- // winbookmarks.h
- //
- // Copyright (C) 2002, Chris Laurel <>
- //
- // Miscellaneous utilities for Locations UI implementation.
- //
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <commctrl.h>
- #include "favorites.h"
- #include "celestiacore.h"
- #include "odmenu.h"
- void BuildFavoritesMenu(HMENU, CelestiaCore*, HINSTANCE, ODMenu*);
- HTREEITEM PopulateBookmarkFolders(HWND, CelestiaCore*, HINSTANCE);
- HTREEITEM PopulateBookmarksTree(HWND, CelestiaCore*, HINSTANCE);
- void AddNewBookmarkFolderInTree(HWND, CelestiaCore*, char*);
- void SyncTreeFoldersWithFavoriteFolders(HWND, CelestiaCore*);
- void InsertBookmarkInFavorites(HWND, char*, CelestiaCore*);
- void DeleteBookmarkFromFavorites(HWND, CelestiaCore*);
- void RenameBookmarkInFavorites(HWND, char*, CelestiaCore*);
- void MoveBookmarkInFavorites(HWND, CelestiaCore*);
- bool isOrganizeBookmarksDragDropActive();
- void OrganizeBookmarksOnBeginDrag(HWND, LPNMTREEVIEW);
- void OrganizeBookmarksOnMouseMove(HWND, LONG, LONG);
- void OrganizeBookmarksOnLButtonUp(HWND);
- void DragDropAutoScroll(HWND);
- //HTREEITEM GetTreeViewItemHandle(HWND, char*, HTREEITEM);