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  8.   String strUrl = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@slight:1521:LOCAL";
  9.   String strUser = "eshop";
  10.   String strPassword = "eshop";
  11.   Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(strUrl, strUser, strPassword);
  12.   Statement st = con.createStatement();
  13.   //最近注册商品
  14.   String sql = "select * from product order by regtime desc";
  15.   ResultSet rs  = st.executeQuery(sql);
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  140. //返回值:0:是  1:不是
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  165. //参数说明:要检查的字符串
  166. //返回值:长度值
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  170. sum=0;
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  183. {
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  208. if (chkitem(document.FORM1.uid.value)==0)
  209. {
  210. alert("请输入正确的会员帐号。");
  211. document.FORM1.uid.focus();
  212. return false;
  213. }
  214. if ((document.FORM1.uid.vlaue=='') || (chkspc(document.FORM1.uid.value)==0)|| (chkspc(document.FORM1.uid.value)==2))
  215. {
  216. alert("请将会员帐号填写完整,且不能使用空格!");
  217. document.FORM1.uid.focus();
  218. return false;
  219. }
  220. if (chkitem(document.FORM1.pwd.value)==0)
  221. {
  222. alert("请将填写密码!");
  223. document.FORM1.pwd.focus();
  224. return false;
  225. }
  226. if ( fucCheckLength(document.FORM1.uid.value) != document.FORM1.uid.value.length )
  227. {
  228. alert("会员帐号请不要使用中文!");
  229. document.FORM1.uid.focus();
  230. return false;
  231. }
  232. if (fucCheckLength(document.FORM1.uid.value) <4 )
  233. {
  234. alert("会员帐号必须至少4位");
  235. document.FORM1.uid.focus();
  236. return false;
  237. }
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  241.                         帐号
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  263. <%
  264.    //一级分类
  265.   sql = "select * from class_1";
  266.   ResultSet rs1 = st.executeQuery(sql);
  267.   String strClass1Name = "";
  268.   while ({
  269.     sql = "select * from class_2 where class_1_name = '" + rs1.getString("class_1_name") + "'";
  270.     strClass1Name = rs1.getString("Class_1_Name");
  271.     ResultSet rs2 = st.executeQuery(sql);
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  279.   <%=strClass1Name%></b>
  280. </font></td>
  281.         </tr>
  282.       </table></td>
  283. </tr>
  284. <%
  285.   int j = 1;
  286.   while({
  287. %>
  288.         <td width="139" height="22" bgcolor="#B1CBE4">
  289. <p align="center"><a href="splb.jsp?spdl=<%=rs2.getString("Class_1_Name")%>&amp;spxl=<%=rs2.getString("Class_2_Name")%>"><font color="#000000"><%=rs2.getString("Class_2_Name")%></font></a>
  290.         </td>
  291.       </tr>
  292.       <tr>
  293.       <%
  294.       j=j+1;
  295.       }
  296.       rs2.close();
  297.       %>
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  302. <%
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  304.     rs1.close();
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  348.                     <option value="礼品">礼品</option>
  349.                     <option value="影视">影视</option>
  350.                     <option value="化妆">化妆</option>
  351.                     <option value="互联网">互联网</option>
  352.                   </select>
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  445. <a href="javascript:winopen('spjj.jsp?ProductNO=<%=rs.getLong("Product_No")%>')"><%=rs.getString("Product_name")%></a></p></td>
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  447. <%
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  449. rs.close();
  450. %>
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  465.               </tr>
  466.               <tr>
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  471.               </tr>
  472.               <tr>
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  474.               </tr>
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  494. <%
  495.     sql = "select * from product where rownum<7 order by look_count desc ";
  496.     ResultSet rshot = st.executeQuery(sql);
  497. %>
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  517. <%
  518.   int k = 1;
  519. %>
  520. <tr>
  521. <%
  522.   while ({
  523. %>
  524. <td>
  525. <p style="word-spacing: 0; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0">
  526. <img border="0" src="<%=rshot.getString("p_pic")%>">
  527. <p style="word-spacing: 0; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><a href="javascript:winopen('spjj.jsp?ProductNO=<%=rshot.getLong("Product_No")%>')"><b><%=rshot.getString("Product_Name")%></b></a></p>
  528.             <p style="word-spacing: 0; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0">市场价:&yen;
  529.               <strike><%=rshot.getDouble("P_OldPrice")%></strike><br>
  530.               会员价:&yen; <font color="#FF0000"><%=rshot.getDouble("P_NewPrice")%></font><br>
  531.               <a href="javascript:winopen('spjj.jsp?ProductNO=<%=rshot.getLong("Product_No")%>')">[详细介绍]</a></p>
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  534.           </td>
  535.           <%
  536.   if ((double)k/3 == k/3){
  537.           %>
  538.         </tr>
  539.         <tr>
  540.           <%
  541.   }
  542.                 k=k+1;
  543. }
  544.                 rshot.close();
  545.                 con.close();
  546.  %>
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