- /* Tests matrix22_mul.
- Copyright 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
- The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
- option) any later version.
- The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
- License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- along with the GNU MP Library. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "gmp.h"
- #include "gmp-impl.h"
- #include "tests.h"
- struct matrix {
- mp_size_t alloc;
- mp_size_t n;
- mp_ptr e00, e01, e10, e11;
- };
- static void
- matrix_init (struct matrix *M, mp_size_t n)
- {
- mp_ptr p = refmpn_malloc_limbs (4*(n+1));
- M->e00 = p; p += n+1;
- M->e01 = p; p += n+1;
- M->e10 = p; p += n+1;
- M->e11 = p;
- M->alloc = n + 1;
- M->n = 0;
- }
- static void
- matrix_clear (struct matrix *M)
- {
- refmpn_free_limbs (M->e00);
- }
- static void
- matrix_copy (struct matrix *R, const struct matrix *M)
- {
- R->n = M->n;
- MPN_COPY (R->e00, M->e00, M->n);
- MPN_COPY (R->e01, M->e01, M->n);
- MPN_COPY (R->e10, M->e10, M->n);
- MPN_COPY (R->e11, M->e11, M->n);
- }
- /* Used with same size, so no need for normalization. */
- static int
- matrix_equal_p (const struct matrix *A, const struct matrix *B)
- {
- return (A->n == B->n
- && mpn_cmp (A->e00, B->e00, A->n) == 0
- && mpn_cmp (A->e01, B->e01, A->n) == 0
- && mpn_cmp (A->e10, B->e10, A->n) == 0
- && mpn_cmp (A->e11, B->e11, A->n) == 0);
- }
- static void
- matrix_random(struct matrix *M, mp_size_t n, gmp_randstate_ptr rands)
- {
- M->n = n;
- mpn_random (M->e00, n);
- mpn_random (M->e01, n);
- mpn_random (M->e10, n);
- mpn_random (M->e11, n);
- }
- #define MUL(rp, ap, an, bp, bn) do {
- if (an > bn)
- mpn_mul (rp, ap, an, bp, bn);
- else
- mpn_mul (rp, bp, bn, ap, an);
- } while(0)
- static void
- ref_matrix22_mul (struct matrix *R,
- const struct matrix *A,
- const struct matrix *B, mp_ptr tp)
- {
- mp_size_t an, bn, n;
- mp_ptr r00, r01, r10, r11, a00, a01, a10, a11, b00, b01, b10, b11;
- if (A->n >= B->n)
- {
- r00 = R->e00; a00 = A->e00; b00 = B->e00;
- r01 = R->e01; a01 = A->e01; b01 = B->e01;
- r10 = R->e10; a10 = A->e10; b10 = B->e10;
- r11 = R->e11; a11 = A->e11; b11 = B->e11;
- an = A->n, bn = B->n;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Transpose */
- r00 = R->e00; a00 = B->e00; b00 = A->e00;
- r01 = R->e10; a01 = B->e10; b01 = A->e10;
- r10 = R->e01; a10 = B->e01; b10 = A->e01;
- r11 = R->e11; a11 = B->e11; b11 = A->e11;
- an = B->n, bn = A->n;
- }
- n = an + bn;
- R->n = n + 1;
- mpn_mul (r00, a00, an, b00, bn);
- mpn_mul (tp, a01, an, b10, bn);
- r00[n] = mpn_add_n (r00, r00, tp, n);
- mpn_mul (r01, a00, an, b01, bn);
- mpn_mul (tp, a01, an, b11, bn);
- r01[n] = mpn_add_n (r01, r01, tp, n);
- mpn_mul (r10, a10, an, b00, bn);
- mpn_mul (tp, a11, an, b10, bn);
- r10[n] = mpn_add_n (r10, r10, tp, n);
- mpn_mul (r11, a10, an, b01, bn);
- mpn_mul (tp, a11, an, b11, bn);
- r11[n] = mpn_add_n (r11, r11, tp, n);
- }
- static void
- one_test (const struct matrix *A, const struct matrix *B, int i)
- {
- struct matrix R;
- struct matrix P;
- mp_ptr tp;
- matrix_init (&R, A->n + B->n + 1);
- matrix_init (&P, A->n + B->n + 1);
- tp = refmpn_malloc_limbs (mpn_matrix22_mul_itch (A->n, B->n));
- ref_matrix22_mul (&R, A, B, tp);
- matrix_copy (&P, A);
- mpn_matrix22_mul (P.e00, P.e01, P.e10, P.e11, A->n,
- B->e00, B->e01, B->e10, B->e11, B->n, tp);
- P.n = A->n + B->n + 1;
- if (!matrix_equal_p (&R, &P))
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "ERROR in test %dn", i);
- gmp_fprintf (stderr, "A = (%Nx, %Nxn %Nx, %Nx)n"
- "B = (%Nx, %Nxn %Nx, %Nx)n"
- "R = (%Nx, %Nx (expected)n %Nx, %Nx)n"
- "P = (%Nx, %Nx (incorrect)n %Nx, %Nx)n",
- A->e00, A->n, A->e01, A->n, A->e10, A->n, A->e11, A->n,
- B->e00, B->n, B->e01, B->n, B->e10, B->n, B->e11, B->n,
- R.e00, R.n, R.e01, R.n, R.e10, R.n, R.e11, R.n,
- P.e00, P.n, P.e01, P.n, P.e10, P.n, P.e11, P.n);
- abort();
- }
- refmpn_free_limbs (tp);
- matrix_clear (&R);
- matrix_clear (&P);
- }
- int
- main (int argc, char **argv)
- {
- struct matrix A;
- struct matrix B;
- gmp_randstate_ptr rands;
- mpz_t bs;
- int i;
- tests_start ();
- rands = RANDS;
- matrix_init (&A, MAX_SIZE);
- matrix_init (&B, MAX_SIZE);
- mpz_init (bs);
- for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
- {
- mp_size_t an, bn;
- mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 32);
- an = 1 + mpz_get_ui (bs) % MAX_SIZE;
- mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 32);
- bn = 1 + mpz_get_ui (bs) % MAX_SIZE;
- matrix_random (&A, an, rands);
- matrix_random (&B, bn, rands);
- one_test (&A, &B, i);
- }
- mpz_clear (bs);
- matrix_clear (&A);
- matrix_clear (&B);
- tests_end ();
- return 0;
- }