- dnl AMD K7 mpn_divexact_1 -- mpn by limb exact division.
- dnl Copyright 2001, 2002, 2004, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- dnl
- dnl This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
- dnl
- dnl The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- dnl modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
- dnl published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
- dnl License, or (at your option) any later version.
- dnl
- dnl The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- dnl Lesser General Public License for more details.
- dnl
- dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- dnl along with the GNU MP Library. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
- include(`../config.m4')
- C cycles/limb
- C Athlon: 11.0
- C Hammer: 9.0
- C void mpn_divexact_1 (mp_ptr dst, mp_srcptr src, mp_size_t size,
- C mp_limb_t divisor);
- C
- C The dependent chain is mul+imul+sub for 11 cycles and that speed is
- C achieved with no special effort. The load and shrld latencies are hidden
- C by out of order execution.
- C
- C It's a touch faster on size==1 to use the mul-by-inverse than divl.
- defframe(PARAM_DIVISOR,16)
- defframe(PARAM_SIZE, 12)
- defframe(PARAM_SRC, 8)
- defframe(PARAM_DST, 4)
- defframe(SAVE_EBX, -4)
- defframe(SAVE_ESI, -8)
- defframe(SAVE_EDI, -12)
- defframe(SAVE_EBP, -16)
- defframe(VAR_INVERSE, -20)
- defframe(VAR_DST_END, -24)
- deflit(STACK_SPACE, 24)
- ALIGN(16)
- PROLOGUE(mpn_divexact_1)
- deflit(`FRAME',0)
- movl PARAM_DIVISOR, %eax
- subl $STACK_SPACE, %esp deflit(`FRAME',STACK_SPACE)
- movl $-1, %ecx C shift count
- movl %ebp, SAVE_EBP
- movl PARAM_SIZE, %ebp
- movl %esi, SAVE_ESI
- movl %edi, SAVE_EDI
- C If there's usually only one or two trailing zero bits then this
- C should be faster than bsfl.
- L(strip_twos):
- incl %ecx
- shrl %eax
- jnc L(strip_twos)
- movl %ebx, SAVE_EBX
- leal 1(%eax,%eax), %ebx C d without twos
- andl $127, %eax C d/2, 7 bits
- ifdef(`PIC',`
- LEA( binvert_limb_table, %edx)
- movzbl (%eax,%edx), %eax C inv 8 bits
- ',`
- movzbl binvert_limb_table(%eax), %eax C inv 8 bits
- ')
- leal (%eax,%eax), %edx C 2*inv
- movl %ebx, PARAM_DIVISOR C d without twos
- imull %eax, %eax C inv*inv
- movl PARAM_SRC, %esi
- movl PARAM_DST, %edi
- imull %ebx, %eax C inv*inv*d
- subl %eax, %edx C inv = 2*inv - inv*inv*d
- leal (%edx,%edx), %eax C 2*inv
- imull %edx, %edx C inv*inv
- leal (%esi,%ebp,4), %esi C src end
- leal (%edi,%ebp,4), %edi C dst end
- negl %ebp C -size
- imull %ebx, %edx C inv*inv*d
- subl %edx, %eax C inv = 2*inv - inv*inv*d
- ASSERT(e,` C expect d*inv == 1 mod 2^GMP_LIMB_BITS
- pushl %eax FRAME_pushl()
- imull PARAM_DIVISOR, %eax
- cmpl $1, %eax
- popl %eax FRAME_popl()')
- movl %eax, VAR_INVERSE
- movl (%esi,%ebp,4), %eax C src[0]
- incl %ebp
- jz L(one)
- movl (%esi,%ebp,4), %edx C src[1]
- shrdl( %cl, %edx, %eax)
- movl %edi, VAR_DST_END
- xorl %ebx, %ebx
- jmp L(entry)
- ALIGN(8)
- L(top):
- C eax q
- C ebx carry bit, 0 or 1
- C ecx shift
- C edx
- C esi src end
- C edi dst end
- C ebp counter, limbs, negative
- mull PARAM_DIVISOR C carry limb in edx
- movl -4(%esi,%ebp,4), %eax
- movl (%esi,%ebp,4), %edi
- shrdl( %cl, %edi, %eax)
- subl %ebx, %eax C apply carry bit
- setc %bl
- movl VAR_DST_END, %edi
- subl %edx, %eax C apply carry limb
- adcl $0, %ebx
- L(entry):
- imull VAR_INVERSE, %eax
- movl %eax, -4(%edi,%ebp,4)
- incl %ebp
- jnz L(top)
- mull PARAM_DIVISOR C carry limb in edx
- movl -4(%esi), %eax C src high limb
- shrl %cl, %eax
- movl SAVE_ESI, %esi
- subl %ebx, %eax C apply carry bit
- movl SAVE_EBX, %ebx
- movl SAVE_EBP, %ebp
- subl %edx, %eax C apply carry limb
- imull VAR_INVERSE, %eax
- movl %eax, -4(%edi)
- movl SAVE_EDI, %edi
- addl $STACK_SPACE, %esp
- ret
- L(one):
- shrl %cl, %eax
- movl SAVE_ESI, %esi
- movl SAVE_EBX, %ebx
- imull VAR_INVERSE, %eax
- movl SAVE_EBP, %ebp
- movl %eax, -4(%edi)
- movl SAVE_EDI, %edi
- addl $STACK_SPACE, %esp
- ret