- BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..18n"; }
- END {print "not ok 1n" unless $loaded;}
- use GD;
- use GD::Text;
- $loaded = 1;
- print "ok 1n";
- $i = 2;
- # Test the default setup
- $t = GD::Text->new();
- print 'not ' unless ($t->is_builtin);
- printf "ok %dn", $i++;
- # Check some size parameters
- $t->set_text('Some text');
- ($w, $h, $cu, $cd) = $t->get(qw(width height char_up char_down));
- print 'not ' unless ($w==54 && $h==13 && $cu==13 && $cd==0);
- printf "ok %dn", $i++;
- # Change the text
- $t->set_text('Some other text');
- $w = $t->get('width');
- print 'not ' unless ($w==90 && $h==13 && $cu==13 && $cd==0);
- printf "ok %dn", $i++;
- # Test loading of other builtin font
- $t->set_font(gdGiantFont);
- print 'not ' unless ($t->is_builtin);
- printf "ok %dn", $i++;
- # Test the width method
- $w = $t->width('Foobar Banana');
- print 'not ' unless (defined $w and $w == 117);
- printf "ok %dn", $i++;
- # And make sure it didn't change the text in the object
- $text = $t->get('text');
- print 'not ' unless (defined $text and $text eq 'Some other text');
- printf "ok %dn", $i++;
- # Now check the Giant Font parameters
- ($w, $h, $cu, $cd) = $t->get(qw(width height char_up char_down));
- print 'not ' unless ($w==135 && $h==15 && $cu==15 && $cd==0);
- printf "ok %dn", $i++;
- # Check that constructor with argument works
- $t = GD::Text->new(text => 'FooBar Banana', font => gdGiantFont);
- ($w) = $t->get(qw(width)) if defined $t;
- #print "$t, $wn";
- print 'not ' unless (defined $t && defined $w && $w==117);
- printf "ok %dn", $i++;
- # Check multiple fonts in one go, number 1
- $rc = $t->set_font(['foo', gdGiantFont, 'bar', gdTinyFont]);
- print 'not ' unless $rc;
- printf "ok %dn", $i++;
- if ($t->can_do_ttf)
- {
- # Test loading of TTF
- $rc = $t->set_font('cetus.ttf', 18);
- print 'not ' unless ($rc && $t->is_ttf);
- printf "ok %dn", $i++;
- # Check some size parameters
- @p = $t->get(qw(width height char_up char_down space));
- print 'not ' unless ("@p" eq "173 30 24 6 7");
- printf "ok %dn", $i++;
- # Check that constructor with argument works
- $t = GD::Text->new(text => 'FooBar', font =>'cetus');
- @p = $t->get(qw(width height char_up char_down space)) if defined $t;
- #print "$i: @pn";
- print 'not ' unless (defined $t && "@p" eq "45 16 13 3 4");
- printf "ok %dn", $i++;
- # Check multiple fonts in one go, number 2
- $rc = $t->set_font(['cetus', gdGiantFont, 'bar'], 24);
- @p = $t->get('font', 'ptsize');
- #print "$i : $rc - @pn";
- print 'not ' unless $rc && "@p" eq "./cetus.ttf 24";
- printf "ok %dn", $i++;
- }
- else
- {
- for (1 .. 4) { printf "ok %d # Skipn", $i++ };
- }
- # Font Path tests
- #
- # Only do this if we have TTF font support, and if we're on a unix-like
- # OS, will adapt this once I have support for other OS's for the font
- # path.
- if ($t->can_do_ttf && $^O &&
- $^O !~ /^MS(DOS|Win)/i && $^O !~ /VMS/i &&
- $^O !~ /^MacOS/i && $^O !~ /os2/i && $^O !~ /^AmigaOS/i)
- {
- # Font Path
- $t->font_path('demo/..:/tmp');
- $rc = GD::Text::_find_TTF('cetus', 18);
- #print "$i: $rcn";
- print 'not ' unless $rc eq './cetus.ttf';
- printf "ok %dn", $i++;
- $t->font_path('demo/..:.:/tmp');
- $rc = GD::Text::_find_TTF('cetus', 18);
- #print "$i: $rcn";
- print 'not ' unless $rc eq 'demo/../cetus.ttf';
- printf "ok %dn", $i++;
- $rc = GD::Text::_find_TTF('/usr/foo/font.ttf', 18);
- #print "$i: $rcn";
- print 'not ' unless $rc eq '/usr/foo/font.ttf';
- printf "ok %dn", $i++;
- $t->font_path(undef);
- $rc = GD::Text::_find_TTF('cetus.ttf', 18);
- #print "$i: $rcn";
- print 'not ' unless $rc eq './cetus.ttf';
- printf "ok %dn", $i++;
- }
- else
- {
- # Grumble to 5.004_04, cannot use for as modifier
- for (1 .. 4) { printf "ok %d # Skipn", $i++ };
- }