资源名称:ext-3.1.0.zip [点击查看]
- /*!
- * Ext JS Library 3.1.0
- * Copyright(c) 2006-2009 Ext JS, LLC
- * licensing@extjs.com
- * http://www.extjs.com/license
- */
- /**
- * List compiled by mystix on the extjs.com forums.
- * Thank you Mystix!
- *
- * English (UK) Translations
- * updated to 2.2 by Condor (8 Aug 2008)
- */
- Ext.UpdateManager.defaults.indicatorText = '<div class="loading-indicator">Loading...</div>';
- if(Ext.DataView){
- Ext.DataView.prototype.emptyText = "";
- }
- if(Ext.grid.GridPanel){
- Ext.grid.GridPanel.prototype.ddText = "{0} selected row{1}";
- }
- if(Ext.LoadMask){
- Ext.LoadMask.prototype.msg = "Loading...";
- }
- Date.monthNames = [
- "January",
- "February",
- "March",
- "April",
- "May",
- "June",
- "July",
- "August",
- "September",
- "October",
- "November",
- "December"
- ];
- Date.getShortMonthName = function(month) {
- return Date.monthNames[month].substring(0, 3);
- };
- Date.monthNumbers = {
- Jan : 0,
- Feb : 1,
- Mar : 2,
- Apr : 3,
- May : 4,
- Jun : 5,
- Jul : 6,
- Aug : 7,
- Sep : 8,
- Oct : 9,
- Nov : 10,
- Dec : 11
- };
- Date.getMonthNumber = function(name) {
- return Date.monthNumbers[name.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + name.substring(1, 3).toLowerCase()];
- };
- Date.dayNames = [
- "Sunday",
- "Monday",
- "Tuesday",
- "Wednesday",
- "Thursday",
- "Friday",
- "Saturday"
- ];
- Date.getShortDayName = function(day) {
- return Date.dayNames[day].substring(0, 3);
- };
- Date.parseCodes.S.s = "(?:st|nd|rd|th)";
- if(Ext.MessageBox){
- Ext.MessageBox.buttonText = {
- ok : "OK",
- cancel : "Cancel",
- yes : "Yes",
- no : "No"
- };
- }
- if(Ext.util.Format){
- Ext.util.Format.date = function(v, format){
- if(!v) return "";
- if(!(v instanceof Date)) v = new Date(Date.parse(v));
- return v.dateFormat(format || "d/m/Y");
- };
- }
- if(Ext.DatePicker){
- Ext.apply(Ext.DatePicker.prototype, {
- todayText : "Today",
- minText : "This date is before the minimum date",
- maxText : "This date is after the maximum date",
- disabledDaysText : "",
- disabledDatesText : "",
- monthNames : Date.monthNames,
- dayNames : Date.dayNames,
- nextText : 'Next Month (Control+Right)',
- prevText : 'Previous Month (Control+Left)',
- monthYearText : 'Choose a month (Control+Up/Down to move years)',
- todayTip : "{0} (Spacebar)",
- format : "d/m/Y",
- okText : " OK ",
- cancelText : "Cancel",
- startDay : 0
- });
- }
- if(Ext.PagingToolbar){
- Ext.apply(Ext.PagingToolbar.prototype, {
- beforePageText : "Page",
- afterPageText : "of {0}",
- firstText : "First Page",
- prevText : "Previous Page",
- nextText : "Next Page",
- lastText : "Last Page",
- refreshText : "Refresh",
- displayMsg : "Displaying {0} - {1} of {2}",
- emptyMsg : 'No data to display'
- });
- }
- if(Ext.form.BasicForm){
- Ext.form.BasicForm.prototype.waitTitle = "Please Wait..."
- }
- if(Ext.form.Field){
- Ext.form.Field.prototype.invalidText = "The value in this field is invalid";
- }
- if(Ext.form.TextField){
- Ext.apply(Ext.form.TextField.prototype, {
- minLengthText : "The minimum length for this field is {0}",
- maxLengthText : "The maximum length for this field is {0}",
- blankText : "This field is required",
- regexText : "",
- emptyText : null
- });
- }
- if(Ext.form.NumberField){
- Ext.apply(Ext.form.NumberField.prototype, {
- decimalSeparator : ".",
- decimalPrecision : 2,
- minText : "The minimum value for this field is {0}",
- maxText : "The maximum value for this field is {0}",
- nanText : "{0} is not a valid number"
- });
- }
- if(Ext.form.DateField){
- Ext.apply(Ext.form.DateField.prototype, {
- disabledDaysText : "Disabled",
- disabledDatesText : "Disabled",
- minText : "The date in this field must be after {0}",
- maxText : "The date in this field must be before {0}",
- invalidText : "{0} is not a valid date - it must be in the format {1}",
- format : "d/m/y",
- altFormats : "d/m/Y|d/m/y|d-m-y|d-m-Y|d/m|d-m|dm|dmy|dmY|d|Y-m-d"
- });
- }
- if(Ext.form.ComboBox){
- Ext.apply(Ext.form.ComboBox.prototype, {
- loadingText : "Loading...",
- valueNotFoundText : undefined
- });
- }
- if(Ext.form.VTypes){
- Ext.apply(Ext.form.VTypes, {
- emailText : 'This field should be an e-mail address in the format "user@example.com"',
- urlText : 'This field should be a URL in the format "http:/'+'/www.example.com"',
- alphaText : 'This field should only contain letters and _',
- alphanumText : 'This field should only contain letters, numbers and _'
- });
- }
- if(Ext.form.HtmlEditor){
- Ext.apply(Ext.form.HtmlEditor.prototype, {
- createLinkText : 'Please enter the URL for the link:',
- buttonTips : {
- bold : {
- title: 'Bold (Ctrl+B)',
- text: 'Make the selected text bold.',
- cls: 'x-html-editor-tip'
- },
- italic : {
- title: 'Italic (Ctrl+I)',
- text: 'Make the selected text italic.',
- cls: 'x-html-editor-tip'
- },
- underline : {
- title: 'Underline (Ctrl+U)',
- text: 'Underline the selected text.',
- cls: 'x-html-editor-tip'
- },
- increasefontsize : {
- title: 'Grow Text',
- text: 'Increase the font size.',
- cls: 'x-html-editor-tip'
- },
- decreasefontsize : {
- title: 'Shrink Text',
- text: 'Decrease the font size.',
- cls: 'x-html-editor-tip'
- },
- backcolor : {
- title: 'Text Highlight Color',
- text: 'Change the background color of the selected text.',
- cls: 'x-html-editor-tip'
- },
- forecolor : {
- title: 'Font Color',
- text: 'Change the color of the selected text.',
- cls: 'x-html-editor-tip'
- },
- justifyleft : {
- title: 'Align Text Left',
- text: 'Align text to the left.',
- cls: 'x-html-editor-tip'
- },
- justifycenter : {
- title: 'Center Text',
- text: 'Center text in the editor.',
- cls: 'x-html-editor-tip'
- },
- justifyright : {
- title: 'Align Text Right',
- text: 'Align text to the right.',
- cls: 'x-html-editor-tip'
- },
- insertunorderedlist : {
- title: 'Bullet List',
- text: 'Start a bulleted list.',
- cls: 'x-html-editor-tip'
- },
- insertorderedlist : {
- title: 'Numbered List',
- text: 'Start a numbered list.',
- cls: 'x-html-editor-tip'
- },
- createlink : {
- title: 'Hyperlink',
- text: 'Make the selected text a hyperlink.',
- cls: 'x-html-editor-tip'
- },
- sourceedit : {
- title: 'Source Edit',
- text: 'Switch to source editing mode.',
- cls: 'x-html-editor-tip'
- }
- }
- });
- }
- if(Ext.grid.GridView){
- Ext.apply(Ext.grid.GridView.prototype, {
- sortAscText : "Sort Ascending",
- sortDescText : "Sort Descending",
- columnsText : "Columns"
- });
- }
- if(Ext.grid.GroupingView){
- Ext.apply(Ext.grid.GroupingView.prototype, {
- emptyGroupText : '(None)',
- groupByText : 'Group By This Field',
- showGroupsText : 'Show in Groups'
- });
- }
- if(Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel){
- Ext.apply(Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel.prototype, {
- nameText : "Name",
- valueText : "Value",
- dateFormat : "j/m/Y"
- });
- }
- if(Ext.layout.BorderLayout && Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion){
- Ext.apply(Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion.prototype, {
- splitTip : "Drag to resize.",
- collapsibleSplitTip : "Drag to resize. Double click to hide."
- });
- }
- if(Ext.form.TimeField){
- Ext.apply(Ext.form.TimeField.prototype, {
- minText : "The time in this field must be equal to or after {0}",
- maxText : "The time in this field must be equal to or before {0}",
- invalidText : "{0} is not a valid time",
- format : "g:i A",
- altFormats : "g:ia|g:iA|g:i a|g:i A|h:i|g:i|H:i|ga|ha|gA|h a|g a|g A|gi|hi|gia|hia|g|H"
- });
- }
- if(Ext.form.CheckboxGroup){
- Ext.apply(Ext.form.CheckboxGroup.prototype, {
- blankText : "You must select at least one item in this group"
- });
- }
- if(Ext.form.RadioGroup){
- Ext.apply(Ext.form.RadioGroup.prototype, {
- blankText : "You must select one item in this group"
- });
- }