资源名称:src.rar [点击查看]
Windows CE
Visual C++
- /**************************************************************
- The initial and control for 640×480 16Bpp TFT LCD----VGA
- **************************************************************/
- #include "def.h"
- #include "option.h"
- #include "2440addr.h"
- #include "2440lib.h"
- #include "2440slib.h"
- extern const unsigned char sunflower_240x320[];
- extern const unsigned char sunflower_800x480[];
- extern const unsigned char sunflower_1024x768[];
- extern const unsigned char sunflower_640x480[];
- volatile static unsigned short LCD_BUFFER[SCR_YSIZE][SCR_XSIZE];
- /**************************************************************
- 640×480 TFT LCD数据和控制端口初始化
- **************************************************************/
- static void Lcd_Port_Init( void )
- {
- rGPCUP=0xffffffff; // Disable Pull-up register
- rGPCCON=0xaaaa02a8; //Initialize VD[7:0],VM,VFRAME,VLINE,VCLK
- rGPDUP=0xffffffff; // Disable Pull-up register
- rGPDCON=0xaaaaaaaa; //Initialize VD[15:8]
- }
- /**************************************************************
- 640×480 TFT LCD功能模块初始化
- **************************************************************/
- static void LCD_Init(void)
- {
- #define M5D(n) ((n)&0x1fffff)
- #define LCD_ADDR ((U32)LCD_BUFFER)
- rLCDCON1 = (LCD_PIXCLOCK << 8) | (3 << 5) | (12 << 1);
- rLCDCON2 = (LCD_UPPER_MARGIN << 24) | ((LCD_HEIGHT - 1) << 14) | (LCD_LOWER_MARGIN << 6) | (LCD_VSYNC_LEN << 0);
- rLCDCON3 = (LCD_RIGHT_MARGIN << 19) | ((LCD_WIDTH - 1) << 8) | (LCD_LEFT_MARGIN << 0);
- rLCDCON4 = (13 << 8) | (LCD_HSYNC_LEN << 0);
- #if !defined(LCD_CON5)
- # define LCD_CON5 ((1<<11) | (1 << 9) | (1 << 8) | (1 << 3) | (1 << 0))
- #endif
- rLCDSADDR1 = ((LCD_ADDR >> 22) << 21) | ((M5D(LCD_ADDR >> 1)) << 0);
- rLCDINTMSK |= 3;
- rTCONSEL &= (~7);
- rTPAL = 0x0;
- rTCONSEL &= ~((1<<4) | 1);
- }
- /**************************************************************
- LCD视频和控制信号输出或者停止,1开启视频输出
- **************************************************************/
- static void Lcd_EnvidOnOff(int onoff)
- {
- if(onoff==1)
- rLCDCON1|=1; // ENVID=ON
- else
- rLCDCON1 =rLCDCON1 & 0x3fffe; // ENVID Off
- }
- /**************************************************************
- 320×240 8Bpp TFT LCD 电源控制引脚使能
- **************************************************************/
- static void Lcd_PowerEnable(int invpwren,int pwren)
- {
- //GPG4 is setted as LCD_PWREN
- rGPGUP = rGPGUP|(1<<4); // Pull-up disable
- //Enable LCD POWER ENABLE Function
- rLCDCON5 = rLCDCON5&(~(1<<3))|(pwren<<3); // PWREN
- rLCDCON5 = rLCDCON5&(~(1<<5))|(invpwren<<5); // INVPWREN
- }
- /**************************************************************
- 640×480 TFT LCD单个象素的显示数据输出
- **************************************************************/
- static void PutPixel(U32 x,U32 y,U16 c)
- {
- if(x<SCR_XSIZE && y<SCR_YSIZE)
- LCD_BUFFER[(y)][(x)] = c;
- }
- /**************************************************************
- 640×480 TFT LCD全屏填充特定颜色单元或清屏
- **************************************************************/
- static void Lcd_ClearScr( U16 c)
- {
- unsigned int x,y ;
- for( y = 0 ; y < SCR_YSIZE ; y++ )
- {
- for( x = 0 ; x < SCR_XSIZE ; x++ )
- {
- LCD_BUFFER[y][x] = c ;
- }
- }
- }
- /**************************************************************
- LCD屏幕显示垂直翻转
- // LCD display is flipped vertically
- // But, think the algorithm by mathematics point.
- // 3I2
- // 4 I 1
- // --+-- <-8 octants mathematical cordinate
- // 5 I 8
- // 6I7
- **************************************************************/
- static void Glib_Line(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2, U16 color)
- {
- int dx,dy,e;
- dx=x2-x1;
- dy=y2-y1;
- if(dx>=0)
- {
- if(dy >= 0) // dy>=0
- {
- if(dx>=dy) // 1/8 octant
- {
- e=dy-dx/2;
- while(x1<=x2)
- {
- PutPixel(x1,y1,color);
- if(e>0){y1+=1;e-=dx;}
- x1+=1;
- e+=dy;
- }
- }
- else // 2/8 octant
- {
- e=dx-dy/2;
- while(y1<=y2)
- {
- PutPixel(x1,y1,color);
- if(e>0){x1+=1;e-=dy;}
- y1+=1;
- e+=dx;
- }
- }
- }
- else // dy<0
- {
- dy=-dy; // dy=abs(dy)
- if(dx>=dy) // 8/8 octant
- {
- e=dy-dx/2;
- while(x1<=x2)
- {
- PutPixel(x1,y1,color);
- if(e>0){y1-=1;e-=dx;}
- x1+=1;
- e+=dy;
- }
- }
- else // 7/8 octant
- {
- e=dx-dy/2;
- while(y1>=y2)
- {
- PutPixel(x1,y1,color);
- if(e>0){x1+=1;e-=dy;}
- y1-=1;
- e+=dx;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else //dx<0
- {
- dx=-dx; //dx=abs(dx)
- if(dy >= 0) // dy>=0
- {
- if(dx>=dy) // 4/8 octant
- {
- e=dy-dx/2;
- while(x1>=x2)
- {
- PutPixel(x1,y1,color);
- if(e>0){y1+=1;e-=dx;}
- x1-=1;
- e+=dy;
- }
- }
- else // 3/8 octant
- {
- e=dx-dy/2;
- while(y1<=y2)
- {
- PutPixel(x1,y1,color);
- if(e>0){x1-=1;e-=dy;}
- y1+=1;
- e+=dx;
- }
- }
- }
- else // dy<0
- {
- dy=-dy; // dy=abs(dy)
- if(dx>=dy) // 5/8 octant
- {
- e=dy-dx/2;
- while(x1>=x2)
- {
- PutPixel(x1,y1,color);
- if(e>0){y1-=1;e-=dx;}
- x1-=1;
- e+=dy;
- }
- }
- else // 6/8 octant
- {
- e=dx-dy/2;
- while(y1>=y2)
- {
- PutPixel(x1,y1,color);
- if(e>0){x1-=1;e-=dy;}
- y1-=1;
- e+=dx;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**************************************************************
- 在LCD屏幕上用颜色填充一个矩形
- **************************************************************/
- static void Glib_FilledRectangle(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2, U16 color)
- {
- int i;
- for(i=y1;i<=y2;i++)
- Glib_Line(x1,i,x2,i,color);
- }
- /**************************************************************
- 在LCD屏幕上指定坐标点画一个指定大小的图片
- **************************************************************/
- static void Paint_Bmp(int x0,int y0,int h,int l,const unsigned char *bmp)
- {
- int x,y;
- U32 c;
- int p = 0;
- for( y = 0 ; y < l ; y++ )
- {
- for( x = 0 ; x < h ; x++ )
- {
- c = bmp[p+1] | (bmp[p]<<8) ;
- if ( ( (x0+x) < SCR_XSIZE) && ( (y0+y) < SCR_YSIZE) )
- LCD_BUFFER[y0+y][x0+x] = c ;
- p = p + 2 ;
- }
- }
- }
- /**************************************************************
- **************************************************************/
- void TFT_LCD_Init(void)
- {
- LCD_Init();
- LcdBkLtSet( 70 ) ;
- Lcd_PowerEnable(0, 1);
- Lcd_EnvidOnOff(1); //turn on vedio
- Lcd_ClearScr( (0x00<<11) | (0x00<<5) | (0x00) );
- #if defined(LCD_N35) || defined(LCD_T35)
- Paint_Bmp(0, 0, 240, 320, sunflower_240x320);
- #elif defined(LCD_A70)
- Paint_Bmp(0, 0, 800, 480, sunflower_800x480);
- #elif defined(LCD_L80)
- Paint_Bmp(0, 0, 640, 480, sunflower_640x480);
- #elif defined(LCD_VGA1024768)
- Paint_Bmp(0, 0, 1024, 768, sunflower_1024x768);
- #endif
- }
- /**************************************************************
- **************************************************************/
- void TFT_LCD_Test(void)
- {
- #if defined(LCD_N35) || defined(LCD_T35)
- Uart_Printf("nTest TFT LCD 240x320!n");
- #elif defined(LCD_A70)
- Uart_Printf("nTest TFT LCD 800×480!n");
- #elif defined(LCD_L80)
- Uart_Printf("nTest TFT LCD 640×480!n");
- #elif defined(LCD_VGA1024768)
- Uart_Printf("nTest VGA 1024x768!n");
- #endif
- Lcd_Port_Init();
- LCD_Init();
- Lcd_EnvidOnOff(1); //turn on vedio
- Lcd_ClearScr( (0x00<<11) | (0x00<<5) | (0x00) ) ; //clear screen
- Uart_Printf( "nLCD clear screen is finished! press any key to continue!n" );
- Uart_Getch() ; //wait uart input
- Lcd_ClearScr( (0x1f<<11) | (0x3f<<5) | (0x1f) ) ; //clear screen
- Uart_Printf( "LCD clear screen is finished! press any key to continue!n" );
- Uart_Getch() ; //wait uart input
- Lcd_ClearScr(0xffff); //fill all screen with some color
- #define LCD_BLANK 30
- #define C_UP ( LCD_XSIZE - LCD_BLANK*2 )
- #define C_RIGHT ( LCD_XSIZE - LCD_BLANK*2 )
- #define V_BLACK ( ( LCD_YSIZE - LCD_BLANK*4 ) / 6 )
- Glib_FilledRectangle( LCD_BLANK, LCD_BLANK, ( LCD_XSIZE - LCD_BLANK ), ( LCD_YSIZE - LCD_BLANK ),0x0000); //fill a Rectangle with some color
- Glib_FilledRectangle( (LCD_BLANK*2), (LCD_BLANK*2 + V_BLACK*0), (C_RIGHT), (LCD_BLANK*2 + V_BLACK*1),0x001f); //fill a Rectangle with some color
- Glib_FilledRectangle( (LCD_BLANK*2), (LCD_BLANK*2 + V_BLACK*1), (C_RIGHT), (LCD_BLANK*2 + V_BLACK*2),0x07e0); //fill a Rectangle with some color
- Glib_FilledRectangle( (LCD_BLANK*2), (LCD_BLANK*2 + V_BLACK*2), (C_RIGHT), (LCD_BLANK*2 + V_BLACK*3),0xf800); //fill a Rectangle with some color
- Glib_FilledRectangle( (LCD_BLANK*2), (LCD_BLANK*2 + V_BLACK*3), (C_RIGHT), (LCD_BLANK*2 + V_BLACK*4),0xffe0); //fill a Rectangle with some color
- Glib_FilledRectangle( (LCD_BLANK*2), (LCD_BLANK*2 + V_BLACK*4), (C_RIGHT), (LCD_BLANK*2 + V_BLACK*5),0xf81f); //fill a Rectangle with some color
- Glib_FilledRectangle( (LCD_BLANK*2), (LCD_BLANK*2 + V_BLACK*5), (C_RIGHT), (LCD_BLANK*2 + V_BLACK*6),0x07ff); //fill a Rectangle with some color
- Uart_Printf( "LCD color test, please look! press any key to continue!n" );
- Uart_Getch() ; //wait uart input
- #if defined(LCD_N35) || defined(LCD_T35)
- Paint_Bmp(0, 0, 240, 320, sunflower_240x320);
- #elif defined(LCD_A70)
- Paint_Bmp(0, 0, 800, 480, sunflower_800x480);
- #elif defined(LCD_L80)
- Paint_Bmp(0, 0, 640, 480, sunflower_640x480);
- #elif defined(LCD_VGA1024768)
- Paint_Bmp(0, 0, 1024, 768, sunflower_1024x768);
- #endif
- Uart_Printf( "LCD paint a bmp, please look! press any key to continue! n" );
- Uart_Getch() ; //wait uart input
- Lcd_EnvidOnOff(0); //turn off vedio
- }
- //*************************************************************