- /* mpn_toom32_mul -- Multiply {ap,an} and {bp,bn} where an is nominally 1.5
- times as large as bn. Or more accurately, bn < an < 3bn.
- Contributed to the GNU project by Torbjorn Granlund.
- Improvements by Marco Bodrato and Niels M鰈ler.
- The idea of applying toom to unbalanced multiplication is due to Marco
- Bodrato and Alberto Zanoni.
- Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
- The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
- option) any later version.
- The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
- License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- along with the GNU MP Library. If not, see */
- #include "gmp.h"
- #include "gmp-impl.h"
- /* Evaluate in: -1, 0, +1, +inf
- <-s-><--n--><--n-->
- ___ ______ ______
- |a2_|___a1_|___a0_|
- |_b1_|___b0_|
- <-t--><--n-->
- v0 = a0 * b0 # A(0)*B(0)
- v1 = (a0+ a1+ a2)*(b0+ b1) # A(1)*B(1) ah <= 2 bh <= 1
- vm1 = (a0- a1+ a2)*(b0- b1) # A(-1)*B(-1) |ah| <= 1 bh = 0
- vinf= a2 * b1 # A(inf)*B(inf)
- */
- #define TOOM32_MUL_N_REC(p, a, b, n, ws)
- do {
- mpn_mul_n (p, a, b, n);
- } while (0)
- void
- mpn_toom32_mul (mp_ptr pp,
- mp_srcptr ap, mp_size_t an,
- mp_srcptr bp, mp_size_t bn,
- mp_ptr scratch)
- {
- mp_size_t n, s, t;
- int vm1_neg;
- mp_limb_t cy;
- int hi;
- mp_limb_t ap1_hi, bp1_hi;
- #define a0 ap
- #define a1 (ap + n)
- #define a2 (ap + 2 * n)
- #define b0 bp
- #define b1 (bp + n)
- /* Required, to ensure that s + t >= n. */
- ASSERT (bn + 2 <= an && an + 6 <= 3*bn);
- n = 1 + (2 * an >= 3 * bn ? (an - 1) / (size_t) 3 : (bn - 1) >> 1);
- s = an - 2 * n;
- t = bn - n;
- ASSERT (0 < s && s <= n);
- ASSERT (0 < t && t <= n);
- ASSERT (s + t >= n);
- /* Product area of size an + bn = 3*n + s + t >= 4*n + 2. */
- #define ap1 (pp) /* n, most significant limb in ap1_hi */
- #define bp1 (pp + n) /* n, most significant bit in bp1_hi */
- #define am1 (pp + 2*n) /* n, most significant bit in hi */
- #define bm1 (pp + 3*n) /* n */
- #define v1 (scratch) /* 2n + 1 */
- #define vm1 (pp) /* 2n + 1 */
- #define scratch_out (scratch + 2*n + 1) /* Currently unused. */
- /* Scratch need: 2*n + 1 + scratch for the recursive multiplications. */
- /* FIXME: Keep v1[2*n] and vm1[2*n] in scalar variables? */
- /* Compute ap1 = a0 + a1 + a3, am1 = a0 - a1 + a3 */
- ap1_hi = mpn_add (ap1, a0, n, a2, s);
- #if HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_add_n_sub_n
- if (ap1_hi == 0 && mpn_cmp (ap1, a1, n) < 0)
- {
- ap1_hi = mpn_add_n_sub_n (ap1, am1, a1, ap1, n) >> 1;
- hi = 0;
- vm1_neg = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- cy = mpn_add_n_sub_n (ap1, am1, ap1, a1, n);
- hi = ap1_hi - (cy & 1);
- ap1_hi += (cy >> 1);
- vm1_neg = 0;
- }
- #else
- if (ap1_hi == 0 && mpn_cmp (ap1, a1, n) < 0)
- {
- ASSERT_NOCARRY (mpn_sub_n (am1, a1, ap1, n));
- hi = 0;
- vm1_neg = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- hi = ap1_hi - mpn_sub_n (am1, ap1, a1, n);
- vm1_neg = 0;
- }
- ap1_hi += mpn_add_n (ap1, ap1, a1, n);
- #endif
- /* Compute bp1 = b0 + b1 and bm1 = b0 - b1. */
- if (t == n)
- {
- #if HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_add_n_sub_n
- if (mpn_cmp (b0, b1, n) < 0)
- {
- cy = mpn_add_n_sub_n (bp1, bm1, b1, b0, n);
- vm1_neg ^= 1;
- }
- else
- {
- cy = mpn_add_n_sub_n (bp1, bm1, b0, b1, n);
- }
- bp1_hi = cy >> 1;
- #else
- bp1_hi = mpn_add_n (bp1, b0, b1, n);
- if (mpn_cmp (b0, b1, n) < 0)
- {
- ASSERT_NOCARRY (mpn_sub_n (bm1, b1, b0, n));
- vm1_neg ^= 1;
- }
- else
- {
- ASSERT_NOCARRY (mpn_sub_n (bm1, b0, b1, n));
- }
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- /* FIXME: Should still use mpn_add_n_sub_n for the main part. */
- bp1_hi = mpn_add (bp1, b0, n, b1, t);
- if (mpn_zero_p (b0 + t, n - t) && mpn_cmp (b0, b1, t) < 0)
- {
- ASSERT_NOCARRY (mpn_sub_n (bm1, b1, b0, t));
- MPN_ZERO (bm1 + t, n - t);
- vm1_neg ^= 1;
- }
- else
- {
- ASSERT_NOCARRY (mpn_sub (bm1, b0, n, b1, t));
- }
- }
- TOOM32_MUL_N_REC (v1, ap1, bp1, n, scratch_out);
- if (ap1_hi == 1)
- {
- cy = bp1_hi + mpn_add_n (v1 + n, v1 + n, bp1, n);
- }
- else if (ap1_hi == 2)
- {
- #if HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_addlsh1_n
- cy = 2 * bp1_hi + mpn_addlsh1_n (v1 + n, v1 + n, bp1, n);
- #else
- cy = 2 * bp1_hi + mpn_addmul_1 (v1 + n, bp1, n, CNST_LIMB(2));
- #endif
- }
- else
- cy = 0;
- if (bp1_hi != 0)
- cy += mpn_add_n (v1 + n, v1 + n, ap1, n);
- v1[2 * n] = cy;
- TOOM32_MUL_N_REC (vm1, am1, bm1, n, scratch_out);
- if (hi)
- hi = mpn_add_n (vm1+n, vm1+n, bm1, n);
- vm1[2*n] = hi;
- /* v1 <-- (v1 + vm1) / 2 = x0 + x2 */
- if (vm1_neg)
- {
- #if HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_rsh1sub_n
- mpn_rsh1sub_n (v1, v1, vm1, 2*n+1);
- #else
- mpn_sub_n (v1, v1, vm1, 2*n+1);
- ASSERT_NOCARRY (mpn_rshift (v1, v1, 2*n+1, 1));
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- #if HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_rsh1add_n
- mpn_rsh1add_n (v1, v1, vm1, 2*n+1);
- #else
- mpn_add_n (v1, v1, vm1, 2*n+1);
- ASSERT_NOCARRY (mpn_rshift (v1, v1, 2*n+1, 1));
- #endif
- }
- /* We get x1 + x3 = (x0 + x2) - (x0 - x1 + x2 - x3), and hence
- y = x1 + x3 + (x0 + x2) * B
- = (x0 + x2) * B + (x0 + x2) - vm1.
- y is 3*n + 1 limbs, y = y0 + y1 B + y2 B^2. We store them as
- follows: y0 at scratch, y1 at pp + 2*n, and y2 at scratch + n
- (already in place, except for carry propagation).
- We thus add
- B^3 B^2 B 1
- | | | |
- +-----+----+
- + | x0 + x2 |
- +----+-----+----+
- + | x0 + x2 |
- +----------+
- - | vm1 |
- --+----++----+----+-
- | y2 | y1 | y0 |
- +-----+----+----+
- Since we store y0 at the same location as the low half of x0 + x2, we
- need to do the middle sum first. */
- hi = vm1[2*n];
- cy = mpn_add_n (pp + 2*n, v1, v1 + n, n);
- MPN_INCR_U (v1 + n, n + 1, cy + v1[2*n]);
- /* FIXME: Can we get rid of this second vm1_neg conditional by
- swapping the location of +1 and -1 values? */
- if (vm1_neg)
- {
- cy = mpn_add_n (v1, v1, vm1, n);
- hi += mpn_add_nc (pp + 2*n, pp + 2*n, vm1 + n, n, cy);
- MPN_INCR_U (v1 + n, n+1, hi);
- }
- else
- {
- cy = mpn_sub_n (v1, v1, vm1, n);
- hi += mpn_sub_nc (pp + 2*n, pp + 2*n, vm1 + n, n, cy);
- MPN_DECR_U (v1 + n, n+1, hi);
- }
- TOOM32_MUL_N_REC (pp, a0, b0, n, scratch_out);
- /* vinf, s+t limbs. Use mpn_mul for now, to handle unbalanced operands */
- if (s > t) mpn_mul (pp+3*n, a2, s, b1, t);
- else mpn_mul (pp+3*n, b1, t, a2, s);
- /* Remaining interpolation.
- y * B + x0 + x3 B^3 - x0 B^2 - x3 B
- = (x1 + x3) B + (x0 + x2) B^2 + x0 + x3 B^3 - x0 B^2 - x3 B
- = y0 B + y1 B^2 + y3 B^3 + Lx0 + H x0 B
- + L x3 B^3 + H x3 B^4 - Lx0 B^2 - H x0 B^3 - L x3 B - H x3 B^2
- = L x0 + (y0 + H x0 - L x3) B + (y1 - L x0 - H x3) B^2
- + (y2 - (H x0 - L x3)) B^3 + H x3 B^4
- B^4 B^3 B^2 B 1
- | | | | | |
- +-------+ +---------+---------+
- | Hx3 | | Hx0-Lx3 | Lx0 |
- +------+----------+---------+---------+---------+
- | y2 | y1 | y0 |
- ++---------+---------+---------+
- -| Hx0-Lx3 | - Lx0 |
- +---------+---------+
- | - Hx3 |
- +--------+
- We must take into account the carry from Hx0 - Lx3.
- */
- cy = mpn_sub_n (pp + n, pp + n, pp+3*n, n);
- hi = scratch[2*n] + cy;
- cy = mpn_sub_nc (pp + 2*n, pp + 2*n, pp, n, cy);
- hi -= mpn_sub_nc (pp + 3*n, scratch + n, pp + n, n, cy);
- hi += mpn_add (pp + n, pp + n, 3*n, scratch, n);
- /* FIXME: Is support for s + t == n needed? */
- if (LIKELY (s + t > n))
- {
- hi -= mpn_sub (pp + 2*n, pp + 2*n, 2*n, pp + 4*n, s+t-n);
- if (hi < 0)
- MPN_DECR_U (pp + 4*n, s+t-n, -hi);
- else
- MPN_INCR_U (pp + 4*n, s+t-n, hi);
- }
- else
- ASSERT (hi == 0);
- }