资源名称:ext-3.1.0.zip [点击查看]
- /*! * Ext JS Library 3.1.0 * Copyright(c) 2006-2009 Ext JS, LLC * licensing@extjs.com * http://www.extjs.com/license */ Ext.ns('Ext.ux.grid');
- Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridView, {
- lockText : 'Lock',
- unlockText : 'Unlock',
- rowBorderWidth : 1,
- lockedBorderWidth : 1,
- /*
- * This option ensures that height between the rows is synchronized
- * between the locked and unlocked sides. This option only needs to be used
- * when the row heights isn't predictable.
- */
- syncHeights: false,
- initTemplates : function(){
- var ts = this.templates || {};
- if(!ts.master){
- ts.master = new Ext.Template(
- '<div class="x-grid3" hidefocus="true">',
- '<div class="x-grid3-locked">',
- '<div class="x-grid3-header"><div class="x-grid3-header-inner"><div class="x-grid3-header-offset" style="{lstyle}">{lockedHeader}</div></div><div class="x-clear"></div></div>',
- '<div class="x-grid3-scroller"><div class="x-grid3-body" style="{lstyle}">{lockedBody}</div><div class="x-grid3-scroll-spacer"></div></div>',
- '</div>',
- '<div class="x-grid3-viewport x-grid3-unlocked">',
- '<div class="x-grid3-header"><div class="x-grid3-header-inner"><div class="x-grid3-header-offset" style="{ostyle}">{header}</div></div><div class="x-clear"></div></div>',
- '<div class="x-grid3-scroller"><div class="x-grid3-body" style="{bstyle}">{body}</div><a href="#" class="x-grid3-focus" tabIndex="-1"></a></div>',
- '</div>',
- '<div class="x-grid3-resize-marker"> </div>',
- '<div class="x-grid3-resize-proxy"> </div>',
- '</div>'
- );
- }
- this.templates = ts;
- Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.initTemplates.call(this);
- },
- getEditorParent : function(ed){
- return this.el.dom;
- },
- initElements : function(){
- var E = Ext.Element;
- var el = this.grid.getGridEl().dom.firstChild;
- var cs = el.childNodes;
- this.el = new E(el);
- this.lockedWrap = new E(cs[0]);
- this.lockedHd = new E(this.lockedWrap.dom.firstChild);
- this.lockedInnerHd = this.lockedHd.dom.firstChild;
- this.lockedScroller = new E(this.lockedWrap.dom.childNodes[1]);
- this.lockedBody = new E(this.lockedScroller.dom.firstChild);
- this.mainWrap = new E(cs[1]);
- this.mainHd = new E(this.mainWrap.dom.firstChild);
- if(this.grid.hideHeaders){
- this.lockedHd.setDisplayed(false);
- this.mainHd.setDisplayed(false);
- }
- this.innerHd = this.mainHd.dom.firstChild;
- this.scroller = new E(this.mainWrap.dom.childNodes[1]);
- if(this.forceFit){
- this.scroller.setStyle('overflow-x', 'hidden');
- }
- this.mainBody = new E(this.scroller.dom.firstChild);
- this.focusEl = new E(this.scroller.dom.childNodes[1]);
- this.focusEl.swallowEvent('click', true);
- this.resizeMarker = new E(cs[2]);
- this.resizeProxy = new E(cs[3]);
- },
- getLockedRows : function(){
- return this.hasRows() ? this.lockedBody.dom.childNodes : [];
- },
- getLockedRow : function(row){
- return this.getLockedRows()[row];
- },
- getCell : function(row, col){
- var llen = this.cm.getLockedCount();
- if(col < llen){
- return this.getLockedRow(row).getElementsByTagName('td')[col];
- }
- return Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.getCell.call(this, row, col - llen);
- },
- getHeaderCell : function(index){
- var llen = this.cm.getLockedCount();
- if(index < llen){
- return this.lockedHd.dom.getElementsByTagName('td')[index];
- }
- return Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.getHeaderCell.call(this, index - llen);
- },
- addRowClass : function(row, cls){
- var r = this.getLockedRow(row);
- if(r){
- this.fly(r).addClass(cls);
- }
- Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.addRowClass.call(this, row, cls);
- },
- removeRowClass : function(row, cls){
- var r = this.getLockedRow(row);
- if(r){
- this.fly(r).removeClass(cls);
- }
- Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.removeRowClass.call(this, row, cls);
- },
- removeRow : function(row) {
- Ext.removeNode(this.getLockedRow(row));
- Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.removeRow.call(this, row);
- },
- removeRows : function(firstRow, lastRow){
- var bd = this.lockedBody.dom;
- for(var rowIndex = firstRow; rowIndex <= lastRow; rowIndex++){
- Ext.removeNode(bd.childNodes[firstRow]);
- }
- Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.removeRows.call(this, firstRow, lastRow);
- },
- syncScroll : function(e){
- var mb = this.scroller.dom;
- this.lockedScroller.dom.scrollTop = mb.scrollTop;
- Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.syncScroll.call(this, e);
- },
- updateSortIcon : function(col, dir){
- var sc = this.sortClasses,
- lhds = this.lockedHd.select('td').removeClass(sc),
- hds = this.mainHd.select('td').removeClass(sc),
- llen = this.cm.getLockedCount(),
- cls = sc[dir == 'DESC' ? 1 : 0];
- if(col < llen){
- lhds.item(col).addClass(cls);
- }else{
- hds.item(col - llen).addClass(cls);
- }
- },
- updateAllColumnWidths : function(){
- var tw = this.getTotalWidth(),
- clen = this.cm.getColumnCount(),
- lw = this.getLockedWidth(),
- llen = this.cm.getLockedCount(),
- ws = [], len, i;
- this.updateLockedWidth();
- for(i = 0; i < clen; i++){
- ws[i] = this.getColumnWidth(i);
- var hd = this.getHeaderCell(i);
- hd.style.width = ws[i];
- }
- var lns = this.getLockedRows(), ns = this.getRows(), row, trow, j;
- for(i = 0, len = ns.length; i < len; i++){
- row = lns[i];
- row.style.width = lw;
- if(row.firstChild){
- row.firstChild.style.width = lw;
- trow = row.firstChild.rows[0];
- for (j = 0; j < llen; j++) {
- trow.childNodes[j].style.width = ws[j];
- }
- }
- row = ns[i];
- row.style.width = tw;
- if(row.firstChild){
- row.firstChild.style.width = tw;
- trow = row.firstChild.rows[0];
- for (j = llen; j < clen; j++) {
- trow.childNodes[j - llen].style.width = ws[j];
- }
- }
- }
- this.onAllColumnWidthsUpdated(ws, tw);
- this.syncHeaderHeight();
- },
- updateColumnWidth : function(col, width){
- var w = this.getColumnWidth(col),
- llen = this.cm.getLockedCount(),
- ns, rw, c, row;
- this.updateLockedWidth();
- if(col < llen){
- ns = this.getLockedRows();
- rw = this.getLockedWidth();
- c = col;
- }else{
- ns = this.getRows();
- rw = this.getTotalWidth();
- c = col - llen;
- }
- var hd = this.getHeaderCell(col);
- hd.style.width = w;
- for(var i = 0, len = ns.length; i < len; i++){
- row = ns[i];
- row.style.width = rw;
- if(row.firstChild){
- row.firstChild.style.width = rw;
- row.firstChild.rows[0].childNodes[c].style.width = w;
- }
- }
- this.onColumnWidthUpdated(col, w, this.getTotalWidth());
- this.syncHeaderHeight();
- },
- updateColumnHidden : function(col, hidden){
- var llen = this.cm.getLockedCount(),
- ns, rw, c, row,
- display = hidden ? 'none' : '';
- this.updateLockedWidth();
- if(col < llen){
- ns = this.getLockedRows();
- rw = this.getLockedWidth();
- c = col;
- }else{
- ns = this.getRows();
- rw = this.getTotalWidth();
- c = col - llen;
- }
- var hd = this.getHeaderCell(col);
- hd.style.display = display;
- for(var i = 0, len = ns.length; i < len; i++){
- row = ns[i];
- row.style.width = rw;
- if(row.firstChild){
- row.firstChild.style.width = rw;
- row.firstChild.rows[0].childNodes[c].style.display = display;
- }
- }
- this.onColumnHiddenUpdated(col, hidden, this.getTotalWidth());
- delete this.lastViewWidth;
- this.layout();
- },
- doRender : function(cs, rs, ds, startRow, colCount, stripe){
- var ts = this.templates, ct = ts.cell, rt = ts.row, last = colCount-1,
- tstyle = 'width:'+this.getTotalWidth()+';',
- lstyle = 'width:'+this.getLockedWidth()+';',
- buf = [], lbuf = [], cb, lcb, c, p = {}, rp = {}, r;
- for(var j = 0, len = rs.length; j < len; j++){
- r = rs[j]; cb = []; lcb = [];
- var rowIndex = (j+startRow);
- for(var i = 0; i < colCount; i++){
- c = cs[i];
- p.id = c.id;
- p.css = (i === 0 ? 'x-grid3-cell-first ' : (i == last ? 'x-grid3-cell-last ' : '')) +
- (this.cm.config[i].cellCls ? ' ' + this.cm.config[i].cellCls : '');
- p.attr = p.cellAttr = '';
- p.value = c.renderer(r.data[c.name], p, r, rowIndex, i, ds);
- p.style = c.style;
- if(Ext.isEmpty(p.value)){
- p.value = ' ';
- }
- if(this.markDirty && r.dirty && Ext.isDefined(r.modified[c.name])){
- p.css += ' x-grid3-dirty-cell';
- }
- if(c.locked){
- lcb[lcb.length] = ct.apply(p);
- }else{
- cb[cb.length] = ct.apply(p);
- }
- }
- var alt = [];
- if(stripe && ((rowIndex+1) % 2 === 0)){
- alt[0] = 'x-grid3-row-alt';
- }
- if(r.dirty){
- alt[1] = ' x-grid3-dirty-row';
- }
- rp.cols = colCount;
- if(this.getRowClass){
- alt[2] = this.getRowClass(r, rowIndex, rp, ds);
- }
- rp.alt = alt.join(' ');
- rp.cells = cb.join('');
- rp.tstyle = tstyle;
- buf[buf.length] = rt.apply(rp);
- rp.cells = lcb.join('');
- rp.tstyle = lstyle;
- lbuf[lbuf.length] = rt.apply(rp);
- }
- return [buf.join(''), lbuf.join('')];
- },
- processRows : function(startRow, skipStripe){
- if(!this.ds || this.ds.getCount() < 1){
- return;
- }
- var rows = this.getRows(),
- lrows = this.getLockedRows(),
- row, lrow;
- skipStripe = skipStripe || !this.grid.stripeRows;
- startRow = startRow || 0;
- for(var i = 0, len = rows.length; i < len; ++i){
- row = rows[i];
- lrow = lrows[i];
- row.rowIndex = i;
- lrow.rowIndex = i;
- if(!skipStripe){
- row.className = row.className.replace(this.rowClsRe, ' ');
- lrow.className = lrow.className.replace(this.rowClsRe, ' ');
- if ((idx + 1) % 2 === 0){
- row.className += ' x-grid3-row-alt';
- lrow.className += ' x-grid3-row-alt';
- }
- }
- if(this.syncHeights){
- var el1 = Ext.get(row),
- el2 = Ext.get(lrow),
- h1 = el1.getHeight(),
- h2 = el2.getHeight();
- if(h1 > h2){
- el2.setHeight(h1);
- }else if(h2 > h1){
- el1.setHeight(h2);
- }
- }
- }
- if(startRow === 0){
- Ext.fly(rows[0]).addClass(this.firstRowCls);
- Ext.fly(lrows[0]).addClass(this.firstRowCls);
- }
- Ext.fly(rows[rows.length - 1]).addClass(this.lastRowCls);
- Ext.fly(lrows[lrows.length - 1]).addClass(this.lastRowCls);
- },
- afterRender : function(){
- if(!this.ds || !this.cm){
- return;
- }
- var bd = this.renderRows() || [' ', ' '];
- this.mainBody.dom.innerHTML = bd[0];
- this.lockedBody.dom.innerHTML = bd[1];
- this.processRows(0, true);
- if(this.deferEmptyText !== true){
- this.applyEmptyText();
- }
- },
- renderUI : function(){
- var header = this.renderHeaders();
- var body = this.templates.body.apply({rows:' '});
- var html = this.templates.master.apply({
- body: body,
- header: header[0],
- ostyle: 'width:'+this.getOffsetWidth()+';',
- bstyle: 'width:'+this.getTotalWidth()+';',
- lockedBody: body,
- lockedHeader: header[1],
- lstyle: 'width:'+this.getLockedWidth()+';'
- });
- var g = this.grid;
- g.getGridEl().dom.innerHTML = html;
- this.initElements();
- Ext.fly(this.innerHd).on('click', this.handleHdDown, this);
- Ext.fly(this.lockedInnerHd).on('click', this.handleHdDown, this);
- this.mainHd.on({
- scope: this,
- mouseover: this.handleHdOver,
- mouseout: this.handleHdOut,
- mousemove: this.handleHdMove
- });
- this.lockedHd.on({
- scope: this,
- mouseover: this.handleHdOver,
- mouseout: this.handleHdOut,
- mousemove: this.handleHdMove
- });
- this.scroller.on('scroll', this.syncScroll, this);
- if(g.enableColumnResize !== false){
- this.splitZone = new Ext.grid.GridView.SplitDragZone(g, this.mainHd.dom);
- this.splitZone.setOuterHandleElId(Ext.id(this.lockedHd.dom));
- this.splitZone.setOuterHandleElId(Ext.id(this.mainHd.dom));
- }
- if(g.enableColumnMove){
- this.columnDrag = new Ext.grid.GridView.ColumnDragZone(g, this.innerHd);
- this.columnDrag.setOuterHandleElId(Ext.id(this.lockedInnerHd));
- this.columnDrag.setOuterHandleElId(Ext.id(this.innerHd));
- this.columnDrop = new Ext.grid.HeaderDropZone(g, this.mainHd.dom);
- }
- if(g.enableHdMenu !== false){
- this.hmenu = new Ext.menu.Menu({id: g.id + '-hctx'});
- this.hmenu.add(
- {itemId: 'asc', text: this.sortAscText, cls: 'xg-hmenu-sort-asc'},
- {itemId: 'desc', text: this.sortDescText, cls: 'xg-hmenu-sort-desc'}
- );
- if(this.grid.enableColLock !== false){
- this.hmenu.add('-',
- {itemId: 'lock', text: this.lockText, cls: 'xg-hmenu-lock'},
- {itemId: 'unlock', text: this.unlockText, cls: 'xg-hmenu-unlock'}
- );
- }
- if(g.enableColumnHide !== false){
- this.colMenu = new Ext.menu.Menu({id:g.id + '-hcols-menu'});
- this.colMenu.on({
- scope: this,
- beforeshow: this.beforeColMenuShow,
- itemclick: this.handleHdMenuClick
- });
- this.hmenu.add('-', {
- itemId:'columns',
- hideOnClick: false,
- text: this.columnsText,
- menu: this.colMenu,
- iconCls: 'x-cols-icon'
- });
- }
- this.hmenu.on('itemclick', this.handleHdMenuClick, this);
- }
- if(g.trackMouseOver){
- this.mainBody.on({
- scope: this,
- mouseover: this.onRowOver,
- mouseout: this.onRowOut
- });
- this.lockedBody.on({
- scope: this,
- mouseover: this.onRowOver,
- mouseout: this.onRowOut
- });
- }
- if(g.enableDragDrop || g.enableDrag){
- this.dragZone = new Ext.grid.GridDragZone(g, {
- ddGroup : g.ddGroup || 'GridDD'
- });
- }
- this.updateHeaderSortState();
- },
- layout : function(){
- if(!this.mainBody){
- return;
- }
- var g = this.grid;
- var c = g.getGridEl();
- var csize = c.getSize(true);
- var vw = csize.width;
- if(!g.hideHeaders && (vw < 20 || csize.height < 20)){
- return;
- }
- this.syncHeaderHeight();
- if(g.autoHeight){
- this.scroller.dom.style.overflow = 'visible';
- this.lockedScroller.dom.style.overflow = 'visible';
- if(Ext.isWebKit){
- this.scroller.dom.style.position = 'static';
- this.lockedScroller.dom.style.position = 'static';
- }
- }else{
- this.el.setSize(csize.width, csize.height);
- var hdHeight = this.mainHd.getHeight();
- var vh = csize.height - (hdHeight);
- }
- this.updateLockedWidth();
- if(this.forceFit){
- if(this.lastViewWidth != vw){
- this.fitColumns(false, false);
- this.lastViewWidth = vw;
- }
- }else {
- this.autoExpand();
- this.syncHeaderScroll();
- }
- this.onLayout(vw, vh);
- },
- getOffsetWidth : function() {
- return (this.cm.getTotalWidth() - this.cm.getTotalLockedWidth() + this.getScrollOffset()) + 'px';
- },
- renderHeaders : function(){
- var cm = this.cm,
- ts = this.templates,
- ct = ts.hcell,
- cb = [], lcb = [],
- p = {},
- len = cm.getColumnCount(),
- last = len - 1;
- for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){
- p.id = cm.getColumnId(i);
- p.value = cm.getColumnHeader(i) || '';
- p.style = this.getColumnStyle(i, true);
- p.tooltip = this.getColumnTooltip(i);
- p.css = (i === 0 ? 'x-grid3-cell-first ' : (i == last ? 'x-grid3-cell-last ' : '')) +
- (cm.config[i].headerCls ? ' ' + cm.config[i].headerCls : '');
- if(cm.config[i].align == 'right'){
- p.istyle = 'padding-right:16px';
- } else {
- delete p.istyle;
- }
- if(cm.isLocked(i)){
- lcb[lcb.length] = ct.apply(p);
- }else{
- cb[cb.length] = ct.apply(p);
- }
- }
- return [ts.header.apply({cells: cb.join(''), tstyle:'width:'+this.getTotalWidth()+';'}),
- ts.header.apply({cells: lcb.join(''), tstyle:'width:'+this.getLockedWidth()+';'})];
- },
- updateHeaders : function(){
- var hd = this.renderHeaders();
- this.innerHd.firstChild.innerHTML = hd[0];
- this.innerHd.firstChild.style.width = this.getOffsetWidth();
- this.innerHd.firstChild.firstChild.style.width = this.getTotalWidth();
- this.lockedInnerHd.firstChild.innerHTML = hd[1];
- var lw = this.getLockedWidth();
- this.lockedInnerHd.firstChild.style.width = lw;
- this.lockedInnerHd.firstChild.firstChild.style.width = lw;
- },
- getResolvedXY : function(resolved){
- if(!resolved){
- return null;
- }
- var c = resolved.cell, r = resolved.row;
- return c ? Ext.fly(c).getXY() : [this.scroller.getX(), Ext.fly(r).getY()];
- },
- syncFocusEl : function(row, col, hscroll){
- Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.syncFocusEl.call(this, row, col, col < this.cm.getLockedCount() ? false : hscroll);
- },
- ensureVisible : function(row, col, hscroll){
- return Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.ensureVisible.call(this, row, col, col < this.cm.getLockedCount() ? false : hscroll);
- },
- insertRows : function(dm, firstRow, lastRow, isUpdate){
- var last = dm.getCount() - 1;
- if(!isUpdate && firstRow === 0 && lastRow >= last){
- this.refresh();
- }else{
- if(!isUpdate){
- this.fireEvent('beforerowsinserted', this, firstRow, lastRow);
- }
- var html = this.renderRows(firstRow, lastRow),
- before = this.getRow(firstRow);
- if(before){
- if(firstRow === 0){
- this.removeRowClass(0, this.firstRowCls);
- }
- Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml('beforeBegin', before, html[0]);
- before = this.getLockedRow(firstRow);
- Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml('beforeBegin', before, html[1]);
- }else{
- this.removeRowClass(last - 1, this.lastRowCls);
- Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml('beforeEnd', this.mainBody.dom, html[0]);
- Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml('beforeEnd', this.lockedBody.dom, html[1]);
- }
- if(!isUpdate){
- this.fireEvent('rowsinserted', this, firstRow, lastRow);
- this.processRows(firstRow);
- }else if(firstRow === 0 || firstRow >= last){
- this.addRowClass(firstRow, firstRow === 0 ? this.firstRowCls : this.lastRowCls);
- }
- }
- this.syncFocusEl(firstRow);
- },
- getColumnStyle : function(col, isHeader){
- var style = !isHeader ? this.cm.config[col].cellStyle || this.cm.config[col].css || '' : this.cm.config[col].headerStyle || '';
- style += 'width:'+this.getColumnWidth(col)+';';
- if(this.cm.isHidden(col)){
- style += 'display:none;';
- }
- var align = this.cm.config[col].align;
- if(align){
- style += 'text-align:'+align+';';
- }
- return style;
- },
- getLockedWidth : function() {
- return this.cm.getTotalLockedWidth() + 'px';
- },
- getTotalWidth : function() {
- return (this.cm.getTotalWidth() - this.cm.getTotalLockedWidth()) + 'px';
- },
- getColumnData : function(){
- var cs = [], cm = this.cm, colCount = cm.getColumnCount();
- for(var i = 0; i < colCount; i++){
- var name = cm.getDataIndex(i);
- cs[i] = {
- name : (!Ext.isDefined(name) ? this.ds.fields.get(i).name : name),
- renderer : cm.getRenderer(i),
- id : cm.getColumnId(i),
- style : this.getColumnStyle(i),
- locked : cm.isLocked(i)
- };
- }
- return cs;
- },
- renderBody : function(){
- var markup = this.renderRows() || [' ', ' '];
- return [this.templates.body.apply({rows: markup[0]}), this.templates.body.apply({rows: markup[1]})];
- },
- refreshRow : function(record){
- Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.refreshRow.call(this, record);
- var index = Ext.isNumber(record) ? record : this.ds.indexOf(record);
- this.getLockedRow(index).rowIndex = index;
- },
- refresh : function(headersToo){
- this.fireEvent('beforerefresh', this);
- this.grid.stopEditing(true);
- var result = this.renderBody();
- this.mainBody.update(result[0]).setWidth(this.getTotalWidth());
- this.lockedBody.update(result[1]).setWidth(this.getLockedWidth());
- if(headersToo === true){
- this.updateHeaders();
- this.updateHeaderSortState();
- }
- this.processRows(0, true);
- this.layout();
- this.applyEmptyText();
- this.fireEvent('refresh', this);
- },
- onDenyColumnLock : function(){
- },
- initData : function(ds, cm){
- if(this.cm){
- this.cm.un('columnlockchange', this.onColumnLock, this);
- }
- Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.initData.call(this, ds, cm);
- if(this.cm){
- this.cm.on('columnlockchange', this.onColumnLock, this);
- }
- },
- onColumnLock : function(){
- this.refresh(true);
- },
- handleHdMenuClick : function(item){
- var index = this.hdCtxIndex,
- cm = this.cm,
- id = item.getItemId(),
- llen = cm.getLockedCount();
- switch(id){
- case 'lock':
- if(cm.getColumnCount(true) <= llen + 1){
- this.onDenyColumnLock();
- return;
- }
- if(llen != index){
- cm.setLocked(index, true, true);
- cm.moveColumn(index, llen);
- this.grid.fireEvent('columnmove', index, llen);
- }else{
- cm.setLocked(index, true);
- }
- break;
- case 'unlock':
- if(llen - 1 != index){
- cm.setLocked(index, false, true);
- cm.moveColumn(index, llen - 1);
- this.grid.fireEvent('columnmove', index, llen - 1);
- }else{
- cm.setLocked(index, false);
- }
- break;
- default:
- return Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.handleHdMenuClick.call(this, item);
- }
- return true;
- },
- handleHdDown : function(e, t){
- Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.handleHdDown.call(this, e, t);
- if(this.grid.enableColLock !== false){
- if(Ext.fly(t).hasClass('x-grid3-hd-btn')){
- var hd = this.findHeaderCell(t),
- index = this.getCellIndex(hd),
- ms = this.hmenu.items, cm = this.cm;
- ms.get('lock').setDisabled(cm.isLocked(index));
- ms.get('unlock').setDisabled(!cm.isLocked(index));
- }
- }
- },
- syncHeaderHeight: function(){
- this.innerHd.firstChild.firstChild.style.height = 'auto';
- this.lockedInnerHd.firstChild.firstChild.style.height = 'auto';
- var hd = this.innerHd.firstChild.firstChild.offsetHeight,
- lhd = this.lockedInnerHd.firstChild.firstChild.offsetHeight,
- height = (lhd > hd ? lhd : hd) + 'px';
- this.innerHd.firstChild.firstChild.style.height = height;
- this.lockedInnerHd.firstChild.firstChild.style.height = height;
- },
- updateLockedWidth: function(){
- var lw = this.cm.getTotalLockedWidth(),
- tw = this.cm.getTotalWidth() - lw,
- csize = this.grid.getGridEl().getSize(true),
- lp = Ext.isBorderBox ? 0 : this.lockedBorderWidth,
- rp = Ext.isBorderBox ? 0 : this.rowBorderWidth,
- vw = (csize.width - lw - lp - rp) + 'px',
- so = this.getScrollOffset();
- if(!this.grid.autoHeight){
- var vh = (csize.height - this.mainHd.getHeight()) + 'px';
- this.lockedScroller.dom.style.height = vh;
- this.scroller.dom.style.height = vh;
- }
- this.lockedWrap.dom.style.width = (lw + rp) + 'px';
- this.scroller.dom.style.width = vw;
- this.mainWrap.dom.style.left = (lw + lp + rp) + 'px';
- if(this.innerHd){
- this.lockedInnerHd.firstChild.style.width = lw + 'px';
- this.lockedInnerHd.firstChild.firstChild.style.width = lw + 'px';
- this.innerHd.style.width = vw;
- this.innerHd.firstChild.style.width = (tw + rp + so) + 'px';
- this.innerHd.firstChild.firstChild.style.width = tw + 'px';
- }
- if(this.mainBody){
- this.lockedBody.dom.style.width = (lw + rp) + 'px';
- this.mainBody.dom.style.width = (tw + rp) + 'px';
- }
- }
- });
- Ext.ux.grid.LockingColumnModel = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.ColumnModel, {
- isLocked : function(colIndex){
- return this.config[colIndex].locked === true;
- },
- setLocked : function(colIndex, value, suppressEvent){
- if(this.isLocked(colIndex) == value){
- return;
- }
- this.config[colIndex].locked = value;
- if(!suppressEvent){
- this.fireEvent('columnlockchange', this, colIndex, value);
- }
- },
- getTotalLockedWidth : function(){
- var totalWidth = 0;
- for(var i = 0, len = this.config.length; i < len; i++){
- if(this.isLocked(i) && !this.isHidden(i)){
- totalWidth += this.getColumnWidth(i);
- }
- }
- return totalWidth;
- },
- getLockedCount : function(){
- for(var i = 0, len = this.config.length; i < len; i++){
- if(!this.isLocked(i)){
- return i;
- }
- }
- },
- moveColumn : function(oldIndex, newIndex){
- if(oldIndex < newIndex && this.isLocked(oldIndex) && !this.isLocked(newIndex)){
- this.setLocked(oldIndex, false, true);
- }else if(oldIndex > newIndex && !this.isLocked(oldIndex) && this.isLocked(newIndex)){
- this.setLocked(oldIndex, true, true);
- }
- Ext.ux.grid.LockingColumnModel.superclass.moveColumn.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- });