- <%
- Function WebMenu(DataFrom,ID)
- Dim rs,sql
- Set rs=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
- sql="Select * From "&DataFrom&" where ParentID="&id&" and ViewFlag order by id"
- sql,conn,1,1
- response.write("<table width='150' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>")
- if id=0 and rs.bof and rs.eof then
- response.write "<tr><td align='center'>暂无相关信息</td></tr>"
- else
- while not rs.eof
- response.write "<tr class='WebMenu'><td width='24'><img src='../img/Arrow_03.gif' width='13' height='13'></td>"
- response.write "<td><a href='DownList.asp?SortID="&rs("ID")&"&SortPath="&rs("SortPath")&"'>"&rs("SortName")&"</a></td></tr>"
- rs.movenext
- wend
- end if
- response.write("</table>")
- rs.close
- set rs=nothing
- end function
- Function WebLocation(ID)
- Dim rs,sql,LocationText
- Set rs=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
- sql="Select * From sk_DownSort where ViewFlag and ID="&ID
- sql,conn,1,1
- if rs.bof and rs.eof then
- response.write "<img src='../img/Arrow_02.gif' align='absmiddle'>错误"
- exit function
- end if
- LocationText="<img src='../img/Arrow_02.gif' align='absmiddle'><a href='DownList.asp?SortID="&rs("ID")&"&SortPath="&rs("SortPath")&"'>"&rs("SortName")&"</a>"
- if rs("ParentID")<>0 then WebLocation rs("ParentID")
- response.write LocationText
- End Function
- function ChildSort()
- dim ParentID
- ParentID=request.QueryString("SortID")
- if ParentID="" or (not isnumeric(ParentID)) then exit function
- dim rs,sql
- set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
- sql="select * from sk_DownSort where ViewFlag and ParentID="&ParentID&" order by ID desc"
- sql,conn,1,1
- if rs.bof and rs.eof then
- exit function
- else
- response.write "<tr><td height='22'></td><td class='ListTitle' align='center'>"
- while not rs.eof
- response.write " <font color='#FF0000'>|</font> <a href='DownList.asp?SortID="&rs("ID")&"&SortPath="&rs("SortPath")&"'>"&rs("SortName")&"</a> <font color='#FF0000'>|</font>"
- rs.movenext
- wend
- response.write "</td><td width='30'></td></tr>"
- end if
- rs.close
- set rs=nothing
- end function
- function ContentList()
- dim SortPath
- SortPath=request.QueryString("SortPath")
- dim idCount'记录总数
- dim pages'每页条数
- pages=25
- dim pagec'总页数
- dim page'页码
- page=clng(request("Page"))
- dim pagenc'每页显示的分页页码数量=pagenc*2+1
- pagenc=2
- dim pagenmax'每页显示的分页的最大页码
- dim pagenmin'每页显示的分页的最小页码
- dim datafrom'数据表名
- datafrom="sk_Download"
- dim datawhere'数据条件
- if SortPath<>"" then'是否查看的分类产品
- datawhere="where ViewFlag and Instr(SortPath,'"&SortPath&"')>0 "
- else
- datawhere="where ViewFlag "
- end if
- dim sqlid'本页需要用到的id
- dim Myself,PATH_INFO,QUERY_STRING'本页地址和参数
- PATH_INFO = request.servervariables("PATH_INFO")
- QUERY_STRING = request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING")'
- if QUERY_STRING = "" then
- Myself = PATH_INFO & "?"
- elseif Instr(PATH_INFO & "?" & QUERY_STRING,"Page=")=0 then
- Myself= PATH_INFO & "?" & QUERY_STRING & "&"
- else
- Myself = Left(PATH_INFO & "?" & QUERY_STRING,Instr(PATH_INFO & "?" & QUERY_STRING,"Page=")-1)
- end if
- dim taxis'排序的语句 asc,desc
- taxis="order by id desc "
- dim i'用于循环的整数
- dim rs,sql'sql语句
- '获取记录总数
- sql="select count(ID) as idCount from ["& datafrom &"]" & datawhere
- set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
- sql,conn,0,1
- idCount=rs("idCount")
- '获取记录总数
- if(idcount>0) then'如果记录总数=0,则不处理
- if(idcount mod pages=0)then'如果记录总数除以每页条数有余数,则=记录总数/每页条数+1
- pagec=int(idcount/pages)'获取总页数
- else
- pagec=int(idcount/pages)+1'获取总页数
- end if
- '获取本页需要用到的id============================================
- '读取所有记录的id数值,因为只有id所以速度很快
- sql="select id from ["& datafrom &"] " & datawhere & taxis
- set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
- sql,conn,1,1
- rs.pagesize = pages '每页显示记录数
- if page < 1 then page = 1
- if page > pagec then page = pagec
- if pagec > 0 then rs.absolutepage = page
- for i=1 to rs.pagesize
- if rs.eof then exit for
- if(i=1)then
- sqlid=rs("id")
- else
- sqlid=sqlid &","&rs("id")
- end if
- rs.movenext
- next
- '获取本页需要用到的id结束============================================
- end if
- Response.Write "<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>"
- if(idcount>0 and sqlid<>"") then'如果记录总数=0,则不处理
- '用in刷选本页所语言的数据,仅读取本页所需的数据,所以速度快
- sql="select * from ["& datafrom &"] where id in("& sqlid &") "&taxis
- set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
- sql,conn,0,1
- while not rs.eof '填充数据到表格
- Response.Write "<tr height=25 bgcolor=#F0F0F0>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<td width='400' ><FONT style='FONT-SIZE: 10px; COLOR: #61A5DC; FONT-FAMILY: Webdings'>4</FONT> <a href='DownView.asp?ID="&rs("ID")&"&SortID="&rs("SortID")&".html'><font color=0066cc><b>"&rs("DownName")&"</b></font></a></td>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<td width='104' ><font color=0066cc>大小:"&rs("FileSize")&"M</font></td>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<td width='90'><font color=0066cc>点击数:"&rs("ClickNumber")&"</font></td>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "</tr>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<tr>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<td colspan='3' height=50><font color=red>软件简介:<br></font>"&cutStr(rs("content"),100)&"</td>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "</tr>" & vbCrLf
- rs.movenext
- wend
- else
- response.write "<tr><td align='center'>暂无相关信息</td></tr></table>"
- exit function
- end if
- Response.Write "<tr>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<td colspan='3' align='right'>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "共计:<font color='#ff6600'>"&idcount&"</font>条记录 页次:<font color='#ff6600'>"&page&"</font></strong>/"&pagec&" 每页:<font color='#ff6600'>"&pages&"</font>条 " & vbCrLf
- pagenmin=page-pagenc '计算页码开始值
- pagenmax=page+pagenc '计算页码结束值
- if(pagenmin<1) then pagenmin=1 '如果页码开始值小于1则=1
- if(page>1) then response.write ("<a href='"& myself &"Page=1'><font style='FONT-SIZE: 14px; FONT-FAMILY: Webdings'>9</font></a> ") '如果页码大于1则显示(第一页)
- if(pagenmin>1) then response.write ("<a href='"& myself &"Page="& page-(pagenc*2+1) &"'><font style='FONT-SIZE: 14px; FONT-FAMILY: Webdings'>7</font></a> ") '如果页码开始值大于1则显示(更前)
- if(pagenmax>pagec) then pagenmax=pagec '如果页码结束值大于总页数,则=总页数
- for i = pagenmin to pagenmax'循环输出页码
- if(i=page) then
- response.write (" <font color='#ff6600'>"& i &"</font> ")
- else
- response.write ("[<a href="& myself &"Page="& i &">"& i &"</a>]")
- end if
- next
- if(pagenmax<pagec) then response.write (" <a href='"& myself &"Page="& page+(pagenc*2+1) &"'><font style='FONT-SIZE: 14px; FONT-FAMILY: Webdings'>8</font></a> ") '如果页码结束值小于总页数则显示(更后)
- if(page<pagec) then response.write ("<a href='"& myself &"Page="& pagec &"'><font style='FONT-SIZE: 14px; FONT-FAMILY: Webdings'>:</font></a>") '如果页码小于总页数则显示(最后页)
- Response.Write "</td>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "</tr>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "</table>" & vbCrLf
- rs.close
- set rs=nothing
- end function
- %>
- <%
- if request.QueryString("ID")="" then
- SeoTitle="下载中心"
- elseif not IsNumeric(request.QueryString("ID")) then
- SeoTitle="参数错误"
- elseif conn.execute("select * from sk_Download Where ViewFlag and ID="&request.QueryString("ID")).eof then
- SeoTitle="参数错误"
- else
- set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
- sql="select * from sk_Download where ViewFlag and ID="&request.QueryString("ID")
- sql,conn,1,1
- SeoTitle=rs("DownName")
- rs.close
- set rs=nothing
- end if
- %>
- <%
- Function WebMenu(DataFrom,ID)
- Dim rs,sql
- Set rs=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
- sql="Select * From "&DataFrom&" where ParentID="&id&" and ViewFlag order by id"
- sql,conn,1,1
- response.write("<table width='150' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>")
- if id=0 and rs.bof and rs.eof then
- response.write "<tr><td align='center'>暂无相关信息</td></tr>"
- else
- while not rs.eof
- response.write "<tr class='WebMenu'><td width='24'><img src='../img/Arrow_03.gif' width='13' height='13'></td>"
- response.write "<td><a href='DownList.asp?SortID="&rs("ID")&"&SortPath="&rs("SortPath")&"'>"&rs("SortName")&"</a></td></tr>"
- rs.movenext
- wend
- end if
- response.write("</table>")
- rs.close
- set rs=nothing
- end function
- Function WebLocation(ID)
- Dim rs,sql,LocationText
- Set rs=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
- sql="Select * From sk_DownSort where ViewFlag and ID="&ID
- sql,conn,1,1
- if rs.bof and rs.eof then
- response.write "<img src='../img/Arrow_02.gif' align='absmiddle'>错误"
- exit function
- end if
- LocationText="<img src='../img/Arrow_02.gif' align='absmiddle'><a href='DownList.asp?SortID="&rs("ID")&"&SortPath="&rs("SortPath")&"'>"&rs("SortName")&"</a>"
- if rs("ParentID")<>0 then WebLocation rs("ParentID")
- response.write LocationText
- End Function
- function WebContent()
- dim ID
- ID=request.QueryString("ID")
- if ID="" or (not isnumeric(ID)) then
- response.write "<div align='center'>数据读取异常错误</div>"
- exit function
- end if
- dim rs,sql
- set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
- sql="select * from sk_Download where ViewFlag and ID="&ID
- sql,conn,1,3
- response.write"<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>"
- if rs.bof and rs.eof then
- response.write "<tr><td>暂无相关信息</td></tr>"
- else
- response.write "<tr><td align='center' colspan='3' height=40><font style='font-size:14px;font-weight: bold;color: #ff0000'>"&rs("DownName")&"</font></td></tr>"
- response.write "<tr><td colspan='3'><hr width='100%' size='1' noshade='noshade' color='#CCCCCC'><br></td></tr>"
- response.write "<tr><td width='300' class='ListDown'><b>运行平台:</b>"&rs("approof")&"</td>"
- response.write "<td width='250' class='ListDown'><b>软件评级:</b><img src='../img/star"&rs("star")&".gIf'></td>"
- response.write "<td rowspan=4 width='200' align='center' >"
- if trim(rs("BigPic"))="" then
- response.write "<img src=../img/Down.jpg ></td></tr>"
- else
- response.write "<img src="&rs("BigPic")&" width=140 height=140></td></tr>"
- end if
- response.write "<tr><td class='ListDown'><b>文件大小:</b>"&rs("FileSize")&"</td>"
- response.write "<td class='ListDown'><b>软件语言:</b>"&rs("language")&"</td></tr>"
- response.write "<tr><td width='300' class='ListDown'><b>软件授权:</b>"&rs("accmode")&"</td>"
- response.write "<td width=250' class='ListDown'><b>演示地址:</b>"&rs("SoftClass")&"</td></tr>"
- response.write "<tr><td class='ListDown'><b>下载次数:</b>"&rs("ClickNumber")&" 次</td>"
- response.write "<td class='ListDown'><b>发布时间:</b>"&rs("Addtime")&"</td></tr>"
- response.write "<tr><td colspan='3'><br><b>软件简介:</b></td></tr>"
- response.write "<tr><td colspan='3'><hr width='100%' size='1' noshade='noshade' color='#CCCCCC'></td></tr>"
- response.write "<tr><td colspan='3'>"&rs("Content")&"</td></tr>"
- rs("ClickNumber")=rs("ClickNumber")+1
- if ViewNoRight(rs("GroupID"),rs("Exclusive")) then
- response.write "<tr><td colspan='3'><br><b>下载地址:</b></td></tr>"
- response.write "<tr><td colspan='3'><hr width='100%' size='1' noshade='noshade' color='#CCCCCC'></td></tr>"
- response.write "<tr><td colspan='3' height=40><a href='"&rs("FileUrl")&"' target='_blank'><font color='red'><img src=../img/open.gif>下载地址一</font></a> <img src=../img/open.gif><a href='"&rs("SmallPic")&"' target='_blank'><font color='red'>下载地址二</font></a></td></tr>"
- else
- response.write "<tr><td colspan='3'><hr width='100%' size='1' noshade='noshade' color='#CCCCCC'><div align='center'><img src='../img/NoRight.jpg'></div></td></tr>"
- end if
- rs.update
- rs.close
- response.write "<tr><td colspan='3'><hr width='100%' size='1' noshade='noshade' color='#CCCCCC'><br></td></tr>"
- response.write "<tr><td colspan='3'>"
- Dim IDmax,IDmin
- IDmax=ID+1
- set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
- sql="select * from sk_Download where ViewFlag and ID="&IDmax
- sql,conn,1,1
- if not rs.eof then
- Response.Write "上一篇:<a href='?id="&Idmax&"&SortID="&rs("SortID")&".html'>"&rs("DownName")&"</a><br>"
- else
- Response.Write "上一篇:暂无下载<br>"
- end if
- rs.close
- IDmin=ID-1
- set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
- sql="select * from sk_Download where ViewFlag and ID="&IDmin
- sql,conn,1,1
- if not rs.eof then
- Response.Write "下一篇:<a href='?id="&IDmin&"&SortID="&rs("SortID")&".html'>"&rs("DownName")&"</a>"
- else
- Response.Write "下一篇:暂无下载"
- end if
- rs.close
- response.write "</td><td align='right'></td></tr>"
- response.write "<tr><td colspan='3' align='right'> <a onClick='history.go(0)'>【刷新页面】</a><a style='cursor:hand' onclick='window.external.AddFavorite(location.href,document.title);' >【加入收藏】</a><A href='javascript:window.print();'>【打印此文】</A> <a onClick='window.self.close()'>【关闭窗口】</a></td></tr>"
- end if
- response.write"</table>"
- set rs=nothing
- end function
- %>