- This version of Dual Server support zone replication.
- 1. It supports Full Zone Transfer AXFR only, it does not support IXFR (incremental Zone Transfer)
- 2. When Dual Server starts, it pulls RRs from other Server (see below).
- 3. It do not send Notify message.
- 4. It supports DHCP Database replication using special DHCP INFORM message.
- 5. One Dual Server can be in Linux while other can be on Windows, it works same way.
- DNS Server loads STATIC-HOST, MX and ALIAS records and serves them. If DHCP Service is also
- enabled, thoes records are also served by DNS Server.
- How about this server going down. A secondary server is also put in service, which just backs
- up data from Primary Server and serves it if primary server is down. Secondary server should
- have exact same data and hence it pulls the whole data (all records of a Zone) from Primary
- Server and also needs to refresh its data from Primary Server, as data on Primary Server may
- change.
- Dual Server can be used as Primary Server and also Secondary Server or a Third Party Server
- can also be used as Primary or Secondary Server with Dual Server. Dual Server supports following
- arrangements:-
- 1. Dual Server with only DNS Service as Primary and Secondary Server.
- This is the simple most arragement. When primary server is started it reads ALIASes, MX and
- STATIC-HOST records from it's ini file. When Secondary Server starts, it does not read these
- entries from its' ini file, but pulls the full zone from Primary Server. Secondary Server keeps
- checking the Serial from Primary Server, using UDP SOA query, if Serial advances, full zone
- is transfered from Primary.
- If any changes are made in ini file of Primay Server, it needs to be restarted and thereafter
- Secondary Server would pull automatically all RRs from Primary, after refresh time.
- Dual Servers do not support NOTIFY.
- 2. Dual Server with DNS and DHCP as Primary Server and Dual Server with only DNS as Secondary Server
- This is the conventional arrangement.
- When Primary Server starts, it reads Hosts, MX, CNAMEs from ini file. When Secondary
- server starts/restarts, it pulls Static-Host, MX, Alises and DHCP added RRs from Primary Server.
- Secondary Server keeps updating its database through convensional refresh after refresh time.
- When any DHCP lease is added or renewed or released at Primary Server, its serial number
- advances and secondary DNS Server gets this entry when refresh takes place. Secondary
- server keeps checking the serial of primary and if it advances, full zone is refreshed at
- secondary server. Similarly changing the Static Entries at Primary Server (followed by
- restart) also advances its serial and Secondary refreshes automatically.
- 3. Dual Server with DNS and DHCP as Primary Server and third party DNS server as Secondary Server.
- This arragement too works similar to 2. Dual Server supports only full zone tranfer.
- Dual Server do not send NOTIFY message and do not send increment zone trasfer.
- The secondary server needs to pull the full zone after refresh time.
- The advantage is that all DHCP alloted RRs are also transfered with zone transfer to secondary
- server.
- 4. Dual Server as secondary server and third party server as primary server.
- This arragement too works similar to 2. However third party primary DNS Server might update its
- database through DHCP Dynamic update or some other mechanism. Secondary Dual Server would get
- updated full zone after refresh time.
- 5. Dual Server with only DHCP Service as Primary and Secondary Server.
- This arragement provide backup DHCP Server. As both the DHCP Servers are in operation, new
- lease may be alloted by any server on a Client Request. However special DHCP INFORM message
- keep the database of both servers in synch.
- When any DHCP lease is added or renewed or released by Primary Server or Secondary Server,
- the DHCP Entry is automatically duplicated in other server.
- Under this arragement, if any DHCP server goes down, other is available and will not allot
- already allotted IPs.
- 6. Dual Server with DNS and DHCP as Primary Server and Dual Server with DNS and DHCP as Secondary Server
- This is the recommended arragement.
- When Primary Server starts, it reads MX, Hosts and CNAMEs from ini file. it also pulls DHCP
- added RRs from secondary server, if secondary server is running. When Secondary server starts,
- it pulls Static-Host, MX, Alises and DHCP added RRs from Primary Server by initial zone tranfer.
- Zone transfer happens only once, when Seconadary Servers starts/restarts.
- When any DHCP lease is added or renewed or released at Primary Server or Secondary Server,
- the DHCP Entry and RR along with Serial is duplicated in other server, through unicast
- DHCP inform messases. Serial also advances on both Servers.
- This is on the assumption that only changes takes place in Zone RRs, are by DHCP server.
- Thus both servers always remains in synch.
- If any changes are manually made to ALIASs, STATIC-HOSTS or MX enties in Primary Server,
- Primary Server needs to be manually restarted and thereafter secondary server needs to be
- manually restarted. Thus these changes gets duplicated in Secondary Server.
- This arrangement provides fully synchronized fail safe duplicate DNS and DHCP Server, with
- instant replication.
- Under this arrangement, Secondary Server does not do peridical refresh, but rely on DHCP
- inform messages.
- 7. Dual Server with only DNS (or third party DNS) as Primary and Dual Server with DHCP as Seocondary.
- This arrangement is not recommeded, as Primary will not be updated of changes to Secondary
- due to DHCP changes.
- Future Releases of Dual Server may support NOTIFY and Increment Zone Transfers.