- // eclipsefinder.h by Christophe Teyssier <>
- // adapted form wineclipses.h by Kendrix <>
- //
- // Copyright (C) 2001, Chris Laurel <>
- //
- // Compute Solar Eclipses for our Solar System planets
- //
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #include <vector>
- #include "celestiacore.h"
- class Eclipse
- {
- public:
- Eclipse(int Y, int M, int D);
- Eclipse(double JD);
- enum Type {
- Solar = 0,
- Moon = 1
- };
- public:
- Body* body;
- std::string planete;
- std::string sattelite;
- astro::Date* date;
- double startTime;
- double endTime;
- };
- class EclipseFinder
- {
- public:
- EclipseFinder(CelestiaCore* core,
- const std::string& strPlaneteToFindOn_,
- Eclipse::Type type_,
- double from,
- double to )
- :appCore(core),
- strPlaneteToFindOn(strPlaneteToFindOn_),
- type(type_),
- JDfrom(from),
- JDto(to),
- toProcess(true) {};
- const std::vector<Eclipse>& getEclipses() { if (toProcess) CalculateEclipses(); return Eclipses_; };
- private:
- CelestiaCore* appCore;
- std::vector<Eclipse> Eclipses_;
- std::string strPlaneteToFindOn;
- Eclipse::Type type;
- double JDfrom, JDto;
- bool toProcess;
- int CalculateEclipses();
- bool testEclipse(const Body& receiver, const Body& caster, double now) const;
- double findEclipseSpan(const Body& receiver, const Body& caster, double now, double dt) const;
- };
- #endif // _ECLIPSEFINDER_H_