- // spiceorbit.cpp
- //
- // Interface to the SPICE Toolkit
- //
- // Copyright (C) 2006, Chris Laurel <claurel@shatters.net>
- //
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #include <iostream>
- #include <cstdio>
- #include "SpiceUsr.h"
- #include "astro.h"
- #include "spiceorbit.h"
- #include "spiceinterface.h"
- using namespace std;
- static const double MILLISEC = astro::secsToDays(0.001);
- /*! Create a new SPICE orbit using with a valid interval specified
- * by beginning and ending.
- */
- SpiceOrbit::SpiceOrbit(const std::string& _targetBodyName,
- const std::string& _originName,
- double _period,
- double _boundingRadius,
- double _beginning,
- double _ending) :
- targetBodyName(_targetBodyName),
- originName(_originName),
- period(_period),
- boundingRadius(_boundingRadius),
- spiceErr(false),
- validIntervalBegin(_beginning),
- validIntervalEnd(_ending),
- useDefaultTimeInterval(false)
- {
- }
- /*! Create a new SPICE orbit. The valid time interval is the first
- * window over which there is trajectory information for the target
- * object. All currently loaded kernels are considered when computing
- * the window. If there's noncontiguous coverage and a time interval
- * other than the first coverage span is desired, the SPICE orbit must
- * be constructed with an explicitly specified time range.
- */
- SpiceOrbit::SpiceOrbit(const std::string& _targetBodyName,
- const std::string& _originName,
- double _period,
- double _boundingRadius) :
- targetBodyName(_targetBodyName),
- originName(_originName),
- period(_period),
- boundingRadius(_boundingRadius),
- spiceErr(false),
- validIntervalBegin(0.0),
- validIntervalEnd(0.0),
- useDefaultTimeInterval(true)
- {
- }
- SpiceOrbit::~SpiceOrbit()
- {
- }
- bool
- SpiceOrbit::isPeriodic() const
- {
- return period != 0.0;
- };
- double
- SpiceOrbit::getPeriod() const
- {
- if (isPeriodic())
- {
- return period;
- }
- else
- {
- return validIntervalEnd - validIntervalBegin;
- }
- }
- bool
- SpiceOrbit::init(const string& path,
- const list<string>* requiredKernels)
- {
- // Load required kernel files
- if (requiredKernels != NULL)
- {
- for (list<string>::const_iterator iter = requiredKernels->begin(); iter != requiredKernels->end(); iter++)
- {
- string filepath = path + string("/data/") + *iter;
- if (!LoadSpiceKernel(filepath))
- {
- spiceErr = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Get the ID codes for the target
- if (!GetNaifId(targetBodyName, &targetID))
- {
- clog << "Couldn't find SPICE ID for " << targetBodyName << "n";
- spiceErr = true;
- return false;
- }
- if (!GetNaifId(originName, &originID))
- {
- clog << "Couldn't find SPICE ID for " << originName << "n";
- spiceErr = true;
- return false;
- }
- SpiceInt spkCount = 0;
- ktotal_c("spk", &spkCount);
- // Get coverage window for target and origin object
- const int MaxIntervals = 10;
- SPICEDOUBLE_CELL ( targetCoverage, MaxIntervals * 2 );
- // Clear the coverage window.
- scard_c(0, &targetCoverage);
- for (SpiceInt i = 0; i < spkCount; i++)
- {
- SpiceChar filename[512];
- SpiceChar filetype[32];
- SpiceChar source[256];
- SpiceInt handle;
- SpiceBoolean found;
- kdata_c(i, "spk",
- sizeof(filename), sizeof(filetype), sizeof(source),
- filename, filetype, source, &handle, &found);
- // First check the coverage window of the target. No interval
- // is required for ID 0 (the solar system barycenter) which is
- // always at (0, 0, 0).
- if (targetID != 0)
- {
- spkcov_c(filename, targetID, &targetCoverage);
- }
- }
- SpiceInt nIntervals = card_c(&targetCoverage) / 2;
- if (nIntervals <= 0 && targetID != 0)
- {
- clog << "Couldn't find object " << targetBodyName << " in SPICE kernel pool.n";
- spiceErr = true;
- if (failed_c())
- {
- reset_c();
- }
- return false;
- }
- // TODO: need to consider the origin object as well as the target
- if (useDefaultTimeInterval)
- {
- // Set the valid time interval for this orbit to the first interval
- // in the coverage window for the target.
- SpiceDouble targetBeginning = -1.0e50;
- SpiceDouble targetEnding = +1.0e50;
- if (targetID == 0)
- {
- // Time range for solar system barycenter is infinite
- validIntervalBegin = targetBeginning;
- validIntervalEnd = targetEnding;
- }
- else
- {
- wnfetd_c(&targetCoverage, 0, &targetBeginning, &targetEnding);
- // SPICE times are seconds since J2000.0
- validIntervalBegin = astro::secsToDays(targetBeginning) + astro::J2000;
- validIntervalEnd = astro::secsToDays(targetEnding) + astro::J2000;
- // Reduce interval by a millisecond at each end; otherwise, rounding error
- // can cause us to get SPICE errors when computing states right at the edge
- // of the valid window.
- validIntervalBegin += MILLISEC;
- validIntervalEnd -= MILLISEC;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Reduce valid interval by a millisecond at each end.
- validIntervalBegin += MILLISEC;
- validIntervalEnd -= MILLISEC;
- SpiceDouble beginningSecondsJ2000 = astro::daysToSecs(validIntervalBegin - astro::J2000);
- SpiceDouble endingSecondsJ2000 = astro::daysToSecs(validIntervalEnd - astro::J2000);
- // A time interval was specified--make sure that it's covered in the SPICE kernel.
- if (targetID != 0 &&
- !wnincd_c(beginningSecondsJ2000, endingSecondsJ2000, &targetCoverage))
- {
- clog << "Specified time interval for target " << targetBodyName << " not available.n";
- return false;
- }
- }
- // Test getting the position of the object to make sure that there's
- // adequate data in the kernel to compute the position of the target
- // relative to the origin. Even if both objects are present and have
- // adequate coverage, it's possible that there might be a missing frame
- // definition or itermediate object.
- double beginning = astro::daysToSecs(validIntervalBegin - astro::J2000);
- double position[3];
- double lt = 0.0;
- spkgps_c(targetID, beginning, "eclipj2000", originID,
- position, <);
- if (failed_c())
- {
- // Print the error message
- char errMsg[1024];
- getmsg_c("long", sizeof(errMsg), errMsg);
- clog << errMsg << "n";
- spiceErr = true;
- reset_c();
- }
- return !spiceErr;
- }
- Point3d
- SpiceOrbit::computePosition(double jd) const
- {
- if (jd < validIntervalBegin)
- jd = validIntervalBegin;
- else if (jd > validIntervalEnd)
- jd = validIntervalEnd;
- if (spiceErr)
- {
- return Point3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- }
- else
- {
- // Input time for SPICE is seconds after J2000
- double t = astro::daysToSecs(jd - astro::J2000);
- double position[3];
- double lt; // One way light travel time
- spkgps_c(targetID,
- t,
- "eclipj2000",
- originID,
- position,
- <);
- // This shouldn't happen, since we've already computed the valid
- // coverage interval.
- if (failed_c())
- {
- // Print the error message
- char errMsg[1024];
- getmsg_c("long", sizeof(errMsg), errMsg);
- clog << errMsg << "n";
- // Reset the error state
- reset_c();
- }
- // Transform into Celestia's coordinate system
- return Point3d(position[0], position[2], -position[1]);
- }
- }
- Vec3d
- SpiceOrbit::computeVelocity(double jd) const
- {
- if (jd < validIntervalBegin)
- jd = validIntervalBegin;
- else if (jd > validIntervalEnd)
- jd = validIntervalEnd;
- if (spiceErr)
- {
- return Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- }
- else
- {
- // Input time for SPICE is seconds after J2000
- double t = astro::daysToSecs(jd - astro::J2000);
- double state[6];
- double lt; // One way light travel time
- spkgeo_c(targetID,
- t,
- "eclipj2000",
- originID,
- state,
- <);
- // This shouldn't happen, since we've already computed the valid
- // coverage interval.
- if (failed_c())
- {
- // Print the error message
- char errMsg[1024];
- getmsg_c("long", sizeof(errMsg), errMsg);
- clog << errMsg << "n";
- // Reset the error state
- reset_c();
- }
- // Transform into Celestia's coordinate system, and from km/s to km/day
- double d2s = astro::daysToSecs(1.0);
- return Vec3d(state[3] * d2s, state[5] * d2s, -state[4] * d2s);
- }
- }
- void SpiceOrbit::getValidRange(double& begin, double& end) const
- {
- begin = validIntervalBegin;
- end = validIntervalEnd;
- }