资源名称 [点击查看]
- /*! * Ext JS Library 3.1.0 * Copyright(c) 2006-2009 Ext JS, LLC * * */ /**
- * @class Ext.ux.grid.filter.DateFilter
- * @extends Ext.ux.grid.filter.Filter
- * Filter by a configurable
- * <p><b><u>Example Usage:</u></b></p>
- * <pre><code>
- var filters = new Ext.ux.grid.GridFilters({
- ...
- filters: [{
- // required configs
- type: 'date',
- dataIndex: 'dateAdded',
- // optional configs
- dateFormat: 'm/d/Y', // default
- beforeText: 'Before', // default
- afterText: 'After', // default
- onText: 'On', // default
- pickerOpts: {
- // any DateMenu configs
- },
- active: true // default is false
- }]
- });
- * </code></pre>
- */
- Ext.ux.grid.filter.DateFilter = Ext.extend(Ext.ux.grid.filter.Filter, {
- /**
- * @cfg {String} afterText
- * Defaults to 'After'.
- */
- afterText : 'After',
- /**
- * @cfg {String} beforeText
- * Defaults to 'Before'.
- */
- beforeText : 'Before',
- /**
- * @cfg {Object} compareMap
- * Map for assigning the comparison values used in serialization.
- */
- compareMap : {
- before: 'lt',
- after: 'gt',
- on: 'eq'
- },
- /**
- * @cfg {String} dateFormat
- * The date format to return when using getValue.
- * Defaults to 'm/d/Y'.
- */
- dateFormat : 'm/d/Y',
- /**
- * @cfg {Date} maxDate
- * Allowable date as passed to the Ext.DatePicker
- * Defaults to undefined.
- */
- /**
- * @cfg {Date} minDate
- * Allowable date as passed to the Ext.DatePicker
- * Defaults to undefined.
- */
- /**
- * @cfg {Array} menuItems
- * The items to be shown in this menu
- * Defaults to:<pre>
- * menuItems : ['before', 'after', '-', 'on'],
- * </pre>
- */
- menuItems : ['before', 'after', '-', 'on'],
- /**
- * @cfg {Object} menuItemCfgs
- * Default configuration options for each menu item
- */
- menuItemCfgs : {
- selectOnFocus: true,
- width: 125
- },
- /**
- * @cfg {String} onText
- * Defaults to 'On'.
- */
- onText : 'On',
- /**
- * @cfg {Object} pickerOpts
- * Configuration options for the date picker associated with each field.
- */
- pickerOpts : {},
- /**
- * @private
- * Template method that is to initialize the filter and install required menu items.
- */
- init : function (config) {
- var menuCfg, i, len, item, cfg, Cls;
- menuCfg = Ext.apply(this.pickerOpts, {
- minDate: this.minDate,
- maxDate: this.maxDate,
- format: this.dateFormat,
- listeners: {
- scope: this,
- select: this.onMenuSelect
- }
- });
- this.fields = {};
- for (i = 0, len = this.menuItems.length; i < len; i++) {
- item = this.menuItems[i];
- if (item !== '-') {
- cfg = {
- itemId: 'range-' + item,
- text: this[item + 'Text'],
- menu: new
- Ext.apply(menuCfg, {
- itemId: item
- })
- ),
- listeners: {
- scope: this,
- checkchange: this.onCheckChange
- }
- };
- Cls =;
- item = this.fields[item] = new Cls(cfg);
- }
- //this.add(item);
- }
- },
- onCheckChange : function () {
- this.setActive(this.isActivatable());
- this.fireEvent('update', this);
- },
- /**
- * @private
- * Handler method called when there is a keyup event on an input
- * item of this menu.
- */
- onInputKeyUp : function (field, e) {
- var k = e.getKey();
- if (k == e.RETURN && field.isValid()) {
- e.stopEvent();
- return;
- }
- },
- /**
- * Handler for when the menu for a field fires the 'select' event
- * @param {Object} date
- * @param {Object} menuItem
- * @param {Object} value
- * @param {Object} picker
- */
- onMenuSelect : function (menuItem, value, picker) {
- var fields = this.fields,
- field = this.fields[menuItem.itemId];
- field.setChecked(true);
- if (field == fields.on) {
- fields.before.setChecked(false, true);
- fields.after.setChecked(false, true);
- } else {
- fields.on.setChecked(false, true);
- if (field == fields.after && < value) {
- fields.before.setChecked(false, true);
- } else if (field == fields.before && > value) {
- fields.after.setChecked(false, true);
- }
- }
- this.fireEvent('update', this);
- },
- /**
- * @private
- * Template method that is to get and return the value of the filter.
- * @return {String} The value of this filter
- */
- getValue : function () {
- var key, result = {};
- for (key in this.fields) {
- if (this.fields[key].checked) {
- result[key] = this.fields[key].menu.picker.getValue();
- }
- }
- return result;
- },
- /**
- * @private
- * Template method that is to set the value of the filter.
- * @param {Object} value The value to set the filter
- * @param {Boolean} preserve true to preserve the checked status
- * of the other fields. Defaults to false, unchecking the
- * other fields
- */
- setValue : function (value, preserve) {
- var key;
- for (key in this.fields) {
- if(value[key]){
- this.fields[key].menu.picker.setValue(value[key]);
- this.fields[key].setChecked(true);
- } else if (!preserve) {
- this.fields[key].setChecked(false);
- }
- }
- this.fireEvent('update', this);
- },
- /**
- * @private
- * Template method that is to return <tt>true</tt> if the filter
- * has enough configuration information to be activated.
- * @return {Boolean}
- */
- isActivatable : function () {
- var key;
- for (key in this.fields) {
- if (this.fields[key].checked) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- /**
- * @private
- * Template method that is to get and return serialized filter data for
- * transmission to the server.
- * @return {Object/Array} An object or collection of objects containing
- * key value pairs representing the current configuration of the filter.
- */
- getSerialArgs : function () {
- var args = [];
- for (var key in this.fields) {
- if(this.fields[key].checked){
- args.push({
- type: 'date',
- comparison: this.compareMap[key],
- value: this.getFieldValue(key).format(this.dateFormat)
- });
- }
- }
- return args;
- },
- /**
- * Get and return the date menu picker value
- * @param {String} item The field identifier ('before', 'after', 'on')
- * @return {Date} Gets the current selected value of the date field
- */
- getFieldValue : function(item){
- return this.fields[item].menu.picker.getValue();
- },
- /**
- * Gets the menu picker associated with the passed field
- * @param {String} item The field identifier ('before', 'after', 'on')
- * @return {Object} The menu picker
- */
- getPicker : function(item){
- return this.fields[item].menu.picker;
- },
- /**
- * Template method that is to validate the provided
- * against the filters configuration.
- * @param {} record The record to validate
- * @return {Boolean} true if the record is valid within the bounds
- * of the filter, false otherwise.
- */
- validateRecord : function (record) {
- var key,
- pickerValue,
- val = record.get(this.dataIndex);
- if(!Ext.isDate(val)){
- return false;
- }
- val = val.clearTime(true).getTime();
- for (key in this.fields) {
- if (this.fields[key].checked) {
- pickerValue = this.getFieldValue(key).clearTime(true).getTime();
- if (key == 'before' && pickerValue <= val) {
- return false;
- }
- if (key == 'after' && pickerValue >= val) {
- return false;
- }
- if (key == 'on' && pickerValue != val) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- });