- // mesh.h
- //
- // Copyright (C) 2004-2006, Chris Laurel <>
- //
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #ifndef _CELENGINE_MESH_H_
- #define _CELENGINE_MESH_H_
- #include <celutil/basictypes.h>
- #include <celutil/color.h>
- #include <celutil/reshandle.h>
- #include <celmath/ray.h>
- #include <celmath/aabox.h>
- #include <vector>
- #include <string>
- #include "gl.h"
- class RenderContext;
- class Mesh
- {
- public:
- enum VertexAttributeSemantic
- {
- Position = 0,
- Color0 = 1,
- Color1 = 2,
- Normal = 3,
- Tangent = 4,
- Texture0 = 5,
- Texture1 = 6,
- Texture2 = 7,
- Texture3 = 8,
- PointSize = 9,
- SemanticMax = 10,
- InvalidSemantic = -1,
- };
- enum VertexAttributeFormat
- {
- Float1 = 0,
- Float2 = 1,
- Float3 = 2,
- Float4 = 3,
- UByte4 = 4,
- FormatMax = 5,
- InvalidFormat = -1,
- };
- struct VertexAttribute
- {
- VertexAttribute() :
- semantic(InvalidSemantic),
- format(InvalidFormat),
- offset(0)
- {
- }
- VertexAttribute(VertexAttributeSemantic _semantic,
- VertexAttributeFormat _format,
- uint32 _offset) :
- semantic(_semantic),
- format(_format),
- offset(_offset)
- {
- }
- VertexAttributeSemantic semantic;
- VertexAttributeFormat format;
- uint32 offset;
- };
- struct VertexDescription
- {
- VertexDescription(uint32 _stride,
- uint32 _nAttributes,
- VertexAttribute* _attributes);
- VertexDescription(const VertexDescription& desc);
- ~VertexDescription();
- const VertexAttribute& getAttribute(VertexAttributeSemantic semantic) const
- {
- return semanticMap[semantic];
- }
- bool validate() const;
- VertexDescription& operator=(const VertexDescription&);
- uint32 stride;
- uint32 nAttributes;
- VertexAttribute* attributes;
- private:
- void clearSemanticMap();
- void buildSemanticMap();
- // Vertex attributes indexed by semantic
- VertexAttribute semanticMap[SemanticMax];
- };
- enum TextureSemantic
- {
- DiffuseMap = 0,
- NormalMap = 1,
- SpecularMap = 2,
- EmissiveMap = 3,
- TextureSemanticMax = 4,
- InvalidTextureSemantic = -1,
- };
- enum BlendMode
- {
- NormalBlend = 0,
- AdditiveBlend = 1,
- PremultipliedAlphaBlend = 2,
- BlendMax = 3,
- InvalidBlend = -1,
- };
- class Material
- {
- public:
- Material();
- Color diffuse;
- Color emissive;
- Color specular;
- float specularPower;
- float opacity;
- BlendMode blend;
- ResourceHandle maps[TextureSemanticMax];
- };
- enum PrimitiveGroupType
- {
- TriList = 0,
- TriStrip = 1,
- TriFan = 2,
- LineList = 3,
- LineStrip = 4,
- PointList = 5,
- SpriteList = 6,
- PrimitiveTypeMax = 7,
- InvalidPrimitiveGroupType = -1
- };
- class PrimitiveGroup
- {
- public:
- PrimitiveGroup();
- ~PrimitiveGroup();
- uint32 getPrimitiveCount() const;
- PrimitiveGroupType prim;
- uint32 materialIndex;
- uint32* indices;
- uint32 nIndices;
- };
- Mesh();
- ~Mesh();
- void setVertices(uint32 _nVertices, void* vertexData);
- bool setVertexDescription(const VertexDescription& desc);
- const VertexDescription& getVertexDescription() const;
- const PrimitiveGroup* getGroup(uint32) const;
- uint32 addGroup(PrimitiveGroup* group);
- uint32 addGroup(PrimitiveGroupType prim,
- uint32 materialIndex,
- uint32 nIndices,
- uint32* indices);
- uint32 getGroupCount() const;
- void remapIndices(const std::vector<uint32>& indexMap);
- void clearGroups();
- void remapMaterials(const std::vector<uint32>& materialMap);
- /*! Reorder primitive groups so that groups with identical materials
- * appear sequentially in the primitive group list. This will reduce
- * the number of graphics state changes at render time.
- */
- void aggregateByMaterial();
- const std::string& getName() const;
- void setName(const std::string&);
- bool pick(const Ray3d& r, double& distance) const;
- void render(const std::vector<const Material*>& materials,
- RenderContext&) const;
- AxisAlignedBox getBoundingBox() const;
- void transform(Vec3f translation, float scale);
- const void* getVertexData() const { return vertices; }
- uint32 getVertexCount() const { return nVertices; }
- uint32 getVertexStride() const { return vertexDesc.stride; }
- uint32 getPrimitiveCount() const;
- static PrimitiveGroupType parsePrimitiveGroupType(const std::string&);
- static VertexAttributeSemantic parseVertexAttributeSemantic(const std::string&);
- static VertexAttributeFormat parseVertexAttributeFormat(const std::string&);
- static TextureSemantic parseTextureSemantic(const std::string&);
- static uint32 getVertexAttributeSize(VertexAttributeFormat);
- private:
- void recomputeBoundingBox();
- private:
- VertexDescription vertexDesc;
- uint32 nVertices;
- void* vertices;
- mutable GLuint vbObject;
- mutable bool vbInitialized;
- std::vector<PrimitiveGroup*> groups;
- std::string name;
- };
- #endif // !_CELMESH_MESH_H_