资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- @Abstract(Text markup unit)
- (C) 2006 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze. <a href=""></a> <br>
- The source code may be used under either MPL 1.1 or LGPL 2.1 license. See included license.txt file <br>
- Unit contains text markup base class and simple markup language implementation class
- *)
- {$Include}
- unit Markup;
- interface
- uses TextFile, BaseTypes, Basics, BaseGraph;
- const
- // Align modes
- amLeft = 0; amCenter = 1; amRight = 2; amJustify = 3;
- type
- TName = string[128];
- TTag = class
- Position: Integer;
- constructor Create(APosition: Integer);
- end;
- TColorTag = class(TTag)
- Color: BaseTypes.TColor;
- constructor Create(APosition: Integer; AColor: BaseTypes.TColor);
- end;
- TAlphaColorTag = class(TColorTag)
- end;
- TColorResetTag = class(TTag)
- end;
- TFontStyleTag = class(TTag)
- Kind, Amount: Word;
- constructor Create(APosition: Integer; AKind, AAmount: Word);
- end;
- TIndentTag = class(TTag)
- Amount: Integer;
- constructor Create(APosition: Integer; AAmount: Integer);
- end;
- TReturnTag = class(TTag)
- end;
- TMoveToTag = class(TTag)
- X, Y: Single;
- constructor Create(APosition: Integer; AX, AY: Single);
- end;
- TAlignTag = class(TTag)
- Align: Integer;
- constructor Create(APosition: Integer; AAlign: Integer);
- end;
- TLinkTag = class(TTag)
- Name: TName;
- constructor Create(APosition: Integer; const AName: string);
- end;
- TTags = array of TTag;
- TMarkup = class
- protected
- FPureText, FText: string;
- FTotalTags: Integer;
- procedure ParseFormatting; virtual;
- private
- Parsed: Boolean;
- FTags: TTags;
- procedure AddTag(const Tag: TTag);
- procedure InsertTag(Pos: Integer; const Tag: TTag);
- procedure SetFText(const Value: string); virtual;
- function GetPureText: string;
- function GetTag(Index: Integer): TTag;
- public
- DefaultFont: TFont;
- DefaultWidth: Single;
- SeparatorChars, InvisibleChars: string;
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Invalidate;
- property FormattedText: string read FText write SetFText;
- property PureText: string read GetPureText;
- property Tags[Index: Integer]: TTag read GetTag;
- property TotalTags: Integer read FTotalTags;
- end;
- TSimpleMarkup = class(TMarkup)
- protected
- procedure ParseFormatting; override;
- end;
- implementation
- uses SysUtils;
- { TTag }
- constructor TTag.Create(APosition: Integer);
- begin
- Assert(APosition >= 0, ClassName + '.Create: Position is negative');
- Position := APosition;
- end;
- { TColorTag }
- constructor TColorTag.Create(APosition: Integer; AColor: BaseTypes.TColor);
- begin
- inherited Create(APosition);
- Color := AColor;
- end;
- { TFontStyleTag }
- constructor TFontStyleTag.Create(APosition: Integer; AKind, AAmount: Word);
- begin
- inherited Create(APosition);
- Kind := AKind; Amount := AAmount;
- end;
- { TIndentTag }
- constructor TIndentTag.Create(APosition: Integer; AAmount: Integer);
- begin
- inherited Create(APosition);
- Amount := AAmount;
- end;
- { TMoveToTag }
- constructor TMoveToTag.Create(APosition: Integer; AX, AY: Single);
- begin
- inherited Create(APosition);
- X := AX;
- Y := AY;
- end;
- { TAlignTag }
- constructor TAlignTag.Create(APosition: Integer; AAlign: Integer);
- begin
- inherited Create(APosition);
- Align := AAlign;
- end;
- { TLinkTag }
- constructor TLinkTag.Create(APosition: Integer; const AName: string);
- begin
- inherited Create(APosition);
- Name := AName;
- end;
- { TMarkup }
- procedure TMarkup.ParseFormatting;
- begin
- FTotalTags := 0;
- SetLength(FTags, 0);
- end;
- procedure TMarkup.AddTag(const Tag: TTag);
- begin
- Inc(FTotalTags); SetLength(FTags, FTotalTags);
- FTags[TotalTags-1] := Tag;
- end;
- procedure TMarkup.InsertTag(Pos: Integer; const Tag: TTag);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- AddTag(Tag);
- for i := FTotalTags-2 downto Pos do FTags[i+1] := FTags[i];
- FTags[Pos] := Tag;
- end;
- procedure TMarkup.SetFText(const Value: string);
- begin
- if Value = FText then Exit;
- FText := Value;
- Parsed := False;
- end;
- function TMarkup.GetPureText: string;
- begin
- if not Parsed then ParseFormatting;
- Result := FPureText;
- end;
- function TMarkup.GetTag(Index: Integer): TTag;
- begin
- if not Parsed then ParseFormatting;
- Result := FTags[Index];
- end;
- constructor TMarkup.Create;
- begin
- SeparatorChars := ' +-*/<>.,'#10#13;
- InvisibleChars := ' -'#10#13;
- end;
- destructor TMarkup.Destroy;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to FTotalTags-1 do FreeAndNil(FTags[i]);
- FTotalTags := 0;
- FTags := nil;
- FText := ''; FPureText := '';
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TMarkup.Invalidate;
- begin
- Parsed := False;
- end;
- { TSimpleMarkup }
- procedure TSimpleMarkup.ParseFormatting;
- // Syntax: "["<Command>[nn]"]"
- const
- sNone = 0; sBeginCmd = 1;
- OpenBracket = '['; CloseBracket = ']';
- amLeft = 0; amCenter = 1; amRight = 2; amJustify = 3;
- var
- i, PureLength: Integer;
- Argument: string;
- Command: Char;
- State, AlignMode: Cardinal;
- //
- LineWidth, LineHeight, WordWidth, WordHeight, CharWidth: Single;
- CurrentWord: string;
- CurFont: TFont;
- MaxWidth, CurY: Single;
- LastSeparator: Char;
- LastTagPosition: Integer;
- LastNewLineTag: TMoveToTag;
- procedure ScanArgument; // ToDo: optimize
- begin
- Inc(i);
- Argument := '';
- while (i <= Length(FText)) and (FText[i] <> CloseBracket) do begin
- Argument := Argument + FText[i];
- Inc(i);
- end;
- end;
- procedure AdjustAlign;
- begin
- if LastNewLineTag <> nil then case AlignMode of
- amCenter: LastNewLineTag.X := (MaxWidth - (LineWidth -0* WordWidth)) * 0.5;
- amRight: LastNewLineTag.X := (MaxWidth - (LineWidth -0* WordWidth));
- end;
- end;
- procedure NewLine;
- begin
- CurY := CurY + LineHeight;
- AdjustAlign;
- LineWidth := WordWidth + CharWidth;
- LineHeight := WordHeight;
- // Add a MoveTo tag after an invisible separator but before a visible one
- LastNewLineTag := TMoveToTag.Create(MaxI(0, Length(FPureText) + 0*Ord(WordWidth = 0)), 0, CurY);
- InsertTag(LastTagPosition, LastNewLineTag);
- end;
- procedure AddToPureText(Ch: Char); // ToFix: coupled visible separators can exceed the area
- procedure AddChar;
- begin
- CurrentWord := CurrentWord + Ch;
- Inc(PureLength);
- end;
- begin
- if (Pos(Ch, SeparatorChars) > 0) or (Ch = #0) then begin // Separator character
- CurFont.GetTextExtent(Ch, CharWidth, WordHeight);
- CurFont.GetTextExtent(CurrentWord, WordWidth, WordHeight);
- if (LineWidth + WordWidth + CharWidth > MaxWidth) and (LineWidth > 0) then begin // A new line needed
- if LineWidth + WordWidth <= MaxWidth then begin // But it fits without separator
- FPureText := FPureText + CurrentWord;
- if Pos(Ch, InvisibleChars) > 0 then begin // The separator is invisible
- FPureText := FPureText + Ch;
- WordWidth := 0;
- CharWidth := 0;
- Ch := #0;
- end else WordWidth := CharWidth;
- CurrentWord := '';
- end;
- NewLine;
- end else LineWidth := LineWidth + WordWidth + CharWidth;
- LineHeight := MaxS(LineHeight, WordHeight);
- if Ch <> #0 then begin // Add Ch's width and height to line
- AddChar;
- CurFont.GetTextExtent(Ch, WordWidth, WordHeight);
- // LineWidth := LineWidth + WordWidth;
- LineHeight := MaxS(LineHeight, WordHeight);
- end;
- FPureText := FPureText + CurrentWord;
- CurrentWord := '';
- LastSeparator := Ch;
- LastTagPosition := TotalTags;
- end else if Ch <> #0 then AddChar;
- end;
- begin // ToDo: optimize
- inherited;
- if DefaultFont = nil then Exit;
- i := 1;
- CurY := 0;
- CurFont := DefaultFont;
- MaxWidth := DefaultWidth;
- FPureText := '';
- CurrentWord := '';
- LineWidth := 0;
- LineHeight := 0;
- CharWidth := 0;
- WordWidth := 0;
- WordHeight := 0;
- PureLength := 0;
- LastSeparator := #0;
- LastTagPosition := 0;
- State := sNone;
- AlignMode := amRight;
- AlignMode := amLeft;
- LastNewLineTag := nil;
- NewLine;
- while i <= Length(FText) do begin
- case State of
- sNone: if FText[i] = OpenBracket then State := sBeginCmd else AddToPureText(FText[i]);
- sBeginCmd: if FText[i] = OpenBracket then begin // Escape symbol occured
- AddToPureText(FText[i]);
- State := sNone;
- end else begin // Process command
- Command := UpCase(FText[i]);
- ScanArgument;
- case Command of
- '#': if Argument <> '' then begin
- if Length(Argument) = 6 then // Preserve alpha component
- AddTag(TColorTag.Create(PureLength, GetColor(HexStrToIntDef(Argument, 0)))) else
- AddTag(TAlphaColorTag.Create(PureLength, GetColor(HexStrToIntDef(Argument, 0))));
- end else AddTag(TColorResetTag.Create(PureLength));
- 'B': ;
- 'I': ;
- '_': ;
- 'E': NewLine;
- else {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.ParseFormatting: Unknown command "' + Command + '"', lkWarning); {$ENDIF}
- end;
- State := sNone;
- end;
- end;
- Inc(i);
- end;
- AddToPureText(#0); // Handle last word
- AdjustAlign; // Check if this already called by previous line of code
- Parsed := True;
- end;
- end.