资源名称:yjal.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- File Version Start - Do not remove this if you are modifying the file
- Build: 9.5.0
- File Version End
- */
- /*
- this function is used to verify whether the 'Enter' key is pressed.
- if the 'Enter' key is pressed, then either call the event handler function passed in as a parameter (evntHdlrName)
- or if evntHdlrName is an empty string, submit the form that contains the input box (that triggers this function).
- The form name is passed in as the third parameter, if it's an empty string, it's set to 0 by default.
- The first parameter is an event object
- written by Paul Chong, 17th May 01
- */
- function keydownfn(e, evntHdlrName, formName)
- {
- var nav4;
- var keyPressed;
- //check if the brower is Netscape Navigator 4 or not
- var nav4 = window.Event ? true : false;
- //if browser is Navigator 4, the key pressed is called <event object>.which else it's called <event object>.keyCode
- keyPressed = nav4 ? e.which : e.keyCode;
- if (keyPressed == 13)
- {
- if (evntHdlrName != "")
- {
- // append empty parentheses if none given
- if(evntHdlrName.substr(evntHdlrName.length-1) != ")")
- evntHdlrName += "()";
- eval(evntHdlrName);
- }
- else
- {
- if (formName == "")
- formName = 0;
- document.forms[formName].submit();
- }
- }
- return true;
- }