- // particlesystem.h
- //
- // Copyright (C) 2008, Chris Laurel <>
- //
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #include <string>
- #include <list>
- #include "model.h"
- class VectorGenerator;
- struct ParticleVertex
- {
- void set(const Vec3f& _position, const Vec2f& _texCoord, const unsigned char* _color)
- {
- position = _position;
- texCoord = _texCoord;
- color[Color::Red] = _color[Color::Red];
- color[Color::Green] = _color[Color::Green];
- color[Color::Blue] = _color[Color::Blue];
- color[Color::Alpha] = _color[Color::Alpha];
- }
- Vec3f position;
- Vec2f texCoord;
- unsigned char color[4];
- };
- class ParticleEmitter
- {
- public:
- ParticleEmitter();
- ~ParticleEmitter();
- void render(double tsec, RenderContext& rc, ParticleVertex* particleBuffer, unsigned int bufferCapacity) const;
- void setAcceleration(const Vec3f& acceleration);
- void createMaterial();
- void setLifespan(double startTime, double endTime);
- void setRotationRateRange(float minRate, float maxRate);
- void setBlendMode(Mesh::BlendMode blendMode);
- private:
- double m_startTime;
- double m_endTime;
- public:
- ResourceHandle m_texture;
- float m_rate;
- float m_lifetime;
- Color m_startColor;
- float m_startSize;
- Color m_endColor;
- float m_endSize;
- VectorGenerator* m_positionGenerator;
- VectorGenerator* m_velocityGenerator;
- private:
- Vec3f m_acceleration;
- bool m_nonZeroAcceleration;
- float m_minRotationRate;
- float m_rotationRateVariance;
- bool m_rotationEnabled;
- Mesh::BlendMode m_blendMode;
- Mesh::Material m_material;
- };
- class ParticleSystem : public Geometry
- {
- public:
- ParticleSystem();
- virtual ~ParticleSystem();
- virtual void render(RenderContext& rc, double t = 0.0);
- virtual bool pick(const Ray3d& r, double& distance) const;
- virtual bool isOpaque() const;
- void addEmitter(ParticleEmitter* emitter);
- public:
- std::list<ParticleEmitter*> m_emitterList;
- Mesh::VertexDescription* m_vertexDesc;
- ParticleVertex* m_vertexData;
- unsigned int m_particleCapacity;
- unsigned int m_particleCount;
- };
- class LCGRandomGenerator;
- /*! Generator abstract base class.
- * Subclasses must implement generate() method.
- */
- class VectorGenerator
- {
- public:
- VectorGenerator() {};
- virtual ~VectorGenerator() {};
- virtual Vec3f generate(LCGRandomGenerator& gen) const = 0;
- };
- /*! Simplest generator; produces the exact same value on each call
- * to generate().
- */
- class ConstantGenerator : public VectorGenerator
- {
- public:
- ConstantGenerator(const Vec3f& value) : m_value(value) {}
- virtual Vec3f generate(LCGRandomGenerator& gen) const;
- private:
- Vec3f m_value;
- };
- /*! Generates values uniformly distributed within an axis-aligned box.
- */
- class BoxGenerator : public VectorGenerator
- {
- public:
- BoxGenerator(const Vec3f& center, const Vec3f& axes) :
- m_center(center),
- m_semiAxes(axes * 0.5f)
- {
- }
- virtual Vec3f generate(LCGRandomGenerator& gen) const;
- private:
- Vec3f m_center;
- Vec3f m_semiAxes;
- };
- /*! Generates values uniformly distributed on a line between
- * two points.
- */
- class LineGenerator : public VectorGenerator
- {
- public:
- LineGenerator(const Vec3f& p0, const Vec3f& p1) :
- m_origin(p0),
- m_direction(p1 - p0)
- {
- }
- virtual Vec3f generate(LCGRandomGenerator& gen) const;
- private:
- Vec3f m_origin;
- Vec3f m_direction;
- };
- /*! Generates values uniformly distributed on the surface
- * of an ellipsoid.
- */
- class EllipsoidSurfaceGenerator : public VectorGenerator
- {
- public:
- EllipsoidSurfaceGenerator(const Vec3f& center, const Vec3f& semiAxes) :
- m_center(center),
- m_semiAxes(semiAxes)
- {
- }
- virtual Vec3f generate(LCGRandomGenerator& gen) const;
- private:
- Vec3f m_center;
- Vec3f m_semiAxes;
- };
- /*! Generates values uniformly distributed within a spherical
- * section. The section is centered on the z-axis.
- */
- class ConeGenerator : public VectorGenerator
- {
- public:
- ConeGenerator(float minAngle, float maxAngle, float minLength, const float maxLength) :
- m_cosMinAngle(1.0f - std::cos(minAngle)),
- m_cosAngleVariance(std::cos(minAngle) - std::cos(maxAngle)),
- m_minLength(minLength),
- m_lengthVariance(maxLength - minLength)
- {
- }
- virtual Vec3f generate(LCGRandomGenerator& gen) const;
- private:
- float m_cosMinAngle;
- float m_cosAngleVariance;
- float m_minLength;
- float m_lengthVariance;
- };
- /*! Generates points in a 2D gaussian distribution in
- * the xy-plane and centered on the origin.
- */
- class GaussianDiscGenerator : public VectorGenerator
- {
- public:
- GaussianDiscGenerator(float sigma) :
- m_sigma(sigma)
- {
- }
- virtual Vec3f generate(LCGRandomGenerator& gen) const;
- private:
- float m_sigma;
- };
- //ParticleSystem* LoadParticleSystem(const std::string& filename, const std::string& resourcePath);