资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- @Abstract(Item messages unit)
- (C) 2006 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze. <a href=""></a> <br>
- Unit contains basic item message classes
- *)
- {$Include}
- unit ItemMsg;
- interface
- uses BaseClasses, BaseMsg;
- type
- // This message is sent to an item when it needs to be initialized
- TInitMsg = class(BaseMsg.TNotificationMessage)
- end;
- // Base item notification message class. Should not be used directly.
- TItemNotificationMessage = class(BaseMsg.TNotificationMessage)
- // the item affected
- Item: BaseClasses.TItem;
- constructor Create(AItem: BaseClasses.TItem);
- end;
- // After attachment of a new item to a scene this message is sent to <b>the item being attached</b>, <b>scene root</b> and <b>core handler</b>
- TAddToSceneMsg = class(TItemNotificationMessage)
- end;
- // Before removal of an item from a scene this message is sent to <b>the item being removed</b>, <b>scene root</b> and <b>core handler</b>
- TRemoveFromSceneMsg = class(TItemNotificationMessage)
- end;
- // Before destruction of an item this message is sent to <b>the item being destroyed</b>, <b>scene root</b> and <b>core handler</b> (?)
- TDestroyMsg = class(TItemNotificationMessage)
- end;
- { When a physical address (pointer) to an item has changed (E.g. during change of the item's class.),
- this message is sent to <b>the item affected</b> and <b>core handler</b> and broadcast from <b>scene root</b>. }
- TReplaceMsg = class(BaseMsg.TNotificationMessage)
- // Old pointer. Valid only within message handler
- OldItem: BaseClasses.TItem;
- // New pointer
- NewItem: BaseClasses.TItem;
- constructor Create(AOldItem, ANewItem: BaseClasses.TItem);
- end;
- { This message is sent to <b>core handler</b> and broadcast from <b>scene root</b> when an item has modified with an operation (see @Link(TOperation)) }
- TItemModifiedMsg = class(TItemNotificationMessage)
- end;
- // This message is sent to <b>core handler</b> before a scene clearing
- TSceneClearMsg = class(BaseMsg.TNotificationMessage)
- end;
- // After a scene has been completely loaded this message is sent to <b>scene root</b> and <b>core handler</b>
- TSceneLoadedMsg = class(BaseMsg.TNotificationMessage)
- end;
- // Message envelope class. Used by asyncronous messaging system. Should not be used directly.
- TMessageEnvelope = class(TMessage)
- // Message in envelope
- Message: TMessage;
- // The item which should receive the message
- Recipient: BaseClasses.TItem;
- // Creates the enveloped message
- constructor Create(ARecipient: TItem; AMsg: TMessage);
- end;
- // This message is sent to <b>all aggregated items</b> during the initialization of the aggregate
- TAggregateMsg = class(TMessage)
- // The aggregate which aggregates the item
- Aggregate: BaseClasses.TItem;
- constructor Create(AAggregate: BaseClasses.TItem);
- end;
- implementation
- { TItemNotificationMessage }
- constructor TItemNotificationMessage.Create(AItem: BaseClasses.TItem);
- begin
- Item := AItem;
- end;
- { TReplaceItemMessage }
- constructor TReplaceMsg.Create(AOldItem, ANewItem: BaseClasses.TItem);
- begin
- OldItem := AOldItem; NewItem := ANewItem;
- end;
- { TMessageEnvelope }
- constructor TMessageEnvelope.Create(ARecipient: TItem; AMsg: TMessage);
- begin
- Recipient := ARecipient;
- Message := AMsg;
- end;
- { TAggregateMsg }
- constructor TAggregateMsg.Create(AAggregate: BaseClasses.TItem);
- begin
- Aggregate := AAggregate;
- end;
- end.