- // customrotation.cpp
- //
- // Custom rotation models for Solar System bodies.
- //
- // Copyright (C) 2008, the Celestia Development Team
- // Initial version by Chris Laurel,
- //
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #include <map>
- #include <string>
- #include <celengine/customrotation.h>
- #include <celengine/rotation.h>
- #include <celengine/astro.h>
- #include <celengine/precession.h>
- using namespace std;
- static map<string, RotationModel*> CustomRotationModels;
- static bool CustomRotationModelsInitialized = false;
- // Clamp secular terms in IAU rotation models to this number of centuries
- // from J2000. Extrapolating much further can lead to ridiculous results,
- // such as planets 'tipping over' Periodic terms are not clamped; their
- // validity over long time ranges is questionable, but extrapolating them
- // doesn't produce obviously absurd results.
- static const double IAU_SECULAR_TERM_VALID_CENTURIES = 50.0;
- // The P03 long period precession theory for Earth is valid for a one
- // million year time span centered on J2000. For dates outside far outside
- // that range, the polynomial terms produce absurd results.
- static const double P03LP_VALID_CENTURIES = 5000.0;
- /*! Base class for IAU rotation models. All IAU rotation models are in the
- * J2000.0 Earth equatorial frame.
- */
- class IAURotationModel : public CachingRotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAURotationModel(double _period) :
- period(_period), flipped(false)
- {
- }
- virtual ~IAURotationModel() {}
- bool isPeriodic() const { return true; }
- double getPeriod() const { return period; }
- virtual Quatd computeSpin(double t) const
- {
- // Time argument of IAU rotation models is actually day since J2000.0 TT, but
- // Celestia uses TDB. The difference should be so minute as to be irrelevant.
- t = t - astro::J2000;
- if (flipped)
- return Quatd::yrotation( degToRad(180.0 + meridian(t)));
- else
- return Quatd::yrotation(-degToRad(180.0 + meridian(t)));
- }
- virtual Quatd computeEquatorOrientation(double t) const
- {
- double poleRA = 0.0;
- double poleDec = 0.0;
- t = t - astro::J2000;
- pole(t, poleRA, poleDec);
- double node = poleRA + 90.0;
- double inclination = 90.0 - poleDec;
- if (flipped)
- return Quatd::xrotation(PI) * Quatd::xrotation(degToRad(-inclination)) * Quatd::yrotation(degToRad(-node));
- else
- return Quatd::xrotation(degToRad(-inclination)) * Quatd::yrotation(degToRad(-node));
- }
- // Return the RA and declination (in degrees) of the rotation axis
- virtual void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const = 0;
- virtual double meridian(double t) const = 0;
- protected:
- static void clamp_centuries(double& T)
- {
- }
- void setFlipped(bool _flipped)
- {
- flipped = _flipped;
- }
- private:
- double period;
- bool flipped;
- };
- /******* Earth rotation model *******/
- class EarthRotationModel : public CachingRotationModel
- {
- public:
- EarthRotationModel()
- {
- }
- ~EarthRotationModel()
- {
- }
- Quatd computeSpin(double tjd) const
- {
- // TODO: Use a more accurate model for sidereal time
- double t = tjd - astro::J2000;
- double theta = 2 * PI * (t * 24.0 / 23.9344694 - 259.853 / 360.0);
- return Quatd::yrotation(-theta);
- }
- Quatd computeEquatorOrientation(double tjd) const
- {
- double T = (tjd - astro::J2000) / 36525.0;
- // Clamp T to the valid time range of the precession theory.
- else if (T > P03LP_VALID_CENTURIES)
- astro::PrecessionAngles prec = astro::PrecObliquity_P03LP(T);
- astro::EclipticPole pole = astro::EclipticPrecession_P03LP(T);
- double obliquity = degToRad(prec.epsA / 3600);
- double precession = degToRad(prec.pA / 3600);
- // Calculate the angles pi and Pi from the ecliptic pole coordinates
- // P and Q:
- // P = sin(pi)*sin(Pi)
- // Q = sin(pi)*cos(Pi)
- double P = pole.PA * 2.0 * PI / 1296000;
- double Q = pole.QA * 2.0 * PI / 1296000;
- double piA = asin(sqrt(P * P + Q * Q));
- double PiA = atan2(P, Q);
- // Calculate the rotation from the J2000 ecliptic to the ecliptic
- // of date.
- Quatd RPi = Quatd::zrotation(PiA);
- Quatd rpi = Quatd::xrotation(piA);
- Quatd eclRotation = ~RPi * rpi * RPi;
- Quatd q = Quatd::xrotation(obliquity) * Quatd::zrotation(-precession) * ~eclRotation;
- // convert to Celestia's coordinate system
- return Quatd::xrotation(PI / 2.0) * q * Quatd::xrotation(-PI / 2.0);
- }
- double getPeriod() const
- {
- return 23.9344694 / 24.0;
- }
- bool isPeriodic() const
- {
- return true;
- }
- };
- /******* IAU rotation models for the planets *******/
- /*! IAUPrecessingRotationModel is a rotation model with uniform rotation about
- * a pole that precesses linearly in RA and declination.
- */
- class IAUPrecessingRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- /*! rotationRate is in degrees per Julian day
- * pole precession is in degrees per Julian century
- */
- IAUPrecessingRotationModel(double _poleRA,
- double _poleRARate,
- double _poleDec,
- double _poleDecRate,
- double _meridianAtEpoch,
- double _rotationRate) :
- IAURotationModel(std::abs(360.0 / _rotationRate)),
- poleRA(_poleRA),
- poleRARate(_poleRARate),
- poleDec(_poleDec),
- poleDecRate(_poleDecRate),
- meridianAtEpoch(_meridianAtEpoch),
- rotationRate(_rotationRate)
- {
- if (rotationRate < 0.0)
- setFlipped(true);
- }
- void pole(double d, double& ra, double &dec) const
- {
- double T = d / 36525.0;
- clamp_centuries(T);
- ra = poleRA + poleRARate * T;
- dec = poleDec + poleDecRate * T;
- }
- double meridian(double d) const
- {
- return meridianAtEpoch + rotationRate * d;
- }
- private:
- double poleRA;
- double poleRARate;
- double poleDec;
- double poleDecRate;
- double meridianAtEpoch;
- double rotationRate;
- };
- class IAUNeptuneRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAUNeptuneRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 536.3128492) {}
- void pole(double d, double& ra, double &dec) const
- {
- double T = d / 36525.0;
- double N = degToRad(357.85 + 52.316 * T);
- ra = 299.36 + 0.70 * sin(N);
- dec = 43.46 - 0.51 * cos(N);
- }
- double meridian(double d) const
- {
- double T = d / 36525.0;
- double N = degToRad(357.85 + 52.316 * T);
- return 253.18 + 536.3128492 * d - 0.48 * sin(N);
- }
- };
- /*! IAU rotation model for the Moon.
- * From the IAU/IAG Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements:
- *
- */
- class IAULunarRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAULunarRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 13.17635815) {}
- void calcArgs(double d, double E[14]) const
- {
- E[1] = degToRad(125.045 - 0.0529921 * d);
- E[2] = degToRad(250.089 - 0.1059842 * d);
- E[3] = degToRad(260.008 + 13.012009 * d);
- E[4] = degToRad(176.625 + 13.3407154 * d);
- E[5] = degToRad(357.529 + 0.9856993 * d);
- E[6] = degToRad(311.589 + 26.4057084 * d);
- E[7] = degToRad(134.963 + 13.0649930 * d);
- E[8] = degToRad(276.617 + 0.3287146 * d);
- E[9] = degToRad( 34.226 + 1.7484877 * d);
- E[10] = degToRad( 15.134 - 0.1589763 * d);
- E[11] = degToRad(119.743 + 0.0036096 * d);
- E[12] = degToRad(239.961 + 0.1643573 * d);
- E[13] = degToRad( 25.053 + 12.9590088 * d);
- }
- void pole(double d, double& ra, double& dec) const
- {
- double T = d / 36525.0;
- clamp_centuries(T);
- double E[14];
- calcArgs(d, E);
- ra = 269.9949
- + 0.0013*T
- - 3.8787 * sin(E[1])
- - 0.1204 * sin(E[2])
- + 0.0700 * sin(E[3])
- - 0.0172 * sin(E[4])
- + 0.0072 * sin(E[6])
- - 0.0052 * sin(E[10])
- + 0.0043 * sin(E[13]);
- dec = 66.5392
- + 0.0130 * T
- + 1.5419 * cos(E[1])
- + 0.0239 * cos(E[2])
- - 0.0278 * cos(E[3])
- + 0.0068 * cos(E[4])
- - 0.0029 * cos(E[6])
- + 0.0009 * cos(E[7])
- + 0.0008 * cos(E[10])
- - 0.0009 * cos(E[13]);
- }
- double meridian(double d) const
- {
- double E[14];
- calcArgs(d, E);
- // d^2 represents slowing of lunar rotation as the Moon recedes
- // from the Earth. This may need to be clamped at some very large
- // time range (1 Gy?)
- return (38.3213
- + 13.17635815 * d
- - 1.4e-12 * d * d
- + 3.5610 * sin(E[1])
- + 0.1208 * sin(E[2])
- - 0.0642 * sin(E[3])
- + 0.0158 * sin(E[4])
- + 0.0252 * sin(E[5])
- - 0.0066 * sin(E[6])
- - 0.0047 * sin(E[7])
- - 0.0046 * sin(E[8])
- + 0.0028 * sin(E[9])
- + 0.0052 * sin(E[10])
- + 0.0040 * sin(E[11])
- + 0.0019 * sin(E[12])
- - 0.0044 * sin(E[13]));
- }
- };
- // Rotations of Martian, Jovian, and Uranian satellites from IAU/IAG Working group
- // on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements (Corrected for known errata
- // as of 17 Feb 2006)
- // See:
- class IAUPhobosRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAUPhobosRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 1128.8445850) {}
- void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double M1 = degToRad(169.51 - 0.04357640 * t);
- clamp_centuries(T);
- ra = 317.68 - 0.108 * T + 1.79 * sin(M1);
- dec = 52.90 - 0.061 * T - 1.08 * cos(M1);
- }
- double meridian(double t) const
- {
- // Note: negative coefficient of T^2 term for meridian angle indicates faster
- // rotation as Phobos's orbit evolves inward toward Mars
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double M1 = degToRad(169.51 - 0.04357640 * t);
- double M2 = degToRad(192.93 + 1128.4096700 * t + 8.864 * T * T);
- return 35.06 + 1128.8445850 * t + 8.864 * T * T - 1.42 * sin(M1) - 0.78 * sin(M2);
- }
- };
- class IAUDeimosRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAUDeimosRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 285.1618970) {}
- void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double M3 = degToRad(53.47 - 0.0181510 * t);
- clamp_centuries(T);
- ra = 316.65 - 0.108 * T + 2.98 * sin(M3);
- dec = 53.52 - 0.061 * T - 1.78 * cos(M3);
- }
- double meridian(double t) const
- {
- // Note: positive coefficient of T^2 term for meridian angle indicates slowing
- // rotation as Deimos's orbit evolves outward from Mars
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double M3 = degToRad(53.47 - 0.0181510 * t);
- return 79.41 + 285.1618970 * t + 0.520 * T * T - 2.58 * sin(M3) + 0.19 * cos(M3);
- }
- };
- /****** Satellites of Jupiter ******/
- class IAUAmaltheaRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAUAmaltheaRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 722.6314560) {}
- void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double J1 = degToRad(73.32 + 91472.9 * T);
- clamp_centuries(T);
- ra = 268.05 - 0.009 * T - 0.84 * sin(J1) + 0.01 * sin(2.0 * J1);
- dec = 64.49 + 0.003 * T - 0.36 * cos(J1);
- }
- double meridian(double t) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double J1 = degToRad(73.32 + 91472.9 * T);
- return 231.67 + 722.6314560 * t + 0.76 * sin(J1) - 0.01 * sin(2.0 * J1);
- }
- };
- class IAUThebeRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAUThebeRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 533.7004100) {}
- void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double J2 = degToRad(24.62 + 45137.2 * T);
- clamp_centuries(T);
- ra = 268.05 - 0.009 * T - 2.11 * sin(J2) + 0.04 * sin(2.0 * J2);
- dec = 64.49 + 0.003 * T - 0.91 * cos(J2) + 0.01 * cos(2.0 * J2);
- }
- double meridian(double t) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double J2 = degToRad(24.62 + 45137.2 * T);
- return 8.56 + 533.7004100 * t + 1.91 * sin(J2) - 0.04 * sin(2.0 * J2);
- }
- };
- class IAUIoRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAUIoRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 203.4889538) {}
- void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double J3 = degToRad(283.90 + 4850.7 * T);
- double J4 = degToRad(355.80 + 1191.3 * T);
- clamp_centuries(T);
- ra = 268.05 - 0.009 * T + 0.094 * sin(J3) + 0.024 * sin(J4);
- dec = 64.49 + 0.003 * T + 0.040 * cos(J3) + 0.011 * cos(J4);
- }
- double meridian(double t) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double J3 = degToRad(283.90 + 4850.7 * T);
- double J4 = degToRad(355.80 + 1191.3 * T);
- return 200.39 + 203.4889538 * t - 0.085 * sin(J3) - 0.022 * sin(J4);
- }
- };
- class IAUEuropaRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAUEuropaRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 101.3747235) {}
- void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double J4 = degToRad(355.80 + 1191.3 * T);
- double J5 = degToRad(119.90 + 262.1 * T);
- double J6 = degToRad(229.80 + 64.3 * T);
- double J7 = degToRad(352.35 + 2382.6 * T);
- clamp_centuries(T);
- ra = 268.05 - 0.009 * T + 1.086 * sin(J4) + 0.060 * sin(J5) + 0.015 * sin(J6) + 0.009 * sin(J7);
- dec = 64.49 + 0.003 * T + 0.486 * cos(J4) + 0.026 * cos(J5) + 0.007 * cos(J6) + 0.002 * cos(J7);
- }
- double meridian(double t) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double J4 = degToRad(355.80 + 1191.3 * T);
- double J5 = degToRad(119.90 + 262.1 * T);
- double J6 = degToRad(229.80 + 64.3 * T);
- double J7 = degToRad(352.35 + 2382.6 * T);
- return 36.022 + 101.3747235 * t - 0.980 * sin(J4) - 0.054 * sin(J5) - 0.014 * sin(J6) - 0.008 * sin(J7);
- }
- };
- class IAUGanymedeRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAUGanymedeRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 50.3176081) {}
- void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double J4 = degToRad(355.80 + 1191.3 * T);
- double J5 = degToRad(119.90 + 262.1 * T);
- double J6 = degToRad(229.80 + 64.3 * T);
- clamp_centuries(T);
- ra = 268.05 - 0.009 * T - 0.037 * sin(J4) + 0.431 * sin(J5) + 0.091 * sin(J6);
- dec = 64.49 + 0.003 * T - 0.016 * cos(J4) + 0.186 * cos(J5) + 0.039 * cos(J6);
- }
- double meridian(double t) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double J4 = degToRad(355.80 + 1191.3 * T);
- double J5 = degToRad(119.90 + 262.1 * T);
- double J6 = degToRad(229.80 + 64.3 * T);
- return 44.064 + 50.3176081 * t + 0.033 * sin(J4) - 0.389 * sin(J5) - 0.082 * sin(J6);
- }
- };
- class IAUCallistoRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAUCallistoRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 21.5710715) {}
- void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double J5 = degToRad(119.90 + 262.1 * T);
- double J6 = degToRad(229.80 + 64.3 * T);
- double J8 = degToRad(113.35 + 6070.0 * T);
- clamp_centuries(T);
- ra = 268.05 - 0.009 * T - 0.068 * sin(J5) + 0.590 * sin(J6) + 0.010 * sin(J8);
- dec = 64.49 + 0.003 * T - 0.029 * cos(J5) + 0.254 * cos(J6) - 0.004 * cos(J8);
- }
- double meridian(double t) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double J5 = degToRad(119.90 + 262.1 * T);
- double J6 = degToRad(229.80 + 64.3 * T);
- double J8 = degToRad(113.35 + 6070.0 * T);
- return 259.51 + 21.5710715 * t + 0.061 * sin(J5) - 0.533 * sin(J6) - 0.009 * sin(J8);
- }
- };
- /*
- S1 = 353.32 + 75706.7 * T
- S2 = 28.72 + 75706.7 * T
- S3 = 177.40 - 36505.5 * T
- S4 = 300.00 - 7225.9 * T
- S5 = 53.59 - 8968.6 * T
- S6 = 143.38 - 10553.5 * T
- S7 = 345.20 - 1016.3 * T
- S8 = 29.80 - 52.1 * T
- S9 = 316.45 + 506.2 * T
- */
- // Rotations of Saturnian satellites from Seidelmann, _Explanatory Supplement to the
- // Astronomical Almanac_ (1992).
- class IAUMimasRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAUMimasRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 381.9945550) {}
- void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double S3 = degToRad(177.40 - 36505.5 * T);
- clamp_centuries(T);
- ra = 40.66 - 0.036 * T + 13.56 * sin(S3);
- dec = 83.52 - 0.004 * T - 1.53 * cos(S3);
- }
- double meridian(double t) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double S3 = degToRad(177.40 - 36505.5 * T);
- double S9 = degToRad(316.45 + 506.2 * T);
- return 337.46 + 381.9945550 * t - 13.48 * sin(S3) - 44.85 * sin(S9);
- }
- };
- class IAUEnceladusRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAUEnceladusRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 262.7318996) {}
- void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- clamp_centuries(T);
- ra = 40.66 - 0.036 * T;
- dec = 83.52 - 0.004 * T;
- }
- double meridian(double t) const
- {
- return 2.82 + 262.7318996 * t;
- }
- };
- class IAUTethysRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAUTethysRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 190.6979085) {}
- void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double S4 = degToRad(300.00 - 7225.9 * T);
- clamp_centuries(T);
- ra = 40.66 - 0.036 * T - 9.66 * sin(S4);
- dec = 83.52 - 0.004 * T - 1.09 * cos(S4);
- }
- double meridian(double t) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double S4 = degToRad(300.00 - 7225.9 * T);
- double S9 = degToRad(316.45 + 506.2 * T);
- return 10.45 + 190.6979085 * t - 9.60 * sin(S4) + 2.23 * sin(S9);
- }
- };
- class IAUTelestoRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAUTelestoRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 190.6979330) {}
- void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- clamp_centuries(T);
- ra = 50.50 - 0.036 * T;
- dec = 84.06 - 0.004 * T;
- }
- double meridian(double t) const
- {
- return 56.88 + 190.6979330 * t;
- }
- };
- class IAUCalypsoRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAUCalypsoRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 190.6742373) {}
- void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double S5 = degToRad(53.59 - 8968.6 * T);
- clamp_centuries(T);
- ra = 40.58 - 0.036 * T - 13.943 * sin(S5) - 1.686 * sin(2.0 * S5);
- dec = 83.43 - 0.004 * T - 1.572 * cos(S5) + 0.095 * cos(2.0 * S5);
- }
- double meridian(double t) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double S5 = degToRad(53.59 - 8968.6 * T);
- return 149.36 + 190.6742373 * t - 13.849 * sin(S5) + 1.685 * sin(2.0 * S5);
- }
- };
- class IAUDioneRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAUDioneRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 131.5349316) {}
- void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- clamp_centuries(T);
- ra = 40.66 - 0.036 * T;
- dec = 83.52 - 0.004 * T;
- }
- double meridian(double t) const
- {
- return 357.00 + 131.5349316 * t;
- }
- };
- class IAUHeleneRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAUHeleneRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 131.6174056) {}
- void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double S6 = degToRad(143.38 - 10553.5 * T);
- clamp_centuries(T);
- ra = 40.58 - 0.036 * T + 1.662 * sin(S6) + 0.024 * sin(2.0 * S6);
- dec = 83.52 - 0.004 * T - 0.187 * cos(S6) + 0.095 * cos(2.0 * S6);
- }
- double meridian(double t) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double S6 = degToRad(143.38 - 10553.5 * T);
- return 245.39 + 131.6174056 * t - 1.651 * sin(S6) + 0.024 * sin(2.0 * S6);
- }
- };
- class IAURheaRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAURheaRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 79.6900478) {}
- void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double S7 = degToRad(345.20 - 1016.3 * T);
- clamp_centuries(T);
- ra = 40.38 - 0.036 * T + 3.10 * sin(S7);
- dec = 83.55 - 0.004 * T - 0.35 * cos(S7);
- }
- double meridian(double t) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double S7 = degToRad(345.20 - 1016.3 * T);
- return 235.16 + 79.6900478 * t - 1.651 - 3.08 * sin(S7);
- }
- };
- class IAUTitanRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAUTitanRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 22.5769768) {}
- void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double S8 = degToRad(29.80 - 52.1 * T);
- clamp_centuries(T);
- ra = 36.41 - 0.036 * T + 2.66 * sin(S8);
- dec = 83.94 - 0.004 * T - 0.30 * cos(S8);
- }
- double meridian(double t) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double S8 = degToRad(29.80 - 52.1 * T);
- return 189.64 + 22.5769768 * t - 2.64 * sin(S8);
- }
- };
- class IAUIapetusRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAUIapetusRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 4.5379572) {}
- void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- clamp_centuries(T);
- ra = 318.16 - 3.949 * T;
- dec = 75.03 - 1.142 * T;
- }
- double meridian(double t) const
- {
- return 350.20 + 4.5379572 * t;
- }
- };
- class IAUPhoebeRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAUPhoebeRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 22.5769768) {}
- void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- clamp_centuries(T);
- ra = 355.16;
- dec = 68.70 - 1.143 * T;
- }
- double meridian(double t) const
- {
- return 304.70 + 930.8338720 * t;
- }
- };
- class IAUMirandaRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAUMirandaRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 254.6906892) { setFlipped(true); }
- void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double U11 = degToRad(102.23 - 2024.22 * T);
- ra = 257.43 + 4.41 * sin(U11) - 0.04 * sin(2.0 * U11);
- dec = -15.08 + 4.25 * cos(U11) - 0.02 * cos(2.0 * U11);
- }
- double meridian(double t) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double U11 = degToRad(102.23 - 2024.22 * T);
- double U12 = degToRad(316.41 + 2863.96 * T);
- return 30.70 - 254.6906892 * t
- - 1.27 * sin(U12) + 0.15 * sin(2.0 * U12)
- + 1.15 * sin(U11) - 0.09 * sin(2.0 * U11);
- }
- };
- class IAUArielRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAUArielRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 142.8356681) { setFlipped(true); }
- void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double U13 = degToRad(304.01 - 51.94 * T);
- ra = 257.43 + 0.29 * sin(U13);
- dec = -15.10 + 0.28 * cos(U13);
- }
- double meridian(double t) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double U12 = degToRad(316.41 + 2863.96 * T);
- double U13 = degToRad(304.01 - 51.94 * T);
- return 156.22 - 142.8356681 * t + 0.05 * sin(U12) + 0.08 * sin(U13);
- }
- };
- class IAUUmbrielRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAUUmbrielRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 86.8688923) { setFlipped(true); }
- void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double U14 = degToRad(308.71 - 93.17 * T);
- ra = 257.43 + 0.21 * sin(U14);
- dec = -15.10 + 0.20 * cos(U14);
- }
- double meridian(double t) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double U12 = degToRad(316.41 + 2863.96 * T);
- double U14 = degToRad(308.71 - 93.17 * T);
- return 108.05 - 86.8688923 * t - 0.09 * sin(U12) + 0.06 * sin(U14);
- }
- };
- class IAUTitaniaRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAUTitaniaRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 41.351431) { setFlipped(true); }
- void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double U15 = degToRad(340.82 - 75.32 * T);
- ra = 257.43 + 0.29 * sin(U15);
- dec = -15.10 + 0.28 * cos(U15);
- }
- double meridian(double t) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double U15 = degToRad(340.82 - 75.32 * T);
- return 77.74 - 41.351431 * t + 0.08 * sin(U15);
- }
- };
- class IAUOberonRotationModel : public IAURotationModel
- {
- public:
- IAUOberonRotationModel() : IAURotationModel(360.0 / 26.7394932) { setFlipped(true); }
- void pole(double t, double& ra, double& dec) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double U16 = degToRad(259.14 - 504.81 * T);
- ra = 257.43 + 0.16 * sin(U16);
- dec = -15.10 + 0.16 * cos(U16);
- }
- double meridian(double t) const
- {
- double T = t / 36525.0;
- double U16 = degToRad(259.14 - 504.81 * T);
- return 6.77 - 26.7394932 * t + 0.04 * sin(U16);
- }
- };
- RotationModel*
- GetCustomRotationModel(const std::string& name)
- {
- // Initialize the custom rotation model table.
- if (!CustomRotationModelsInitialized)
- {
- CustomRotationModelsInitialized = true;
- CustomRotationModels["earth-p03lp"] = new EarthRotationModel();
- // IAU rotation elements for the planets
- CustomRotationModels["iau-mercury"] = new IAUPrecessingRotationModel(281.01, -0.033,
- 61.45, -0.005,
- 329.548, 6.1385025);
- CustomRotationModels["iau-venus"] = new IAUPrecessingRotationModel(272.76, 0.0,
- 67.16, 0.0,
- 160.20, -1.4813688);
- CustomRotationModels["iau-earth"] = new IAUPrecessingRotationModel(0.0, -0.641,
- 90.0, -0.557,
- 190.147, 360.9856235);
- CustomRotationModels["iau-mars"] = new IAUPrecessingRotationModel(317.68143, -0.1061,
- 52.88650, -0.0609,
- 176.630, 350.89198226);
- CustomRotationModels["iau-jupiter"] = new IAUPrecessingRotationModel(268.05, -0.009,
- 64.49, -0.003,
- 284.95, 870.5366420);
- CustomRotationModels["iau-saturn"] = new IAUPrecessingRotationModel(40.589, -0.036,
- 83.537, -0.004,
- 38.90, 810.7939024);
- CustomRotationModels["iau-uranus"] = new IAUPrecessingRotationModel(257.311, 0.0,
- -15.175, 0.0,
- 203.81, -501.1600928);
- CustomRotationModels["iau-neptune"] = new IAUNeptuneRotationModel();
- CustomRotationModels["iau-pluto"] = new IAUPrecessingRotationModel(313.02, 0.0,
- 9.09, 0.0,
- 236.77, -56.3623195);
- // IAU elements for satellite of Earth
- CustomRotationModels["iau-moon"] = new IAULunarRotationModel();
- // IAU elements for satellites of Mars
- CustomRotationModels["iau-phobos"] = new IAUPhobosRotationModel();
- CustomRotationModels["iau-deimos"] = new IAUDeimosRotationModel();
- // IAU elements for satellites of Jupiter
- CustomRotationModels["iau-metis"] = new IAUPrecessingRotationModel(268.05, -0.009,
- 64.49, 0.003,
- 346.09, 1221.2547301);
- CustomRotationModels["iau-adrastea"] = new IAUPrecessingRotationModel(268.05, -0.009,
- 64.49, 0.003,
- 33.29, 1206.9986602);
- CustomRotationModels["iau-amalthea"] = new IAUAmaltheaRotationModel();
- CustomRotationModels["iau-thebe"] = new IAUThebeRotationModel();
- CustomRotationModels["iau-io"] = new IAUIoRotationModel();
- CustomRotationModels["iau-europa"] = new IAUEuropaRotationModel();
- CustomRotationModels["iau-ganymede"] = new IAUGanymedeRotationModel();
- CustomRotationModels["iau-callisto"] = new IAUCallistoRotationModel();
- // IAU elements for satellites of Saturn
- CustomRotationModels["iau-pan"] = new IAUPrecessingRotationModel(40.6, -0.036,
- 83.5, -0.004,
- 48.8, 626.0440000);
- CustomRotationModels["iau-atlas"] = new IAUPrecessingRotationModel(40.6, -0.036,
- 83.5, -0.004,
- 137.88, 598.3060000);
- CustomRotationModels["iau-prometheus"] = new IAUPrecessingRotationModel(40.6, -0.036,
- 83.5, -0.004,
- 296.14, 587.289000);
- CustomRotationModels["iau-pandora"] = new IAUPrecessingRotationModel(40.6, -0.036,
- 83.5, -0.004,
- 162.92, 572.7891000);
- CustomRotationModels["iau-mimas"] = new IAUMimasRotationModel();
- CustomRotationModels["iau-enceladus"] = new IAUEnceladusRotationModel();
- CustomRotationModels["iau-tethys"] = new IAUTethysRotationModel();
- CustomRotationModels["iau-telesto"] = new IAUTelestoRotationModel();
- CustomRotationModels["iau-calypso"] = new IAUCalypsoRotationModel();
- CustomRotationModels["iau-dione"] = new IAUDioneRotationModel();
- CustomRotationModels["iau-helene"] = new IAUHeleneRotationModel();
- CustomRotationModels["iau-rhea"] = new IAURheaRotationModel();
- CustomRotationModels["iau-titan"] = new IAUTitanRotationModel();
- CustomRotationModels["iau-iapetus"] = new IAUIapetusRotationModel();
- CustomRotationModels["iau-phoebe"] = new IAUPhoebeRotationModel();
- CustomRotationModels["iau-miranda"] = new IAUMirandaRotationModel();
- CustomRotationModels["iau-ariel"] = new IAUArielRotationModel();
- CustomRotationModels["iau-umbriel"] = new IAUUmbrielRotationModel();
- CustomRotationModels["iau-titania"] = new IAUTitaniaRotationModel();
- CustomRotationModels["iau-oberon"] = new IAUOberonRotationModel();
- }
- if (CustomRotationModels.count(name) > 0)
- return CustomRotationModels[name];
- else
- return NULL;
- }