资源名称:qq.rar [点击查看]
Visual Basic
- VERSION 5.00
- Begin VB.UserControl XPButton2
- AutoRedraw = -1 'True
- ClientHeight = 405
- ClientLeft = 0
- ClientTop = 0
- ClientWidth = 1230
- DefaultCancel = -1 'True
- Enabled = 0 'False
- BeginProperty Font
- Name = "Verdana"
- Size = 8.25
- Charset = 0
- Weight = 400
- Underline = 0 'False
- Italic = 0 'False
- Strikethrough = 0 'False
- EndProperty
- ScaleHeight = 27
- ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel
- ScaleWidth = 82
- ToolboxBitmap = "XPButton2.ctx":0000
- End
- Attribute VB_Name = "XPButton2"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = True
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- '****************************************************************************
- ' :) 人人为我,我为人人 :)
- '枕善居汉化收藏整理
- '发布日期:06/06/06
- '描 述:XP 按钮示例
- '网 站:"& http & www &"mndsoft.com/
- 'e-mail :mndsoft@163.com 最新的邮箱,如果您有新的好的代码别忘记给枕善居哦
- 'OICQ :88382850
- '****************************************************************************
- Option Explicit
- '//Subclasser declarations
- Private Enum eMsgWhen
- MSG_AFTER = 1 'Message calls back after the original (previous) WndProc
- MSG_BEFORE = 2 'Message calls back before the original (previous) WndProc
- MSG_BEFORE_AND_AFTER = MSG_AFTER Or MSG_BEFORE 'Message calls back before and after the original (previous) WndProc
- End Enum
- Private Type tSubData 'Subclass data type
- hwnd As Long 'Handle of the window being subclassed
- nAddrSub As Long 'The address of our new WndProc (allocated memory).
- nAddrOrig As Long 'The address of the pre-existing WndProc
- nMsgCntA As Long 'Msg after table entry count
- nMsgCntB As Long 'Msg before table entry count
- aMsgTblA() As Long 'Msg after table array
- aMsgTblB() As Long 'Msg Before table array
- End Type
- Private sc_aSubData() As tSubData 'Subclass data array
- Private Const ALL_MESSAGES As Long = -1 'All messages added or deleted
- Private Const GMEM_FIXED As Long = 0 'Fixed memory GlobalAlloc flag
- Private Const GWL_WNDPROC As Long = -4 'Get/SetWindow offset to the WndProc procedure address
- Private Const PATCH_04 As Long = 88 'Table B (before) address patch offset
- Private Const PATCH_05 As Long = 93 'Table B (before) entry count patch offset
- Private Const PATCH_08 As Long = 132 'Table A (after) address patch offset
- Private Const PATCH_09 As Long = 137 'Table A (after) entry count patch offset
- Private Declare Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "KERNEL32" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal length As Long)
- Private Declare Function GetModuleHandleA Lib "KERNEL32" (ByVal lpModuleName As String) As Long
- Private Declare Function GetProcAddress Lib "KERNEL32" (ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal lpProcName As String) As Long
- Private Declare Function GlobalAlloc Lib "KERNEL32" (ByVal wFlags As Long, ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function GlobalFree Lib "KERNEL32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function SetWindowLongA Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long
- '//Mouse tracking declares
- Private Declare Function TrackMouseEvent Lib "user32" (lpEventTrack As TRACKMOUSEEVENT_STRUCT) As Long
- tem_HOVER = &H1&
- tem_LEAVE = &H2&
- tem_QUERY = &H40000000
- tem_CANCEL = &H80000000
- End Enum
- cbSize As Long
- hwndTrack As Long
- dwHoverTime As Long
- End Type
- Private Const WM_MOUSELEAVE As Long = &H2A3
- '//DrawText declares
- Private Type RECT
- Left As Long
- Top As Long
- Right As Long
- Bottom As Long
- End Type
- Private Const DT_VCENTER As Long = &H4
- Private Const DT_SINGLELINE As Long = &H20
- Private Const DT_CENTER As Long = &H1
- Private Declare Function DrawText Lib "user32" Alias "DrawTextA" (ByVal HDC As Long, ByVal lpStr As String, ByVal nCount As Long, lpRect As RECT, ByVal wFormat As Long) As Long
- '//Gradient Fill Declares
- Private Declare Function CreateSolidBrush Lib "gdi32" (ByVal crColor As Long) As Long
- Private Type POINT
- X As Long
- y As Long
- End Type
- Private Type RGBColor
- r As Single
- G As Single
- b As Single
- End Type
- '//Misc and multi-use declares
- Private Const WM_NCACTIVATE As Long = &H86
- Private Const WM_ACTIVATE As Long = &H6
- Private Declare Function SetRect Lib "user32" (lpRect As RECT, ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function FillRect Lib "user32" (ByVal HDC As Long, lpRect As RECT, ByVal hBrush As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function SetPixel Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal HDC As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function SelectObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal HDC As Long, ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function MoveToEx Lib "gdi32" (ByVal HDC As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal y As Long, lpPoint As POINT) As Long
- Private Declare Function LineTo Lib "gdi32" (ByVal HDC As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function CreatePen Lib "gdi32" (ByVal nPenStyle As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function ClientToScreen Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpPoint As POINT) As Long
- Private Declare Function SetCursorPos Lib "user32" (ByVal X As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function DrawFocusRect Lib "user32" (ByVal HDC As Long, lpRect As RECT) As Long
- Private Declare Function CreateRoundRectRgn Lib "gdi32" (ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long, ByVal X3 As Long, ByVal Y3 As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function SetWindowRgn Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hRgn As Long, ByVal bRedraw As Long) As Long
- '//Button states
- Private Enum enumStates
- eDISABLE = 0
- eIDLE = 1
- eFOCUS = 2
- eHOT = 3
- eDOWN = 4
- End Enum
- Public Enum WindowState
- InActive = 0
- Active = 1
- End Enum
- '//Button colors
- Private Type typeColors
- cBorders(0 To 4) As Long
- cTopLine1(0 To 4) As Long
- cTopLine2(0 To 4) As Long
- cBottomLine1(0 To 4) As Long
- cBottomLine2(0 To 4) As Long
- cCornerPixel1(0 To 4) As Long
- cCornerPixel2(0 To 4) As Long
- cCornerPixel3(0 To 4) As Long
- cSideGradTop(1 To 3) As Long
- cSideGradBottom(1 To 3) As Long
- End Type
- '//Public Events
- Public Event Click()
- Public Event DblClick()
- Public Event MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, y As Single)
- Public Event FormActivate(State As WindowState)
- '//Private variables
- Private iDownButton As Integer '------- Down mouse button (for DblClick event)
- Private bSkipDrawing As Boolean '------- Pauses drawing when needed
- Private bButtonIsDown As Boolean '------- Tracks button down state
- Private bHasFocus As Boolean '------- Tracks button focus state
- Private bMouseInControl As Boolean '------- Tracks when mouse is in or out of the button
- Private tColors As typeColors '---- Enum declare for typeColors
- Private bParentActive As Boolean '------- Tracks when parent form has the Windows focus
- Private bSpaceBarIsDown As Boolean '------- Tracks state of spacebar for KeyUp/Down events
- Private bMouseButtonIsDown As Boolean '------- Tracks state of mousebutton for KeyUp/Down events
- Private bDisplayAsDefault As Boolean '------- USed for ambient default property changes
- Private lParentHwnd As Long '---------- Stores the parents window handle
- Private eSTATE As enumStates '---- Enum declare for enumStates
- '//Propbag variables
- Private pHWND As Long
- Private pCAPTION As String
- Private pENABLED As Boolean
- Private pFOCUSRECT As Boolean
- Private WithEvents pFONT As StdFont
- Attribute pFONT.VB_VarHelpID = -1
- Private Sub DrawButton(ByVal State As enumStates)
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim lw As Long
- Dim lh As Long
- Dim lHdc As Long
- Dim r As RECT
- Dim hRgn As Long
- If bSkipDrawing Then Exit Sub Else eSTATE = State '--------------------- Bolt if desired
- With UserControl: lw = .ScaleWidth: lh = .ScaleHeight: .Cls: End With
- lHdc = UserControl.HDC
- With tColors
- LineApi 3, 0, lw - 3, 0, .cBorders(eSTATE) '------------------------ Draw border lines
- LineApi 0, 3, 0, lh - 3, .cBorders(eSTATE)
- LineApi 3, lh - 1, lw - 3, lh - 1, .cBorders(eSTATE)
- LineApi lw - 1, 3, lw - 1, lh - 3, .cBorders(eSTATE)
- If eSTATE = eDISABLE Or eSTATE = eDOWN Then '----------------------- Fill the back color (DISABLE, DOWN)
- SetRect r, 1, 1, lw - 1, lh - 1
- Call DrawFilled(r, 15398133)
- Else
- Call DrawFilled(r, 14607335)
- End If
- Else
- SetRect r, 1, 3, lw - 1, lh - 2 '------------------------------- Draw side gradients
- Call DrawGradient(r, .cSideGradTop(eSTATE), .cSideGradBottom(eSTATE))
- SetRect r, 3, 3, lw - 3, lh - 3 '------------------------------- Draw background gradient (IDLE, HOT, FOCUS)
- Call DrawGradient(r, 16514300, 15133676)
- LineApi 1, 1, lw, 1, .cTopLine1(eSTATE) '----------------------- Draw fade at the top
- LineApi 1, 2, lw, 2, .cTopLine2(eSTATE)
- LineApi 1, lh - 3, lw, lh - 3, .cBottomLine1(eSTATE) '---------- Draw fade at the bottom
- LineApi 2, lh - 2, lw - 1, lh - 2, .cBottomLine2(eSTATE)
- End If
- SetPixel lHdc, 0, 1, .cCornerPixel2(eSTATE) '----------------------- Top left Corner
- SetPixel lHdc, 0, 2, .cCornerPixel1(eSTATE)
- SetPixel lHdc, 1, 0, .cCornerPixel2(eSTATE)
- SetPixel lHdc, 1, 1, .cCornerPixel3(eSTATE)
- SetPixel lHdc, 2, 0, .cCornerPixel1(eSTATE)
- SetPixel lHdc, (lw - 1), 1, .cCornerPixel2(eSTATE) '---------------- Top right corner
- SetPixel lHdc, lw - 1, 2, .cCornerPixel1(eSTATE)
- SetPixel lHdc, lw - 2, 0, .cCornerPixel2(eSTATE)
- SetPixel lHdc, lw - 2, 1, .cCornerPixel3(eSTATE)
- SetPixel lHdc, lw - 3, 0, .cCornerPixel1(eSTATE)
- SetPixel lHdc, 0, lh - 2, .cCornerPixel2(eSTATE) '------------------ Bottom left corner
- SetPixel lHdc, 0, lh - 3, .cCornerPixel1(eSTATE)
- SetPixel lHdc, 1, lh - 1, .cCornerPixel2(eSTATE)
- SetPixel lHdc, 1, lh - 2, .cCornerPixel3(eSTATE)
- SetPixel lHdc, 2, lh - 1, .cCornerPixel1(eSTATE)
- SetPixel lHdc, lw - 1, lh - 2, .cCornerPixel2(eSTATE) '------------- Bottom right corner
- SetPixel lHdc, lw - 1, lh - 3, .cCornerPixel1(eSTATE)
- SetPixel lHdc, lw - 2, lh - 1, .cCornerPixel2(eSTATE)
- SetPixel lHdc, lw - 2, lh - 2, .cCornerPixel3(eSTATE)
- SetPixel lHdc, lw - 3, lh - 1, .cCornerPixel1(eSTATE)
- hRgn = CreateRoundRectRgn(0, 0, lw + 1, lh + 1, 3, 3) '------------- Clip extreme corner pixels
- Call SetWindowRgn(UserControl.hwnd, hRgn, True)
- DeleteObject hRgn
- End With
- bSkipDrawing = True '--------------------------------------------------- Draw caption
- SetRect r, 3, 3, lw - 3, lh - 3
- UserControl.ForeColor = IIf(pENABLED, pFORECOLOR, 9609633)
- Call DrawText(lHdc, pCAPTION, -1, r, DT_FLAGS + DT_CENTER)
- If bHasFocus And pFOCUSRECT And (eSTATE > 1) Then '--------------------- Draw focus rect
- UserControl.ForeColor = 0
- Call DrawFocusRect(lHdc, r)
- End If
- bSkipDrawing = False
- End Sub
- Private Sub DrawGradient(r As RECT, ByVal StartColor As Long, ByVal EndColor As Long)
- Dim s As RGBColor '--- Start RGB colors
- Dim e As RGBColor '--- End RBG colors
- Dim i As RGBColor '--- Increment RGB colors
- Dim X As Long
- Dim lSteps As Long
- Dim lHdc As Long
- lHdc = UserControl.HDC
- lSteps = r.Bottom - r.Top
- s.r = (StartColor And &HFF)
- s.G = (StartColor &H100) And &HFF
- s.b = (StartColor And &HFF0000) / &H10000
- e.r = (EndColor And &HFF)
- e.G = (EndColor &H100) And &HFF
- e.b = (EndColor And &HFF0000) / &H10000
- With i
- .r = (s.r - e.r) / lSteps
- .G = (s.G - e.G) / lSteps
- .b = (s.b - e.b) / lSteps
- For X = 0 To lSteps
- Call LineApi(r.Left, (lSteps - X) + r.Top, r.Right, (lSteps - X) + r.Top, RGB(e.r + (X * .r), e.G + (X * .G), e.b + (X * .b)))
- Next X
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Sub DrawFilled(TR As RECT, ByVal cBackColor As Long)
- Dim hBrush As Long
- hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(cBackColor) '----------------- Fill with solid brush
- FillRect UserControl.HDC, TR, hBrush
- DeleteObject hBrush
- End Sub
- Private Sub LineApi(ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long, ByVal Color As Long)
- Dim pt As POINT
- Dim hPen As Long
- Dim hPenOld As Long
- Dim lHdc As Long
- lHdc = UserControl.HDC
- hPen = CreatePen(0, 1, Color)
- hPenOld = SelectObject(lHdc, hPen)
- MoveToEx lHdc, X1, Y1, pt
- LineTo lHdc, X2, Y2
- SelectObject lHdc, hPenOld
- DeleteObject hPen
- End Sub
- Private Sub FillColorScheme()
- With tColors
- .cBorders(0) = 12240841 '--------- Store Disabled Colors
- .cTopLine1(0) = 15726583
- .cTopLine2(0) = 15726583
- .cCornerPixel1(0) = 9220548
- .cCornerPixel2(0) = 12437454
- .cCornerPixel3(0) = 9220548
- .cBorders(1) = 7617536 '---------- Store Idle Colors
- .cTopLine1(1) = 16777215
- .cTopLine2(1) = 16711422
- .cBottomLine1(1) = 14082018
- .cBottomLine2(1) = 12964054
- .cCornerPixel1(1) = 8672545
- .cCornerPixel2(1) = 11376251
- .cCornerPixel3(1) = 10845522
- .cSideGradTop(1) = 16514300
- .cSideGradBottom(1) = 15133676
- .cBorders(2) = 7617536 '---------- Store Focus Colors
- .cTopLine1(2) = 16771022
- .cTopLine2(2) = 16242621
- .cBottomLine1(2) = 15183500
- .cBottomLine2(2) = 15696491
- .cCornerPixel1(2) = 8672545
- .cCornerPixel2(2) = 11376251
- .cCornerPixel3(2) = 10845522
- .cSideGradTop(2) = 16241597
- .cSideGradBottom(2) = 15183500
- .cBorders(3) = 7617536 '---------- Store Hot Colors
- .cTopLine1(3) = 13562879
- .cTopLine2(3) = 9231359
- .cBottomLine1(3) = 3257087
- .cBottomLine2(3) = 38630
- .cCornerPixel1(3) = 8672545
- .cCornerPixel2(3) = 11376251
- .cCornerPixel3(3) = 10845522
- .cSideGradTop(3) = 10280929
- .cSideGradBottom(3) = 3192575
- .cBorders(4) = 7617536 '---------- Store Down Colors.
- .cTopLine1(4) = 14607335
- .cTopLine2(4) = 14607335
- .cBottomLine1(4) = 13289407
- .cCornerPixel1(4) = 8672545
- .cCornerPixel2(4) = 11376251
- .cCornerPixel3(4) = 10845522
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Function GetAccessKey() As String
- '//Extracts and returns the AccessKey appropriate for passed caption
- '..Function provided by LiTe Templer (Guenter Wirth)
- Dim lPos As Long
- Dim lLen As Long
- Dim lSearch As Long
- Dim sChr As String
- lLen = Len(pCAPTION)
- If lLen = 0 Then Exit Function
- lPos = 1
- Do While lPos + 1 < lLen
- lSearch = InStr(lPos, pCAPTION, "&")
- If lSearch = 0 Or lSearch = lLen Then Exit Do
- sChr = LCase$(Mid$(pCAPTION, lSearch + 1, 1))
- If sChr = "&" Then
- lPos = lSearch + 2
- Else
- GetAccessKey = sChr
- Exit Do
- End If
- Loop
- End Function
- Private Sub TrackMouseLeave(ByVal lng_hWnd As Long)
- On Error GoTo Errs
- With tem
- .cbSize = Len(tem)
- .dwFlags = tem_LEAVE
- .hwndTrack = lng_hWnd
- End With
- Call TrackMouseEvent(tem) '---- Track the mouse leaving the indicated window via subclassing
- Errs:
- End Sub
- 'Subclass handler - MUST be the first Public routine in this file. That includes public properties also
- Public Sub zSubclass_Proc(ByVal bBefore As Boolean, ByRef bHandled As Boolean, ByRef lReturn As Long, ByRef lng_hWnd As Long, ByRef uMsg As Long, ByRef wParam As Long, ByRef lParam As Long)
- Select Case uMsg
- bMouseInControl = False
- If bSpaceBarIsDown Then Exit Sub
- If eSTATE <> eDISABLE Then
- If bHasFocus Or bDisplayAsDefault Then
- If eSTATE = eDOWN Then
- If bButtonIsDown Then
- Call DrawButton(eFOCUS)
- Else
- If eSTATE <> eIDLE Then Call DrawButton(eIDLE)
- End If
- Else
- If eSTATE <> eFOCUS Then
- If bParentActive Then Call DrawButton(eFOCUS)
- End If
- End If
- Else
- If eSTATE <> eIDLE Then Call DrawButton(eIDLE)
- End If
- End If
- If wParam Then '----------------------------------- Activated
- bParentActive = True
- If pENABLED Then
- If bMouseInControl Then
- If eSTATE <> eHOT Then Call DrawButton(eHOT)
- Else
- If (bHasFocus Or bDisplayAsDefault) Then Call DrawButton(eFOCUS)
- End If
- End If
- RaiseEvent FormActivate(Active)
- Else '----------------------------------- Deactivated
- bParentActive = False
- bButtonIsDown = False
- bMouseButtonIsDown = False
- bSpaceBarIsDown = False
- If pENABLED Then If eSTATE <> eIDLE Then Call DrawButton(eIDLE)
- RaiseEvent FormActivate(InActive)
- End If
- End Select
- End Sub
- Public Sub SnapMouseTo()
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim pt As POINT
- With UserControl
- '//Get screen coordinates of button
- Call ClientToScreen(.hwnd, pt)
- '//Move mouse to center of button
- Call SetCursorPos(pt.X + .ScaleX(.ScaleWidth / 2, .ScaleMode, vbPixels), _
- pt.y + .ScaleY(.ScaleHeight / 2, .ScaleMode, vbPixels))
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Sub UserControl_AccessKeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
- If pENABLED Then
- If bSpaceBarIsDown Then
- bSpaceBarIsDown = False
- bButtonIsDown = False
- If bMouseInControl Then
- If eSTATE <> eHOT Then Call DrawButton(eHOT)
- Else
- Call DrawButton(eFOCUS)
- End If
- Else
- DoEvents '------------------ Process "GotFocus" before Click event
- RaiseEvent Click
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub UserControl_AmbientChanged(PropertyName As String)
- bDisplayAsDefault = Ambient.DisplayAsDefault
- If Not pENABLED Or bMouseInControl Then Exit Sub
- If PropertyName = "DisplayAsDefault" Then
- If bDisplayAsDefault Then
- Call DrawButton(eFOCUS)
- Else
- If eSTATE <> eIDLE Then Call DrawButton(eIDLE)
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub UserControl_Initialize()
- bSkipDrawing = 1
- Call FillColorScheme '-------------- Assign color variables for all states
- Set pFONT = UserControl.Font
- pHWND = UserControl.hwnd
- End Sub
- Private Sub UserControl_InitProperties()
- Dim s As String
- Dim c As Control
- s = "|" '---------------------------- Try to assume new buttons caption
- For Each c In Parent.Controls ' This saves me time on most forms :-)
- If TypeOf c Is XPButton2 Then s = s & c.Caption & "|"
- Next c
- If InStr(1, s, "|&OK|") = 0 Then
- Caption = "&OK"
- ElseIf InStr(1, s, "|&Cancel|") = 0 Then
- Caption = "&Cancel"
- ElseIf InStr(1, s, "|&Apply|") = 0 Then
- Caption = "&Apply"
- Else
- Caption = Extender.name
- End If
- ForeColor = &H0
- Enabled = True
- FocusRect = True
- End Sub
- Private Sub UserControl_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
- If KeyCode = 32 And Not bMouseButtonIsDown Then '---------- Spacebar
- If bMouseInControl Then
- If eSTATE <> eHOT Then Call DrawButton(eHOT)
- Else
- Call DrawButton(eFOCUS)
- End If
- If bButtonIsDown Then RaiseEvent Click
- bSpaceBarIsDown = False
- bButtonIsDown = False
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub UserControl_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, y As Single)
- With UserControl
- If X > .ScaleWidth Or X < 0 Or y > .ScaleHeight Or y < 0 Then
- bMouseInControl = False
- Else
- bMouseInControl = True
- Call TrackMouseLeave(pHWND)
- End If
- End With
- If Not bParentActive Or bSpaceBarIsDown Then Exit Sub
- If bMouseInControl Then
- If bButtonIsDown Then
- If eSTATE <> eDOWN Then Call DrawButton(eDOWN)
- Else
- If eSTATE <> eHOT Then Call DrawButton(eHOT)
- End If
- Else
- If bHasFocus Then
- If eSTATE <> eFOCUS Then Call DrawButton(eFOCUS)
- Else
- If eSTATE <> eIDLE Then Call DrawButton(eIDLE)
- End If
- End If
- RaiseEvent MouseMove(Button, Shift, X, y)
- End Sub
- Private Sub UserControl_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, y As Single)
- iDownButton = Button '-------- Remember button pressed for DblClick event
- If Button = 1 Then
- bHasFocus = True
- bButtonIsDown = True
- bMouseButtonIsDown = True
- If eSTATE <> eDOWN Then DrawButton (eDOWN)
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub UserControl_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, y As Single)
- If Button = 1 Then
- If bParentActive Then
- If bMouseInControl Then
- If eSTATE <> eHOT Then Call DrawButton(eHOT)
- Else
- If bHasFocus Then Call DrawButton(eFOCUS)
- End If
- If bMouseInControl And bHasFocus And bButtonIsDown Then RaiseEvent Click
- End If
- bButtonIsDown = False
- bMouseButtonIsDown = False
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub UserControl_DblClick()
- If iDownButton = 1 Then '------- Only react to left mouse button
- Call DrawButton(eDOWN)
- RaiseEvent DblClick
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub UserControl_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
- Select Case KeyCode
- Case 13 '------------------- Enter key
- RaiseEvent Click
- Case 37, 38 '--------------- Left Arrow and Up keys
- SendKeys "+{TAB}"
- Case 39, 40 '--------------- Right Arrow and Down keys
- SendKeys "{TAB}"
- Case 32 '------------------- Spacebar
- If Not bMouseButtonIsDown Then
- bSpaceBarIsDown = True
- bButtonIsDown = True
- If eSTATE <> eDOWN Then Call DrawButton(eDOWN)
- End If
- End Select
- End Sub
- Private Sub UserControl_GotFocus()
- bHasFocus = True
- If bMouseInControl Then
- If eSTATE <> eHOT And eSTATE <> eDOWN Then Call DrawButton(eHOT)
- Else
- If Not bButtonIsDown Then Call DrawButton(eFOCUS)
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub UserControl_LostFocus()
- bHasFocus = False
- bButtonIsDown = False
- bSpaceBarIsDown = False
- If pENABLED Then
- If Not bParentActive Then
- If eSTATE <> eIDLE Then Call DrawButton(eIDLE)
- ElseIf bMouseInControl Then
- If eSTATE <> eHOT Then Call DrawButton(eHOT)
- Else
- If bDisplayAsDefault Then
- Call DrawButton(eFOCUS)
- Else
- If eSTATE <> eIDLE Then Call DrawButton(eIDLE)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub UserControl_Resize()
- With UserControl
- If .Height < 100 Then bSkipDrawing = True: .Height = 100
- If .Width < 100 Then bSkipDrawing = True: .Width = 100
- End With
- If Not bSkipDrawing Then Call DrawButton(eSTATE)
- End Sub
- Private Sub UserControl_Terminate()
- On Error GoTo Errs
- Set pFONT = Nothing
- If Ambient.UserMode Then
- Call Subclass_Stop(pHWND)
- Call Subclass_Stop(lParentHwnd)
- End If
- Errs:
- End Sub
- Public Property Get hwnd() As Long
- hwnd = pHWND
- End Property
- Public Property Let Caption(ByVal NewValue As String)
- pCAPTION = NewValue
- UserControl.AccessKeys = GetAccessKey '---------- Set AccessKey property if desired
- Call DrawButton(eSTATE)
- UserControl.PropertyChanged "Caption"
- End Property
- Public Property Get Caption() As String
- Attribute Caption.VB_UserMemId = -518
- Caption = pCAPTION
- End Property
- Public Property Let Enabled(ByVal NewValue As Boolean)
- pENABLED = NewValue
- UserControl.Enabled = pENABLED
- bSkipDrawing = 0
- If bMouseInControl And pENABLED Then
- Call DrawButton(eHOT)
- Else
- If bDisplayAsDefault And NewValue Then
- Call DrawButton(eFOCUS)
- Else
- If eSTATE <> Abs(NewValue) Then Call DrawButton(Abs(NewValue))
- End If
- End If
- UserControl.PropertyChanged "Enabled"
- End Property
- Public Property Get Enabled() As Boolean
- Enabled = pENABLED
- End Property
- Public Property Get Font() As StdFont
- Set Font = pFONT
- End Property
- Public Property Set Font(NewValue As StdFont)
- Set pFONT = NewValue
- Call pFONT_FontChanged("")
- End Property
- Private Sub pFONT_FontChanged(ByVal PropertyName As String)
- Set UserControl.Font = pFONT
- Call DrawButton(eSTATE)
- UserControl.PropertyChanged "Font"
- End Sub
- Public Property Let ForeColor(NewValue As OLE_COLOR)
- pFORECOLOR = NewValue
- UserControl.ForeColor = pFORECOLOR
- Call DrawButton(eSTATE)
- UserControl.PropertyChanged "ForeColor"
- End Property
- Public Property Get ForeColor() As OLE_COLOR
- ForeColor = pFORECOLOR
- End Property
- Public Property Let FocusRect(NewValue As Boolean)
- Attribute FocusRect.VB_Description = "Displays a rect inside button border when the control has the focus."
- pFOCUSRECT = NewValue
- If bHasFocus Then Call DrawButton(eSTATE)
- UserControl.PropertyChanged "FocusRect"
- End Property
- Public Property Get FocusRect() As Boolean
- FocusRect = pFOCUSRECT
- End Property
- Private Sub UserControl_ReadProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
- lParentHwnd = UserControl.Parent.hwnd
- With PropBag
- Caption = .ReadProperty("Caption", "&OK")
- ForeColor = .ReadProperty("ForeColor", 0)
- Set Font = .ReadProperty("Font", pFONT)
- FocusRect = .ReadProperty("FocusRect", True)
- Enabled = .ReadProperty("Enabled", True) '--- Keep as last read property for bSkipDrawing variable during initialize
- End With
- If Ambient.UserMode Then
- Call Subclass_Start(pHWND)
- Call Subclass_Start(lParentHwnd)
- If UserControl.Parent.MDIChild Then
- Call Subclass_AddMsg(lParentHwnd, WM_NCACTIVATE, MSG_AFTER)
- Else
- Call Subclass_AddMsg(lParentHwnd, WM_ACTIVATE, MSG_AFTER)
- End If
- End If
- bSkipDrawing = False: Call DrawButton(eSTATE)
- End Sub
- Private Sub UserControl_WriteProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
- With PropBag
- .WriteProperty "Caption", pCAPTION, "&OK"
- .WriteProperty "Enabled", pENABLED, True
- .WriteProperty "ForeColor", pFORECOLOR, 0
- .WriteProperty "Font", pFONT, "Verdana"
- .WriteProperty "FocusRect", pFOCUSRECT, True
- End With
- End Sub
- '========================================================================================
- 'Start Subclass code - The programmer may call any of the following Subclass_??? routines
- 'Add a message to the table of those that will invoke a callback. You should Subclass_Start first and then add the messages
- Private Sub Subclass_AddMsg(ByVal lng_hWnd As Long, ByVal uMsg As Long, Optional ByVal When As eMsgWhen = MSG_AFTER)
- On Error GoTo Errs
- 'Parameters:
- 'lng_hWnd - The handle of the window for which the uMsg is to be added to the callback table
- 'uMsg - The message number that will invoke a callback. NB Can also be ALL_MESSAGES, ie all messages will callback
- 'When - Whether the msg is to callback before, after or both with respect to the the default (previous) handler
- With sc_aSubData(zIdx(lng_hWnd))
- If When And eMsgWhen.MSG_BEFORE Then
- Call zAddMsg(uMsg, .aMsgTblB, .nMsgCntB, eMsgWhen.MSG_BEFORE, .nAddrSub)
- End If
- If When And eMsgWhen.MSG_AFTER Then
- Call zAddMsg(uMsg, .aMsgTblA, .nMsgCntA, eMsgWhen.MSG_AFTER, .nAddrSub)
- End If
- End With
- Errs:
- End Sub
- 'Return whether we're running in the IDE.
- Private Function Subclass_InIDE() As Boolean
- Debug.Assert zSetTrue(Subclass_InIDE)
- End Function
- 'Start subclassing the passed window handle
- Private Function Subclass_Start(ByVal lng_hWnd As Long) As Long
- On Error GoTo Errs
- 'Parameters:
- 'lng_hWnd - The handle of the window to be subclassed
- 'Returns;
- 'The sc_aSubData() index
- Const CODE_LEN As Long = 202 'Length of the machine code in bytes
- Const FUNC_CWP As String = "CallWindowProcA" 'We use CallWindowProc to call the original WndProc
- Const FUNC_EBM As String = "EbMode" 'VBA's EbMode function allows the machine code thunk to know if the IDE has stopped or is on a breakpoint
- Const FUNC_SWL As String = "SetWindowLongA" 'SetWindowLongA allows the cSubclasser machine code thunk to unsubclass the subclasser itself if it detects via the EbMode function that the IDE has stopped
- Const MOD_USER As String = "user32" 'Location of the SetWindowLongA & CallWindowProc functions
- Const MOD_VBA5 As String = "vba5" 'Location of the EbMode function if running VB5
- Const MOD_VBA6 As String = "vba6" 'Location of the EbMode function if running VB6
- Const PATCH_01 As Long = 18 'Code buffer offset to the location of the relative address to EbMode
- Const PATCH_02 As Long = 68 'Address of the previous WndProc
- Const PATCH_03 As Long = 78 'Relative address of SetWindowsLong
- Const PATCH_06 As Long = 116 'Address of the previous WndProc
- Const PATCH_07 As Long = 121 'Relative address of CallWindowProc
- Const PATCH_0A As Long = 186 'Address of the owner object
- Static aBuf(1 To CODE_LEN) As Byte 'Static code buffer byte array
- Static pCWP As Long 'Address of the CallWindowsProc
- Static pEbMode As Long 'Address of the EbMode IDE break/stop/running function
- Static pSWL As Long 'Address of the SetWindowsLong function
- Dim i As Long 'Loop index
- Dim J As Long 'Loop index
- Dim nSubIdx As Long 'Subclass data index
- Dim sHex As String 'Hex code string
- 'If it's the first time through here..
- If aBuf(1) = 0 Then
- 'The hex pair machine code representation.
- sHex = "5589E583C4F85731C08945FC8945F8EB0EE80000000083F802742185C07424E830000000837DF800750AE838000000E84D00" & _
- "00005F8B45FCC9C21000E826000000EBF168000000006AFCFF7508E800000000EBE031D24ABF00000000B900000000E82D00" & _
- "0000C3FF7514FF7510FF750CFF75086800000000E8000000008945FCC331D2BF00000000B900000000E801000000C3E33209" & _
- "C978078B450CF2AF75278D4514508D4510508D450C508D4508508D45FC508D45F85052B800000000508B00FF90A4070000C3"
- 'Convert the string from hex pairs to bytes and store in the static machine code buffer
- i = 1
- Do While J < CODE_LEN
- J = J + 1
- aBuf(J) = Val("&H" & Mid$(sHex, i, 2)) 'Convert a pair of hex characters to an eight-bit value and store in the static code buffer array
- i = i + 2
- Loop 'Next pair of hex characters
- 'Get API function addresses
- If Subclass_InIDE Then 'If we're running in the VB IDE
- aBuf(16) = &H90 'Patch the code buffer to enable the IDE state code
- aBuf(17) = &H90 'Patch the code buffer to enable the IDE state code
- pEbMode = zAddrFunc(MOD_VBA6, FUNC_EBM) 'Get the address of EbMode in vba6.dll
- If pEbMode = 0 Then 'Found?
- pEbMode = zAddrFunc(MOD_VBA5, FUNC_EBM) 'VB5 perhaps
- End If
- End If
- pCWP = zAddrFunc(MOD_USER, FUNC_CWP) 'Get the address of the CallWindowsProc function
- pSWL = zAddrFunc(MOD_USER, FUNC_SWL) 'Get the address of the SetWindowLongA function
- ReDim sc_aSubData(0 To 0) As tSubData 'Create the first sc_aSubData element
- Else
- nSubIdx = zIdx(lng_hWnd, True)
- If nSubIdx = -1 Then 'If an sc_aSubData element isn't being re-cycled
- nSubIdx = UBound(sc_aSubData()) + 1 'Calculate the next element
- ReDim Preserve sc_aSubData(0 To nSubIdx) As tSubData 'Create a new sc_aSubData element
- End If
- Subclass_Start = nSubIdx
- End If
- With sc_aSubData(nSubIdx)
- .hwnd = lng_hWnd 'Store the hWnd
- .nAddrSub = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, CODE_LEN) 'Allocate memory for the machine code WndProc
- .nAddrOrig = SetWindowLongA(.hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, .nAddrSub) 'Set our WndProc in place
- Call RtlMoveMemory(ByVal .nAddrSub, aBuf(1), CODE_LEN) 'Copy the machine code from the static byte array to the code array in sc_aSubData
- Call zPatchRel(.nAddrSub, PATCH_01, pEbMode) 'Patch the relative address to the VBA EbMode api function, whether we need to not.. hardly worth testing
- Call zPatchVal(.nAddrSub, PATCH_02, .nAddrOrig) 'Original WndProc address for CallWindowProc, call the original WndProc
- Call zPatchRel(.nAddrSub, PATCH_03, pSWL) 'Patch the relative address of the SetWindowLongA api function
- Call zPatchVal(.nAddrSub, PATCH_06, .nAddrOrig) 'Original WndProc address for SetWindowLongA, unsubclass on IDE stop
- Call zPatchRel(.nAddrSub, PATCH_07, pCWP) 'Patch the relative address of the CallWindowProc api function
- Call zPatchVal(.nAddrSub, PATCH_0A, ObjPtr(Me)) 'Patch the address of this object instance into the static machine code buffer
- End With
- Errs:
- End Function
- 'Stop subclassing the passed window handle
- Private Sub Subclass_Stop(ByVal lng_hWnd As Long)
- On Error GoTo Errs
- 'Parameters:
- 'lng_hWnd - The handle of the window to stop being subclassed
- With sc_aSubData(zIdx(lng_hWnd))
- Call SetWindowLongA(.hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, .nAddrOrig) 'Restore the original WndProc
- Call zPatchVal(.nAddrSub, PATCH_05, 0) 'Patch the Table B entry count to ensure no further 'before' callbacks
- Call zPatchVal(.nAddrSub, PATCH_09, 0) 'Patch the Table A entry count to ensure no further 'after' callbacks
- Call GlobalFree(.nAddrSub) 'Release the machine code memory
- .hwnd = 0 'Mark the sc_aSubData element as available for re-use
- .nMsgCntB = 0 'Clear the before table
- .nMsgCntA = 0 'Clear the after table
- Erase .aMsgTblB 'Erase the before table
- Erase .aMsgTblA 'Erase the after table
- End With
- Errs:
- End Sub
- '=======================================================================================================
- 'These z??? routines are exclusively called by the Subclass_??? routines.
- 'Worker sub for Subclass_AddMsg
- Private Sub zAddMsg(ByVal uMsg As Long, ByRef aMsgTbl() As Long, ByRef nMsgCnt As Long, ByVal When As eMsgWhen, ByVal nAddr As Long)
- On Error GoTo Errs
- Dim nEntry As Long 'Message table entry index
- Dim nOff1 As Long 'Machine code buffer offset 1
- Dim nOff2 As Long 'Machine code buffer offset 2
- If uMsg = ALL_MESSAGES Then 'If all messages
- nMsgCnt = ALL_MESSAGES 'Indicates that all messages will callback
- Else 'Else a specific message number
- Do While nEntry < nMsgCnt 'For each existing entry. NB will skip if nMsgCnt = 0
- nEntry = nEntry + 1
- If aMsgTbl(nEntry) = 0 Then 'This msg table slot is a deleted entry
- aMsgTbl(nEntry) = uMsg 'Re-use this entry
- Exit Sub 'Bail
- ElseIf aMsgTbl(nEntry) = uMsg Then 'The msg is already in the table!
- Exit Sub 'Bail
- End If
- Loop 'Next entry
- nMsgCnt = nMsgCnt + 1 'New slot required, bump the table entry count
- ReDim Preserve aMsgTbl(1 To nMsgCnt) As Long 'Bump the size of the table.
- aMsgTbl(nMsgCnt) = uMsg 'Store the message number in the table
- End If
- If When = eMsgWhen.MSG_BEFORE Then 'If before
- nOff1 = PATCH_04 'Offset to the Before table
- nOff2 = PATCH_05 'Offset to the Before table entry count
- Else 'Else after
- nOff1 = PATCH_08 'Offset to the After table
- nOff2 = PATCH_09 'Offset to the After table entry count
- End If
- If uMsg <> ALL_MESSAGES Then
- Call zPatchVal(nAddr, nOff1, VarPtr(aMsgTbl(1))) 'Address of the msg table, has to be re-patched because Redim Preserve will move it in memory.
- End If
- Call zPatchVal(nAddr, nOff2, nMsgCnt) 'Patch the appropriate table entry count
- Errs:
- End Sub
- 'Return the memory address of the passed function in the passed dll
- Private Function zAddrFunc(ByVal sDLL As String, ByVal sProc As String) As Long
- zAddrFunc = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA(sDLL), sProc)
- Debug.Assert zAddrFunc 'You may wish to comment out this line if you're using vb5 else the EbMode GetProcAddress will stop here everytime because we look for vba6.dll first
- End Function
- 'Get the sc_aSubData() array index of the passed hWnd
- Private Function zIdx(ByVal lng_hWnd As Long, Optional ByVal bAdd As Boolean = False) As Long
- On Error GoTo Errs
- 'Get the upper bound of sc_aSubData() - If you get an error here, you're probably Subclass_AddMsg-ing before Subclass_Start
- zIdx = UBound(sc_aSubData)
- Do While zIdx >= 0 'Iterate through the existing sc_aSubData() elements
- With sc_aSubData(zIdx)
- If .hwnd = lng_hWnd Then 'If the hWnd of this element is the one we're looking for
- If Not bAdd Then 'If we're searching not adding
- Exit Function 'Found
- End If
- ElseIf .hwnd = 0 Then 'If this an element marked for reuse.
- If bAdd Then 'If we're adding
- Exit Function 'Re-use it
- End If
- End If
- End With
- zIdx = zIdx - 1 'Decrement the index
- Loop
- ' If Not bAdd Then
- ' Debug.Assert False 'hWnd not found, programmer error
- ' End If
- Errs:
- 'If we exit here, we're returning -1, no freed elements were found
- End Function
- 'Patch the machine code buffer at the indicated offset with the relative address to the target address.
- Private Sub zPatchRel(ByVal nAddr As Long, ByVal nOffset As Long, ByVal nTargetAddr As Long)
- Call RtlMoveMemory(ByVal nAddr + nOffset, nTargetAddr - nAddr - nOffset - 4, 4)
- End Sub
- 'Patch the machine code buffer at the indicated offset with the passed value
- Private Sub zPatchVal(ByVal nAddr As Long, ByVal nOffset As Long, ByVal nValue As Long)
- Call RtlMoveMemory(ByVal nAddr + nOffset, nValue, 4)
- End Sub
- 'Worker function for Subclass_InIDE
- Private Function zSetTrue(ByRef bValue As Boolean) As Boolean
- zSetTrue = True
- bValue = True
- End Function
- 'END Subclassing Code===================================================================================