- This are Text utilities for use with the GD drawing package. This
- package provides three modules:
- GD::Text:
- Provides information about a font, irrespective of whether the font
- is a TTF or builtin font.
- GD::Text::Align
- Align a string around a coordinate, left, right, center, top, bottom
- or center.
- GD::Text::Wrap
- Wrap a long string between a right and left margin, starting at a
- certain y coordinate. Layout the text flush left, flush right,
- center, or justified.
- Requirements:
- perl 5.005_03 or higher, preferably 5.6. It may work on older
- versions, but it has not been tested, and I won't spend a lot of
- time trying to support it.
- GD 1.20 or up, built for TTF (freetype) support.
- Installation:
- perl Makefile.PL
- make
- make test
- make demo
- make install
- Demo(s) can be found in the demo directory.
- Todo:
- - Make the interface more flexible
- - Alignment for the wrap boxes as a whole
- - More demo code
- Copyright (c) 1999 Martien Verbruggen
- This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
- Enclosed font:
- Cetus by Greg Meronek, downloaded from