- /*++
- Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Microsoft Corporation
- All Rights Reserved
- Abstract:
- Routines to facilitate printing of text jobs.
- --*/
- #include "local.h"
- #define FLAG_CR_STATE 0x1
- #define FLAG_TAB_STATE 0x2
- #define FLAG_DBCS_SPLIT 0x8
- #define FLAG_FF 0x10
- #define FLAG_LF 0x20
- #define FLAG_CR 0x40
- #define FLAG_TRANSLATE_LF 0x80
- #define FLAG_TRANSLATE_CR 0x100
- const WCHAR gszNoTranslateCRLF[] = L"Winprint_TextNoTranslation";
- const WCHAR gszNoTranslateCR[] = L"Winprint_TextNoCRTranslation";
- /** Prototypes for functions in this file **/
- GetTabbedLineFromBuffer(
- IN PBYTE pSrcBuffer,
- IN PBYTE pSrcBufferEnd,
- IN PBYTE pDestBuffer,
- IN ULONG CharsPerLine,
- IN ULONG TabExpansionSize,
- IN ULONG Encoding,
- IN OUT PULONG pLength,
- IN OUT PDWORD pfdwFlags
- );
- /*++
- *******************************************************************
- P r i n t T e x t J o b
- Routine Description:
- Prints a text data job.
- Arguments:
- pData => Data structure for this job
- pDocumentName => Name of this document
- Return Value:
- TRUE if successful
- FALSE if failed - GetLastError() will return reason.
- *******************************************************************
- --*/
- PrintTextJob(
- IN LPWSTR pDocumentName)
- {
- DOCINFO DocInfo;
- LOGFONT LogFont;
- HFONT hOldFont, hFont;
- DWORD Copies;
- BOOL rc;
- DWORD NoRead;
- DWORD CurrentLine;
- DWORD CurrentCol;
- HANDLE hPrinter = NULL;
- BYTE pReadBufferStart[READ_BUFFER_SIZE];
- PBYTE pLineBuffer = NULL;
- PBYTE pReadBuffer = NULL;
- PBYTE pReadBufferEnd = NULL;
- ULONG CharHeight, CharWidth, CharsPerLine, LinesPerPage;
- ULONG PageWidth, PageHeight;
- ULONG Length, TabBase;
- BOOL ReadAll;
- DWORD fdwFlags;
- DWORD Encoding;
- DWORD SplitSize;
- BOOL ReturnValue = FALSE;
- BOOL bAbortDoc = FALSE;
- DWORD dwNeeded;
- DWORD dwNoTranslate;
- DWORD dwNoTranslateCR;
- DocInfo.lpszDocName = pData->pDocument; /* Document name */
- DocInfo.lpszOutput = NULL; /* Output file */
- DocInfo.lpszDatatype = NULL; /* Datatype */
- DocInfo.cbSize = sizeof(DOCINFO); /* Size of the structure */
- //
- // Go figure out the size of the form on the printer. We do this
- // by calling GetTextMetrics, which gives us the font size of the
- // printer font, then getting the form size and calculating the
- // number of characters that will fit. In other cases we treat it as ANSI text.
- // Currently the codepage context is fixed to the system default codepage.
- //
- Encoding = GetACP();
- //
- // Create FIXED PITCH font and select
- //
- hOldFont = 0;
- ZeroMemory(&CharSetInfo, sizeof(CHARSETINFO));
- if (TranslateCharsetInfo((PDWORD)Encoding, &CharSetInfo, TCI_SRCCODEPAGE))
- {
- ZeroMemory(&LogFont, sizeof(LOGFONT));
- LogFont.lfWeight = 400;
- LogFont.lfCharSet = (BYTE)CharSetInfo.ciCharset;
- LogFont.lfPitchAndFamily = FIXED_PITCH;
- hFont = CreateFontIndirect(&LogFont);
- hOldFont = SelectObject(pData->hDC, hFont);
- }
- if (!GetTextMetrics(pData->hDC, &tm)) {
- // Essential text processing computation failed
- goto Done;
- }
- CharHeight = tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading;
- CharWidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
- if (!CharWidth || !CharHeight) {
- // Essential text processing computation failed
- goto Done;
- }
- //
- // Calculate most fittable characters' number to one line.
- //
- PageWidth = GetDeviceCaps(pData->hDC, DESKTOPHORZRES);
- PageHeight = GetDeviceCaps(pData->hDC, DESKTOPVERTRES);
- CharsPerLine = PageWidth / CharWidth;
- LinesPerPage = PageHeight / CharHeight;
- if (!CharsPerLine || !LinesPerPage) {
- // Essential text processing computation failed
- goto Done;
- }
- /** Allocate a buffer for one line of text **/
- pLineBuffer = AllocSplMem(CharsPerLine + 5);
- if (!pLineBuffer) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- /** Let the printer know we are starting a new document **/
- if (!StartDoc(pData->hDC, (LPDOCINFO)&DocInfo)) {
- goto Done;
- }
- /** Print the data pData->Copies times **/
- Copies = pData->Copies;
- while (Copies--) {
- /**
- Loop, getting data and sending it to the printer. This also
- takes care of pausing and cancelling print jobs by checking
- the processor's status flags while printing. The way we do
- this is to read in some data from the printer. We will then
- pull data, one tabbed line at a time from there and print
- it. If the last bit of data in the buffer does not make up
- a whole line, we call GetTabbedLineFromBuffer() with a non-
- zero Length, which indicates that there are chars left
- from the previous read.
- **/
- TabBase = 0;
- Length = 0;
- CurrentLine = 0;
- CurrentCol = 0;
- /**
- Open the printer. If it fails, return. This also sets up the
- pointer for the ReadPrinter calls.
- **/
- if (!OpenPrinter(pDocumentName, &hPrinter, NULL)) {
- hPrinter = NULL;
- bAbortDoc = TRUE;
- goto Done;
- }
- //
- // Call GetPrinterData to see if the queue wants no LF/CR processing.
- //
- if( GetPrinterData( hPrinter,
- (LPWSTR)gszNoTranslateCRLF,
- (PBYTE)&dwNoTranslate,
- sizeof( dwNoTranslate ),
- &dwNeeded ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ){
- if( dwNoTranslate ){
- }
- }
- //
- // Call GetPrinterData to see if the queue wants no CR processing.
- //
- if( GetPrinterData( hPrinter,
- (LPWSTR)gszNoTranslateCR,
- (PBYTE)&dwNoTranslateCR,
- sizeof( dwNoTranslateCR ),
- &dwNeeded ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ){
- if( dwNoTranslateCR ){
- fdwFlags &= ~FLAG_TRANSLATE_CR;
- }
- }
- if (StartPage(pData->hDC) == SP_ERROR) {
- bAbortDoc = TRUE;
- goto Done;
- }
- /** ReadAll indicates if we are on the last line of the file **/
- ReadAll = FALSE;
- /**
- This next do loop continues until we have read all of the
- data for the print job.
- **/
- do {
- if (fdwFlags & FLAG_DBCS_SPLIT) {
- SplitSize = (DWORD)(pReadBufferEnd - pReadBuffer);
- memcpy(pReadBufferStart, pReadBuffer, SplitSize);
- fdwFlags &= ~FLAG_DBCS_SPLIT;
- }
- else {
- SplitSize = 0;
- }
- rc = ReadPrinter(hPrinter,
- (pReadBufferStart + SplitSize),
- (READ_BUFFER_SIZE - SplitSize),
- &NoRead);
- if (!rc || !NoRead) {
- ReadAll = TRUE;
- } else {
- /** Pick up a pointer to the end of the data **/
- pReadBuffer = pReadBufferStart;
- pReadBufferEnd = pReadBufferStart + SplitSize + NoRead;
- }
- /**
- This loop will process all the data that we have
- just read from the printer.
- **/
- do {
- if (!ReadAll) {
- /**
- Length on entry holds the length of any
- residual chars from the last line that we couldn't
- print out because we ran out of characters on
- the ReadPrinter buffer.
- **/
- pReadBuffer = GetTabbedLineFromBuffer(
- pReadBuffer,
- pReadBufferEnd,
- pLineBuffer,
- CharsPerLine - CurrentCol,
- pData->TabSize,
- Encoding,
- &Length,
- &TabBase,
- &fdwFlags );
- /**
- If pReadBuffer == NULL, then we have
- exhausted the read buffer and we need to ReadPrinter
- again and save the last line chars. Length holds
- the number of characters on this partial line,
- so the next time we call ReadPrinter we will
- pickup where we left off.
- The only time we'll get residual chars is if:
- 1. The last line ends w/o ff/lf/cr ("HelloEOF")
- In this case we should TextOutA the last line
- and then quit.
- (In this case, don't break here; go ahead and
- print, then we'll break out below in the do..while.)
- 2. The ReadPrinter last byte is in the middle of a line.
- Here we should read the next chunk and add the
- new characters at the end of the chars we just read.
- (In this case, we should break and leave Length
- as it is so we will read again and append to the
- buffer, beginning at Length.)
- **/
- if (!pReadBuffer || (fdwFlags & FLAG_DBCS_SPLIT))
- break;
- }
- /** If the print processor is paused, wait for it to be resumed **/
- if (pData->fsStatus & PRINTPROCESSOR_PAUSED) {
- WaitForSingleObject(pData->semPaused, INFINITE);
- }
- /** If the job has been aborted, clean up and leave **/
- if (pData->fsStatus & PRINTPROCESSOR_ABORTED) {
- ReturnValue = TRUE;
- bAbortDoc = TRUE;
- goto Done;
- }
- /** Write the data to the printer **/
- /** Make sure Length is not zero **/
- /** TextOut will fail if Length == 0 **/
- if (Length) {
- /**
- We may have a number of newlines pending, that
- may push us to the next page (or even next-next
- page).
- **/
- while (CurrentLine >= LinesPerPage) {
- /**
- We need a new page; always defer this to the
- last second to prevent extra pages from coming out.
- **/
- if (EndPage(pData->hDC) == SP_ERROR ||
- StartPage(pData->hDC) == SP_ERROR) {
- bAbortDoc = TRUE;
- goto Done;
- }
- CurrentLine -= LinesPerPage;
- }
- if (TextOutA(pData->hDC,
- CurrentCol * CharWidth,
- CurrentLine * CharHeight,
- pLineBuffer,
- Length) == FALSE) {
- ODS(("TextOut() failedn"));
- bAbortDoc = TRUE;
- goto Done;
- }
- CurrentCol += Length;
- }
- /**
- Even if the length is zero, increment the line.
- Should happen when the character is only 0x0D or 0x0A.
- **/
- if (fdwFlags & FLAG_CR) {
- CurrentCol=0;
- fdwFlags &= ~FLAG_CR;
- }
- if (fdwFlags & FLAG_LF) {
- CurrentLine++;
- fdwFlags &= ~FLAG_LF;
- }
- /**
- We need a new page. Set the current line to the
- end of the page. We could do a End/StartPage
- sequence, but this may cause a blank page to get
- ejected.
- Note: this code will avoid printing out pages that
- consist of formfeeds only (if you have a page with a
- space in it, that counts as text).
- **/
- if (fdwFlags & FLAG_FF) {
- CurrentLine = LinesPerPage;
- CurrentCol = 0;
- fdwFlags &= ~FLAG_FF;
- }
- /**
- We have done the text out, so these characters have
- been successfully printed. Zero out Length
- so these characters won't be printed again
- **/
- Length = 0;
- /**
- We only terminate this loop if we run out of chars
- or we run out of read buffer.
- **/
- } while (pReadBuffer && pReadBuffer != pReadBufferEnd);
- /** Keep going until we get the last line **/
- } while (!ReadAll);
- if (EndPage(pData->hDC) == SP_ERROR) {
- bAbortDoc = TRUE;
- goto Done;
- }
- /**
- Close the printer - we open/close the printer for each
- copy so the data pointer will rewind.
- **/
- ClosePrinter(hPrinter);
- hPrinter = NULL;
- } /* While copies to print */
- /** Let the printer know that we are done printing **/
- EndDoc(pData->hDC);
- ReturnValue = TRUE;
- Done:
- if (hPrinter)
- ClosePrinter(hPrinter);
- if (bAbortDoc)
- AbortDoc(pData->hDC);
- if (pLineBuffer)
- FreeSplMem(pLineBuffer);
- if (hOldFont)
- {
- SelectObject(pData->hDC, hOldFont);
- DeleteObject(hFont);
- }
- return ReturnValue;
- }
- /*++
- *******************************************************************
- G e t T a b b e d L i n e F r o m B u f f e r
- Routine Description:
- This routine, given a buffer of text, will pull out a
- line of tab-expanded text. This is used for tab
- expansion of text data jobs.
- Arguments:
- pSrcBuffer => Start of source buffer.
- pSrcBufferEnd => End of source buffer
- pDestBuffer => Start of destination buffer
- CharsPerLine => Number of characters on a line
- TabExpansionSize=> Number of spaces in a tab
- Encoding => Code page
- pLength => Length of chars from prev line, rets current
- pTabBase => New 0 offset for tabbing
- pfdwFlags => State
- Return Value:
- PBYTE => Place left off in the source buffer. This should
- be passed in on the next call. If we ran out of
- data in the source, this will be unchanged.
- *******************************************************************
- --*/
- GetTabbedLineFromBuffer(
- IN PBYTE pSrcBuffer,
- IN PBYTE pSrcBufferEnd,
- IN PBYTE pDestBuffer,
- IN ULONG CharsPerLine,
- IN ULONG TabExpansionSize,
- IN ULONG Encoding,
- IN OUT PULONG pLength,
- IN OUT PDWORD pfdwFlags
- )
- {
- ULONG current_pos;
- ULONG expand, i;
- ULONG TabBase = *pTabBase;
- ULONG TabBaseLeft = TabExpansionSize-TabBase;
- PBYTE pDestBufferEnd = pDestBuffer + CharsPerLine;
- /**
- If the tab pushed us past the end of the last line, then we need to
- add it back to the next one.
- **/
- if (TabBase && ( *pfdwFlags & FLAG_TAB_STATE )) {
- current_pos = 0;
- i=TabBase;
- while (i-- && (pDestBuffer < pDestBufferEnd)) {
- *pDestBuffer++ = ' ';
- current_pos++;
- }
- /**
- If we ran out of room again, return. This means that
- the tab expansion size is greater than we can fit on
- one line.
- **/
- if (pDestBuffer >= pDestBufferEnd) {
- *pLength = current_pos;
- pTabBase -= CharsPerLine;
- //
- // We need to move to the next line.
- //
- *pfdwFlags |= FLAG_LF | FLAG_CR;
- return pSrcBuffer;
- }
- *pfdwFlags &= ~FLAG_TAB_STATE;
- } else {
- /** We may have some chars from the previous ReadPrinter **/
- current_pos = *pLength;
- pDestBuffer += current_pos;
- }
- while (pSrcBuffer < pSrcBufferEnd) {
- /** Now process other chars **/
- switch (*pSrcBuffer) {
- case 0x0C:
- /** Found a FF. Quit and indicate we need to start a new page **/
- *pTabBase = 0;
- *pfdwFlags |= FLAG_FF;
- *pfdwFlags &= ~FLAG_CR_STATE;
- pSrcBuffer++;
- break;
- case 't':
- *pfdwFlags &= ~FLAG_CR_STATE;
- /**
- Handle TAB case. If we are really out of buffer,
- then defer now so that the tab will be saved for
- the next line.
- **/
- if (pDestBuffer >= pDestBufferEnd) {
- goto ShiftTab;
- }
- pSrcBuffer++;
- /** Figure out how far to expand the tabs **/
- expand = TabExpansionSize -
- (current_pos + TabBaseLeft) % TabExpansionSize;
- /** Expand the tabs **/
- for (i = 0; (i < expand) && (pDestBuffer < pDestBufferEnd); i++) {
- *pDestBuffer++ = ' ';
- }
- /**
- If we reached the end of our dest buffer,
- return and set the number of spaces we have left.
- **/
- if (pDestBuffer >= pDestBufferEnd) {
- *pfdwFlags |= FLAG_TAB_STATE;
- goto ShiftTab;
- }
- /** Update our position counter **/
- current_pos += expand;
- continue;
- case 0x0A:
- pSrcBuffer++;
- /** If the last char was a CR, ignore this guy **/
- if (*pfdwFlags & FLAG_CR_STATE) {
- *pfdwFlags &= ~FLAG_CR_STATE;
- //
- // We are translating CRLF, so if we saw a CR
- // immediately before this, then don't do anything.
- //
- continue;
- }
- if( *pfdwFlags & FLAG_TRANSLATE_LF ){
- //
- // If we are translating, then treat a LF as a CRLF pair.
- //
- *pfdwFlags |= FLAG_LF | FLAG_CR;
- /** Found a linefeed. That's it for this line. **/
- *pTabBase = 0;
- } else {
- *pfdwFlags |= FLAG_LF;
- }
- break;
- case 0x0D:
- /** Found a carriage return. That's it for this line. **/
- *pTabBase = 0;
- pSrcBuffer++;
- if (*pfdwFlags & FLAG_TRANSLATE_CR) {
- //
- // If we are translating CRLF, then make the newline
- // occur now. This handles the case where we have a
- // CR all by itself. Also set the CR flag so if there
- // happens to be a LF immediately after this, we don't
- // move down another line.
- //
- *pfdwFlags |= FLAG_CR_STATE | FLAG_LF | FLAG_CR;
- } else {
- *pfdwFlags |= FLAG_CR;
- }
- break;
- default:
- /** Not tab or carriage return, must be simply data **/
- *pfdwFlags &= ~FLAG_CR_STATE;
- //
- // We always check before we are adding a character
- // (instead of after) since we may be at the end of a line,
- // but we can still process chars like 0x0d 0x0a.
- // This happens in MS-DOS printscreen.
- //
- if (pDestBuffer >= pDestBufferEnd ||
- (pDestBuffer + 1 >= pDestBufferEnd) &&
- IsDBCSLeadByteEx(Encoding, *pSrcBuffer)) {
- ShiftTab:
- //
- // We must shift the tab over since we are on the
- // same line.
- //
- *pTabBase = (*pTabBase + TabExpansionSize -
- (CharsPerLine % TabExpansionSize))
- % TabExpansionSize;
- *pfdwFlags |= FLAG_LF | FLAG_CR;
- break;
- }
- if (IsDBCSLeadByteEx(Encoding, *pSrcBuffer)) {
- // Check if we have trail byte also.
- if (pSrcBuffer + 1 >= pSrcBufferEnd) {
- *pfdwFlags |= FLAG_DBCS_SPLIT;
- break;
- }
- // Advance source pointer (for lead byte).
- *pDestBuffer++ = *pSrcBuffer++;
- current_pos++;
- }
- *pDestBuffer++ = *pSrcBuffer++;
- current_pos++;
- continue;
- }
- *pLength = current_pos;
- return pSrcBuffer;
- }
- /** We ran out of source buffer before getting to the EOL **/
- *pLength = current_pos;
- return NULL;
- }