资源名称 [点击查看]
- /*!
- * Ext JS Library 3.1.0
- * Copyright(c) 2006-2009 Ext JS, LLC
- *
- *
- */
- /**
- * @class Ext.form.Checkbox
- * @extends Ext.form.Field
- * Single checkbox field. Can be used as a direct replacement for traditional checkbox fields.
- * @constructor
- * Creates a new Checkbox
- * @param {Object} config Configuration options
- * @xtype checkbox
- */
- Ext.form.Checkbox = Ext.extend(Ext.form.Field, {
- /**
- * @cfg {String} focusClass The CSS class to use when the checkbox receives focus (defaults to undefined)
- */
- focusClass : undefined,
- /**
- * @cfg {String} fieldClass The default CSS class for the checkbox (defaults to 'x-form-field')
- */
- fieldClass : 'x-form-field',
- /**
- * @cfg {Boolean} checked <tt>true</tt> if the checkbox should render initially checked (defaults to <tt>false</tt>)
- */
- checked : false,
- /**
- * @cfg {String/Object} autoCreate A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to
- * {tag: 'input', type: 'checkbox', autocomplete: 'off'})
- */
- defaultAutoCreate : { tag: 'input', type: 'checkbox', autocomplete: 'off'},
- /**
- * @cfg {String} boxLabel The text that appears beside the checkbox
- */
- /**
- * @cfg {String} inputValue The value that should go into the generated input element's value attribute
- */
- /**
- * @cfg {Function} handler A function called when the {@link #checked} value changes (can be used instead of
- * handling the check event). The handler is passed the following parameters:
- * <div class="mdetail-params"><ul>
- * <li><b>checkbox</b> : Ext.form.Checkbox<div class="sub-desc">The Checkbox being toggled.</div></li>
- * <li><b>checked</b> : Boolean<div class="sub-desc">The new checked state of the checkbox.</div></li>
- * </ul></div>
- */
- /**
- * @cfg {Object} scope An object to use as the scope ('this' reference) of the {@link #handler} function
- * (defaults to this Checkbox).
- */
- // private
- actionMode : 'wrap',
- // private
- initComponent : function(){
- this.addEvents(
- /**
- * @event check
- * Fires when the checkbox is checked or unchecked.
- * @param {Ext.form.Checkbox} this This checkbox
- * @param {Boolean} checked The new checked value
- */
- 'check'
- );
- },
- // private
- onResize : function(){
- Ext.form.Checkbox.superclass.onResize.apply(this, arguments);
- if(!this.boxLabel && !this.fieldLabel){
- this.el.alignTo(this.wrap, 'c-c');
- }
- },
- // private
- initEvents : function(){
- this.mon(this.el, {
- scope: this,
- click: this.onClick,
- change: this.onClick
- });
- },
- /**
- * @hide
- * Overridden and disabled. The editor element does not support standard valid/invalid marking.
- * @method
- */
- markInvalid : Ext.emptyFn,
- /**
- * @hide
- * Overridden and disabled. The editor element does not support standard valid/invalid marking.
- * @method
- */
- clearInvalid : Ext.emptyFn,
- // private
- onRender : function(ct, position){
-, ct, position);
- if(this.inputValue !== undefined){
- this.el.dom.value = this.inputValue;
- }
- this.wrap = this.el.wrap({cls: 'x-form-check-wrap'});
- if(this.boxLabel){
- this.wrap.createChild({tag: 'label', htmlFor:, cls: 'x-form-cb-label', html: this.boxLabel});
- }
- if(this.checked){
- this.setValue(true);
- }else{
- this.checked = this.el.dom.checked;
- }
- // Need to repaint for IE, otherwise positioning is broken
- if(Ext.isIE){
- this.wrap.repaint();
- }
- this.resizeEl = this.positionEl = this.wrap;
- },
- // private
- onDestroy : function(){
- Ext.destroy(this.wrap);
- },
- // private
- initValue : function() {
- this.originalValue = this.getValue();
- },
- /**
- * Returns the checked state of the checkbox.
- * @return {Boolean} True if checked, else false
- */
- getValue : function(){
- if(this.rendered){
- return this.el.dom.checked;
- }
- return this.checked;
- },
- // private
- onClick : function(){
- if(this.el.dom.checked != this.checked){
- this.setValue(this.el.dom.checked);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Sets the checked state of the checkbox, fires the 'check' event, and calls a
- * <code>{@link #handler}</code> (if configured).
- * @param {Boolean/String} checked The following values will check the checkbox:
- * <code>true, 'true', '1', or 'on'</code>. Any other value will uncheck the checkbox.
- * @return {Ext.form.Field} this
- */
- setValue : function(v){
- var checked = this.checked ;
- this.checked = (v === true || v === 'true' || v == '1' || String(v).toLowerCase() == 'on');
- if(this.rendered){
- this.el.dom.checked = this.checked;
- this.el.dom.defaultChecked = this.checked;
- }
- if(checked != this.checked){
- this.fireEvent('check', this, this.checked);
- if(this.handler){
- || this, this, this.checked);
- }
- }
- return this;
- }
- });
- Ext.reg('checkbox', Ext.form.Checkbox);