate child of the specified object.
- Selection Universe::findChildObject(const Selection& sel,
- const string& name,
- bool i18n) const
- {
- switch (sel.getType())
- {
- case Selection::Type_Star:
- {
- SolarSystem* sys = getSolarSystem(sel.star());
- if (sys != NULL)
- {
- PlanetarySystem* planets = sys->getPlanets();
- if (planets != NULL)
- return Selection(planets->find(name, false, i18n));
- }
- }
- break;
- case Selection::Type_Body:
- {
- // First, search for a satellite
- PlanetarySystem* sats = sel.body()->getSatellites();
- if (sats != NULL)
- {
- Body* body = sats->find(name, false, i18n);
- if (body != NULL)
- return Selection(body);
- }
- // If a satellite wasn't found, check this object's locations
- Location* loc = sel.body()->findLocation(name, i18n);
- if (loc != NULL)
- return Selection(loc);
- }
- break;
- case Selection::Type_Location:
- // Locations have no children
- break;
- case Selection::Type_DeepSky:
- // Deep sky objects have no children
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return Selection();
- }
- // Search for a name within an object's context. For stars, planets (bodies),
- // and locations, the context includes all bodies in the associated solar
- // system. For locations and planets, the context additionally includes
- // sibling or child locations, respectively.
- Selection Universe::findObjectInContext(const Selection& sel,
- const string& name,
- bool i18n) const
- {
- Body* contextBody = NULL;
- switch (sel.getType())
- {
- case Selection::Type_Body:
- contextBody = sel.body();
- break;
- case Selection::Type_Location:
- contextBody = sel.location()->getParentBody();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- // First, search for bodies . . .
- SolarSystem* sys = getSolarSystem(sel);
- if (sys != NULL)
- {
- PlanetarySystem* planets = sys->getPlanets();
- if (planets != NULL)
- {
- Body* body = planets->find(name, true, i18n);
- if (body != NULL)
- return Selection(body);
- }
- }
- // . . . and then locations.
- if (contextBody != NULL)
- {
- Location* loc = contextBody->findLocation(name, i18n);
- if (loc != NULL)
- return Selection(loc);
- }
- return Selection();
- }
- // Select an object by name, with the following priority:
- // 1. Try to look up the name in the star catalog
- // 2. Search the deep sky catalog for a matching name.
- // 3. Check the solar systems for planet names; we don't make any decisions
- // about which solar systems are relevant, and let the caller pass them
- // to us to search.
- Selection Universe::find(const string& s,
- Selection* contexts,
- int nContexts,
- bool i18n) const
- {
- if (starCatalog != NULL)
- {
- Star* star = starCatalog->find(s);
- if (star != NULL)
- return Selection(star);
- }
- if (dsoCatalog != NULL)
- {
- DeepSkyObject* dso = dsoCatalog->find(s);
- if (dso != NULL)
- return Selection(dso);
- }
- for (int i=0; i<nContexts; ++i)
- {
- Selection sel = findObjectInContext(contexts[i], s, i18n);
- if (!sel.empty())
- return sel;
- }
- return Selection();
- }
- // Find an object from a path, for example Sol/Earth/Moon or Upsilon And/b
- // Currently, 'absolute' paths starting with a / are not supported nor are
- // paths that contain galaxies. The caller may pass in a list of solar systems
- // to search for objects--this is roughly analgous to the PATH environment
- // variable in Unix and Windows. Typically, the solar system will be one
- // in which the user is currently located.
- Selection Universe::findPath(const string& s,
- Selection contexts[],
- int nContexts,
- bool i18n) const
- {
- string::size_type pos = s.find('/', 0);
- // No delimiter found--just do a normal find.
- if (pos == string::npos)
- return find(s, contexts, nContexts, i18n);
- // Find the base object
- string base(s, 0, pos);
- Selection sel = find(base, contexts, nContexts, i18n);
- while (!sel.empty() && pos != string::npos)
- {
- string::size_type nextPos = s.find('/', pos + 1);
- string::size_type len;
- if (nextPos == string::npos)
- len = s.size() - pos - 1;
- else
- len = nextPos - pos - 1;
- string name = string(s, pos + 1, len);
- sel = findChildObject(sel, name, i18n);
- pos = nextPos;
- }
- return sel;
- }
- vector<string> Universe::getCompletion(const string& s,
- Selection* contexts,
- int nContexts,
- bool withLocations)
- {
- vector<string> completion;
- int s_length = UTF8Length(s);
- // Solar bodies first:
- for (int i = 0; i < nContexts; i++)
- {
- if (withLocations && contexts[i].getType() == Selection::Type_Body)
- {
- vector<Location*>* locations = contexts[i].body()->getLocations();
- if (locations != NULL)
- {
- for (vector<Location*>::const_iterator iter = locations->begin();
- iter != locations->end(); iter++)
- {
- if (!UTF8StringCompare(s, (*iter)->getName(true), s_length))
- completion.push_back((*iter)->getName(true));
- }
- }
- }
- SolarSystem* sys = getSolarSystem(contexts[i]);
- if (sys != NULL)
- {
- PlanetarySystem* planets = sys->getPlanets();
- if (planets != NULL)
- {
- vector<string> bodies = planets->getCompletion(s);
- completion.insert(completion.end(),
- bodies.begin(), bodies.end());
- }
- }
- }
- // Deep sky objects:
- if (dsoCatalog != NULL)
- {
- vector<string> dsos = dsoCatalog->getCompletion(s);
- completion.insert(completion.end(), dsos.begin(), dsos.end());
- }
- // and finally stars;
- if (starCatalog != NULL)
- {
- vector<string> stars = starCatalog->getCompletion(s);
- completion.insert(completion.end(), stars.begin(), stars.end());
- }
- return completion;
- }
- vector<string> Universe::getCompletionPath(const string& s,
- Selection* contexts,
- int nContexts,
- bool withLocations)
- {
- vector<string> completion;
- vector<string> locationCompletion;
- string::size_type pos = s.rfind('/', s.length());
- if (pos == string::npos)
- return getCompletion(s, contexts, nContexts, withLocations);
- string base(s, 0, pos);
- Selection sel = findPath(base, contexts, nContexts, true);
- if (sel.empty())
- {
- return completion;
- }
- if (sel.getType() == Selection::Type_DeepSky)
- {
- completion.push_back(dsoCatalog->getDSOName(sel.deepsky()));
- return completion;
- }
- PlanetarySystem* worlds = NULL;
- if (sel.getType() == Selection::Type_Body)
- {
- worlds = sel.body()->getSatellites();
- vector<Location*>* locations = sel.body()->getLocations();
- if (locations != NULL && withLocations)
- {
- string search = s.substr(pos + 1);
- for (vector<Location*>::const_iterator iter = locations->begin();
- iter != locations->end(); iter++)
- {
- if (!UTF8StringCompare(search, (*iter)->getName(true),
- search.length()))
- {
- locationCompletion.push_back((*iter)->getName(true));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (sel.getType() == Selection::Type_Star)
- {
- SolarSystem* ssys = getSolarSystem(sel.star());
- if (ssys != NULL)
- worlds = ssys->getPlanets();
- }
- if (worlds != NULL)
- completion = worlds->getCompletion(s.substr(pos + 1), false);
- completion.insert(completion.end(), locationCompletion.begin(), locationCompletion.end());
- return completion;
- }
- // Return the closest solar system to position, or NULL if there are no planets
- // with in one light year.
- SolarSystem* Universe::getNearestSolarSystem(const UniversalCoord& position) const
- {
- Point3f pos = (Point3f) position;
- Point3f lyPos(pos.x * 1.0e-6f, pos.y * 1.0e-6f, pos.z * 1.0e-6f);
- ClosestStarFinder closestFinder(1.0f, this);
- closestFinder.withPlanets = true;
- starCatalog->findCloseStars(closestFinder, lyPos, 1.0f);
- return getSolarSystem(closestFinder.closestStar);
- }
- void
- Universe::getNearStars(const UniversalCoord& position,
- float maxDistance,
- vector<const Star*>& nearStars) const
- {
- Point3f pos = (Point3f) position;
- Point3f lyPos(pos.x * 1.0e-6f, pos.y * 1.0e-6f, pos.z * 1.0e-6f);
- NearStarFinder finder(1.0f, nearStars);
- starCatalog->findCloseStars(finder, lyPos, maxDistance);
- }