- // bmpops.cpp : implementation of the BMPFile class
- //
- // This handles the reading and writing of BMP files.
- //
- //
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "bmpfile.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- BMPFile::BMPFile()
- {
- m_errorText="OK";
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // load a .BMP file - 1,4,8,24 bit
- //
- // allocates and returns an RGB buffer containing the image.
- // modifies width and height accordingly - NULL, 0, 0 on error
- BYTE * BMPFile::LoadBMP(CString fileName,
- UINT *width,
- UINT *height)
- {
- BYTE m1,m2;
- long filesize;
- short res1,res2;
- long pixoff;
- long bmisize;
- long compression;
- unsigned long sizeimage;
- long xscale, yscale;
- long colors;
- long impcol;
- BYTE *outBuf=NULL;
- // for safety
- *width=0; *height=0;
- // init
- m_errorText="OK";
- m_bytesRead=0;
- FILE *fp;
- fp=fopen(fileName,"rb");
- if (fp==NULL) {
- CString msg;
- msg="Can't open file for reading :n"+fileName;
- m_errorText=msg;
- return NULL;
- } else {
- long rc;
- rc=fread((BYTE *)&(m1),1,1,fp); m_bytesRead+=1;
- if (rc==-1) {m_errorText="Read Error!"; fclose(fp); return NULL;}
- rc=fread((BYTE *)&(m2),1,1,fp); m_bytesRead+=1;
- if (rc==-1) m_errorText="Read Error!";
- if ((m1!='B') || (m2!='M')) {
- m_errorText="Not a valid BMP File";
- fclose(fp);
- return NULL;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // read a ton of header stuff
- rc=fread((long *)&(filesize),4,1,fp); m_bytesRead+=4;
- if (rc!=1) {m_errorText="Read Error!"; fclose(fp); return NULL;}
- rc=fread((int *)&(res1),2,1,fp); m_bytesRead+=2;
- if (rc!=1) {m_errorText="Read Error!"; fclose(fp); return NULL;}
- rc=fread((int *)&(res2),2,1,fp); m_bytesRead+=2;
- if (rc!=1) {m_errorText="Read Error!"; fclose(fp); return NULL;}
- rc=fread((long *)&(pixoff),4,1,fp); m_bytesRead+=4;
- if (rc!=1) {m_errorText="Read Error!"; fclose(fp); return NULL;}
- rc=fread((long *)&(bmisize),4,1,fp); m_bytesRead+=4;
- if (rc!=1) {m_errorText="Read Error!"; fclose(fp); return NULL;}
- rc=fread((long *)&(inBM.bmWidth),4,1,fp); m_bytesRead+=4;
- if (rc!=1) {m_errorText="Read Error!"; fclose(fp); return NULL;}
- rc=fread((long *)&(inBM.bmHeight),4,1,fp); m_bytesRead+=4;
- if (rc!=1) {m_errorText="Read Error!"; fclose(fp); return NULL;}
- rc=fread((int *)&(inBM.bmPlanes),2,1,fp); m_bytesRead+=2;
- if (rc!=1) {m_errorText="Read Error!"; fclose(fp); return NULL;}
- rc=fread((int *)&(inBM.bmBitsPixel),2,1,fp); m_bytesRead+=2;
- if (rc!=1) {m_errorText="Read Error!"; fclose(fp); return NULL;}
- rc=fread((long *)&(compression),4,1,fp); m_bytesRead+=4;
- if (rc!=1) {m_errorText="Read Error!"; fclose(fp); return NULL;}
- rc=fread((long *)&(sizeimage),4,1,fp); m_bytesRead+=4;
- if (rc!=1) {m_errorText="Read Error!"; fclose(fp); return NULL;}
- rc=fread((long *)&(xscale),4,1,fp); m_bytesRead+=4;
- if (rc!=1) {m_errorText="Read Error!"; fclose(fp); return NULL;}
- rc=fread((long *)&(yscale),4,1,fp); m_bytesRead+=4;
- if (rc!=1) {m_errorText="Read Error!"; fclose(fp); return NULL;}
- rc=fread((long *)&(colors),4,1,fp); m_bytesRead+=4;
- if (rc!=1) {m_errorText="Read Error!"; fclose(fp); return NULL;}
- rc=fread((long *)&(impcol),4,1,fp); m_bytesRead+=4;
- if (rc!=1) {m_errorText="Read Error!"; fclose(fp); return NULL;}
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // i don't do RLE files
- if (compression!=BI_RGB) {
- m_errorText="This is a compressed file.";
- fclose(fp);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (colors == 0) {
- colors = 1 << inBM.bmBitsPixel;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // read colormap
- RGBQUAD *colormap = NULL;
- switch (inBM.bmBitsPixel) {
- case 24:
- break;
- // read pallete
- case 1:
- case 4:
- case 8:
- colormap = new RGBQUAD[colors];
- if (colormap==NULL) {
- fclose(fp);
- m_errorText="Out of memory";
- return NULL;
- }
- int i;
- for (i=0;i<colors;i++) {
- BYTE r,g,b, dummy;
- rc=fread((BYTE *)&(b),1,1,fp);
- m_bytesRead++;
- if (rc!=1) {
- m_errorText="Read Error!";
- delete [] colormap;
- fclose(fp);
- return NULL;
- }
- rc=fread((BYTE *)&(g),1,1,fp);
- m_bytesRead++;
- if (rc!=1) {
- m_errorText="Read Error!";
- delete [] colormap;
- fclose(fp);
- return NULL;
- }
- rc=fread((BYTE *)&(r),1,1,fp);
- m_bytesRead++;
- if (rc!=1) {
- m_errorText="Read Error!";
- delete [] colormap;
- fclose(fp);
- return NULL;
- }
- rc=fread((BYTE *)&(dummy),1,1,fp);
- m_bytesRead++;
- if (rc!=1) {
- m_errorText="Read Error!";
- delete [] colormap;
- fclose(fp);
- return NULL;
- }
- colormap[i].rgbRed=r;
- colormap[i].rgbGreen=g;
- colormap[i].rgbBlue=b;
- }
- break;
- }
- if ((long)m_bytesRead>pixoff) {
- fclose(fp);
- m_errorText="Corrupt palette";
- delete [] colormap;
- fclose(fp);
- return NULL;
- }
- while ((long)m_bytesRead<pixoff) {
- char dummy;
- fread(&dummy,1,1,fp);
- m_bytesRead++;
- }
- int w=inBM.bmWidth;
- int h=inBM.bmHeight;
- // set the output params
- *width=w;
- *height=h;
- long row_size = w * 3;
- long bufsize = (long)w * 3 * (long)h;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // alloc our buffer
- outBuf=(BYTE *) new BYTE [bufsize];
- if (outBuf==NULL) {
- m_errorText="Memory alloc Failed";
- } else {
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // read it
- long row=0;
- long rowOffset=0;
- // read rows in reverse order
- for (row=inBM.bmHeight-1;row>=0;row--) {
- // which row are we working on?
- rowOffset=(long unsigned)row*row_size;
- if (inBM.bmBitsPixel==24) {
- for (int col=0;col<w;col++) {
- long offset = col * 3;
- char pixel[3];
- if (fread((void *)(pixel),1,3,fp)==3) {
- // we swap red and blue here
- *(outBuf + rowOffset + offset + 0)=pixel[2]; // r
- *(outBuf + rowOffset + offset + 1)=pixel[1]; // g
- *(outBuf + rowOffset + offset + 2)=pixel[0]; // b
- }
- }
- m_bytesRead+=row_size;
- // read DWORD padding
- while ((m_bytesRead-pixoff)&3) {
- char dummy;
- if (fread(&dummy,1,1,fp)!=1) {
- m_errorText="Read Error";
- delete [] outBuf;
- fclose(fp);
- return NULL;
- }
- m_bytesRead++;
- }
- } else { // 1, 4, or 8 bit image
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // pixels are packed as 1 , 4 or 8 bit vals. need to unpack them
- int bit_count = 0;
- UINT mask = (1 << inBM.bmBitsPixel) - 1;
- BYTE inbyte=0;
- for (int col=0;col<w;col++) {
- int pix=0;
- // if we need another byte
- if (bit_count <= 0) {
- bit_count = 8;
- if (fread(&inbyte,1,1,fp)!=1) {
- m_errorText="Read Error";
- delete [] outBuf;
- delete [] colormap;
- fclose(fp);
- return NULL;
- }
- m_bytesRead++;
- }
- // keep track of where we are in the bytes
- bit_count -= inBM.bmBitsPixel;
- pix = ( inbyte >> bit_count) & mask;
- // lookup the color from the colormap - stuff it in our buffer
- // swap red and blue
- *(outBuf + rowOffset + col * 3 + 2) = colormap[pix].rgbBlue;
- *(outBuf + rowOffset + col * 3 + 1) = colormap[pix].rgbGreen;
- *(outBuf + rowOffset + col * 3 + 0) = colormap[pix].rgbRed;
- }
- // read DWORD padding
- while ((m_bytesRead-pixoff)&3) {
- char dummy;
- if (fread(&dummy,1,1,fp)!=1) {
- m_errorText="Read Error";
- delete [] outBuf;
- if (colormap)
- delete [] colormap;
- fclose(fp);
- return NULL;
- }
- m_bytesRead++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (colormap) {
- delete [] colormap;
- }
- fclose(fp);
- }
- return outBuf;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // write a 24-bit BMP file
- //
- // image MUST be a packed buffer (not DWORD-aligned)
- // image MUST be vertically flipped !
- // image MUST be BGR, not RGB !
- //
- void BMPFile::SaveBMP(CString fileName, // output path
- BYTE * buf, // BGR buffer
- UINT width, // pixels
- UINT height)
- {
- short res1=0;
- short res2=0;
- long pixoff=54;
- long compression=0;
- long cmpsize=0;
- long colors=0;
- long impcol=0;
- char m1='B';
- char m2='M';
- m_errorText="OK";
- DWORD widthDW = WIDTHBYTES(width * 24);
- long bmfsize=sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) +
- widthDW * height;
- long byteswritten=0;
- header.biSize=40; // header size
- header.biWidth=width;
- header.biHeight=height;
- header.biPlanes=1;
- header.biBitCount=24; // RGB encoded, 24 bit
- header.biCompression=BI_RGB; // no compression
- header.biSizeImage=0;
- header.biXPelsPerMeter=0;
- header.biYPelsPerMeter=0;
- header.biClrUsed=0;
- header.biClrImportant=0;
- FILE *fp;
- fp=fopen(fileName,"wb");
- if (fp==NULL) {
- m_errorText="Can't open file for writing";
- return;
- }
- // should probably check for write errors here...
- fwrite((BYTE *)&(m1),1,1,fp); byteswritten+=1;
- fwrite((BYTE *)&(m2),1,1,fp); byteswritten+=1;
- fwrite((long *)&(bmfsize),4,1,fp); byteswritten+=4;
- fwrite((int *)&(res1),2,1,fp); byteswritten+=2;
- fwrite((int *)&(res2),2,1,fp); byteswritten+=2;
- fwrite((long *)&(pixoff),4,1,fp); byteswritten+=4;
- fwrite((BITMAPINFOHEADER *)&header,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER),1,fp);
- byteswritten+=sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- long row=0;
- long rowidx;
- long row_size;
- row_size=header.biWidth*3;
- long rc;
- for (row=0;row<header.biHeight;row++) {
- rowidx=(long unsigned)row*row_size;
- // write a row
- rc=fwrite((void *)(buf+rowidx),row_size,1,fp);
- if (rc!=1) {
- m_errorText="fwrite errornGiving up";
- break;
- }
- byteswritten+=row_size;
- // pad to DWORD
- for (DWORD count=row_size;count<widthDW;count++) {
- char dummy=0;
- fwrite(&dummy,1,1,fp);
- byteswritten++;
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // 1,4,8 bit BMP stuff
- //
- // if you have a color-mapped image and a color map...
- //
- // the BMP saving code in SaveColorMappedBMP modified from Programming
- // for Graphics Files in C and C++, by John Levine.
- void BMPFile::SaveBMP(CString fileName, // output path
- BYTE * colormappedbuffer, // one BYTE per pixel colomapped image
- UINT width,
- UINT height,
- int bitsperpixel, // 1, 4, 8
- int colors, // number of colors (number of RGBQUADs)
- RGBQUAD *colormap) // array of RGBQUADs
- {
- int datasize, cmapsize, byteswritten, row, col;
- m_errorText="OK";
- if (bitsperpixel == 24) {
- // the routines could be combined, but i don't feel like it
- m_errorText="We don't do 24-bit files in here, sorry";
- return;
- } else
- cmapsize = colors * 4;
- datasize = BMP_PIXELSIZE(width, height, bitsperpixel);
- long filesize = BMP_HEADERSIZE + cmapsize + datasize;
- int res1, res2;
- res1 = res2 = 0;
- long pixeloffset = BMP_HEADERSIZE + cmapsize;
- int bmisize = 40;
- long cols = width;
- long rows = height;
- WORD planes = 1;
- long compression =0;
- long cmpsize = datasize;
- long xscale = 0;
- long yscale = 0;
- long impcolors = colors;
- FILE *fp;
- fp = fopen(fileName, "wb");
- if (fp==NULL) {
- m_errorText="Can't Open";
- return;
- }
- char bm[2];
- bm[0]='B';
- bm[1]='M';
- // header stuff
- bmfh.bfType=*(WORD *)&bm;
- bmfh.bfSize= filesize;
- bmfh.bfReserved1=0;
- bmfh.bfReserved2=0;
- bmfh.bfOffBits=pixeloffset;
- fwrite(&bmfh, sizeof (BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, fp);
- bmih.biSize = bmisize;
- bmih.biWidth = cols;
- bmih.biHeight = rows;
- bmih.biPlanes = planes;
- bmih.biBitCount =bitsperpixel;
- bmih.biCompression = compression;
- bmih.biSizeImage = cmpsize;
- bmih.biXPelsPerMeter = xscale;
- bmih.biYPelsPerMeter = yscale;
- bmih.biClrUsed = colors;
- bmih.biClrImportant = impcolors;
- fwrite(&bmih, sizeof (BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, fp);
- if (cmapsize) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i< colors; i++) {
- putc(colormap[i].rgbRed, fp);
- putc(colormap[i].rgbGreen, fp);
- putc(colormap[i].rgbBlue, fp);
- putc(0, fp); // dummy
- }
- }
- byteswritten = BMP_HEADERSIZE + cmapsize;
- for (row = 0; row< (int)height; row++) {
- int pixbuf;
- int nbits = 0;
- for (col =0 ; col < (int)width; col++) {
- int offset = row * width + col; // offset into our color-mapped RGB buffer
- BYTE pval = *(colormappedbuffer + offset);
- pixbuf = (pixbuf << bitsperpixel) | pval;
- nbits += bitsperpixel;
- if (nbits > 8) {
- m_errorText="Error : nBits > 8????";
- fclose(fp);
- return;
- }
- if (nbits == 8) {
- putc(pixbuf, fp);
- pixbuf=0;
- nbits=0;
- byteswritten++;
- }
- } // cols
- if (nbits > 0) {
- putc(pixbuf, fp); // write partially filled byte
- byteswritten++;
- }
- // DWORD align
- while ((byteswritten -pixeloffset) & 3) {
- putc(0, fp);
- byteswritten++;
- }
- } //rows
- if (byteswritten!=filesize) {
- m_errorText="byteswritten != filesize";
- }
- fclose(fp);
- }