资源名称:MapModule.rar [点击查看]
- /*
- * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
- * and open the template in the editor.
- */
- package;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import java.awt.Color;
- import java.awt.Graphics;
- import java.util.Vector;
- import javax.swing.Icon;
- import javax.swing.JLabel;
- /**
- *
- * @author Administrator
- */
- public class BigMapLabel extends JLabel {
- private static final Dao dao = Dao.getInstance();
- private static final Vector<Integer> ids = new Vector();// 标记主键集
- private static final Vector<Integer> xs = new Vector();// X轴坐标集
- private static final Vector<Integer> ys = new Vector();// Y轴坐标集
- private static final Vector<String> texts = new Vector();// 标记文本集
- private static final Vector<Boolean> shows = new Vector();// 是否显示集
- private static MapProcessor mapProcessor;// 地图处理器对象
- private static int operateIndex = -1;// 操作标记点索引
- private static int stressId = -1;// 着重标记点主键
- @Override
- protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
- super.paintComponent(g);
- g.setColor(Color.ORANGE);// 设置笔触颜色
- for (int i = 0; i < texts.size(); i++) {
- int x = xs.get(i);// 标记点的X轴坐标
- int y = ys.get(i);// 标记点的Y轴坐标
- if (ids.get(i) == stressId) {// 为着重标记点
- g.setColor(Color.RED);// 修改笔触颜色
- g.fillOval(x - 5, y - 5, 10, 10);// 绘制标记点
- if (shows.get(i)) {// 如果显示标记文本
- g.drawString(texts.get(i), x + 8, y + 5);// 绘制标记文本
- }
- g.setColor(Color.ORANGE);// 还原笔触颜色
- } else {// 为普通标记点
- g.fillOval(x - 5, y - 5, 10, 10);// 绘制标记点
- if (shows.get(i)) {// 如果显示标记文本
- g.drawString(texts.get(i), x + 8, y + 5);// 绘制标记文本
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public static void addSign(int id, int x, int y, String sign, boolean show) {
- ids.add(id);
- xs.add(x);
- ys.add(y);
- texts.add(sign);
- shows.add(show);
- }
- public static void updateSign(int x, int y, String sign, boolean show) {
- xs.set(operateIndex, x);
- ys.set(operateIndex, y);
- texts.set(operateIndex, sign);
- shows.set(operateIndex, show);
- }
- public void removeSign() {
- ids.remove(operateIndex);
- xs.remove(operateIndex);
- ys.remove(operateIndex);
- texts.remove(operateIndex);
- shows.remove(operateIndex);
- }
- public void setStress(int id) {
- stressId = id;// 设置着重标记点主键
- }
- public boolean isEnteredSign(int x, int y) {
- int xDistance, yDistance;// 距标记点的距离
- for (int i = 0; i < texts.size(); i++) {
- xDistance = Math.abs(x - xs.get(i));// 计算水平距离
- yDistance = Math.abs(y - ys.get(i));// 计算垂直距离
- if (xDistance < 5 && yDistance < 5) {// 光标在该标记点之上
- operateIndex = i;// 保存该标记点的索引
- mapProcessor.rightClick(xs.get(i), ys.get(i));// 保存该标记点的坐标
- return true;// 光标在该标记点之上
- }
- }
- mapProcessor.rightClick(x, y);// 保存该标记点的坐标
- return false;// 光标未在任何标记点之上
- }
- @Override
- public void setIcon(Icon icon) {
- if (mapProcessor == null) {// 尚未获得地图处理器对象
- if (InstancePool.getMapProcessor() != null) {// 如果地图处理器对象已经创建
- mapProcessor = InstancePool.getMapProcessor();// 获得地图处理器对象
- refreshSigns();// 刷新标记
- }
- } else {// 已经获得地图处理器对象
- refreshSigns();// 刷新标记
- }
- super.setIcon(icon);
- }
- private void refreshSigns() {
- ids.clear();
- xs.clear();
- ys.clear();
- texts.clear();
- shows.clear();
- // 查询符合绘制条件的标记
- Vector signs = dao.selectShowSigns(mapProcessor.getShowCenterX(), mapProcessor.getShowCenterY(),
- mapProcessor.getCutMapWidth(), mapProcessor.getCutMapHeight(), mapProcessor.getScale());
- // 计算相对原点的坐标
- int originX = mapProcessor.getShowCenterX() - mapProcessor.getCutMapWidth() / 2;
- int originY = mapProcessor.getShowCenterY() - mapProcessor.getCutMapHeight() / 2;
- float scale = mapProcessor.getScale();
- for (int i = 0; i < signs.size(); i++) {// 遍历标记点集合
- Vector sign = (Vector) signs.get(i);// 获得标记点
- // 计算相对坐标
- int x = (Integer) sign.get(2) - originX;
- int y = (Integer) sign.get(3) - originY;
- if (scale != 0) {// 进行了缩放
- if (scale > 0) {// 放大
- x = (int) (x * scale);
- y = (int) (y * scale);
- } else {// 缩小
- x = (int) (x / -scale);
- y = (int) (y / -scale);
- }
- }
- addSign((Integer) sign.get(0), x, y, sign.get(4).toString(), ((Integer) sign.get(5) == 1 ? true : false));
- }
- }
- }