- %Caculate MI of a and b in the region of the size(a)
- function [mi] = EMI(a,b)
- %
- [M,N] = size(a);
- % change a, b to range 1:n
- if min(a(:))<1
- a = a-min(a(:))+1;
- end
- if min(b(:))<1
- b = b-min(b(:))+1;
- end
- % ncolora = max(a(:))-min(a(:))+1;
- % ncolorb = max(b(:))-min(b(:))+1;
- ncolora = max(a(:));
- ncolorb = max(b(:));
- hab = zeros(ncolora,ncolorb);
- ha = zeros(1,ncolora);
- hb = zeros(1,ncolorb);
- %count begins
- [M,N]=size(a);
- for i=1:M
- for j=1:N
- indexx = a(i,j);
- indexy = b(i,j);
- hab(indexx,indexy) = hab(indexx,indexy)+1;
- ha(indexx) = ha(indexx)+1;
- hb(indexy) = hb(indexy)+1;
- end
- end
- %cal ha,hb,hab
- hsum = sum(sum(hab));
- index = find(hab~=0);
- p = hab/hsum;
- Hab = sum(sum(-p(index).*log(p(index))));
- hsum = sum(sum(ha));
- index = find(ha~=0);
- p = ha/hsum;
- Ha = sum(sum(-p(index).*log(p(index))));
- hsum = sum(sum(hb));
- index = find(hb~=0);
- p = hb/hsum;
- Hb = sum(sum(-p(index).*log(p(index))));
- mi = Ha+Hb-Hab;
- % cal EMI
- % feature efficiency coefficient
- n =2/5;
- if Hab ~= 0
- e = (mi^n) / ( Hab^(1-n));
- else% not usual happen, just for test
- e = -1;%(mi^n) / ( Hab^(1-n)+1e-10);
- end
- mi = e;
- % %