- // renderglsl.cpp
- //
- // Functions for rendering objects using dynamically generated GLSL shaders.
- //
- // Copyright (C) 2006-2007, Chris Laurel <>
- //
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <cstdio>
- #include <cstring>
- #include <cassert>
- #ifndef _WIN32
- #ifndef TARGET_OS_MAC
- #include <config.h>
- #endif
- #endif /* _WIN32 */
- #include <celutil/debug.h>
- #include <celmath/frustum.h>
- #include <celmath/distance.h>
- #include <celmath/intersect.h>
- #include <celutil/utf8.h>
- #include <celutil/util.h>
- #include "gl.h"
- #include "astro.h"
- #include "glext.h"
- #include "vecgl.h"
- #include "glshader.h"
- #include "shadermanager.h"
- #include "spheremesh.h"
- #include "lodspheremesh.h"
- #include "model.h"
- #include "regcombine.h"
- #include "vertexprog.h"
- #include "texmanager.h"
- #include "meshmanager.h"
- #include "render.h"
- #include "renderinfo.h"
- #include "renderglsl.h"
- using namespace std;
- const double AtmosphereExtinctionThreshold = 0.05;
- // Render a planet sphere with GLSL shaders
- void renderSphere_GLSL(const RenderInfo& ri,
- const LightingState& ls,
- RingSystem* rings,
- Atmosphere* atmosphere,
- float cloudTexOffset,
- float radius,
- unsigned int textureRes,
- int renderFlags,
- const Mat4f& planetMat,
- const Frustum& frustum,
- const GLContext& context)
- {
- Texture* textures[MAX_SPHERE_MESH_TEXTURES] =
- unsigned int nTextures = 0;
- glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
- ShaderProperties shadprop;
- shadprop.nLights = min(ls.nLights, MaxShaderLights);
- // Set up the textures used by this object
- if (ri.baseTex != NULL)
- {
- shadprop.texUsage = ShaderProperties::DiffuseTexture;
- textures[nTextures++] = ri.baseTex;
- }
- if (ri.bumpTex != NULL)
- {
- shadprop.texUsage |= ShaderProperties::NormalTexture;
- textures[nTextures++] = ri.bumpTex;
- if (ri.bumpTex->getFormatOptions() & Texture::DXT5NormalMap)
- shadprop.texUsage |= ShaderProperties::CompressedNormalTexture;
- }
- if (ri.specularColor != Color::Black)
- {
- shadprop.lightModel = ShaderProperties::PerPixelSpecularModel;
- if (ri.glossTex == NULL)
- {
- shadprop.texUsage |= ShaderProperties::SpecularInDiffuseAlpha;
- }
- else
- {
- shadprop.texUsage |= ShaderProperties::SpecularTexture;
- textures[nTextures++] = ri.glossTex;
- }
- }
- else if (ri.lunarLambert != 0.0f)
- {
- // TODO: Lunar-Lambert model and specular color should not be mutually exclusive
- shadprop.lightModel = ShaderProperties::LunarLambertModel;
- }
- if (ri.nightTex != NULL)
- {
- shadprop.texUsage |= ShaderProperties::NightTexture;
- textures[nTextures++] = ri.nightTex;
- }
- if (ri.overlayTex != NULL)
- {
- shadprop.texUsage |= ShaderProperties::OverlayTexture;
- textures[nTextures++] = ri.overlayTex;
- }
- if (rings != NULL && (renderFlags & Renderer::ShowRingShadows) != 0)
- {
- Texture* ringsTex = rings->texture.find(textureRes);
- if (ringsTex != NULL)
- {
- glx::glActiveTextureARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + nTextures);
- ringsTex->bind();
- nTextures++;
- // Tweak the texture--set clamp to border and a border color with
- // a zero alpha.
- float bc[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
- glx::glActiveTextureARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB);
- shadprop.texUsage |= ShaderProperties::RingShadowTexture;
- }
- }
- if (atmosphere != NULL)
- {
- if (renderFlags & Renderer::ShowAtmospheres)
- {
- // Only use new atmosphere code in OpenGL 2.0 path when new style parameters are defined.
- // ... but don't show atmospheres when there are no light sources.
- if (atmosphere->mieScaleHeight > 0.0f && shadprop.nLights > 0)
- shadprop.texUsage |= ShaderProperties::Scattering;
- }
- if ((renderFlags & Renderer::ShowCloudMaps) != 0 &&
- (renderFlags & Renderer::ShowCloudShadows) != 0)
- {
- Texture* cloudTex = NULL;
- if (atmosphere->cloudTexture.tex[textureRes] != InvalidResource)
- cloudTex = atmosphere->cloudTexture.find(textureRes);
- // The current implementation of cloud shadows is not compatible
- // with virtual or split textures.
- bool allowCloudShadows = true;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nTextures; i++)
- {
- if (textures[i] != NULL &&
- (textures[i]->getLODCount() > 1 ||
- textures[i]->getUTileCount(0) > 1 ||
- textures[i]->getVTileCount(0) > 1))
- {
- allowCloudShadows = false;
- }
- }
- // Split cloud shadows can't cast shadows
- if (cloudTex != NULL)
- {
- if (cloudTex->getLODCount() > 1 ||
- cloudTex->getUTileCount(0) > 1 ||
- cloudTex->getVTileCount(0) > 1)
- {
- allowCloudShadows = false;
- }
- }
- if (cloudTex != NULL && allowCloudShadows && atmosphere->cloudShadowDepth > 0.0f)
- {
- shadprop.texUsage |= ShaderProperties::CloudShadowTexture;
- textures[nTextures++] = cloudTex;
- glx::glActiveTextureARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + nTextures);
- cloudTex->bind();
- glx::glActiveTextureARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB);
- }
- }
- }
- // Set the shadow information.
- // Track the total number of shadows; if there are too many, we'll have
- // to fall back to multipass.
- unsigned int totalShadows = 0;
- for (unsigned int li = 0; li < ls.nLights; li++)
- {
- if (ls.shadows[li] && !ls.shadows[li]->empty())
- {
- unsigned int nShadows = (unsigned int) min((size_t) MaxShaderShadows, ls.shadows[li]->size());
- shadprop.setShadowCountForLight(li, nShadows);
- totalShadows += nShadows;
- }
- }
- // Get a shader for the current rendering configuration
- CelestiaGLProgram* prog = GetShaderManager().getShader(shadprop);
- if (prog == NULL)
- return;
- prog->use();
- #ifdef USE_HDR
- prog->setLightParameters(ls, ri.color, ri.specularColor, Color::Black, ri.nightLightScale);
- #else
- prog->setLightParameters(ls, ri.color, ri.specularColor, Color::Black);
- #endif
- prog->eyePosition = ls.eyePos_obj;
- prog->shininess = ri.specularPower;
- if (shadprop.lightModel == ShaderProperties::LunarLambertModel)
- prog->lunarLambert = ri.lunarLambert;
- if (shadprop.texUsage & ShaderProperties::RingShadowTexture)
- {
- float ringWidth = rings->outerRadius - rings->innerRadius;
- prog->ringRadius = rings->innerRadius / radius;
- prog->ringWidth = radius / ringWidth;
- }
- if (shadprop.texUsage & ShaderProperties::CloudShadowTexture)
- {
- prog->shadowTextureOffset = cloudTexOffset;
- prog->cloudHeight = 1.0f + atmosphere->cloudHeight / radius;
- }
- if (shadprop.hasScattering())
- {
- prog->setAtmosphereParameters(*atmosphere, radius, radius);
- }
- if (shadprop.shadowCounts != 0)
- prog->setEclipseShadowParameters(ls, radius, planetMat);
- glColor(ri.color);
- unsigned int attributes = LODSphereMesh::Normals;
- if (ri.bumpTex != NULL)
- attributes |= LODSphereMesh::Tangents;
- g_lodSphere->render(context,
- attributes,
- frustum, ri.pixWidth,
- textures[0], textures[1], textures[2], textures[3]);
- glx::glUseProgramObjectARB(0);
- }
- /*! Render a mesh object
- * Parameters:
- * tsec : animation clock time in seconds
- */
- void renderGeometry_GLSL(Geometry* geometry,
- const RenderInfo& ri,
- ResourceHandle texOverride,
- const LightingState& ls,
- const Atmosphere* atmosphere,
- float geometryScale,
- int renderFlags,
- const Mat4f& planetMat,
- double tsec)
- {
- glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
- GLSL_RenderContext rc(ls, geometryScale, planetMat);
- if (renderFlags & Renderer::ShowAtmospheres)
- {
- rc.setAtmosphere(atmosphere);
- }
- rc.setCameraOrientation(ri.orientation);
- rc.setPointScale(ri.pointScale);
- // Handle extended material attributes (per model only, not per submesh)
- rc.setLunarLambert(ri.lunarLambert);
- // Handle material override; a texture specified in an ssc file will
- // override all materials specified in the geometry file.
- if (texOverride != InvalidResource)
- {
- Mesh::Material m;
- m.diffuse = ri.color;
- m.specular = ri.specularColor;
- m.specularPower = ri.specularPower;
- m.maps[Mesh::DiffuseMap] = texOverride;
- rc.setMaterial(&m);
- rc.lock();
- geometry->render(rc, tsec);
- }
- else
- {
- geometry->render(rc, tsec);
- }
- glx::glUseProgramObjectARB(0);
- }
- /*! Render a mesh object without lighting.
- * Parameters:
- * tsec : animation clock time in seconds
- */
- void renderGeometry_GLSL_Unlit(Geometry* geometry,
- const RenderInfo& ri,
- ResourceHandle texOverride,
- float geometryScale,
- int /* renderFlags */,
- const Mat4f& /* planetMat */,
- double tsec)
- {
- glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
- GLSLUnlit_RenderContext rc(geometryScale);
- rc.setPointScale(ri.pointScale);
- // Handle material override; a texture specified in an ssc file will
- // override all materials specified in the model file.
- if (texOverride != InvalidResource)
- {
- Mesh::Material m;
- m.diffuse = ri.color;
- m.specular = ri.specularColor;
- m.specularPower = ri.specularPower;
- m.maps[Mesh::DiffuseMap] = texOverride;
- rc.setMaterial(&m);
- rc.lock();
- geometry->render(rc, tsec);
- }
- else
- {
- geometry->render(rc, tsec);
- }
- glx::glUseProgramObjectARB(0);
- }
- // Render the cloud sphere for a world a cloud layer defined
- void renderClouds_GLSL(const RenderInfo& ri,
- const LightingState& ls,
- Atmosphere* atmosphere,
- Texture* cloudTex,
- Texture* cloudNormalMap,
- float texOffset,
- RingSystem* rings,
- float radius,
- unsigned int textureRes,
- int renderFlags,
- const Mat4f& planetMat,
- const Frustum& frustum,
- const GLContext& context)
- {
- Texture* textures[MAX_SPHERE_MESH_TEXTURES] =
- unsigned int nTextures = 0;
- glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
- ShaderProperties shadprop;
- shadprop.nLights = ls.nLights;
- // Set up the textures used by this object
- if (cloudTex != NULL)
- {
- shadprop.texUsage = ShaderProperties::DiffuseTexture;
- textures[nTextures++] = cloudTex;
- }
- if (cloudNormalMap != NULL)
- {
- shadprop.texUsage |= ShaderProperties::NormalTexture;
- textures[nTextures++] = cloudNormalMap;
- if (cloudNormalMap->getFormatOptions() & Texture::DXT5NormalMap)
- shadprop.texUsage |= ShaderProperties::CompressedNormalTexture;
- }
- if (rings != NULL && (renderFlags & Renderer::ShowRingShadows) != 0)
- {
- Texture* ringsTex = rings->texture.find(textureRes);
- if (ringsTex != NULL)
- {
- glx::glActiveTextureARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + nTextures);
- ringsTex->bind();
- nTextures++;
- // Tweak the texture--set clamp to border and a border color with
- // a zero alpha.
- float bc[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
- glx::glActiveTextureARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB);
- shadprop.texUsage |= ShaderProperties::RingShadowTexture;
- }
- }
- if (atmosphere != NULL)
- {
- if (renderFlags & Renderer::ShowAtmospheres)
- {
- // Only use new atmosphere code in OpenGL 2.0 path when new style parameters are defined.
- // ... but don't show atmospheres when there are no light sources.
- if (atmosphere->mieScaleHeight > 0.0f && shadprop.nLights > 0)
- shadprop.texUsage |= ShaderProperties::Scattering;
- }
- }
- // Set the shadow information.
- // Track the total number of shadows; if there are too many, we'll have
- // to fall back to multipass.
- unsigned int totalShadows = 0;
- for (unsigned int li = 0; li < ls.nLights; li++)
- {
- if (ls.shadows[li] && !ls.shadows[li]->empty())
- {
- unsigned int nShadows = (unsigned int) min((size_t) MaxShaderShadows, ls.shadows[li]->size());
- shadprop.setShadowCountForLight(li, nShadows);
- totalShadows += nShadows;
- }
- }
- // Get a shader for the current rendering configuration
- CelestiaGLProgram* prog = GetShaderManager().getShader(shadprop);
- if (prog == NULL)
- return;
- prog->use();
- prog->setLightParameters(ls, ri.color, ri.specularColor, Color::Black);
- prog->eyePosition = ls.eyePos_obj;
- prog->ambientColor = Vec3f(,,
- prog->textureOffset = texOffset;
- float cloudRadius = radius + atmosphere->cloudHeight;
- if (shadprop.hasScattering())
- {
- prog->setAtmosphereParameters(*atmosphere, radius, cloudRadius);
- }
- if (shadprop.texUsage & ShaderProperties::RingShadowTexture)
- {
- float ringWidth = rings->outerRadius - rings->innerRadius;
- prog->ringRadius = rings->innerRadius / cloudRadius;
- prog->ringWidth = 1.0f / (ringWidth / cloudRadius);
- }
- if (shadprop.shadowCounts != 0)
- prog->setEclipseShadowParameters(ls, cloudRadius, planetMat);
- unsigned int attributes = LODSphereMesh::Normals;
- if (cloudNormalMap != NULL)
- attributes |= LODSphereMesh::Tangents;
- g_lodSphere->render(context,
- attributes,
- frustum, ri.pixWidth,
- textures[0], textures[1], textures[2], textures[3]);
- prog->textureOffset = 0.0f;
- glx::glUseProgramObjectARB(0);
- }
- // Render the sky sphere for a world with an atmosphere
- void
- renderAtmosphere_GLSL(const RenderInfo& ri,
- const LightingState& ls,
- Atmosphere* atmosphere,
- float radius,
- const Mat4f& /*planetMat*/,
- const Frustum& frustum,
- const GLContext& context)
- {
- // Currently, we just skip rendering an atmosphere when there are no
- // light sources, even though the atmosphere would still the light
- // of planets and stars behind it.
- if (ls.nLights == 0)
- return;
- glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
- ShaderProperties shadprop;
- shadprop.nLights = ls.nLights;
- shadprop.texUsage |= ShaderProperties::Scattering;
- shadprop.lightModel = ShaderProperties::AtmosphereModel;
- // Get a shader for the current rendering configuration
- CelestiaGLProgram* prog = GetShaderManager().getShader(shadprop);
- if (prog == NULL)
- return;
- prog->use();
- prog->setLightParameters(ls, ri.color, ri.specularColor, Color::Black);
- prog->ambientColor = Vec3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
- float atmosphereRadius = radius + -atmosphere->mieScaleHeight * (float) log(AtmosphereExtinctionThreshold);
- float atmScale = atmosphereRadius / radius;
- prog->eyePosition = Point3f(ls.eyePos_obj.x / atmScale, ls.eyePos_obj.y / atmScale, ls.eyePos_obj.z / atmScale);
- prog->setAtmosphereParameters(*atmosphere, radius, atmosphereRadius);
- #if 0
- // Currently eclipse shadows are ignored when rendering atmospheres
- if (shadprop.shadowCounts != 0)
- prog->setEclipseShadowParameters(ls, radius, planetMat);
- #endif
- glPushMatrix();
- glScalef(atmScale, atmScale, atmScale);
- glFrontFace(GL_CW);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glDepthMask(GL_FALSE);
- glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_SRC_ALPHA);
- g_lodSphere->render(context,
- LODSphereMesh::Normals,
- frustum,
- ri.pixWidth,
- NULL);
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glDepthMask(GL_TRUE);
- glFrontFace(GL_CCW);
- glPopMatrix();
- glx::glUseProgramObjectARB(0);
- //glx::glActiveTextureARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB);
- //glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- }
- static void renderRingSystem(float innerRadius,
- float outerRadius,
- float beginAngle,
- float endAngle,
- unsigned int nSections)
- {
- float angle = endAngle - beginAngle;
- glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= nSections; i++)
- {
- float t = (float) i / (float) nSections;
- float theta = beginAngle + t * angle;
- float s = (float) sin(theta);
- float c = (float) cos(theta);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0.5f);
- glVertex3f(c * innerRadius, 0, s * innerRadius);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0.5f);
- glVertex3f(c * outerRadius, 0, s * outerRadius);
- }
- glEnd();
- }
- // Render a planetary ring system
- void renderRings_GLSL(RingSystem& rings,
- RenderInfo& ri,
- const LightingState& ls,
- float planetRadius,
- float planetOblateness,
- unsigned int textureResolution,
- bool renderShadow,
- unsigned int nSections)
- {
- float inner = rings.innerRadius / planetRadius;
- float outer = rings.outerRadius / planetRadius;
- Texture* ringsTex = rings.texture.find(textureResolution);
- ShaderProperties shadprop;
- // Set up the shader properties for ring rendering
- {
- shadprop.lightModel = ShaderProperties::RingIllumModel;
- shadprop.nLights = min(ls.nLights, MaxShaderLights);
- if (renderShadow)
- {
- // Set one shadow (the planet's) per light
- for (unsigned int li = 0; li < ls.nLights; li++)
- shadprop.setShadowCountForLight(li, 1);
- }
- if (ringsTex)
- shadprop.texUsage = ShaderProperties::DiffuseTexture;
- }
- // Get a shader for the current rendering configuration
- CelestiaGLProgram* prog = GetShaderManager().getShader(shadprop);
- if (prog == NULL)
- return;
- prog->use();
- prog->eyePosition = ls.eyePos_obj;
- prog->ambientColor = Vec3f(,,
- prog->setLightParameters(ls, ri.color, ri.specularColor, Color::Black);
- for (unsigned int li = 0; li < ls.nLights; li++)
- {
- const DirectionalLight& light = ls.lights[li];
- // Compute the projection vectors based on the sun direction.
- // I'm being a little careless here--if the sun direction lies
- // along the y-axis, this will fail. It's unlikely that a
- // planet would ever orbit underneath its sun (an orbital
- // inclination of 90 degrees), but this should be made
- // more robust anyway.
- Vec3f axis = Vec3f(0, 1, 0) ^ light.direction_obj;
- float cosAngle = Vec3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f) * light.direction_obj;
- /*float angle = (float) acos(cosAngle); Unused*/
- axis.normalize();
- float tScale = 1.0f;
- if (planetOblateness != 0.0f)
- {
- // For oblate planets, the size of the shadow volume will vary
- // based on the light direction.
- // A vertical slice of the planet is an ellipse
- float a = 1.0f; // semimajor axis
- float b = a * (1.0f - planetOblateness); // semiminor axis
- float ecc2 = 1.0f - (b * b) / (a * a); // square of eccentricity
- // Calculate the radius of the ellipse at the incident angle of the
- // light on the ring plane + 90 degrees.
- float r = a * (float) sqrt((1.0f - ecc2) /
- (1.0f - ecc2 * square(cosAngle)));
- tScale *= a / r;
- }
- // The s axis is perpendicular to the shadow axis in the plane of the
- // of the rings, and the t axis completes the orthonormal basis.
- Vec3f sAxis = axis * 0.5f;
- Vec3f tAxis = (axis ^ light.direction_obj) * 0.5f * tScale;
- Vec4f texGenS(sAxis.x, sAxis.y, sAxis.z, 0.5f);
- Vec4f texGenT(tAxis.x, tAxis.y, tAxis.z, 0.5f);
- // r0 and r1 determine the size of the planet's shadow and penumbra
- // on the rings.
- // TODO: A more accurate ring shadow calculation would set r1 / r0
- // to the ratio of the apparent sizes of the planet and sun as seen
- // from the rings. Even more realism could be attained by letting
- // this ratio vary across the rings, though it may not make enough
- // of a visual difference to be worth the extra effort.
- float r0 = 0.24f;
- float r1 = 0.25f;
- float bias = 1.0f / (1.0f - r1 / r0);
- prog->shadows[li][0].texGenS = texGenS;
- prog->shadows[li][0].texGenT = texGenT;
- prog->shadows[li][0].maxDepth = 1.0f;
- prog->shadows[li][0].falloff = bias / r0;
- }
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- if (ringsTex != NULL)
- ringsTex->bind();
- else
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- renderRingSystem(inner, outer, 0, (float) PI * 2.0f, nSections);
- renderRingSystem(inner, outer, (float) PI * 2.0f, 0, nSections);
- glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
- glx::glUseProgramObjectARB(0);
- }