资源名称:yjal.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- // Images Dir Path
- var imagesDir = "editor/icons/";
- // fonts setting
- var Fonts = new Array("宋体","黑体","仿宋_gb2312","幼圆","楷体_gb2312","Arial","Sans Serif","Tahoma","Verdana","Courier New","Georgia","Times New Roman","Impact","Comic Sans MS");
- // use this buttons
- var buttonNameGroup = new Array
- (
- ["ForeColor","BackColor","Bold", "Italic", "Underline","StrikeThrough","Subscript","Superscript","RemoveFormat"],
- ["JustifyLeft", "JustifyCenter", "JustifyRight"],
- ["InsertUnorderedList","InsertOrderedList","Outdent","Indent","Help"],
- ["CreateLink","Unlink"],
- ["InsertTable","InsertRow","DeleteRow","InsertColumn","DeleteColumn"],
- ["InsertImage","InsertFlash","InsertVideo"],
- ["Undo", "Redo"],
- ["SelectAll","Cut", "Copy", "Paste","PasteText"],
- ["InsertHorizontalRule","specialchar","Quote","Code","replace"]
- );
- // all buttons can be used
- var ToolbarList = {
- //Name buttonTitle buttonImage HTML Code
- "Bold": ['粗体', imagesDir + 'bold.gif', '<strong>*</strong>'],
- "Italic": ['斜体', imagesDir + 'italics.gif', '<em>*</em>'],
- "Underline": ['下划线', imagesDir + 'underline.gif', '<u>*</u>'],
- "StrikeThrough": ['删除线', imagesDir + 'strikethrough.gif', '<strike>*</strike>'],
- "Seperator": ['', imagesDir + 'seperator.gif', ''],
- "Subscript": ['上标', imagesDir + 'subscript.gif', '<sub>*</sub>'],
- "Superscript": ['下标', imagesDir + 'superscript.gif', '<sup>*</sup>'],
- "JustifyLeft": ['左对齐', imagesDir + 'justify_left.gif', '<div align="left">*</div>'],
- "JustifyCenter": ['居中对齐', imagesDir + 'justify_center.gif', '<div align="center">*</div>'],
- "JustifyRight": ['右对齐', imagesDir + 'justify_right.gif', '<div align="right">*</div>'],
- "InsertUnorderedList":['非排序列表', imagesDir + 'list_unordered.gif', ''],
- "InsertOrderedList":['排序列表', imagesDir + 'list_ordered.gif', ''],
- "Outdent": ['减少缩进', imagesDir + 'outdent.gif', false],
- "Indent": ['增加缩进', imagesDir + 'indent.gif', '<blockquote>*</blockquote>'],
- "RemoveFormat": ['清除格式', imagesDir + 'removeformat.gif', ''],
- "Cut": ['剪切', imagesDir + 'cut.gif', true],
- "Copy": ['复制', imagesDir + 'copy.gif', true],
- "Paste": ['粘贴', imagesDir + 'paste.gif', true],
- "PasteText": ['纯文本粘贴', imagesDir + 'pasteText.gif', true],
- "ForeColor": ['颜色', imagesDir + 'forecolor.gif', ''],
- "BackColor": ['背景色', imagesDir + 'backcolor.gif', ''],
- "Undo": ['撤消', imagesDir + 'undo.gif', true],
- "Redo": ['重做', imagesDir + 'redo.gif', true],
- "InsertTable": ['插入表格', imagesDir + 'table.gif', ''],
- "InsertRow": ['插入行', imagesDir + 'InsertRow.gif', ''],
- "DeleteRow": ['删除行', imagesDir + 'DeleteRow.gif', ''],
- "InsertColumn": ['插入列', imagesDir + 'InsertColumn.gif', ''],
- "DeleteColumn": ['删除列', imagesDir + 'DeleteColumn.gif', ''],
- "InsertImage": ['插入图片', imagesDir + 'insert_picture.gif', ''],
- "InsertFlash": ['插入Flash', imagesDir + 'insert_flash.gif', ''],
- "InsertVideo": ['插入视频', imagesDir + 'insert_video.gif', ''],
- "CreateLink": ['链接', imagesDir + 'insert_hyperlink.gif', ''],
- "Unlink": ['取消链接', imagesDir + 'unlink.gif', ''],
- "SelectFont": ['选择字体', imagesDir + 'select_font.gif', ''],
- "SelectSize": ['选择大小', imagesDir + 'select_size.gif', ''],
- "InsertHorizontalRule":['插入水平线', imagesDir + 'hr.gif', '*<hr>'],
- "SelectAll": ['全选', imagesDir + 'SelectAll.gif', true],
- "specialchar": ['插入特殊符号', imagesDir + 'specialchar.gif', ''],
- "Quote": ['插入引用', imagesDir + 'quote.gif', '<div class="Quote">*</div>'],
- "Code": ['插入代码', imagesDir + 'code.gif', '<div class="Code">*</div>'],
- "replace": ['替换', imagesDir + 'replace.gif', ''] ,
- "Help": ['帮助', imagesDir + 'help.gif', '']
- };
- document.write('<link href="'+imagesDir+'editorstyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">');
- var viewSourceMode = new Array();
- var isIE = document.all;
- var dropdownID = null;
- function oo(ID){
- return document.getElementById(ID);
- }
- String.prototype.trim=function(){return this.replace(/(^s*)|(s*$)/g,"");}
- function createEditor(n,outPutObject,_myeditor_Width,_myeditor_Height) {
- viewSourceMode[n] = 0;
- var toolbar = '<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" id="toolBar_'+n+'" unselectable="on" style="width:' + _myeditor_Width + ';"><tr><td unselectable="on" class="editor_toolbar">';
- for(var i=0; i<buttonNameGroup.length;i++) {
- if(buttonNameGroup[i]==='') {
- toolbar += '<div class="toolbarnewline"></div>';
- continue;
- }
- toolbar += '<div class="toolbarblock"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td><img src="' +ToolbarList["Seperator"][1]+ '" border=0></td>';
- if(i==0){
- toolbar += '<td><span id="FontSelect' + n + '" class="editor_select_off"></span></td>';
- toolbar += '<td><span id="FontSizes' + n + '" class="editor_select_off"></span></td>';
- }
- var buttonName = buttonNameGroup[i];
- for(var j=0; j<buttonName.length; j++){
- var buttonID = buttonName[j];
- var buttonObj = ToolbarList[buttonID];
- var buttonTitle = buttonObj[0];
- var buttonImage = buttonObj[1];
- toolbar += '<td width=22><span id="' + n + '_' + buttonID + '_exp" class="button" nowClassName="button" onClick="formatText(''+buttonID+'','' + n + '');" onmouseover="this.className='buttonOver'; " onmouseout="this.className=this.nowClassName;"><img src="' +buttonImage+ '" border=0 title="' +buttonTitle+ '" id="' + n + '_' + buttonID+ '" width="20" height="20"></span></td>';
- }
- toolbar += "</tr></table></div>";
- }
- toolbar += '</td></tr></table>';
- var iframe = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="editor_content"><tr><td valign="top" id="_parent_of_'+n+'" style="width:' + _myeditor_Width + '; height:' + _myeditor_Height + ';">n'
- + '<iframe frameborder="0" id="_myeditor_' + n + '" onmouseout="autoGetHTML(''+outPutObject+'',''+n+'')" scrolling="auto" style="width:100%; height:' + _myeditor_Height + '; margin:1px;"></iframe>n'
- + '<textarea name="' + n + '" id="' + n + '" onmouseout="autoGetSourceHTML(''+outPutObject+'',''+n+'')" style="width:100%; height:' + _myeditor_Height + ';display:none; border:0px; margin:0px; font-size:12px; font-family:Courier New,verdana; background-color:#F9F9F9"></textarea>'
- + '</td></tr></table>n';
- var modebuttons = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td valign="top" style="width:' + _myeditor_Width + ';">n'
- + '<div class="modebutton modebutton_on" id="HTMLMode_'+n+'" unselectable="on" onclick="viewHTML(''+n+'')"><img src="'+imagesDir+'mode_design.gif" align="absmiddle" /> 所见即所得模式</div>'
- + '<div class="modebutton modebutton_off" id="SourceMode_'+n+'" unselectable="on" onclick="viewSource(''+n+'')"><img src="'+imagesDir+'mode_source.gif" align="absmiddle" />HTML代码模式</div>'
- + '<div class="modebutton modebutton_off" unselectable="on" onclick="preview_content(''+n+'')"><img src="'+imagesDir+'preview.gif" align="absmiddle" /> 预览</div>'
- + '<img src="'+imagesDir+'content_expand.gif" alt="扩展编辑框" onClick="editor_resize(''+n+'',+100)" class="expand_button">'
- + '<img src="'+imagesDir+'content_contract.gif" alt="收缩编辑框" onClick="editor_resize(''+n+'',-100)" class="expand_button">'
- + '</td></tr></table>n';
- document.write('<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td class="editor_table">' + toolbar + iframe + modebuttons + '</td></tr></table>');
- outputFontSelect(n);
- outputFontSizes(n);
- outputColor('ForeColor',n);
- outputColor('BackColor',n);
- var doc = oo("_myeditor_" + n).contentWindow.document;
- doc.open();
- doc.write("<HTML><head><link href='"+imagesDir+"editorinit.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /></head><BODY bgcolor='#FFFFFF'>"+document.getElementById(outPutObject).value+"</BODY></HTML>");
- doc.close();
- //
- if (isIE){
- doc.body.contentEditable = true ;
- for (var idx=0; idx < document.forms.length; idx++){
- document.forms[idx].attachEvent('onsubmit', function() { updateValues(n); });
- }
- document.attachEvent('onmouseup', function() { if(dropdownID && ((event.srcElement.tagName!='IMG'&&event.srcElement.tagName!='BUTTON')||!oo('toolBar_'+n).contains(event.srcElement))){oo(dropdownID).style.display='none'; } });
- doc.attachEvent('onmouseup', function() { editor_buttons_on(n); });
- }else{
- doc.designMode = 'on';
- for (var idx=0; idx < document.forms.length; idx++){
- document.forms[idx].addEventListener('submit', function OnSubmit() {updateValues(n);}, true);
- }
- }
- doc.execCommand('LiveResize', false, true);
- };
- //获取编辑状态下的源代码
- function autoGetHTML(n,b)
- {
- document.getElementById(n).value=oo('_myeditor_'+b).contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML;
- }
- //获取源代码模式下的源代码
- function autoGetSourceHTML(n,b)
- {
- document.getElementById(n).value=oo(b).value;
- }
- function editor_buttons_on(n){
- if(dropdownID) oo(dropdownID).style.display = 'none';
- if(!isIE) return false;
- var buttonOnIDs = ["Bold","Italic","Underline","Strikethrough","JustifyLeft","JustifyCenter","JustifyRight","InsertUnorderedList","InsertOrderedList"];
- try{
- for(var i=0;i<buttonOnIDs.length;i++){
- var id = buttonOnIDs[i];
- if(oo(n+'_'+id)){
- if(oo("_myeditor_" + n).contentWindow.document.queryCommandValue(id)==true){
- oo(n+'_'+id+'_exp').className = oo(n+'_'+id+'_exp').nowClassName = "buttonOn";
- }else{
- oo(n+'_'+id+'_exp').className = oo(n+'_'+id+'_exp').nowClassName = "button";
- }
- }
- }
- }catch(e){}
- }
- function formatText(id, n, s) {
- if(id=='Help'){
- openModalWindow(imagesDir+"help.htm",300,200,n);
- return true;
- }
- if (viewSourceMode[n] == 1) {
- return SourceformatText(id,n,s)
- }
- var w = oo("_myeditor_" + n).contentWindow;
- w.focus();
- if(!s && (id=='ForeColor'||id=='BackColor')){
- return showColor(id,n);
- }
- else if(id == "PasteText"){
- if (window.clipboardData) {
- var txt = window.clipboardData.getData("Text").replace( /n/g, '<br />' );
- insertHTML( txt ,n);
- }else {
- openModalWindow(imagesDir+"paste_text.htm",350,200,n);
- }
- return false;
- }
- else if (id == "InsertImage") {
- var input = window.prompt("请输入图片地址:","");
- if(input==null) return;
- insertHTML('<img src="'+input+'" />',n);
- }
- else if(id == "InsertFlash"){
- if(!s){
- var input = openModalWindow(imagesDir+"insert_flash.htm",350,200,n);
- if(input==null) return;
- }else input = s;
- insertHTML( '<img src="'+imagesDir+'spacer.gif" width="'+input[1]+'" height="'+input[2]+'" alt="'+input[0]+'" class="editor_flash" />',n);
- }
- else if(id == "InsertVideo"){
- if(!s){
- var input = openModalWindow(imagesDir+"insert_video.htm",350,250,n);
- if(input==null) return;
- }else input = s;
- insertHTML( '<img src="'+imagesDir+'spacer.gif" width="'+input[1]+'" height="'+input[2]+'" autoplay="'+input[3]+'" alt="'+input[0]+'" class="editor_video_'+input[4]+'" />',n );
- }else if(id == "specialchar"){
- if(!s){
- var input = openModalWindow(imagesDir+"insert_specialchars.htm",400,250,n);
- if(input==null) return;
- }else input = s;
- insertHTML( input,n );
- }
- else if(id == "InsertTable"){
- if(!s){
- var input = openModalWindow(imagesDir+"insert_table.htm?n="+n,350,300,n);
- if(input==null) return;
- }else input = s;
- insertHTML( input,n );
- }else if( id=='InsertRow' || id=='InsertColumn' || id=='DeleteRow' || id=='DeleteColumn' ){
- eval(id+'("'+n+'")');
- }
- else if(id=="Quote"||id=="Code"){
- var type = w.document.selection.type;
- if(type=="Text" || type=='None'){
- s = '<DIV class="'+id+'">'+w.document.selection.createRange().htmlText+'</DIV>';
- insertHTML(s,n);
- }else{
- alert('请选择相应内容!');
- }
- }
- else if(id=="replace"){
- if(!s){
- var input = openModalWindow(imagesDir+"replace.htm",250,200,n);
- if(input==null) return;
- }else input = s;
- var cr = w.document.selection.createRange();
- cr.expand('textedit');
- var k=0;
- while(cr.findText(input[0],0,input[2]) ){
- cr.select();
- insertHTML(input[1],n);
- cr.expand('textedit');
- k++;
- }
- if(k) alert("找到并替换 "+k+" 个结果.");
- else alert("没找到相关内容.");
- }
- else{
- if(!isIE) w.document.execCommand( 'useCSS', false, true ) ;
- w.document.execCommand(id, false, s);
- }
- editor_buttons_on(n);
- };
- function SourceformatText(id,n,s){
- if(s && s.indexOf('*')!=-1) return;
- oo(n).focus();
- var sourceCode = '';
- if(id == "PasteText") id = 'Paste';
- if(id=='FontName'){
- sourceCode = '<font face="'+s+'">*</font>';
- }
- else if(id=='ForeColor'){
- //the color window will get the focus ...
- if(isIE) var cr = document.selection.createRange();
- else var cr = 1;
- if(!s) return showColor(id,n,cr);
- cr = showColor(id,n,null);
- insertSource('<font color="'+s+'">','</font>',n,cr);
- return true;
- }
- else if(id=='BackColor'){
- //the color window will get the focus ...
- if(isIE) var cr = document.selection.createRange();
- else var cr = 1;
- if(!s) return showColor(id,n,cr);
- cr = showColor(id,n,null);
- insertSource('<font style="background-color:'+s+'">','</font>',n,cr);
- return true;
- }
- else if(id=='FontSize'){
- sourceCode = '<font size="'+s+'">*</font>';
- }
- else if(id=='CreateLink'){
- s = window.prompt("请输入链接地址:","http://");
- if(s==null || s.indexOf('*')!=-1 || s=='http://') return;
- if( docGetSelection(n) ) sourceCode = '<a href="'+s+'" target=_blank>*</a>';
- else{
- str = '<a href="'+s+'" target=_blank>'+s+'</a>';
- insertSource('',str,n);
- return true;
- }
- }
- else if(id=='InsertImage'){
- s = window.prompt("请输入图片地址","http://");
- if(s==null || s.indexOf('*')!=-1 || s=='http://') return;
- str = '<img src="'+s+'">';
- insertSource('',str,n);
- return true;
- }else if(id=='InsertUnorderedList'||id=='InsertOrderedList'){
- var str = (id=='InsertUnorderedList'?'<ul>':'<ol>');
- var sel = docGetSelection(n);
- if( sel ){
- strs = sel.split('n');
- for(var i=0;i<strs.length;i++){
- if(strs[i].trim()) str += 'n<li>'+strs[i].trim()+'</li>';
- }
- str += 'n'+(id=='InsertUnorderedList'?'</ul>':'</ol>');
- }else{
- var i=0;
- while(s = window.prompt("请输入一个列表项目,留空或取消完成该列表:","")){
- str += "n<li>" + s + "</li>";
- i++;
- }
- if(i==0) return false;
- str += 'n'+(id=='InsertUnorderedList'?'</ul>':'</ol>');
- }
- insertSource('',str,n);
- return true;
- }
- else if(id == "InsertFlash"){
- if(!s){
- var input = openModalWindow(imagesDir+"insert_flash.htm",350,200,n);
- if(input==null) return;
- }else input = s;
- var str = '[flash='+input[1]+','+input[2]+']'+input[0]+'[/flash]';
- insertSource('',str,n);
- return true;
- }
- else if(id == "InsertVideo"){
- if(!s){
- var input = openModalWindow(imagesDir+"insert_video.htm",350,250,n);
- if(input==null) return;
- }else input = s;
- var str = '['+input[4]+'='+input[1]+','+input[2]+','+input[3]+']'+input[0]+'[/'+input[4]+']';
- insertSource('',str,n);
- return true;
- }
- if(id=="replace"){
- if(!s){
- var input = openModalWindow(imagesDir+"replace.htm",250,200,n);
- if(input==null) return;
- }else input = s;
- var str = oo(n).value;
- input[0] = input[0].replace(/(W)/mig,"\$1");
- var patten = new RegExp(input[0],(input[2]==4?'g':'gi'));
- str = str.replace(patten,input[1]);
- oo(n).value = str;
- return true;
- }
- else if(id=='Unlink'){
- var str = docGetSelection(n).replace(/(</?)(a[^>]*)(>)/mig,'');
- insertSource('',str,n);
- return true;
- }
- else if(id=='RemoveFormat'){
- //keep img ,use '<*img>' for special string
- str = docGetSelection(n).replace(/(<)(imgs[^>]*)(>)/mig,'$1*$2$3');
- str = str.replace(/(</?)([^*][^>]*)(>)/mig,'');
- str = str.replace(/(<)(*)(imgs[^>]*)(>)/mig,'$1$3$4');
- insertSource('',str,n);
- return true;
- }
- else{
- sourceCode = ToolbarList[id][2];
- if(sourceCode===true){
- try{
- document.execCommand(id, false, s)
- }catch(e){}
- }
- }
- if(sourceCode){
- var adds = sourceCode.split('*',2);
- insertSource( adds[0],adds[1],n);
- }
- if(dropdownID) oo(dropdownID).style.display = 'none';
- return true;
- }
- function insertSource(b,e,n,cr){
- var textarea = oo(n);
- textarea.focus();
- if (document.selection) {
- var range = cr?cr:document.selection.createRange();
- if(b==''){
- range.text = e;
- range.moveStart('character',0-e.length);
- }else{
- var len = range.text.length;
- range.text = b + range.text + e;
- range.moveStart('character',0-e.length-len);
- range.moveEnd('character',0-e.length);
- }
- range.select();
- }
- else if(window.getSelection&&textarea.selectionStart>-1){
- var st = textarea.selectionStart;
- var ed = textarea.selectionEnd;
- var selText = b?textarea.value.substring(st,ed):'';
- textarea.value = textarea.value.substring(0,st) + b + selText + e + textarea.value.slice(ed);
- textarea.selectionStart = st + b.length;
- textarea.selectionEnd = st + b.length + (b?selText.length:e.length);
- }
- else {
- textarea.value += b+e;
- }
- }
- function docGetSelection(n){
- var textarea = oo(n);
- if (!isIE){
- if (textarea.selectionStart!=undefined) {
- return textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart, textarea.selectionEnd);
- }
- }else{
- if(window.getSelection) return window.getSelection();
- else if (document.getSelection)return document.getSelection();
- else if (document.selection)return document.selection.createRange().text;
- }
- }
- function openModalWindow(url,width,height,n){
- if(isIE){
- return window.showModalDialog(url,window,"dialogWidth: "+width+"px; dialogHeight:"+height+"px; edge: Raised; center: Yes; help: No; resizable: No; status: No;");
- }else{
- window.open(url,n,"modal=yes,width="+width+"px,height="+height+"px,resizable=no,scrollbars=no");
- return null;
- }
- }
- function insertHTML(html, n) {
- oo("_myeditor_" + n).contentWindow.focus();
- if (isIE) {
- var cr = oo('_myeditor_' + n).contentWindow.document.selection.createRange()
- cr.pasteHTML(html);
- cr.select();
- }else {
- oo('_myeditor_' + n).contentWindow.document.execCommand('insertHTML',false, html);
- }
- }
- function outputFontSelect(n) {
- var FontSelectObj = ToolbarList['SelectFont'];
- var FontSelect = FontSelectObj[1];
- var FontSelectOn = imagesDir + 'select_font_on.gif';
- var FontSelectDropDown = '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td onMouseOver="oo('selectFont' + n + '').src='' + FontSelectOn + '';" onMouseOut="oo('selectFont' + n + '').src='' + FontSelect + '';"><img src="' + FontSelect + '" id="selectFont' + n + '" width="85" height="20" onClick="showFonts('' + n + '');"><br>';
- FontSelectDropDown += '<span id="Fonts' + n + '" class="dropdown" style="width: 145px; display:none;">';
- for (var i = 0; i <= Fonts.length;) {
- if (Fonts[i]) {
- FontSelectDropDown += '<button type="button" onClick="formatText('FontName','' + n + '','' + Fonts[i] + '');" onMouseOver="this.className='mouseOver'" onMouseOut="this.className='mouseOut'" class="mouseOut" style="width: 120px;"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td align="left" style="font-family:' + Fonts[i] + '; font-size: 12px;">' + Fonts[i] + '</td></tr></table></button><br>';
- }
- i++;
- }
- FontSelectDropDown += '</span></td></tr></table>';
- oo('FontSelect' + n).innerHTML = FontSelectDropDown;
- };
- function outputFontSizes(n) {
- var FontSizeObj = ToolbarList['SelectSize'];
- var FontSize = FontSizeObj[1];
- var FontSizeOn = imagesDir + 'select_size_on.gif';
- var FontSizesDropDown = '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td onMouseOver="oo('selectSize' + n + '').src='' + FontSizeOn + '';" onMouseOut="oo('selectSize' + n + '').src='' + FontSize + '';"><img src="' + FontSize + '" id="selectSize' + n + '" width="49" height="20" onClick="showFontSizes('' + n + '');"><br>';
- FontSizesDropDown += '<span id="Sizes' + n + '" class="dropdown" style="width:80px; display:none;">';
- for (var i = 1; i <= 7;i++) {
- FontSizesDropDown += '<button type="button" onClick="formatText('FontSize','' + n + '','' + i + '');" onMouseOver="this.className='mouseOver'" onMouseOut="this.className='mouseOut'" class="mouseOut" style="width: 100%; font-family:arial"><font size="'+i+'">' + (i) + '</font></button><br>';
- }
- FontSizesDropDown += '</span></td></tr></table>';
- oo('FontSizes' + n).innerHTML = FontSizesDropDown;
- };
- function outputColor(c,n){
- if(!oo(n+'_'+c+'_exp')) return false;
- var string = '<br><span id="' + c + n + '" class="dropdown" style="width: 200px;overflow:hidden;display:none;">';
- string += '<iframe name="'+c+'_win" src="'+imagesDir+'select_color.htm?color=000000&command='+c+'&_myeditor_=' + n +'" width="100%" height="140px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" unselectable="on"></iframe></span>';
- oo(n+'_'+c+'_exp').innerHTML += string;
- }
- function showFonts(n) {
- if (oo('Fonts' + n).style.display == 'block') {
- oo('Fonts' + n).style.display = 'none';
- }
- else {
- oo('Fonts' + n).style.display = 'block';
- if(dropdownID&&dropdownID!='Fonts' + n) oo(dropdownID).style.display = 'none';
- dropdownID = 'Fonts' + n;
- }
- };
- function showFontSizes(n) {
- if (oo('Sizes' + n).style.display == 'block') {
- oo('Sizes' + n).style.display = 'none';
- }
- else {
- oo('Sizes' + n).style.display = 'block';
- if(dropdownID&&dropdownID!='Sizes' + n) oo(dropdownID).style.display = 'none';
- dropdownID = 'Sizes' + n;
- }
- };
- function showColor(c,n,cr) {
- if (oo(c + n).style.display == 'block') {
- oo(c + n).style.display = 'none';
- }
- else {
- oo(c + n).style.display = 'block';
- if(dropdownID&&dropdownID!=c+n) oo(dropdownID).style.display = 'none';
- dropdownID = c + n;
- }
- if(cr) oo(c + n).cr = cr;
- if(oo(c + n).cr) return oo(c + n).cr;
- };
- function updateValues(n){
- if(viewSourceMode[n]){
- var doc = oo("_myeditor_" + n).contentWindow.document;
- doc.body.innerHTML = source_html( oo(n).value );
- }
- else{
- var doc = oo("_myeditor_" + n).contentWindow.document;
- oo(n).value = html_source( n );
- }
- }
- function editor_resize(n,size){
- var obj=oo('_parent_of_'+n);
- if(size<0 && obj.offsetHeight<0-size*2) return false;
- oo(n).style.height = oo('_myeditor_' + n).style.height = obj.style.height = obj.offsetHeight + size;
- }
- function viewSource(n) {
- updateValues(n);
- if(viewSourceMode[n]) return;
- oo("_myeditor_" + n).style.display = 'none';
- oo(n).style.display = 'block';
- var c = oo('SourceMode_' + n).className;
- oo('SourceMode_' + n).className = oo('HTMLMode_' + n).className;
- oo('HTMLMode_' + n).className = c;
- oo(n).focus();
- viewSourceMode[n] = 1;
- editor_buttons_on(n);
- };
- function viewHTML(n) {
- updateValues(n);
- if(!viewSourceMode[n]) return;
- oo("_myeditor_" + n).style.display = 'block';
- oo(n).style.display = 'none';
- var c = oo('SourceMode_' + n).className;
- oo('SourceMode_' + n).className = oo('HTMLMode_' + n).className;
- oo('HTMLMode_' + n).className = c;
- oo("_myeditor_" + n).focus();
- viewSourceMode[n] = 0;
- editor_buttons_on(n);
- };
- function html_source(n){
- //the special images ...
- var doc = oo("_myeditor_" + n).contentWindow.document;
- var images = doc.getElementsByTagName("IMG");
- for(var i=images.length-1;i>=0;i--){
- if(images[i].className=='editor_flash')
- images[i].outerHTML = '[flash='+parseInt(images[i].style.width?images[i].style.width:images[i].width)+','+parseInt(images[i].style.height?images[i].style.height:images[i].height)+']'+images[i].alt+'[/flash]';
- else if(images[i].className=='editor_video_rm')
- images[i].outerHTML = '[rm='+parseInt(images[i].style.width?images[i].style.width:images[i].width)+','+parseInt(images[i].style.height?images[i].style.height:images[i].height)+','+images[i].autoplay+']'+images[i].alt+'[/rm]';
- else if(images[i].className=='editor_video_mp')
- images[i].outerHTML = '[mp='+parseInt(images[i].style.width?images[i].style.width:images[i].width)+','+parseInt(images[i].style.height?images[i].style.height:images[i].height)+','+images[i].autoplay+']'+images[i].alt+'[/mp]';
- }
- var links = doc.getElementsByTagName("A");
- for(i=links.length-1;i>=0;i--){
- if(links[i].href && !links[i].target)
- links[i].target='_blank';
- }
- var code = doc.body.innerHTML.trim();
- return code;
- }
- function source_html(code){
- var specialUbbCodes = { '[flash=*,*]*[/flash]' : '<img src="'+imagesDir+'spacer.gif" width="$1" height="$2" alt="$3" class="editor_flash" />',
- '[mp=*,*,*]*[/mp]' : '<img src="'+imagesDir+'spacer.gif" width="$1" height="$2" autoplay="$3" alt="$4" class="editor_video_mp" />',
- '[rm=*,*,*]*[/rm]' : '<img src="'+imagesDir+'spacer.gif" width="$1" height="$2" autoplay="$3" alt="$4" class="editor_video_rm" />'
- }
- for(var pattern in specialUbbCodes){
- var newpat = pattern.replace(/([[]/])/g,'\$1').replace(/(*)/g,"([^\]]+)");
- code = code.replace(new RegExp(newpat,'ig'),specialUbbCodes[pattern]);
- }
- return code;
- }
- // preview functions
- function preview_content(n){
- var win = window.open("","_blank","width=400px,height=300px,resizable=yes,scrollbars=auto");
- if(!viewSourceMode[n]) var code = html_source( n );
- else var code = oo(n).value;
- var specialUbbCodes = { '[flash=*,*]*[/flash]' : '<embed src="$3" width="$1" height="$2" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" play="true" loop="true" menu="true"></embed>',
- '[mp=*,*,*]*[/mp]' : '<object classid="clsid:CFCDAA03-8BE4-11cf-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA" width="$1" height="$2"><param name="SRC" value="$4"><param name="AUTOSTART" value="$3"></object>',
- '[rm=*,*,*]*[/rm]' : '<embed type="application/x-oleobject" flename="mp" src="$4" width="$1" height="$2"></embed>'
- }
- for(var pattern in specialUbbCodes){
- var newpat = pattern.replace(/([[]/])/g,'\$1').replace(/(*)/g,"([^\]]+)");
- code = code.replace(new RegExp(newpat,'ig'),specialUbbCodes[pattern]);
- }
- win.document.write("<HTML><head><title>Preview</title><link href='"+imagesDir+"editorinit.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /></head><BODY>"+code+"</BODY></HTML>");
- }
- // table functions ...
- function GetRangeReference(editor)
- {
- editor.focus();
- var objReference = null;
- var RangeType = editor.document.selection.type;
- var selectedRange = editor.document.selection.createRange();
- switch(RangeType)
- {
- case 'Control' :
- if (selectedRange.length > 0 )
- {
- objReference = selectedRange.item(0);
- }
- break;
- case 'None' :
- objReference = selectedRange.parentElement();
- break;
- case 'Text' :
- objReference = selectedRange.parentElement();
- break;
- }
- return objReference
- }
- function CheckTag(myitem,tagName){
- if (myitem.tagName.search(tagName)!= -1)
- {
- return myitem;
- }
- if (myitem.tagName == 'BODY')
- {
- return false;
- }
- myitem=myitem.parentElement;
- return Dvbbs_CheckTag(myitem,tagName);
- }
- function InsertRow( n ){
- editor = oo("_myeditor_" + n).contentWindow;
- objReference = GetRangeReference(editor);
- objReference = CheckTag(objReference,'/^(TABLE)|^(TR)|^(TD)|^(TBODY)/');
- switch(objReference.tagName)
- {
- case 'TABLE' :
- var newTable = objReference.cloneNode(true);
- var newRow = newTable.insertRow();
- for(x = 0; x<newTable.rows[0].cells.length; x++)
- {
- var newCell = newRow.insertCell();
- }
- objReference.outerHTML = newTable.outerHTML;
- break;
- case 'TBODY' :
- var newTable = objReference.cloneNode(true);
- var newRow = newTable.insertRow();
- for(x = 0; x<newTable.rows[0].cells.length; x++)
- {
- var newCell = newRow.insertCell();
- }
- objReference.outerHTML=newTable.outerHTML;
- break;
- case 'TR' :
- var rowIndex = objReference.rowIndex;
- var parentTable = objReference.parentElement.parentElement;
- var newTable = parentTable.cloneNode(true);
- var newRow = newTable.insertRow(rowIndex+1);
- for(x = 0; x< newTable.rows[0].cells.length; x++)
- {
- var newCell = newRow.insertCell();
- }
- parentTable.outerHTML = newTable.outerHTML;
- break;
- case 'TD' :
- var parentRow = objReference.parentElement;
- var rowIndex = parentRow.rowIndex;
- var cellIndex = objReference.cellIndex;
- var parentTable = objReference.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
- var newTable = parentTable.cloneNode(true);
- var newRow = newTable.insertRow(rowIndex+1);
- for(x = 0; x< newTable.rows[0].cells.length; x++)
- {
- var newCell = newRow.insertCell();
- if (x == cellIndex)newCell.id='ura';
- }
- parentTable.outerHTML = newTable.outerHTML;
- var r = editor.document.body.createTextRange();
- var item = editor.document.getElementById('ura');
- item.id = '';
- r.moveToElementText(item);
- r.moveStart('character',r.text.length);
- r.select();
- break;
- default :
- return;
- }
- }
- function DeleteRow( n )
- {
- editor=oo("_myeditor_" + n).contentWindow;
- objReference=GetRangeReference(editor);
- objReference=CheckTag(objReference,'/^(TABLE)|^(TR)|^(TD)|^(TBODY)/');
- switch(objReference.tagName)
- {
- case 'TR' :var rowIndex = objReference.rowIndex;//Get rowIndex
- var parentTable=objReference.parentElement.parentElement;
- parentTable.deleteRow(rowIndex);
- break;
- case 'TD' :var cellIndex=objReference.cellIndex;
- var parentRow=objReference.parentElement;//Get Parent Row
- var rowIndex = parentRow.rowIndex;//Get rowIndex
- var parentTable=objReference.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
- parentTable.deleteRow(rowIndex);
- if (rowIndex>=parentTable.rows.length)
- {
- rowIndex=parentTable.rows.length-1;
- }
- if (rowIndex>=0)
- {
- var r = editor.document.body.createTextRange();
- r.moveToElementText(parentTable.rows[rowIndex].cells[cellIndex]);
- r.moveStart('character',r.text.length);
- r.select();
- }
- else
- {
- parentTable.removeNode(true);
- }
- break;
- default :return;
- }
- }
- function InsertColumn( n )
- {
- editor = oo("_myeditor_" + n).contentWindow;
- objReference= GetRangeReference(editor);
- objReference=CheckTag(objReference,'/^(TABLE)|^(TR)|^(TD)|^(TBODY)/');
- switch(objReference.tagName)
- {
- case 'TABLE' :// IF a table is selected, it adds a new column on the right hand side of the table.
- var newTable=objReference.cloneNode(true);
- for(x=0; x<newTable.rows.length; x++)
- {
- var newCell = newTable.rows[x].insertCell();
- }
- newCell.focus();
- objReference.outerHTML=newTable.outerHTML;
- break;
- case 'TBODY' :// IF a table is selected, it adds a new column on the right hand side of the table.
- var newTable=objReference.cloneNode(true);
- for(x=0; x<newTable.rows.length; x++)
- {
- var newCell = newTable.rows[x].insertCell();
- }
- objReference.outerHTML=newTable.outerHTML;
- break;
- case 'TR' :// IF a table is selected, it adds a new column on the right hand side of the table.
- objReference=objReference.parentElement.parentElement;
- var newTable=objReference.cloneNode(true);
- for(x=0; x<newTable.rows.length; x++)
- {
- var newCell = newTable.rows[x].insertCell();
- }
- objReference.outerHTML=newTable.outerHTML;
- break;
- case 'TD' :// IF the cursor is in a cell, or a cell is selected, it adds a new column to the right of that cell.
- var cellIndex = objReference.cellIndex;//Get cellIndex
- var rowIndex=objReference.parentElement.rowIndex;
- var parentTable=objReference.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
- var newTable=parentTable.cloneNode(true);
- for(x=0; x<newTable.rows.length; x++)
- {
- var newCell = newTable.rows[x].insertCell(cellIndex+1);
- if (x==rowIndex)newCell.id='ura';
- }
- parentTable.outerHTML=newTable.outerHTML;
- var r = editor.document.body.createTextRange();
- var myitem=editor.document.getElementById('ura');
- myitem.id='';
- r.moveToElementText(myitem);
- r.moveStart('character',r.text.length);
- r.select();
- break;
- default :
- return;
- }
- }
- function DeleteColumn( n )
- {
- editor = oo("_myeditor_" + n).contentWindow;
- objReference=GetRangeReference(editor);
- objReference=CheckTag(objReference,'/^(TABLE)|^(TR)|^(TD)|^(TBODY)/');
- switch(objReference.tagName)
- {
- case 'TD' :var rowIndex=objReference.parentElement.rowIndex;
- var cellIndex = objReference.cellIndex;//Get cellIndex
- var parentTable=objReference.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
- var newTable=parentTable.cloneNode(true);
- if (newTable.rows[0].cells.length==1)
- {
- parentTable.removeNode(true);
- return;
- }
- for(x=0; x<newTable.rows.length; x++)
- {
- if (newTable.rows[x].cells[cellIndex]=='[object]')
- {
- newTable.rows[x].deleteCell(cellIndex);
- }
- }
- if (cellIndex>=newTable.rows[0].cells.length)
- {
- cellIndex=newTable.rows[0].cells.length-1;
- }
- if (cellIndex>=0) newTable.rows[rowIndex].cells[cellIndex].id='ura';
- parentTable.outerHTML=newTable.outerHTML;
- if (cellIndex>=0){
- var r = editor.document.body.createTextRange();
- var myitem=editor.document.getElementById('ura');
- myitem.id='';
- r.moveToElementText(myitem);
- r.moveStart('character',r.text.length);
- r.select();
- }
- break;
- default :return;
- }
- }
- //Emote ...
- function Emote(image,n)
- {
- image='<img src="' + image + '">';
- var obj=oo(n);
- if (obj==null)
- {
- n=n.replace(/(_ctl)/g,"ctl0");
- n=n.replace(/(:)/g,"$");
- }
- if(viewSourceMode[n]) insertSource('',image,n);
- else insertHTML( image ,n);
- }